Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, March 01, 1918, Image 4

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Alarm clocks, $1, at Kreamer's.
C E. Henkle spent this week in
See our window display of Heat
er bargain. Moore 4 Walker.
Dry lime sulphur spray at J. D.
Illbbs & Co.
Thomas Fennell returned. lat
week from a visit to the East.
For Sale One hay horse, weight
1420. E. F. Black, Ituena ViHta. 31
Clark Ileirrbree was on the Port
land market with a load of hogs
this week.
Buy vour cloth hats from Con
key & Walker. For both ladies and
Kentlnmen. A nice line to pick
t rom.
Mr. and Mrs. Horn of Albany
were Independence visitors thin
Denn Walker will have charge of
(he baseball team at the state uni
versity this year.
Use dry lime sulphur spray. Most
convenient and the cheapest in the
long run. For sale by J. l. Ilibbs &
For Sale Pekln duck and Ithode
Isl-tnd Hod eggs for hatching.
Mrs. L. L. Whiteaknr. 32
Peter Kurre was in Kelso, WbhIi.,
ovt Sunday looking after his
crimnory interests at that place.
J. D. Ilibbs & Co. have just re
ceived a shipment of dry lime sul
phur spray.
BOLSUM Cookies, Abo
Oatmeal, Par Honey and Sugar
Otto Hilke haa gone to Fondle
ton where he will he employed this
The W. C T. U. will meet with
Mrs. E. M Stanshury next Tuesday
The patriotic musical at the Meth
odist church tonight ought to be
wel attended. The program is run
ning over with good talent.
You yam customers who want
grey and khaki colon will find a
larKC nipply on hand at Conkey &
Walker's atora.
J. S. Bohannon thia week remov
ed the fixture and machinery from
his planing mill and sold them to
Portland parties.
A few more day and you will
want plow shoes. We have a good
lino. Price f.3.50, $3.85, t 75. $5.00,,
r.KT. $0.50 and 10.75. O. A. Kream
or. Sprny now with dry lime sul
phur. For sale by J. V. llibbs &
Theodora Cooper has disposed of
Ills Interest in the ranch just south
of Iiuh'pendenceand expects to go
to Wellington toon to till his farm
up there.
E. S. MeCready, who is now em
ployed In Portland, was visiting'
friemls and relative In old Folk
this week.
Independence' favorite screen
atar. Ma Marsh, at the Isis in
"Cinderella Man" lor one night
only, Thursday, March 7.
V ats overstocked on heaters
Ueginnlng March 1st, for ten days
we will reduce the price of our
Heater on fourth. Now is your
chance to buy a good heater for less
than the present wholesale price.
Moore & ulker.
A good pair of reading
glasses for Jl.OOatO. A.
lice Hroa, ltig Africander Co,
14 people, comes to the Isis next
Weilne-Hday night, March 6. Danc
ing, si i. King, vaudeville, band ami
For Sale Defiance Spring
Wheat Seed. Homer Hill.
Miss Crissy Bramhurg is visiting
relatives In Portland.
Cat HOLSUM Bread, the Super
Liberty Loaf.
Scott Leonard haa purchased a
borne in Portland.
Clifford Wells has entered the
aviation service.
Men buy that new suit from
Conkey & Walker. You get an all
wool suit for $15, the old price.
New and up to date designs in
wall paper. Moore & Walker.
Life on a milk route was too slow
for one of Grant Mclaughlin's
horse Tuesday forenoon and he
took u run down C street to the riv
er. Fortunately no milk was deliv
ered while the horse was running.
The Valley & Siletz' gasoline mo
tor car has arrived and will be
placed in service today.
The new ferry hunt is nearly com
pleted ami will he put in commis
sion within a short time.
Trunks, Mags and
Moore & Walker.
"Doing nicely," is the message
that comes from Portland hos
pital concerning the condition of
Paul itickley.
Clyde Hill has received word from
Washington that an investigation
will be made to determine whether
or not his idciiH regarding a non-
sinkable ship have been adopted by
the navy department.
Clarence J,oy of Ituena Vista was
recently placed upon the Hull of
Honor by State Superintendent
Chun hill. Tins honor is attained by
selling $50 worth of Thrift stamps.
You should seo the nice warm
woolen and cotton blankets and also
u beautiful lot of wool and cotton
bats for quills at Conkey & Walk
er's store.
A large number of Independence
people are now eating HOLSUM
bread. Why not you?
There will be no shows at the
Isis on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
and Friday nights of next week.
Wednesday night, the Africanders;
Thursday night, Mae Marsh in "Cin
derella Man;" SatunU' night, Blue
bird. Miss l.alliberte, a student at
the Normal, has been receiving act
ual experience as a teacher for the
past six weeks. She has presided
over the Mountainview school in
Kenton county nnd completed her
time last Friday.
Let us frame that picture. Moore
A Walker.
For Sule-Hrood sow; will farrow
March 10. Sam Muhlmau, phone
The city of Independence was ob
liged to purchase the lot owned by
(lien K. Kihbe winch was sold by
the marshal Monday to satisfy
street assessments against it and
will also have to pay state nod
county taxes to prevent it being sold
again. '
Some one has been cutting the
ptule glass of the store windows.
This act of vandalism has led to a
little detective work and the young
fellow who has been doing the dam
ago H now know n and a policy of
watchful w idling is now being pur
sued in order to catch him.
Bur HOLSUM for the children.
They thrive on it.
F.ngiue No. t on the I. A M. line,
by Hew ley is beingumde to shine.
Mr. Hevvley has not only daubed on
plenty of black paint hut has over
hauled the engine from cow catcher
to tail light. I, A M olticiuls from
the president dovv n to the peanut
butcher vtll feel pivml to ride be
hind Old Number Hue hereafter.
After I. oo Itohiusou had gone to
bed Sunday night, he heard some i
one building a lire iu the kitchen
and hastily getting up he found
a number of voung men had enter t
the house. As they were all of re
spectable families he hated to call ,
an otIUer and finally persuaded
them about one o'clock to leave the j
house and go home.
Dr. II. E. Dues one drotiat.
National Lank Bu idJ he.
Onc yon have eaten HOLSUM
yon will wonder how you ever did
without 1L
Over stocked on Heaters. Selling
for b-ss than wholesale price. See
our window. Moore t Walker,
Complete Home Furnishers.
We acknowledge the receipt of a
copy of the Los Angelea Tribune
with several interesting articles
marked, which was sent by Mrs. J.
Dornsife, who is now at Los An
There will he no morning service
at the Presbyterian church Sunday,
hi the evening Dr. Dunsmore will
continue his series of lecture on
"Night Scenes in the Bible," the sub
ject being "Israel's Last Night in
Miss Othel Ilevens, the only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eston
Ilevens, is improving very rapidly
from her recent illness and is able
to be about again.
Gladys Iteyrrolds and Alfred Loy
were week end visitors with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rey
nolds and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Loy.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bevens, late
of Portland, were week end visitors
in this vicinity, visiting relatives
and friends.
Charles Chickno of Wigrich com
bined business with pleasure in
land several days last week.
Mr. and Mr. Abe Porter and fam
ily moved to Wigrich the first of
the week.
,K. and Mrs. Green of near In
dependence are moving to Wig
rich .
The lied Cross social held on
Saturday night was a great success
ami well patronized. There was
about iff 125.11 cleared. Pretty good
for a small place. The society
wishes to thank the community for
the success of the social. They were
glad to see so many from Indepen
dence. .
Salem Capital Journal)
Mis Myra II. Butler, head of the
Domestic Science and Domestic Art
department of the 0. S. N. S. , is re
covering rapidly from her opera
tion, and hopes to return to her
work soon.
A little surprise farewell was
given in honor of Bruce Bogers last
Monday night at the home of Grace
Graham. The evening was pleas
antly spent in playing "Five Hun
dred," after w hich the didightful re
freshments of oranges and bananas
were served. Those present were
as follavvs: Bruce and Gertrude
Roger's, Gail Hiltibrand, Zola Bab
cock, Bert Ostrom, Andrew Smith,
Wilda Fuller, Robert llendron, Ruth
Stone, Harold Haley, Mr. and Mrs.
and Teddy Graham. Bruce left Wed
nesday for Portland, where he will
work in a music store. His friends
wish him the best of luck.
The third Goldvvyn PnVure star
ring Mae Marsh is the "Cinderella
Man," from the famous play by
I'.dward Child Carpenter, which
was a leading Broadway hit when
produced in the regular theatre by
Oliver Morosco.
It is the story of a young heiress,
Marjorie Carter, who is so much
touched by the account given by
her father's lawyer of a young
poet, Anthony Quintard, who is
starving in a garret at the other end
of the Mock, that she undertakes to
bring him food and comforts over
the roofs. Her trips to the garret
are made during Quintard' ab
sence; but one day he catches her.
He suspects that she is the mill
ionaires daughter, and is about to
evict her because, as a Socialist, he
has no use for persons who are
"filthy rich," when she tells him she
is just Marjory Outer's companion,
Miss Mudge. So he suffers her to
remain and presently she volunteers
to help him by typewriting his 0(
era libretto which he has just com
ploted to he submitted in a con
test for n $I0,(n) prize.
In due course he finds himself in
love with "Miss Mudge.'but feels
unable to dech re himself because
he has no mouoy. At lust, however,
he makes Ivold to ak her if she'll
have him when he makes good;
and he is delighted when she tells
bun "Pel haps.'' But while he is
wailing, n former lover of Mar
jories who has boon engaged to
wed her, appears to claim her
hand; and when the time comes
that Qutiitard wins the prixe and
is ivihIv to nk her to become his
wife, he finds her already betrothed
to another. His indignation is in
creased vv hen be learns that she
really is " filthy rich" after all; and
It takes the combined e Torts of her
father and bis three friends to un
tangle the situation, and bring Mar
jory to her happiness. At the Isis
for one night only, Thursday,
March 7th.
We take this means of thanking
our many friends for their acts of
kindness and sympathy during our
recent sorow, the death of our be
loved husband and father.
Mrs J. F. Smith
Miss Rose Smith
Mr. and Mrs. C F Smith
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tedrow
Mr. and Mrs. R. II Smith
Simple Explanation of Odd 8hape of
Tree, That Hat Been a Mystery
to Many.
To the person who la not versed In
forest lore the grotesquely bent tree
trunks that are to be found In almost
all woods are mystifying, and wonder
1 often aroused as to the cause, re
marks the Popular Science Monthly.
Foresters will tell questioners that In
the case of trees in mountainous coun
try and other sections where the snow
fall Is heavy, the weight of enow is re
sponsible in most Instances for the
queer twists they assume. When a
tree Is young the weight of snow that
falls on Its branches often bends the
trunk over until It la flattened to the
ground. Sometimes tt Is burled under
six or eight feet of snow and held In
that position bo long that when warm
weather comes the tree fulls to spring
back Into Its normal position. The
summer sun causes the tip of the young
tree to turn upward and If tt manages
to withstand the weight of the snow of
the next winter, that portion of the
tree will, as a general rule, continue to
grow In a normal way. "Hairpin" bends
and other odd shapes result.
A curious tree stands on the top of
Tunnel hill, Johnstown, Pa., about four
miles from town. It Is a sugar maple
about one hundred years old which has
prolonged its own life by grafting a
branch Into a much younger tree.
No Matter What the Nature of One's
Occupation, Its Routine Will Oc
casionally Weary.
Are there times when your work be
comes intolerably lrksomeT YesT Well,
lon't jump at the conclusion that you
are In the wrong place when this hap-
pens once In awhile. That will be true
whatever work you choose. No matter
how well adapted you are to your occu
pation, there will come times when
your thoughts will wander, and the
routine will weary you, and you will
feel that any other work would be
preferable to that which you have
chosen. One of the best-known woman
writers of the last generation wrote
nn Impassioned warning to literary as
pirants, telling them to do any work,
even scrubbing floors. In preference to
taking up a literary career. Undoubt
edly she wrote at a time when her
chosen work seemed unspeakably Irk
some, but If she had been cornered,
she would probably have acknowledged
that the profession of authorship has
considerable to commend It when com
pared wKh scrubbing floors.
This occasional Impatience with our
vocation Is lnevltahle. No matter how
congenial It Is, there are times when It
will seem a burden. The people who
change their occupation every time It
begins to bore them, are the tramps of
the business world.
As to Remarkable Longevity.
We have all read of Thomas Farr,
who lived to be one hundred and fifty
two. Likewise of the countess of Des
mond, one hundred and forty-five ;
Murgaret Patten, one hundred and
thirty-seven; Thomas Pumtne, one
hundred and sixty-four; John Rovln,
one hundred nnd seventy-two; and fe
tor Torton, who reached the age of one
hundred und eighty-five. Hut thes
cases of extraordinary longevity lad
In the days when those persons
lived no accurate chronological records
were kept, ami dates of occurrences
were usually fixed hy associating them
in memory with other event believed
to have happened about the same time.
A man's Identity was liable to be con
fused with that of a grandfather of
the same nntne.
Nowadays nobody lives to any such
aces. Why imagine that the extreme
limits f longevity have shrunk within
th last two or three centuries T
Winter's Discipline.
He who murvots at the beauty of the
world In summer will find equal cause
for wonder ftnd admiration In winter
It Is true the pomp and pageantry are
swept awnr, but the essential elements
remain the day and the night, the
mountain and the valley, the elemen
tal play and successor!, and the per
petual presence of the Infinite sky. Iu
winter the stars seem to have rekin
dled their fires, the moon achieves a
fuller triumph, and the heavens wear
a look of more exalted simplicity.
Summer Is more wooing, . . . more
versatile and huuian, appeals to the
affections and the sentiments, and fos
ters Inquiry and tb art Impulse. Win
ter Is of s more fcerjte cast, and ad
dresses the Intellect The severe
studies and disciplines come easier In
winter. Oue Impose larger tasks open
How ts Tell Age of Eggs.
Ther la aimed e uutLh4 of
For week beginning March 4th, Ending March 9th
25c can DelMonte Yellow Cling Peaches . . 20c
25c can Del Monte Ripe Olives 1 c
?0c can Del Monte Tomatoes, limit
six to customer J2c
Large can Del Monte Spinach He
1 5c can Del Monte Pinrientos 10c
5-lb Bx Macaroni, limit 1 bx to customer. .
12 oz Pkg Macaroni
25c can G A Baking Powder
Standard Tomatoes, limit (5 cans to customer
Spring Clothes Pins, per dozen 05c
45c can Wesson Oil 35c
Do not overlook the fact that all of our other
groceries are priced on a cash basis and your
cash will buy more on the dollar here than your
credit will elsewhere.
If yon want to buy groceries at the right price
you will investigate this.
talmng me age ul eggs, uasea upon vi-e
fuct thut the airy space at the broad
end of the egg Increases with Its age.
Now, when the egg Is pluced In a
tumbler of water In which any amount
of common suit Is dissolved. It will,
with Increasing age, tend ever more to
assume a position wnh Its longitudlnul
uxls In a perpendicular direction. A
fresh laid egg will lie horizontally on
the bottom of the vessel. An egg from
three to four days old will rise with Its
broad end, so that Its longitudinal axis
forms with Its horizontal ails an angle
of 20 degrees. At the age of eight days
the angle Increases to 45 degrees, at
the age of two weeks to 60 degrees,
and at the age of thiee weeks to about
75 degrees. When the egg Is more
than a month old It will float perpen
dicularly on its small end.
Love In Flshdom.
This Is no "fish" story as the term
Is usually referred to, but It Is a story
about fish. Jim Fostpr, student of fish
afTnlrs, vouches for Its authenticity.
Jtm hns a collection of big live fish
In a email nqonrlum In a down-town
restaurant and for 12 hours every night
he wntches them perform.
"The fish are very affectlonnte," de
clared the fish student. "They are
good-tempered and kind toward one an
other. See those two largest fish?
They are 'married,' I guess, or else In
love with each other. They always
kiss each other good night nnd nibble
affectionately at each other's mouths.
The female of the two never puts her
cold flns on the male one's back. And
In the morning say. It's amusing to
vrntch them yawn and stretch them
selves." Detroit Free Press.
How Would You Tie I Camel?
Becnuse of Its peculiar swaying mo
tion In walking the camel hus been
culled the "ship of the desert." This
title may also have some reference to
the extreme stupidity nnd passivity of
the animal, which submits to great
loads, which It will often entry for
days at a time without stopping for
food or drink, with no more urging
thnn a ship would require from the
hands of Its pilot, says the Popular
Science Monthly. The mnnner In which
the drivers hobble the camels when
they stop for a rest Is Interesting.
They do not depend upon stnkes driven
In the deep, yielding snnd, but simply
double back and tie one of the fore
legs of the animal, so that It can lie
down or rise up, but cannot move from
the spot.
Curloui Burials.
The Inhabitants of Mesopotamia
have curious customs in the disposal
of their dead. The corpse Is carried
to the grave dressed In ordinary
clothes, with the face uncovered. Bod
ies are burled In shallow graves, nnd
after a period dug up again, the bones
being collected Into a whltii linen bag
and deposited In small buildings.
"One day," says an officer of the
R. A. XI. C, "I snw such a bag In a
church ; It was labelled with a wom
an's name. In a village near the
Struma I bar visited one of these
storehouses of the bones of the de
parted. The hags most recently placed
In It were sttK white and whole; oth
ers were whole, but stained brown by
time. Those thnt had been deposited
In years past had rotted away."
ooonuooo o o
Teacher ol Violin
o Will i-'ive h'sotis in Indepen-
o deuce for beginner and ail-
o vaneed students. Uest of
o meth.xls. 1 "rices n-aMinabl.e
o Impure at the Monitor othce
o or write K. Levy, r3 Court
o St., Salem, Oregon.
Ooooooooo oo
8 Collins
A dispatch from Food Adminis
trator Hoover yesterday partially
cleared up the puzzle as to the price
of wheat at Portland. I'tuler the
proclamation of the president the
price was fixed at $2.05 a. bushel.
This catrsed some dissatisfaction
as it was contended the price should
he the same as at Chicago. While
there is considerable difference of
J opinion on that point, the Hoover
telegram states that the shipping
board has undertaken to give the
Pacific northwest a rate of $3.50 a
ton by water to New York. This
the hoard expects to accomplish
hy using the new tonnage for car
rying the grain crop of the North
west through the canal and to Now
York, if not on to Europe. Seattle
has already turned out thirteen
ships which are rapidly being made
ready for service and the yards at
Portland are running a vesel off the
ways every week. In another
mouth or such matter a launch
ing somewhere in the northwest
will he almost a daily occurrence
and the new ships should he able
to carry all of Oregon's grain crops
and much besides to the Eastern
markets. If Hoover can cary out
his program it will make the price
of wheat at Portland abput $3.18, as
the price at New York is $2.28 and
the $3.50 rate would amount to
about 10 cents a bushel. Now if
Mr. Hoover can do something to
ward equalizing the price of corn
so that the Northwest will not he
throttled by the profiteersmen, his
work will he appreciated. He
should remember that poultry own
ers arc forbidden to sell their hens,
or to feed them wheat, and yet the
speculators are allowed to hold corn
prices at a prohibitive figure. Corn
worth $1.25 at Chicago is worth
about double that in the North
west. This would allow a freight
rate of about $15 a ton from Chicago
to Pacific coast points, or more than
ten times as much as is to he
charged for carrying the wheat
crop east. Salem Capital Jour
"Pack your hag and travel and
hep out of Aiiioiiv until a decitlcd
reformation sets in," is the order
that Mayor L. M. Curl this morning
isited to certain women in this city.
Chief of Police John Catlin lre
the message to at least two id tlu-se
women, who are known to lie ly
ing an illegitimate business in the
city, and others are given warning,
ami the Mayor hopes that the hint
will he taken without further action
being necesary on the part of the
officers. Albany Denioci at.
The Willamette Universiiy
Glee Ch'b
March 19
At trie Melhodist Church