Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, March 22, 1918, Image 5

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Floyd D. Moore of Mon
mouth has just announced
his candidacy for republican
nominee for the office of
county clerk. Mr. Moore for
the pant two years has been
serving as the supervisor of
rural schools of I'olk county.
In that capacity he has met
personally, practically all of
the people of the county and
he feels that this acquain
tance will render him valua
ble servioe in his candidacy.
As be will bs serving as su
pervisor until after the pri
maries he says he must rely
upon his friend to do his
John J. Dickinson li Enter
tained Saturday on His
80th Anniversary.
It is not given to many of
us to live the allotted four
score years, but our towns
man, John Dickinson has
now passed this mark on
life's highway and is speed
ing on toward the five seore
term of life.
Saturday evening a num
ber of the members of the
Masonic lodge thought it ap
propriate to surpripe ttrother
Dickinson on this 80th birth
day anniversary and walked
in on him at his home on
Main street abeut 7 :30 1. M.
to greet him. Drethera J.
W. Kirkland and N. L. But
ler had arrived before hand
aud they were keeping- his
mind busy with the "thoughts
of long ago" and also with
the cards they were playing,
so a surprised man wan
aroused when the boys com
menced to walk in.
Tables were placed and all
For Week Ending March 30.
0C00000) - 0K
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday I
1 lb. Can Royal Bakintf Powder 39c
1 lb. Can Schilling Baking Powder 39c
1 lb. Package A. 5 H. soda 05c
1 lb. Can Continental Corn starch 08c
Limited to one pound or package te the Customer
35c Can
35c Can
15c Can
1 lb.
Del Monte Asparagus Tips
Del Monte Asparagus Tall
llbbys Saucr Kraut
Van Camp's Pork and Beans
Limited S Ckim to the customer
Yourt Very Truly
Johnson & Collins
talking for him as he will
not neglect his duties to
campaign. He bases his
claim upon the office of coun
ty elerk on his record of the
past two years and says he u
willing for the people to
judge whether or not he has
merited their confidence and
Mr. Moore has the distinc
tion of having initiated the
zone system of rural super
vision which is now being
copied by other counties
throughout the titate. The
definite and systematic way
in which he has done his
work as supervisor is the best
index as to how he will do
his work if elected county
Mr. Moore is well qualified
to perform the duties of the
oflice for which he aspires
since his experience has bejn
broad and since hid educa
tion has been efficient and
varied, lie solicits the sup
port of the Republican party
in the approaching primar
ies. His platform is : "Prompt
seryice, businens economy
with justice and courtesy to
all." pd. ad.
joined in the friendly game
of forty-four.
The lady folks had refresh
ments ready and those sur
prising were surprised with
delicious refreshments.
After an hour of pleasure
all joined in wishing Mr.
Diekinson many returns of
the happy occasion and leTt
hoping that all might enjoy
a like reunion when another
three hundred sixty Ave day
period had passed around.
Pleasant Meeting at Home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
The three "K" club met
with Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Clark aa host and hastens on
Friday evening at their home
on li street.
The club might well have
added another "K" to the
name and made it "Killar-
ney," for the occasion was
an event in honorof the lov-
era of the green. The rooms
were decorated in the colors
3 E
of old Ireland and the sham
rock 8 and Irish fiafs wsre in
Sixteen members of the
club were present to enjoy
the hospitality of the host
and hostess and Jirs. J. 8.
Cooper, Jr., Mrs. Irvin Baun
and Mr. A. B. Kirkl.nd
were present as the invited
Whist was playd and all
reported a most enjoyable
evening, the occasion being
closed with refreshments
which were carried out in the
color scheme of the occasion.
As alaet remembrance "hon
est" clay pipes were present
ed t.v.e men and a real Irish
sinoke as enjoyed.
The next meeting of the
club will be at the "home of
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hays
which will close the season
for the club.
Dry Sox Shoes, $7.00 val
ues for $5.75. Three pair
left, two 8 12 and one 9 1-2.
0. A. Kreamer.
Miss La Villa Cooper was
hostess to Miss Florence
Oebo and four of their lady
friend, Friday in honor of
Mie 3ebo, who left this
week for Portland.
The party was at the beau
tif ul J. R. Cooper home and a
three course dinner wasserv
eb by the hostess. The dee
orations were Japanese
Quince blossoms and the
happy party bid their charm
ing guest best wishes for
suooesa in her new field of
Miss Mattis Carter of
Wells, is visiting Mrs. Clara
J. Taylor in this eitythis
paul wTbickley
Paul. W. Bid ley was born
at Lebanon, Indiana, Sept. 2,
1879; was married to Miss
Stella .Smith of Shattuck,
Oklahoma, in December, 19-
04; moved to Independence,
Oregon, about six years ago,
accepting a position with
Conkey and Walker of this
city ane remained in that
position until he took up the
work of a traveling salesman
for Wadhame and Co. of
Portland, which position he
held until he took siek and
was later taken to the 8t.
Vineeul hospital in Portland,
for treatment.
Mr. Bioktey underwent an
operation for the removal of
a kidney on Keburary 21,
died at the hospital in Port
land, Friday night, March 15,
and wai buried in the K. of
P. cemetery at Monmouth.
unday, Mareh 19. The
funeral services were in
charge of Homer Lodge
No. -Ifl, Knights of Pythias,
of which fraternity he was a
member. Dr. H. C. Duusmore
delivered the funeral sermon,
thy services being from the
family residence on Fifth
Mr. Bickley leaves a wife,
two" daughters, Elizabeth,
age 11, and Pauline, aged nine,
a father, and mother, Mr and
Mrs. C. E. Bickley, all of
Independence two brothers K.
1. at Camp Lewis, Washing
ton, and T. C, at Camp
Kearney in California, and
one sifter Mrs. John Barron
of Woodword, Okla. to mis-
his cheering presence, kind
attention, loyalty and love.
He was a member of the
Christian churcn and of the
Knights of Pythias lodge.
and there was nothing small
about fanl W. Bickley. To
him friendship was more
than a mere word, it was a
bond that united him in
fellowship with mankind and
he lived up to the teachings
of that fraternity he loved.
He practiced friendship,
oharity and benevolence a nd
to him bis word when given
was a golden bond that noth
ing would destroy. He was
another Pythias who would
rather die than fal'er and fail
in hie duty to his friends, hia
family and his home.
Mra. Vera Crown of Salem visit
ing thia week with Mr and Mre.A"
C. McMillan In Independence. Mr.
Crown asked that the Monitor be snt
te ber prewent addreu in Salem.
Elmer Paddock, waa a week end
visitor over Sunday with hia parents
in thia city, from Portland.
I respectfully announce myself
a candidate for state Senator from
the Math District, comprising Benton
and Folk counties, at the primary
election. Mar 17. 1918, on the
Republican ticket
pd. adv.
I herewith announce myself as a
Republican Candidate for County
Clerk of Polk County, at the Primary
Election, May 17, 1918, subject to
the will of the Republican voters,
pd. ad JOHN C. UGLOW
I hereby announce myself a can
dldate for the Republican aominatlon
of State Representative for the District
of Polk County, at the primary election
of May 17, subject to the will and vote
of the. Republicans of Polk County,
pd. ad. W. V. FULLER
Independence, Oregon,
March 20, 1918.
To the Officers and Merabera of Homer
Lodge, Number 45, Knighte of Py-
thiaa, Domain of Oregon.
We, your sommiltee, to whom waa
referred the matter of draftingreeolu
tions of eondolence upon the death of
our beloved brother, Paul W. Bickley,
aubinit the following for your consid
eration: BE IT RESOLVED, that whereaa,
the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, in
Hit Omnipotent Wisdom, has deemed
best to call from our midst one of our
esteemed and beloved brothers, whoae
years were advancing toward that per
iod in life where men of all ages have
found the greatest field for the ac
complishment of their aspirations and
tie doing of things which make for
univeraal progress and the betterment
of mankind.
THEREFORE, be it remembered
that we, aa Pythian Knighte, extend
to hia bereaved family eur heartfelt
aympathy in this, their hour of sor
row; and that an expression of our ap
preciation for one whose presence in
our midst in times past waa a source
of joy and satisfaction for all, be given
o the press and n copy of these reso
lutions he spread upon the minutes of
Homer Lodge Number 45, Knif hte of
C.,W. Barrick
W.' S. Kurre
G. A. Hurley
There appears to be a report current
that the bat.ks will give information
to cerUin committees in reference to
bank deposits. This is not true. We
will give out no information. Liberty
Loan headquarters for thia eUt have
annouueed through their apeaker at
DkIIm that this information will not
be asked for and that the banks eeuld
not give it under any consideration if
it were asked for.
Independence National Bank
By H. Hirschberg, Pres.
Farmers Slate Bank
By C W. Irvine. Pres.
You are hereby notified to keep up
all chickens on and after April 1. 191S.
All persona not complying with this
notice will b proaeeuted in accordance
, ilh the City Ordinance of the city ol
Independence governing the ame.
Dated March 22,1918.
A. J. Tapper,
City Marshal
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to our many friends for their
kimin. and sympathy shown us in
our recent brvvment.
Mr. P W Bietley and ehilldren
Mr. ami Mrs. C F. Bickley
Ralph T Bk k ley
miiiiiiiiHif: h-m
Dallas Armory
Friday Night, March 29
Music by Hunt's Famous
5 Piece Jazz Orchestra 5
FEATURING The Boy Phenominal Wonder on
the Violin WARRAN HUNT,
Salem's Premier Xylophonist Miss
Mary Tal mage on Bangfo.
Every Member an Artist
Admission 10c DeLapp S Sander, Mgr.
crwew -00000001 wrsaatswesswrwewwtwi re e m
Choice Matching: fciggs
Strictly O. A. C. winter laying strain of S. C. White Leghorns from foundation Stock of 228 to 240
egg Hens, mated to males of 256 to 276 egg strains, being grandsons of the famous Corvallls htns E248
with egg record of 303 eggs In one year, also of the hen Orcgonlo, 1176 eggs In 6 years. These birds were
selected from the choicest fowls of my flock for their especially fine breeding qualities, by Prof. Chas. S.
Brewster of O. A. C, Specialist in Poultry husbandry, pronouncing them A No. 1 breeders and layers.
-igrJs $tiKJK) ior io
Barred Rocks, foundation stock 200 egg Hems, mated to choice male birds of higher breeding qualities.
These Birds are choice selected winter layers and are sitra fins egg producers.
Eggs $I.OO For 15
rs,.,.to rA .tmncr oWUa nH fertility. All ertra that have to be wrapped packed and expressed in
special shipping carriers will be SI. 80 FOR 15. .
A. H. Craven, Monmouth, Oregon jj
Phons Farmers 1802; Call or phone at meal times only. Orders taken at Craven & Huff Hdw., Independence t
A '
Show Your
In Place of a More Expensive Car
Take the Difference and Buy a Liberty Bond
A Ford will do anything: the higher priced,
cars will do and at much less cost. The man who
buys a high priced car is just as much a slacker
as the man who will not buy a Liberty Bond or
contribute to the Red Cross and Y. M. U A. funds.
There is no one who can not get along with 5
a Ford uniil after the war at least. Then if he j
sees fit can trade in his Ford at a very little de-
preciation towards a higher priced car, which will
itself cost nuch less after the war. You will then
have the use ef the Ford car during this time, and 5
the Liberty Bond, together with its interest, will f
more than buy this more elaborate car, and you
will, in. the meantime have helped your Govern-
merit win the war. t
If Not Convenient to Call Phone
or Write to
Local Ford Agent
Independence, Oregon
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