Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, March 22, 1918, Image 4

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J. W. Ball was up from
Portland over Sunday.
Walter Inch of the Valley
& Siletz R. R. was in 'he city
Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mc-
Cready of Hoskins were In
dependence visitors Saturday.
John Nelson of Monmouth
was in the city Sunday to at
tend the funeral of Paul Bick
ley. H. Hirschberg was iu Port
land the latter part of last
week, returning home Satur
day evening.
M. VV. Walker, proprietor
of the Beaver, returned from
Portland Saturday after a
week's absence.
F. E. Boden hamer ot Sa
lem was an Independence
visitor Sunday, coming over
to attend the funeral of Paul
G. Bickley.
0. L. Starr, former county
scnool superintendent of
Polk county, was up from
Portland Tuesday onashor,
business trip.
An action was hied in the
eireuit oourt this week en
killed Sch'jfield vs Slants,
Messrs. Bwope & Swope be
ingattorneye for the plaintiff.
John Roberts, who is one
of the owners of the Hender
son Murphy farm near Buena
Vista was -a business visitor
in the city Monday from Salem.
Rural supervisor of schools
Mr. Moore was iu the city
Friday. Mr. Moore is a can
didate for county clerk on
the republican ticket.
i A. H. Craven of Mon
mouth was a Mouitor visitor
Tuesday. While in he left
with us an advertisement for
the sale of choice hatching
eggs. See ad for full partic
ulars. R. M. Fowle of Airlie, vis
ited Independence Saturday
The editor failed to glimpse
Morris when 1:1 town and has
a black mark on our white
blacfc board chalked against
hioi for this neglect.
Mrs. Frank Dickson made
a trip to Portland Saturday
for the urpoe of visiting
the wholesale millinery stores
while there in the interests
of the Alpha Bascue millin
ery parlors.
Attorney B. F. Swope of
the tirm of Swope .fc Swope,
was a visitor in Dallas the
first of the week, having le
gal business to transact in
the equity department of the
circuit court and in the pro
bate department of the coun
ty court.
New feigns were put on ihe
front of the Monitor office,
Floyd's shoe shop, McBeth's
plumbing shop and Swope &
Swope's law office this week.
Albert S p erl i n g was the
brubh artist and the work is
lirst class.
To The
American People
There is no foundation for the alleged
violations of law attributed to our Com
pany by agents of the Federal Trade
Commission and I want to say emphatic
ally that Sv A Company is not a party to
any conspiracy to defraud the Govern
ment Nor has Swift & Company been
guilty of improperly storing foods or of
making false entries or reports.
Coafereacee of packers, where prices
have been discussed, have been held at
the urgent request and in the presence
of representatives of either the Food
Admitti vration or the Council of National
Defense. And yet the packers have been
accused of committing a felony by acting
in collusion on Government bids I
We hare done our best, with other
packers, large and small, to comply with
the directions of the United States Food
Administration in all particulars, including
the furnishing of food supplies for the U. S.
Army and Navy and the Allies, now be
ing handled through the Food Adminis
tration. We will continue to do our utmost, un
der Government direction, to increase our
production and assist the Food Adminis
tration. We consider mat the opportunity
to co-operate whole-heartedly and to our
fullest powers with this branch of the
Government is our plain and most press
ing duty.
The Trade Commission Attorney has,
by false inference and misplaced empha
sis, given to disconnected portions of the
correspondence taken from our private
files and read into the Record, a false and
sinister meaning with the plain purpose
of creating antagonistic public opinion.
The services of the " packers of the
United States are most urgently needed,
and I regret exceedingly that we should at
this time have to spend our efforts in
defending ourselves against unfounded,
unproved, and unfair assertions such as
are being daily made public
&oufc President
Swift & Company, U.S. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Olen Whit
eaker of Monmouth were In
deper dence vieitois Monday
Miss Bessie Day of Fugene
arrived in Independence on
Tuesday for a visit with Miss
Vivian Whiteakr.
Mrs. J. Dorimfe returned
Monday from a six weeks'
visit with her husbaud at
Sawtelle, California.
' Miss Florence Gebo has ac
cepted a position as sales
lady in the millinery depart
ment of the 01ds& King Co.
in Portland.
Miss Heleu Eaton was an
over Sunday visitor with J.
R. Cooper and Lavilla from
Portland. Miss Eaton is em
ployed in the Eilers piano
house in the music depart
ment. The second number of the
series of sermons on war
time themes by Rev. T. D.
Yarues of the M. E. church
will be 'Fighting the Battles
of Democracy." This ser
mon will be given Sunday
evening at 70 P. M. All
are cordially invited to attend.
Brother Boyd of the Item-
izer waB in ihe city on busi
ness Saturday and while in
town renewed acquaintance
with the editor of the Moni
tor. 3ro. Boyd is a "good
scout" and we always liked
him, not only as an editor
but as a man. Come often,
brother, and visit our city.
Flags of all friendly na
tions are now given with
HOLSUM Bread, a set of 64
start your collection now.
Real Estate: Particulars
about the G-10 acre homestead
law at this office.
Why worry about 50-50,
when HOLSUM niseis all
your requirements?
FOR RENT: Goo J room
for one or two persons. In
quire Monitor oflice.
Buy HOLSUM Bread and
secure a set of flags of all the
friendly nations'.
For Sale: Giey Feed oats,
Plymouth Rock, Buff Leg
horn and Ancona roosters,
Pekin ducks. Verd Hill.
For Trade: Two and a
half horse power gasoline en
gine for electric motor. In
quire at Monitor oflice for
For Sale: Seven head of
gv.oti, graded Durham heif
ers, two and three years
old. C. P. We! 1b, Buena
Vista, Oregon.
Cooked Food Sale The la
dies of ihe Baptist church
will hold a baked food sale
Saturday, March 30, at
Hewitt's drug store.
Special: We will run fra
ternal society cards in this
paper at $1.00 for three
i:.ouths." This is a spBcial
price made for the benefit
of the fraternities.
Notice: Telephone Main
1621, the Monitor, if you
have any news of interest
to th public. Don't be
backward. The friends of
the Monitor give to us the
news we give to you.
For Sale: One 2 1 2 horse
power international gasoline
sprayer, nmunwd ou truck,
ste:l wheels, 2U0 gallon steel
tank. Second hand but as
good as new. Only u.ed for
ihreeyear. Extremely low
prior." One tix-l.orre power
International stationery hop
per, cooled, gas engine at
$235.00 will burn distillate.
One 1 1-2 horsepower Inter
national gas engine, second
hand at $35. Twj GO speed
Gilson engines at $50 each.
Sloper Bros. & Cockle, Inde
pendence, Orsg)n.
HOLSUM, the true Vic
tory Bread, made clean, sold
clean and delivered clean, a
money saver.
Special: The Monitor is
now ready to do job print
ing. Letter heads, envel
opes, bill heads, posters,
statements, calling cards,
bill, display cards, etc.
Prices as low as ihe cost of
paper will justify.
For Sale: Subscriptions
to the Monitor, 75c for sis
months, $1.50 per year. Re
member we are giving with
every 75c subscription one
25c thrift stamp and with
every $1.50 subscription two
25c thrift stamps. Why not
start a card and begin your
effort to purchase your $5.00
of stamps.
Store and Office of Siletz
Lumber and Logging
Tuesday morning about 2
A. M. an alarm of fire was
sounded at Hoskins and it
was found that the store and
oflice of th Siletz Lumber it
Logging Company was on
fire. Prompt work saved the
buildings and the main dam
age was from the smoke to
the goods in the buildings.
The records in the office of
the company were uot dam
aged and there was only a
small loss by the fire. The
fire was of accidental origin,
and not incendiarism.
Asa Taylor Having Build
lngs Fut up at Wells.
I) M. Duvall has the con
tract for the erection of afire
little residence and stock
barn ou the Asa Taylor prop
erty at Wells Station.
The buildings will be mod
ern and up to date, and the
barn will be a 30x40 stock
barn. We are informed Mi
Taylor expect.--, to go into gen
eral farming and dairying on
this property and plans a
modern bam structure for
the dairying business.
1. iiac 1
Thrift Stamps
The Monitor will Glva One
25 Cent Thrift Stamp Free
Q With Every 75c .Six Months
Subscription to the Monitor
Subscribe Tocky
4 ! I i - 4 ;HH
Past Due Accounts on Subscript;. .
Collected Count the Same as New Sub
scriptins. i ' :
The Monitor
i... !
Every Farmer in Polk County Should Put In a Few Acres of Vegetables to
Help. It is a War Duty, Sip and Mail the Agreement to Us
In Signing this contract you are binding yourself only for year 1818-9. , Hort Bros.
i r t r it i I 1.1
(juarentee price tor your product. Kead carefully t rst column article and then
as a Business Man and Farmer ask yourself is this a Good Thing for Me?
A good pair of reading
glasses !or $1.00 at O. A.
Kreamer's. .
In Consideration of the construction in the City of Independence,
folk County, Oregon, by E. Clemena Horst Company, a corporation.
hereinafter called the Horst Company, of a plant for the drying of
vegetables, and of the agreement by said Horst Company to purchase
vegetables suitable for dryiny purposes, grown on the lands herein
after described, we, tl.o undersigned Farmers, residents of Polk Coun
ty, Oregon, do hereby promise and agree to and with said Horet Com
pany, to well and faithfully till and plant, with such vegetables,
the nember of aores and premises set opposite our respective . names ,
and at the proper timeo satisfactory to ssid Horst Company, to harvest,
sell, and deliver to taid Horat Conipimyw at ita Baid plant, all such
vegetables grown on such lands during the year 1918, and such as may
mature during the fall and winteer seasons of 1918-19, at the follow
ing prices :-
B. Frank Miller of the collector
of customs office will be in Dallas
March 20 to and including March
22, 1918, to assist those havlnr
income taxes to pay to maki
their reports.
The time for collection hat.
been extended to April 1, 1918,
in which to pay your 1917 incorm
tax. Penalties will be liable af
ter April 1, so it is to the advai
tage of every oi e who corm i
within the limit to reptrt before
that date.
Turnips and carrots
String bguns
10. 00
The Horst Company s'ull be under no obligation to oomply with this
agreement in any particular unless sufficient acreage in the aggregate
shall be, by the undersigned, cultivated,- and vegetables there
from furnished, at all timess to keep said plant in operation to ita
maximum capacity.
Each of the undersigned Farmers also hereby agrees to individually
to enter into a contract with E. Cleaena Horst Company at the proper
time for the sale and delivery to said Horst Company at its plant in
Independene, Oregon, the crop to be grown on the acreage herein set op
posite his naae. i (
S ign on tbi line giving acreag., kind of i-rop. price of vege table, location of your farm. Cut out and mail Monitor.