Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, March 15, 1918, Image 4

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Hea 'quarters for
McCormack Cutting
In Compliance With the Government's
Request we are Asking ail those who Use
McCormack Machinery to Look after their
Repairs NOW as it may be Hard to Get
Them when YOU NEED THEM and the
Government is Very Much Interested in
Chas. Condort was arrested as he was leaving In
dependence on the 2: 1 4 north bound S. P. train by E. K.
Piasecki under instructions from the U. S. District Attor
ney's office. He is charged with distributing copies of
Pastor Rusfell's book, "The Finished Mystery" which
has been put under the ban by the war dep t.
I respectfully announce myself
a candidate for State Senator from
the Ninth District, comprising Benton
and Polk counties, at the primary
election, May 17, 1918. on the
Republican ticket.
A. adv.
Do Ycor Doty Bui Don't
Do Some One Uses'
Let Marion and Benton
Counties Raise Their
Own Quota.
Thar me a number of peopla from
the south end of this county and hIho
from the. north ml of tho county who
are purchiiiiiiiK their tiuiiuii ami oilier
war InvenlmtMitH in the towns of Sa
Win, Corviillia, Albany and even in Win
town of Yamhill county. Thin in net
right. I'olk county is nnxcHtieil with a
duty and that duty ia to rame a certmn
quota of money for war purponra. if
our citizen purfluiie ouUidu of thin
county, tUo every citizen of the coun
ty who dotit ao placca an added burden
en the county or rUe I'olk county will
fail to come to its Htiindiird
Lery of th county alioukl
urge on hit imiKhbor tho nceettHity of
I urchaaii'K bin htmnpH in I'olk county
if ha liven in I'olk county. If ho livt s
in aotne otln r county ho nhould pur
rhaH there. Wo do not wni.L miy
tiiintf that ia not ours hut wu tdihlly
demand our own ami we want our pco-
iile to do their duty and ne that their
lieighLora do thou a.
Normal Delegation Goes to
Salem Last Friday.
About HiU of tho live unri from the
Oregon Normal took a jt'chil intnline
motor ear and rimde a trip to Salem for
the uurtHwe of rnthuitiiu; tin' Mon
mouth Normal apirit into the oratorical
contest of the tutu mhooln. ') hu ri p
rcavtitativt aent hv Monmouth win)
1 riitut Morgan, ii i id while ho did not
tike Oit tlio laurels ttt tho contt kt hn
addreaa was crcditnlilo mid well deliv
ered. The achoola represented wit Uni
versity of Oit'Kon, Coivallia Ak'ricut
tural (ViIU'ku, Ciiciile I'lillee, I'aciiit'
tnlveraity, Y illume! to University,
iU'Minnville (XIIcc. and Oregon Nor
mal, tiit plucv Vina tukun by 1-u-a
one and nccond by l'orulii.
Suiiday, March 2 A, at 3:00
P. M. Fine Program.
Voice pupils of Mixs Lena Hell Tar
ter, Diillxa and Independence
clacsi'i, will be piescMed in rccilul at
tin- Mflhi'diit church, Indc .emit' nee,
on KuiiH.iy aflcrnoon, March Z, at "
A pi oh ram toimintinj; of vociil nuin
len, iiitwrhjici'Hi'ii with readings will
ho rendered. Tho follow voice stu
dent will participati : Mrn. WeliKtcr,
Mi.-a Helen J'olintf, Miss I'earl Owiiitfs
of JikHhh; King Dorothy ruddock, Mr.
C. W. Jlnrrh k and lr. L. K. liarriek
of I nt It pendente.
A silver oifcriiiK will lie taken for
the bench I of the Independence branch
of the lied ('rohH.
The Needle Craft Society ineetri ctich
second and fourth Wctlneaday for Ited
C'ri win k at tlieHeii Cross rtoini
itiitl h Wediiemhiy waa Dr. Duiminoi e'a
birthday, the ladica decided to atirpriaj
him. VA e neve decided luil to tell hi'
age, us tho doctor ia very cautioua jn
llikHC matters., Kin im the lathes luol a
lug fiik nil fixed up for linn mnl it hud
f8camllea on top to niuke it look nice,
there vvim m aurpriHcU innn who woke
up to the Mtuiilitm when forty odtl peo
ple were there to fcrcet him and fete
him. There was mi additional surprise
in the nature of a hox of birthday
kvifU, and each anil all wished the Doc
tor many returns of the happy oc-CHaion.
K. C. Eidrltftie and Son, Ne
ville, Give Fcrtyat
Their Home.
Over thirty invited gmeta attcniled
S joint tiirtlulay purty k'v " hy K. l.'.
Slid Neviliu I Klri.lj.t' nt tt.t ir l.t-i.utilHI
Monmouth (tievt homo. T'he rtHm
ere decorated with ehatnrocka wiiti
. fvatuona lettdintT to tho center. A
WaUtiful Ulliiu t klint .1 tllf i'ut'et.
On the billiard table tho liith ll ttr w
diuiay ed at tucli tui nt r ami il.e il.t-i
of Die aliiea at U.f center. At o h- ud
of the room na hung tiie unvy serv ice
f.aj? ami at the other end the i,vy iW
ot die L'liud lulia. 'inia w.avny
apuropritte m Shult-r KKh idee n : i v
inir his euuulry in th n.iy.
Thseveniig wtia hj-ent at e..rd 1
hilliards. Kefrt jshnu ut p t rinse
to the occio-iuii were erui t tl.i
iliies lAirolliy 1''k anj V-ra
J. hnaou. Tiro wviwiii pioid lute
oiie of the) tiiuat uvehful ciul ru i ti
in the city Una acanon.
John LVlow, an oM lV'lk coun
ty toy, has title j his hat in fur
county clerk una .cilied nt this
clficp. John is a kikhI man an,i
should mnke a gtwd wan for the
T ho Not iiial atutlenta will cive u
dnnce at the Nornuil jiynmHaiuTii on the
t- cuing of March lii. Thia tlunce la
lor 1 1 io atutlent htitly nntl i one of
their regular enlei tiiintneiit features'
W. 1C. Smith, who has Uen eauhiui
of Hit) Monmouth hunk, Iihh accented n
taitioii na inspector of liitiiks at Sit
loin ami will leave nt once.
1'iehlilent Ackermau of the Normi.l
ia the proiitl posii.ep.Hor of n new Stutlu
hnkei of tlm aeven iiuaaeiiKi'r variety.
John Nelson will remote to I'iiIIhh in
lew tliiy,-. John Iih heeu woikii );
for the Sullivan Mutt t'ompany aim
will he uiiMictl hy the people ol Mon
1'renltlent Aekt i nitin of the Norma:
hn jui renii net) t roin a visit in South
t'l'n ( Iretiii fowna in the interest of
the Oregon Normal St int)!.
The ladies of the Hajitiat church will
h'ltl a cooked food sale Saturday at the
Hewitt Drujf Siore.
At Calvary I'rtsliyterian church next
Sunday evening Dr. Dunsinore will de
liver tho third of his addresses on
"Nitfht Scenes of the Bihle," the topic
to he ".Snul'a Nijjlit at Endor." All
are invited.
V'enl Hill ia the happieat man in Polk
(uiirity. Friday morning our wireless
I icked up a iiiesai;e from Storkville
that a line, pretty little yr hud been
left at tho home of Mr. Hill. Mother
and bade are doing nicely and Verd
states his only regret ia thathhe wasn't
Mrs. J. L. Hiinna who has been con
fined to her home with a badly sprain
tJ ankle ia reported rnut:h better.
H. J. Lindon iB in town this week ar
ranging to move the old l.imlon, Kibbe
paving plant to Portland, it having
been aold to the city of I'oi tland.
There will he confirmation at the
Catholic church in this city Sunday.
Arch Hishop ("hrittie of the Diocese of
Oregon will be in chartfe of the ser
vice. ...
Mias Olive Volk, art imtructor of
the Oregon Normal, and Mia. Sella
VV hiteaker were in Independence Wed
nesday and miiile the Monitor cilice a
ph aaant call. Miss Volk reports the
Normal doing koo'I work and ia pleased
to hear t hut the people of Independence
are so well satisfied with the training
school work in the public 'school at In
dependence. Mth. Carter waa in the city over
Sunday visiting with her husband who
i- electrician for the Southern Pacific
and ia stationed at Independence.
We had planned Kviug some Red
Cross news from the Independence (Mic
tion this week, hut as we have been
untihle to shape ourselves to get the
information we wish, this will be post
poned for another week.
I). W. Sears came ut f'om
Portland Thursday to renew old
ucqtiair.tanci s.
Independence bad a delegation con
slating of two auto cars of KnihtB of
Pythias to o to Salem Tuesday even
ing. Those in the delegation were C.
W. liarriek, K. N. Johnson, Peter
Kurre, W. 8. Kurre, L. E. Barrick,
Larry Fitzgerald, Verd Hill, Mr. Bush
and "Ye" Editor,
C. W. Irvine, president cf the Farm
era Stats iJank, has full sots of all
blanks for income tax reports which
you must, rnaae out in rase your in-
i come is over $1000 if a single man, or
I if a married man. Mr. Irvine
makes no charge for assisting' you in
making out your report.
L. V. Mason of Hoskin, tvas a
business visitor in the city on
Sydney Spencer of Falls City
Thursday on business.
G. A. Conn of Airlie had busi
ness to transact in this city Wed
nesday. I). A. Paulding of Hoskins
was looking over this city Wednesday.
William Pall, employed at the
Grant Smith Porter Guthrie Com
pany plant has been selected by
City Commissioner Barbur to in
btall the city's paving repair
lie was put to work yesterday
at a salary of $150 a month and
will remain w ith the plant until
it is completed, which may be
two or three months from now. Mr,
Hall la known as an expert in thia line
of work. Ort'Konian.
Hon. I. L. Patterson, republi
can candidate for state senator,
was ui the city Wednesday and
called at the Monitor nfiioe. We
hope to see I.. L. in the legist
ture from Polk end the Monitor
is for him.
I herewith announce myself as a
Republican Candidate for County
Clerk of Polk County, at the Primary
Election, May 17, 1918, subject to
the will of the Republlcau voters.
pd. ad JOHN C. UCLOW
A good pair of reading
glasses for $1.00 at O. A.
Nearly two months ago we adopted the cash system of sell
ing groceaies and we wish to state here that you have responded
most handsomely; in fact beyond our ex lactations, and we feel that
we would not be deing our part if we did net use a part of this space
to thank you, which we do most heartily.
As a special inducement as a trade stimulator we will, until
farther notice give you
FREE with each one pound can of ROiAL
CLUB COFFEE at 35c, a 10c can of ROYAL
With eneh three pound can of Royal Club Co'fee at $ 1.00 we
will give you free a one pound can of G. A. Baking Powder or a 3ic
bottle of Royal Club Pure Vanilla or Lemon Extract.
This offer holds good until farther notice, when we will post
a notice in our window, calling it off.
This Uats any offer the So-called Tea and Coffee wagons have
ever rtiade jou and there is no reason why it should not have your
earnest consideration.
Kindly bear in mind that our other groceries are priced on a
cash basis, which means something to you. Quality guaranteed or
money refunded.
$213 is Raised st Elkir.s
School Social for Red
Miss Carson, rural supervisor
for the Normal School and direct
bupervigor of the Elkins Train
ing School, had charge of a big
box social and entertainment at
that school house last week an i
the selling of boxes, and other
methods used to secure money,
netted the Monmouth Red Cross
division the neat little sum of
The business men of Mon
mouth turned out in a body and
there waa a fine crowd present
and a good time reported by all
in attendance.
Yours Very Truly
Johnson Collins
CALL 9 0,00 0 Tuesday Evening;, March 19
at the Methodist Church
Continued from page 1.
Mcl'cth fc Company . is the
title of the new plumbing and re
pair hop established in the Asa
Taylor building one door east of
the Monitor ol!iee.
Mr. McPtth in removing to his
present locution has added much
to the appearance and equipment
of his establishment and is new
situated to give the public better
service than heretofore.
His plant is a credit to a town
of double the population of Inde
pendence and shows a progres
sive, up -to-the-iuinuto spirit for
our city.
"Kl" In the Navy.
Navy ti a, which Princess Mary
tlioin.tit nii;:lit be Rood to eat iih cho
colate. Is known aboard ship ns kl. It
Is MiM il out on the first tlo wnteh
every Thursday, mil It Is drunk whon
i ver circumstances (In other words,
the .-hip's "crusher." or policeman)
penult. The men jrnite down a liberal
qiintitlty of It (for kl Is less coneen
t rated tb.'iii shorn cocoa) nntl tlrlnk It
mixed In bnstns with sntrnr nntl con
densed mill;. At sea u special caul
dron or UI. prepared by the ship's cook,
ts si ut round notion stations n "fun
nies." or hi"v plictiers. Mldnlnht for
the Ki'iis' ere'.va of our fleet Is the hour
wh"ii ttu Id hont arrives. bomloB
flirt, aide.
Possibility Ever Open to Mankind
the Periods Dividing Life Are
Succeasively Crossed.
Ship's Ringer, When at Work, Hat
Realization That Eaeh Moment
May Of Hn Last.
Independence always shows
best nt lu-r entertain
nit ias anil Mrs. Lottie IKdsres
Mcintosh bus consented to lake
charre .f thr t ilrtu of our little
city i'or the Risu-r musical to ho
Ktven at the M. K. church Sun
day evening, Mmvh ;U.
i (:e program a, partially out
lined consists of solos. h.e;t.
and choruses and plans are in the
making to have present sonic
outside talent to take part in the
h.iiit r p it tici'ai s wi;l be civ
en or .A lu'ii t! e pa ctum h..S
If Is not iho ti:;pivo perform, r, tflfl
ste.-pV .lack, or Uio oi l time mi! lor who
faces the Kivatt'st peril In ls work,
(but the ship's Hitter, who combines
j all throe of th. .-e callinc. JMirtnj the
! -. t war. uph tho renpp.'iirt!mv of
juil'lo v. s-e!s ta our p.Tts. the an
jclei.t prof, sslo'i (,f ship's r!u ,er hlul
j Its n MrMonly r.'!vti. The M-epoits
I l 'O i been .-ouiv,t to dScox er ol I r'.-
ers, f,.r their mtIc to-!:iy Is ln-i!u-,
i, hit'. The fl.lM lite. I d.oitii: of Anier-
I 'iin sh'ji's H.'er "us one., as fa
i ions ;,s iltat ,.f the Vi.i.'h. .' sl.ipp. rs,
mijs Ho' l.lje. the hoe wot tit-.' losua-
W !: n a Mtilio,' vessel comes In!.)1
1 port t i no
1 er Is th,.
! i- 'e
' Mipp.Tt a
d ef repairs the
first a!:t.
to tell If her
intoi's wiUht.
r K-
Dt t II tiiiclai
ti t;.H
h umy tf
rU-.tne will
1 he ropes ,
The Tlsirer j
d' the tpes
s l.fe v.poii
"e-r in the
t to tsov
o that they
b'.s i Uht.
Tht IHu-trv of tilt crow-lnj. p f"-
! hNts lii ei rT-viim' nn oltlness Into a new
; Hess, n past Into a future, always. So
only can our tln.v.s posstMy he bound
! 'Vncli to o.-iih by itntural piety." I
i would not fur the world think that L'O
i years hom o 1 should have censed to ree
j The tlili'j.'s which I see now, and love
them s( ,. t woiihl make life wenrl
: "oliie hevond expression tf I thoilktlit
; that vears hence I i.houltl see the-m
, Just as I see them now, inn! love thetu
with no Oeoper love hefiitise of other
j vis!, iiw of their lovablenoss. And so
, there cot oi s ;hls deep aiitl almple ruie
' of imy unai hi. he crosses the line dlvM
, one period of his life from another,
; tho same rule which he may Use also us
J he pu"es ihrouch any critical occur
j r.-nce of his life. Make it a time In
i which oii 'i.ill re.'ill?e your faith, and
:1s., In n t;;, :i yon shall c;eet of your
fattli new and itrvater things. Take
f u h"t you t-t o.'ve and are. aud hold It In
J"ur ran i with a new r.ntincss as you
Kt f 'ltvard; hut lemk on It with con-
! tlntial an.! cnlldetit ep tnth to oe
j It open li t i (.otnethliij; .-renter aud
I Tin ,-r .- 1'h;:: ps ltniekj.
Marion (two districts)
Multnomah (outside city of
City of Portland (10 dis
tricts) Polk
. 6
This Concert has been given all over the state at
35c and 50c, but a special low price has been se
cured for Independence.
Tickets on Sale at
Craven fi Walkers and Hewitt's Drug Store
25c & 35c
W. L Put, Kan, tke accomodat
ing clerk of" the dry oods de
partment of ( arid Walk
er's store. It ft ties KK.niitio; f0I-
Kt ;o. Wash., for a short visit
w ith our femur uwi u,,i, Join.
i ruty de covered with Ice.
I must Jiitliio the KtretiKth
j wPU ills r),. i-n.t i iK :,
t'o-;:. A trapeze p,-rfo!
. i !r us ni"f trust Ms we!
: 1 '.''i in fi r, but tie Is Mi:
iiie m re-i atul vv ti! hoar
! The j-hip's ricc r e.tist wt.. hi; i self
. Ill ;u::. us perlli'tis is-sittoiis tiinl re
j laittn there for hours, do'nk- the harvl
' f kfntl of v orV.
( The s .'.': o!
1 M-a'.ts ttMeii tf-.i- r.
the ( vp i,s, ef ;i
Mid !n!t!S 'lie
, Miry f,.r l:im
Nev Tp of "Drstroyer."
The r.-oeni report that the l"nl?tx1
"i'is Is t t: '.tin a: n new tvpe of :!osh-
t e'-treier. having tl VtTV h .' h
..ed ao.i : mtnl-nmu of hl;:!tu snr-
;h. s
ails ho
ilip usually
inakt S. etui
: the iv v
dup u
tikes tt tiooes
with foerish
luuue day aud night.
b. . n
; V ! '
I ,.r , '!
: p.-ie
tw o
Tr t
Hid .'.es,
is,-! moeh
-'fi !tiv::,e:r
-f tioats. w !
!, wt'l rev d
. the b. 'i. f t'
r.'se'id '.::v,C'
v a v ot
" d is 1 . ! -
Mat p-otccttv
lie f "vtnn! i
t'"' s r .
torps,s.i,v till
to tho
It ha
1 .' e s
t ;.
Althouifh the ol!9 men requir
ed will be inducted out of Class
1 in setiueace cf their order nutn
bi is, this important exception
will be made:
Pecause of the scarcity of farm
labor, the President has driven
orders that "the call to tjie col
ors of men actively, completely
and assiduously encaired in the
planting or cultivation of a crop.
but who are in Oass 1 and with
in the tpi. Us, should he deferred
uni! the iiu of the new quota."
"Instruct vnur local boards,
ihetefote," continues the order.
i "that the Prsident directs that,
in n li; i, this emergency call,
they shad pass the order num
bers of such men and defer their
call for the present. It must be
born in mind th 't this step is
taken soh-ly in the need of the
nation and not for the benefit ot
any individual.
"Then fore, while boards
should consider it a crave duty
to exetcise this power to cm
serve and augment the agricul
tural production, they should ob
serve cuei'iidy the conduct of
those dtfei red and immediately
upon becoming convinced that
any person so deferred is not
giving iiis entire time and earn
est attention to agricultural duty,
or that he is trilling with the de
terment thus granted him. the
board should forthwith call him
to the colors.
"All citizens should assist in
making this expedient forthwith
and in bringing tu the attention
of the boards csses meriting d.-
ftrmer.t as well as casts in which
defernunt is tn.-iug abused,"
An Independence Enterprise
If It is Good, WE Have It
F. E. Dickson, Proprietor
HI! s4 1- ! " I I 'M I I t 4
ess m
amino rower
The world today is demand
ing; of every man the maximum
of his earning power.
Are you keeping your earn
ing power up to the high stand
ard? There's only one way to do
Eai Pure, Full Strength Foods .
We have a reputation for handling nothing
but the BEST GROCERIES obtainable. The best
is none to good for our customers, and we spare
neither expense nor trouble to procure it.
aldt J'o. MeCuUUios ilaiiL.ue.