Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, February 15, 1918, Image 2

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Pest Has Become Great Liability
anxious tihes for the admiral I
Published Weekly at Independence, Folk County,
uregon, on rriday.
Entered as Second Class Matter August 1, 1912 si the Post Office atlnde
pandeace, Polk County, Oregon, Under the Act of March 3, 1879.
to United States.
NINA B. ECKER. Associate
3 3
suoscrtptlon Rates: One Year 51.00 Strictly In Advance
ADVERTISING RATES: 15c. per toco for one Insertion. 12 1-Zc for two oi
or Use rt Ions, lOc. on monthly contracts. Headers, 5 and lOt. per line
Independence, Oregon, Friday, February 15, 1918
Jt Las always been conceded that Nero, the well-known
Human violinist, was the most deduced man who ever
lived but it appears from the evidence that is swiftly ac
cumulating that Kaiser JJill has displaced him and Nero
will have to play the second iiddle for the rest of time.
Bill is about the only human wretch of whom something
good cannot bo said. You have heard or read severe in
dictments of the Hun ruler, even to those who expressed
a desire to see him fried in the fires of hell, but you'll
never read or hear one that strikes you more personally
tiian does the following from the pen of Sam 11. Clark,
the North. Dakota free lance:
"Know your real enemy. It is Kaiser Bill with
his llohenolleru wolf litter and his world guerilla
of junker murderers who seek to blight civilization.
The German people as a people have no hatred of
you. It is no one else just Kaiser Bill, the heinous
"He bred the seahounds whose fangs dyed red the
seas with the blood of innocent Americans. He cm
ployed the gang of skulking spies who sought to di
vide your country. He concocted the devilish diplo
macy which sought to make America, lirst his cat's
paw and later his prey. His was the buzzard's brain
which plotted to finally drive his beak into your heart
and to suck its blood.
"His is the hand which has stu'e your coaul, brok
en down your railroads, bored the huge auger hole of
taxes into your bank account, deprived you of your
meat, scraped out the sugar bowl, doubled the cost of
your clothing, marked up the rents you pay, doubled
your gasoline cost, stolen your white bread, halved
, your comforts and doubled your expenses.
"It is Kaiser Bill and no one else who has really
drafted your sons into .war's horrors on land, into
slaughter on the seven seas and into battles among
the4 clouds. It is the palsied hand of Kaiser Bill
which has filched over twenty billions twenty thou
sand millions, count them of American dollars from
American pockets, and minted them into mountains
of woe through the molten furnaces of war.
"He is the. world's highwayman. It is Kaiser Bill
who touched off the burglar alarm in every American
household. It is his pistol at your head, it is his knife
at your, throat, and it is his brand of 'Kultur' which
d) ea your days with darkness and your nights with
"It is Kaiser Bill and his Hohcnzollern litter of.
wosrltl wolves and his junkerdom gang of ravening
nulitaristic thugs who conceived this world woo.
They lit the fires of death, torture, devastation, rape,
rapine and pillage."
Coming Originally From Asia the Ro
dent Hat Spread All Over the
World During Campaign Againit
Bubonic Plague in San Francisco
From 1904 to 1907 tfore than 800,-
000 Wert Killed Increase Rapidly.
Candidate lor Repreaantatlve Polk
and Lincoln Counties, May Pri
ma riaa.
(Paid Advurtlaoinonv)
Oood Paatura Land Ara Destroyed at
tha Rata of Ona Hundred Thous
and Acre a Yaar.
Tha shifting sanda of Aatrakhan and
tba Bieaaurea taken by tha KuhnIhii
nvernmont to deal with this problem
form tha subject of a memoir by J.
Q, rtratttr, publlahed In Petrograd, ob
serve tha Scientific American. Ten
Billion acre of tha province In quoe
ttoo are covered wtth ahl ftlng anuda
format daring tha nineteenth century
and auliao,ueutly. Thfwe aanda have
bwu spreading at tha rata of 100.000
acre a yr, tha reault being the trans
formation of good pasture land Into a
barren waat. Tha principal rauae la
Tar grating; flock a and herds ar kept
aa long In oue place aa to remit In tha
complete destruction of the turf. Poor
agriculture methods are also respon
sible. About tha beginning of the pres
ent century tha gOTerntnent took meae
kree of control and reclamation, and
between ltM and 1909 aa area of about
,44.000 acres waa brought nnder culti
vation. In 1018 a apectai eervtce waa
ordered t deal with the question.
The province waa pat under the charge
of a ctuVf forestry officer and dlvltled
tnto all diatrlcta. In each of which a
autwdltmte official waa appointed to
aupertntend the wtw. At the time of
In plauthK soil blndera and growing '
hsrbaceeuR crop, but It waa still prtc
jrmeucni wnetner tha province waa
Thomaa H. Benton Rslatea Interview
With Eccentric Man, In Which Ha
Dsplots His Melancholy Mood.
Thomna IT. Itcnton In bta Thirty
Tears' View" gives an Interesting ac
count of an Interview he had with the
eccentric John linmlnlph of Kounoke.
The Interview was at Mr. Itenton'i
room In Crawford's hotel, in George
town. It waa In the gloom of the eve-
ulug. before the lamps were lit. Mr.
Randolph, reclining on a soft, alien)
and thoiiKhtful, repeated, aa If to him
self, Johnson's lines on "Senility and
Imbecility," that ahow his Ufa nnder
Ita moat melancholy form:
"Iu life's lust ecenes what prodigies
Tears of the brave and folllee of the
Down Marlhorough'a eyes the stream
of dotage flow.
And Swldt explrea driveller and a
When Mr. Randolph finished repeat
ing these lines, Mr. Itcnton anld to
hlra "Mr. Randolph, I have often
heard you repent these aa If they could
have aa application to yourself. whIU
no one can have less reason than your
aelf to fear the fate of Swift."
To thla Randolph replied: "1 have
lived In dread of Insanity."
While Randolph wa not Inanne In
the ordinary sense of the word. It la
certain that he had oovaslonnl tem
porary aberrations of the mind, and It
waa during such tlmea that his talk
waa most brilliant, a copious flow foi
hours of wtt and classic allusion, a
perfect eeatterlng of the diamonds of
the mind.
Hla will waa contented oa the ground
but It waa not set aside.
To what extent the rat pest haa be
come a nntlonal liability, entailing
the luwa of more than $l.'00,000.uu0
worth of foodstuffs und other property
In the United Stutea every year, la
told with a starling urruy of facta In
u communication to the National Geo
graphical society derived from a coun
try-wide survey by Kdwurd W, Nelson
the well known biologist, a part of
which has been made public In a pre
vious bulletin. The following supple
mentary bulletin is now Issued :
"House rats are extremely numerous
and are world-wide In distribution. At
the present time they destroy annually
hundreds of millions of dollurs' worth
of foodstuffs and other property, and
IhroiiKli the distribution of bubonic
pliigue und other diseases cause the
death of untold number of human be-
nKH. These facts being known, why
should we dcluy In vigorously using
known methods, for the elimination
from our homes anil communities of
these wasteful and loathsome pests T
All Come From Asia.
"The common house-frequenting rats
are of three species, the brown, the
bluck and the roof rat. All are be
lieved to be natives of Asia, whence
they have spread to most purts of the
world. In their relations to nmn their
habits are so similar that they may
be Included In one account. The lurg-
er size, abundance, more general dlS'
triluillon, und BKi?resslve predoinl
nencc of the brown rat, also known
as the Norway and wharf rat, huve led
to Its being generally known as 'the
house nit."
"So far as known, these rodents are
nlways, everywhere, thoroughgoing
pests, with no usefulness to num.
"The history of the brown rat la an
extraordinary one, one unenunled by
that of any other mammal. It was un
known In Europe until 1727, when vast
hordes of (hem swam the Volga river.
A year or two later It arrived In Eng
land on ships from the Ortont Since
inai time it lias steadily extended Its
distribution by means of ships and oth
er transportation agencies, and by
migrations overland, until It sharea
with mankind, nearly all parts of the
earth, from (Ireenland to Patagonia
and around the globe.
Some Weigh Four Pounds.
"It Is a sturdy, fierce and cunning
animal with extraordinary fecundity.
These characteristics have enabled It
quickly to overrun and occupy new
territory despite the never-ceasing
warfare waged ngnlnst It by man and
the competition of other mammals.
The smaller black rat and roof rat
formerly existed iu most parts of the
old world. The- preceded the brown
rat also Iu America, but when the lut-
ter arrived were promptly reduced by
It to a secondary position or extermi
nated. Pluck rats still exist In some
parts of the I'nlted States, and roof
rnts are common with the brown rat
In the milder climate of the southern
"The greater size of the brown rat
rendlly distinguishes It from either of
the other species. It averages from
one to one anil a half pounds In
weight, and about 18 Inches In length.
Occasionally giants of Its kind occur.
however, as shown by the capture,
near Canterbury, England, of one huge
Individual weighing over four pounds
and measuring 2'JXj Inches In length.
Their Increase Very Rapid.
"With n abundant food supply
brown rats Increase with almost In
credible mpMity They have from
three to twelve litters n year, each
containing from six to more than
twenty young, the average being shout
ten. The young begin to breed when
leew than three mouth of age.
"Rats are nocturnal, ami as a rule
keep hidden dining the day Iu holes
and other places of concealment about
building or In burrows which they dig
In The ground. Within their retreats
they make warm nests of shredded
fibrous material, often cut from costly
fabrics. In which their inked and help
less young are wifely brought forth.
"After careful iuxoiigution the
United States public health service es
timates that the number of rats living
under normal conditions lu ,.,!r rltlos
equals the human xphitl,n. but that
In country districts they are relatively
three or f'ur limes as numerott.
"This estimate Is practically the
same as thnt obtained some years ago
in Great Britain and Ireland. IVn
mnrk, France mid Gcrimmv. At later-
Scaled proposals, addressed to
the County Clerk of Polk County,
Oregon, and endorsed, "Proposals
for Kuuiiing Ferry at Independence,
Polk County, Oregon," will be re
ceived by the County Court of said
county at its ollice in the court
house at Dallas, Polk County, Ore
gon, until 10 o'clock a. m., on the 6th
day of March, 1918, and at that time
and place will be publicly opened
and read, for the furnishing of la
bor for running the ferry across the
Willamette river at Independence,
Oregon, for one year; the ferry to be
run trom 6 o'clock a. in. until 9
;ock p. m., free, and the ferryman
to leceive, in addition to his propos
iti, li e amount of toll collected be-'
tvvecn 0 o'clock p. m. and 6 o'clock
a. in. at the rates fixed by the Coun
ty Court.
Each bid to be presented under ;
sealed cover and shall be accom-1
panied by cash or certified check J
miulo puyable to Polk County, fori
an amount equal to at least 5 per
cent of the amount of said bid, and I
no bid shall be considered unless
such cash or chock is enclosed
A corporate surety bond will be
required for the faithful perfor-
iiiiiicc, according to law und con
tract, of running said ferry in the
sum of $1,000.00, and should the
successful bidder to whom the con-
ract is uwarded, fuil to execute the
same within ten days, not includ
ing Sunday, from the date of the
in ailing of the notice
from the County Court to him, that
the contract is ready for signature,
such cash or certified check will be
forfeited to Polk County and the
same shall be the property of said
ounty. All other cash and certi
fied checks will be returned to the
unsuccessful bidders who submit
the same.
The right is reserved to reject
any or all proposals or to accept
the proposal deemed best for Polk
Dated this 13th tiny of February,
E. C Kitkpatrick, County Judge,
C. W. Beckett, County Commis
sioner, M. Mansion, County Commissioner.
Wanted Man and wife to work
on farm. Must have experience.
Good wages to the right persons.
F. M. Knapp, 495 East 21st Street
North. Portland. 28
East Through
Costs Little More
Scanic Shasta Route, Sacred Siskiyoua,
Mt. Shasta, San Francisco, Lot Angelea,
Southern California. Cho ce of routes.
Let us make an itinerary for your trip
showing train schedules, stopovers, etc.
Ask nearest agent or write
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
Write for folder on the Apache Trail of Arizona
Established 1889
A Successful Business Career of Twenty rive Tears
H. Hirschberg, Pres. D. W. Sears, V. P.
R. R.DeArmond, Cashier
W. H. Walker, I. A. Allen, O. D. Butler
It. K. fc.
fdantvd to tfe jtJiiiaBttgt fjjf National Dank BuiMlng
vhH, us tli rt'Miit
?M cvii'htlnn ft
v.tathiT, Ci-riiu
r: t I'vvur ov 1 1 o t.
ttw l:inijt ty llu-i,.
Their Numbers
"A lv t rt';ih,':,
;ill ot v Inch
i n nitti!" if ."-In i ii.v .
JJuKaune. tli athn, ii- nit i ltu.t ':un
lU.U. lu !. t ii i-ln-ll.
i.n i
Notice ia hereby given that the Re
corder of the City of Independence,
Oiegon, has transmitted to me a war- ,
rant for the collection of delinquent
installments on aaaessmenta for the
improvement of Sixth street, in front j
of the hereinafter named and describe i
real property, and th .1 pursuant to
slid warrant, the Chsrter and Ordi-,
nances and resolutions of aaid City, 1 1
will on the 25th day of Februaiy, 1918. !
at the hour of two o'clock P. M. of i
aaid day, at the front door of the City I
Hall of the City of Independence, i
Oregon, offer for gale at public auction
to the hight-st bidder far cash, subject 1
to redumption, and the installments not
yet due on said assessment, the follow- ;
ing described real property to-wit: j
Lota three and four in block aix in
Tatteraon'a first addition to the City of ,
Independence, Polk County, Oregon.
Ase.-seu to Glen E Kibbe in tha
sum of I1S5.98, on which the second
annual instalment of ia delin
quent aud unpaid, with interest to Jan
uary i. 1917, $10.04. making tha total
aum due $-3.i4.
Kaeh piece or parte! of land will be
a,n'n t j sold separately, and for a aum not Waa
y( rum k- than the aaid unpaid installment and '
interest as aforesaid, cost of advertis
ing and reeorder'a fee8 therein, the
purchaser thereof will assume any and
all of the installments of aaid assess
ment not yei due.
Dated, January 25, 1918.
A. J. Tupper,
City Marahal of said City.
Dr. H. C Dunsmore, Pastor
10 a. m. Sonday school,
11 a. m. J Public Worship with,
7-30 p. m. 1 Sermon.
"!' fnvur
ut'Hy and
it (. . ,) ts of
:; nil.!
! ..!. a, tmly in
' th utilri
as l; si.i'x
i:i.-l tt..:n
Sunday school at 10.
Services every Sunday morning and
B. V. P. U. at 7:00.
We invite you to all our services.
Strangers cordially welcomed.
I VAMAaa. fl.ll..i: at
: idiiiuieg uuiicuion Agency
McMInnvlUe, Oregon
Thos. D. Tsrnes, Pastor.
10 A M. Sunday School.
11 A. M. Morning service.
3.tX) P. M. Loyal Temperance Legion.
7:80 P. M. Evening service.
Bible School at 10 a. m.
Practice in all Couio
: a