ages THE INDEPDENfeNCfi MON.fOR A REPUBLICAN Fnbllshed Weekly at Independence, Polk County, Oregon, on Friday. Entered a Second Clan Matter Angnst I, 1011 at lb Post Office atlnd (wndCBca, Polk Coast?, Oregon, Under tha Act of March 3, 1879. HURLEY & DODGE, G. A. HURLEY, EDITOR SooscripUon Rates: One Year $1.50 Strictly in Advance ADVERTISING BATES: 15c per Inch for ona insertion, 12 l-2c for two of ore Insertions, 10c on monthly contracts, leaden, 1 cant a word. Independence, Oregon, GENERAL FOCH. Three years ago King George of England visited the front and con ferred the highest military dis tinction in the form of an oader within the gift of the British crown the Urand Cross of the Order of Hath on two French men; Joli're and Foch. 1m mediately the question was raised "Who is Foch t" America, not mindful of the King 'a act is today asking the same question. We ail know he has been placed in command of the allied troops but what has he done before this! General J of Ire says that Ferd inand Foch is "the greatest strat egist in Europe and the hum blest." ' Foch is the one ,wlio at the Alarne perceived that there must be gap between the Prussian guard and the Saxon army and he gathered enough artilery to crush the guard in the St. Geud marshes and force a retreat. At Yprea, he was the command er who was in general control of the allied troops uiuking the sue cessful fight that prevented the Germans from breaking through to Calais. Before the war he was director of the war college, where he had oi ucu to do with shaping the mil itary viewa of many of the men who are now commanding units of the French armies. He ban studied and re-studied the plana and campaigns of Napoleau and Caesar, He makea it a plan to know his officers and his men. He gets into personal touch with all tvfcu the private to the .highest in rank. He is a writer of no ineaq ability, his two great books, "Principals of War" and "Con, duet of War" arc highly regard ed by military men. The organ of tha German general staff ranks him as one of the few stratigists of first class ability among the allies. In atature he is a slim man, with a great deal of nervous ener gy in his actions. In action, though graceful, he is quiwk and decisive. In temperament he is somewhat Napoleonic, the dra matic in war is for him secrecy and suddenness, gigantic and dar ing movements. Although they were both born within a few miles of each other in Southern France, Foch has more of the dash and nervousness and warmth of of the Southern Latin than Joffre. Wallowa Sun. E. 0. KIRK PATRICK The announcement appears this week of E .C. Kirkpatriek for conn reH laming ' The world today is demand ing: of every man the maximum of his earning power. Are you keeping your earn ing power up to the high stand- ard? There's only one way to do i this- I Eat Pure, Full JTVWe hive a reputation for handling nothing but the BEST GROCERIES obtainable. The best is none to good for onr customers, and we spare ntlther expense nor trouble to procure it. Calbreaih 8 Jones NEWSPAPER PROPKIKTOKS Saturday, April 20 1918 ty judge of I'olk county. We be lieve our present judge is quali fied for the office. We have known him and believe he de serves the consideration of the voters of every section of the county. We are not opposing oth er candidates nor have we a word to say against them. We do say, however, that there are several considerations to be taken in mind in electing a county judge. First he is quulil'ied ; second, he is honest and then above all he is patriotic and public spirited. Inspecting qualifications there are two mat ters to be considered s First there is the probate side of the work iwherein it requires a legal mind and good judgement to keep and maintain the estates and other court mattera in good order; sec ond, there is the administrative department, wherein a man must know values, know road building, know bridge building and all the other requirements of that na ture. He makes the levin of the taxes and it is through his efforts mainly that your county 's finances are handled. If he is a business man, with a sense of justice and fairness and does his duty, he should he elected. From our knowledge we say that it is our opinion that Mr. Kirkpatrick is (ualified. B. 1. JONES The editor of the Monitor has known Mr. Jones for many years His acquaintance first duted back to the time ,wheu Independnee was being discriminated against by one of our larger cities, as were other towns of the valley. He was energetic, active and loyal and came out in the open ami called a spade a spade and did much good in helping to bring I'olk county to the front. We therefore claim him as our candi date as well as Lincoln county claims him for theirs. We do not believe there will be opposition to 11. F. Jones and it is right that there should not be. He is capable and efficient and has a large ac quaintance and plenty of experi ence and will represent this dis trict as representative in a fair and creditable manner. We say support him. Service Flag Unveiling. Members of Lyon Lodge, A. F. and A. M., Independence Chapter It A. M. and Adah Chapter, O. E. S., are requested to attend the un veiling of the service flag next Monday evening. April 22, at the Masonic hall. ' Power Strength Foods While tha service will not be' a fiijblic one, it is deniretl that the members of thpse bodies invite such personal friends an they wish to attend the service. A program will be presented and Dr. Duns- tnore ,will deliver the dedicatory "PROTECT OUR SOLDIERS WITH LIBERTY BONDS" Message of United State Senator McNary to Peo ple of Oregon Monty Is needtd to support and protect our soldiery now fighting In s foreign lend and the prompt pur chase by the American people of Liberty Bonds will supply me funds. Much of tho money here tofore obtained by the government through the sale of Liberty Bonds to Its citizens hts been expended In tha Dreoarstlon of wsr. Now our resources and our savings must bo devoted to a eonalderabls tent In providing for the safety, oomfort and atslstancs of our heroes on European battlefields. Three thousand mllee of ocean In tervene and this long lans must be made safe for our soldiers. Ships wo must have In ever Increasing numbers. Without tonnage the fwll measure of our elaborate and mili tary relief organizations must re main Inoperative. Without money 'we eeinet build tho ships! without the ships wo cannot win tho war. WKh sadness we antlolpate the re turn of thousands of our soldiers wounded and ortppled who must be rehabilitated or mads eapsbla through vocational education for elf support. Genera! hospitals In whloh pnyetoal reconstruction work and vocational training can be un dertaken must be construoted. ThJa reqelree money. A greet army ht gems, forward to faoe the firs of battle and American dollars will be forthcoming for their wel fare If ws all perform our duty and buy liberally of these Liberty ends. CHAs. L. MoNARY, United Mates Senate-. THREE SONS ON ! THE TUSCANIA 'San Francisco Woman Gave Country Three Soldiers-One Lost With Torpedoed Transport. TWO SONS SENT TO FRENCH FRONT Mrs. Louise Moore of lit First are- Bus, San rrmaolsoe, knows the mean' Ins of war. tn the front window of r borne a service &S shows three stars. Three of bar sons answered the ail to colors. And when the Tusoazua was torpe- ted, with the lees of more thaa one (hundred Americas Urea, her eldest on, William Moors, made the great aoiiflce for his country. On tha rocky coast of Ireland bs Uea buried In the (rare whloh enfolds others of his ooni rides In arms. The other two sons of Mrs. Moore, who were also on tho Tusoanla, are listed among those saved. The Joy prer their safety has been tempered only by the grief whloh followed she word of William's passing. "I told those boys I iu sorry that there was oooasion to fro to war," said Mrs, Moore, smiling through the an guish that was her portion In the days loUowlng the Tuscanla disaster. "But old them also," she added with a triumphant smile, "that If our country was worth living In and enjoying when thins were going along smoothly, It was certainly worth fighting for when, st was In trouble. " That Is the spirit of American anotherhood tn these days of trial and aortflce. 'Vaur country has not aaked uch of Its young people In the way as? saoriQoe." said Mrs. Moore. "Things have been fairly easy for most of the boys and girls of this generation. Now It Is their time to show how thay hate appreciated all that has boon given to Uxwn.- Mrs, Moore has two other sons, one of draft age, and the other old enough to enlist but not old enough to be drafted. "Now they're craiy to go said the brave little mother whose service flag already ha one haloed star. 'Do you know the last thing the three boys did before they leftr she aaked with motherly pride "They all bought Liberty Bonds, and said they would leave the rest of that work to tie. Now we know what we can do." Private William Moore and hts brothers hsve left a message for the tay-at homes in America to heed "The rest of yoi buy Liberty Bonds that can be your work." Have you planned to buy your next one, now that the Third Liberty Loan Is called for THREE MEALS COST 114,000 reeding ti.&OO troops at Camp Lewis. Seattle, three meals a day will roet the Government IM.ilOo, and tn the preparation of the meals 111 tons of food will be used. Money la needed to buy the food. That's why the Oovernui.nt will ask you soon to buy Liberty Booda of the Third Liberty ANNOUNCEMENTS CANDIDATES COLUMN FOR U. S. SENATOR I hT announced my candidacy far for the Repullcsn nomination for Uni ted States Senator subject to the will of the Republican voters st the primary nominating lection. May 17, 1018. pd. ad. R. N. SUnfleld FOK STATE SENATOR I respectfully announce myself g candidate for State Senator from the Ninth District, comprising Benton and Polk counties, at the primary election. May 17. 1018. on the Republican ticket. L L. PA1TERSON pd. sdv. FOR JOINT REPRESENTATIVE I herewith announce my candidacy for Joint Representative for Polk and Lincoln counties, st the prlmsry elec Hon, May 17, 1918, subject to the vote of the electors of Republican party. Pd. Adv. B. I. Jones CANDIDATE FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself s can didate for the Republican nomination of Slate Representative for the District of Polk County, at the primary election of May 17, subject to the will and vote of the Republicans of Polk County, pd. ad. W. V. FULLER CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce myself s candi date for the Republican nomination for the office of County Judfe to succeed myself, subject to the voters st the Primary election to be held May 17, 1018. Sound business policy; econmlcsL but not parsimonious administration. Special attention to Probate Court Respectfully, Pd. Adv. E. C. Kirkpatrlek FOR COUNTY JUDGE Frank Gibson, Republican Caj didttte for County Judge, pledges the voters that "If I am nominated and elected, I will during my term of of fice, serve the interests of the peo ple of all of Polk County, to the best of my ability. Pd ad CANDIDATE FOR CLERK I respectfully announce my ean didacy for County Clerk for Polk County, st the primary nominating; election, May 17, 1918, subject the wish and vote of the Republican vo ters. Pd ad. FLOYD. D. MOORE. FOR COUNTY TREASURER A. V. R. Snyder desires to suc ceed himself and will go before the people at the primary election, March 17, aa .Republican candidate and would thank the people for their votes. Td ad CANDIDATE FOR CLERK I herewith announce myself as a Republican Candidate for County Clerk of Polk County, at the Primary Election, May 17, 1918, subject to the will of the Republlcau voters. pd. sd JOHN C UCIOW MONMOUTH MOTOR Trains Leaves Independence NO. 1 leavrs Independence, st 6.50 m. arrives Monmouth 7.-00, connects with train for Airlie. xE&v I Choice Hatching: Strictly O. A. C winter laying strsln of 8. C. White let. horns from foundation Stock of 228 to 240 ga) Bent, suited to males of 236 to 278 egg strains, being granisoss of the famous Corva lis hens U-in wit egg record of 303 eggs la one year, also of the ben Oregonlo, 1 176 eggs In 6 years. These bird were elected from the choicest fowls of my flock for their especially fine breeding qualities, by Prof. Chaa. S. Brwwsterof O. A. C, Specialist in Poultry husbandry, pronouncing them A No. 1 breeders and layers. Eggs $I.OO for IS Barred Rocks, foundation stock 200 egg Hens, mated to choice male birds of higher breeding qualities. ntM Birds are choice selected winter layer and are extra fine egg producers. Eggs $1.00 For IS Guarantee good atrong ehick and fertility. All eggs that have to be wrapped packed and expressed in special shipping- carriers will be SI. 0 FOR 13. A. H. Craven, Monmouth, Oregon Phone fanners 1802; Call or phone at meal timea only. Orders taken at rTjmrjjjLrrtririfirii r - - - - - No. 11 1:30 p. m. No. 13 2:X0 p. m. No. IS 3:60 p. m. No. 17 7:00 p. m. Leaves Monmouth for Independence Ne. I 7.D5 a. m. No, No. No. No 4 fXO a. m. 6 9.-05 8 10:50 a. m, a. m. 10 12.00 M. No. 12 No. 14 1:45 p. 4:06 p. m. p. m. No. 18 4:55 OIVOXE TO PORTLAND No. 2 2:49 a. m. No 10 9:16 a. nv No 14 1:29 p. in. Ne 16 3:40 p. m. No 20 6:12 p. m. No 22 759 p. m, PORTLAND TO OTRVTLLE No 1 8:52 a. m. No I 10 SI a. m. No ? 1:10 p. m. No 9 4:S3 p, m. Mo 13 .59 p. m. No 21 8 X0 a. m. Independence auto atage' meets all trains but No 2. 20, 21. www0rfff r0&mwFwrr 9ff0m0wrm0 Show Your Patriotism by Buying a FORD AUTOMOBILE In Place of a More Expensive Car Take the Difference and Buy a Liberty Bend A Ford will do anything: the higher priced cars will do and at much less cost. The man who buys a high priced car is just as much a slacker as the man who will not buy a Liberty Bond, or contribute to the Red Cross and Y. M. C. A. funds. There is no one who can not get along with a Ford until after the war at least. Then if he sees fit can trade in his Ford at a very little de preciation towards a higher priced car, which will itself cost nuch less after the war. You will then have the use of the Ford car during this time.and the Liberty Bond, together with its interest, will more than buy this more elaborate car, and you will, in the meantime have helped your Govern ment win the war. PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY AS TOMOR ROW HAY BE TOO LATE TO GET DELIVERY If Not Convenient to Call Phone or Write to H. L. FITCHARD Local Ford Agent Independence, Oregon trnwrn11' i - - - BUTTER WRAPS AT THE MONITOR OFFICE 'C. ST. BARBERSHOP ! Wy'and 6 Taylor, Proprietors Baths in Connection. Oldest Barber Shop In Polk Co. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON We Deal In Hides, Pelts, Wool Furs, Mohair, Caseara Bark, Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Farm Produce, Wood, Dry Goods, Groceries! Furnishing, Shoes, etc. J OUR POLICY. TO PLEASE j Max Goldman! INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Eggs Craven & Huff Hdw., Independence Bmmw0000m0Bmmm VISIT SAM'S PL, ACE For a Big: Muff of Magnus Root Beer. Candies, Cigars, ice Cream, Soda and Sand witches. "Tlie Palace" Main Street Independenne Smith Brothers Billiard Hall Headquarters for the best in Cigars, Tobacco, Candy and Confections Ton are welcome always INDEPENDENCE, 0110. e i No. S 7;J5 No. I 8 46 No. 7 10SS a. m. s, nv a. bb. HI MMII M I No. 11:50 a. m. t0m000004 1