Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, February 08, 1918, Image 4

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SHEETS, Gent's Furnishings,
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Smtlt each Tuesday and Fri
day at Dickson's Market
II. J, Rowe was here
Corvallia Wednesday,
Miss Pearl Smith, a Corvallis
teacher, was a home visitor over
We can sell you a Rood 8-day
clock for from $5 to $10. O. A.
K reamer. '
Miss Ora Fen ton was operated
upon for appendicitis in the Sa
lem hospital today.
Miss Dorothy Paddock was an
over Sunday visitor in the big
city of Portland.
Clarence Eddy has gone to
Portland where he has obtained
Just a few momenta ago A. C.
Moore called up and said to tell
everybody to see his special car
pet ad in this Monitor.
Wtmted Man and wife to work
on (iirm. Must have experience.
Good wages to the right persons
F. M. Knapp, 405 East Slat Street
North. Portland. 28
J. L Hanna was an Indepen
dence visitor Sunday. Mr: Han
na is now engaged In the auto
mobile business in Portland.
The sale of Thrift stamps has
exceeded $4000 in Independence
at the present time, according to
Pestmuster Wood.
Johnson & Collins have a
mighty good ad in this Monitor,
They : re offering many kinds of
urnicories at a reduced price.
Taken up On my place be
tween Independence and Mon
mouth, on Feb. 1. a keifer.
Owner can get her by paying for
this ad and her keep. S. Muhle-
man, phone 6113.
"Alien enemies" are not very
plentiful in this section. Three
have registered at Independence
and one at Buena Vista. Regis
tration closes Saturday night
The school board, consisting of
H. Hirschberg. Mrs. G. W. Con
key, J. S. Hohannon and Post
mater H. S. Wood visited the
high school Tuesday and created
considerable enthusiasm among
the pupils for industrial work
and the sale of thrift stamps.
I Large team for sale cheap
Inquire at this office. 17 tf
Violin, Guitar, Mandolin and
Banjo strings at O. A. Kream
er's. Mils Mamie Uenkle of Philo
math, on her way to Tillamook,
stopped off in Independence yes
terday for a few hours.
Cleve Robinson has gone to
San Diego to spend the remain
der of the winter. He has leas
ed his barber shop in Lebanon.
Miss Gretchen Kreamer, stu
dent at the O. A. C, was home
for a few days this week. She
was accompanied by a college
J. O. Andtrson and family
spent a few days with relatives
and friends in this section. Mr.
Anderson is employed in a saw
mill atSilverton.
A good pair of reading
glasses for $1.00 at O. A.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hubbard
returned home the first of the
week from Portland where they
have been boarding with their
son the past two weeks.
The government has proclaim
ed Tuesdays and Saturdays as
pork less days. Help the "bojs
over there" by buying some
other kind of meat on those days.
Dickson's Market
J. G. Mcintosh is remodeling
the Bungalow Grocery in North
Independence which will give
considerably more room, some
thing that was badly needed be
cause of increasing patronage.
The Merrimakers made mrry
as the guests of Mrs. J. S. Coop
er, Jr., Wednesday afternoon.
This organization of young wo
men is doing Ked Cross work en
thusiastically. Buy an Equity watch. $7. They
are good time pieces. 0. A.
The "Independence Cubs"
went to Albany one ninht last
week and trimmed the Madison
school team, 29 to 16. The Cub
team consists of Vere Fenton.
James Neil, Buell Jordan, Ray
Ooates and Bill Byers.
Cecil Swope will leave tomor
row for Portland where ke will
enter the internal revenue de
partment of Uncle Sam's govern
ment. Cecil has wished for a
ilong time to do his bit in some
way and has been Kiven the op
iportunity. He will be stationed
in Portland for a short time after
which he will probably be moved
Good oak fence posts for sale.
Call farm 3813. 13tf
The Post's typesetting machine
has been installed.
Earl Whiteaker
school in Portland.
is attending
T. W. Brunk is very seriously
ill at San Diego, Cal.
A. B. Packard has moved to
Independence from Airlie.
For Sale Defiance Spring
Wheat Seed. Homer Hill.
George Alasaari will move into
the building vacated by D. H.
Henry Okerson has succeeded
his brother, James, as a clerk in
the Conkey & Walker store.
The Odd Fellows had a big
time last night and made it real
interesting for several candi
W. E. Dungan was out of
Conkey & Walker's store for
four days this week because of
Sorg's jitney service between
Orville and Independence has
been abandoned for a few days
because of the high water.
A small blaze at tke residence
of D. Shoemaker last Saturday
morning was put out before the
arrival of the fire company.
In the list of delinquents, pub
lished elsewhere in this issue,
are the names of several who are
already in the army or navy.
Lynn Huntley, Independence
navy ooy, now at mrvara uni
versity, is recovering from a
very severe attack of rheumatism.
Do not fail to see William Far
num in "The Conqueror" which
comes to tke Isis on Wednesday
and Thursday nights of next
The senior class of the High
School held a carnival at the
opera house last Saturday night
and addeH a liberal amount to
their treasury.
J. H. Prine is back on the job
as S. P. agent at Monmouth,
thus relieving Mrs. W. Brown
who has filled the position for a
number of weeks.
Miss Bessie Swope, a very sue
cessful teachef in tke Tangent
schools, was here Saturday and
Sunday visiting parents and
Mrs. S. E. Robertson, who has
spent several weeks at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. W. H.
Craven, went to Portland yester
day where she will visit another
Thf ladies aid society of the
Buena Vista M. E. church has
elected the following officers:
Mrs. Myrtle Wells, president;
Mrs. Sally Neal, vice president;
Mrs. W. D. Simmons, treasurer;
Mrs. G. VV. McLaughlin, sec
retary. Ira Mix, who is now assistant
teller in the First National Bank
of Portland, was an over Sunday
visitor at the home of his par
ents. He is a member of the
Multnomah Athletic basket ball
team which defeated Willamette
at Salem Saturday nigkt
D. 11. Phillips is packing up
his jewelry stock and household
goods this week and will ship
them to some place in Washing
ton. The going away of Mr.
Phillips and wife will be much
regretted as they have made
many friends here.
The Civic League will hold its
regular meeting at the home of
its president, Mrs. K. C. E!d
rilge, on next Tuesday after
noon, Feb. 12. The meeting will
be vry interesting as Mrs. 0. D.
Butler will read a paper on 'The
Modern History of Russia."
A Beautiful Hardwood
Dining Table
only 1 13.9 5
42 Inch top, extends to six feet.
A Bargain for the Money.
This Week's Special
One Hundred Yards of Carpet
Special Sale Frice 69C Per yard
After we sell one hundred yards, the price will be advanced to 95c.
Sea Our New Line of Floor Covering.
Grass Rugs, Axminsfer Rugs, Brussell
Rugs, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum.
Blankets, Sheets, Pillows, Comforters,
Mattresses, Springs, Wood, Brass and
Iron Beds.
Moore & Walker,
Complete Home Furnishers
Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12,
will be appropriately observed
by the G. A. R. and W. R. C.
at their hall. The ladiei of the
W. R. C. will serve dinner at 12
o'clock, which will be followed
by appropriate exarcises. The
speakers who will take part are
Dr. Dunsmore, Lawyer Fletcher
and kis partner, Mr. Bar rick.
All veterans of the Civil war are
Eliza Ewing,
Secy. W. R. C.
Try to Draw Outline of the Various
Countries and You Will B Sur
prised at Your Ignorinca.
A ma a and wife sat at the table at
their home trying to draw the outline
limp of Europe, from memory, ob
serves the Ohio Stute Journal. They
nix m found that they knew little about
it They had been reading of European
events for years, and yet when the
came to putting their mind picture of
the continent on paper they forgot theti
geography entirely. The mini hud read
Anabasis and Homer in the original
and yet put Greece between the Adri
atic and the coast of Spain, and left
Austria out altogether. The wife had
Spain and France side by side on an
east and west line, with Belgium to the
north, covering both, while she wade
the boot of Italy a fashionable $10
gaiter. Anyone looking at the two
maps could tell they were not of
America or Asia, but of where, he
couldn't say.
But aerlously, it la a delightful
amusement and might with profit be in
dulged in more. After one gets through
with Europe, take the other continents
and the countries that belong to them.
And then one might come nearer home.
It would be really sad to observe the
Ignorance concerning our own locali
ties, but it would be amusing, too. Just
for fun, have a company draw maps of
Great Britain and Ireland, or Turkey,
China. Kansas and Nebraska, Louis
iana, Delaware, etc, and much sur
prised you will be to see how this old
earth bad changed since you trusted
It to your memory.
Performer Dealing In Emotions Cap
tivate Women More 8wlftly Than
the Poets or Painter.
The poet deals in words, while the
painter deals in color and form, but
the musician deals in emotions and
therefore his appe to woniea is al
ways more swift, at it Is always more
subtle, than the appeal of any other
Such, summed up by a writer in the
1'hlladelphla North American, is the
latest theory to explain the lure of mu
sic for women and the attraction of
the dark-ayed. long-haired musician
The average woman, aay the theor
ists, la hemmed in with conventions
that mak her feel a prudish dlecora
foat If a book or a poem talks too open
ly of what ahe thinks of. but never
puts Into words. With a picture It Is
the same way, but in the music, ahe
hear with emotional delight all the
romanticism, all the beauty, and all
the vague dreams which ahe hldea so
closely from the world. In conae
aueuce ah reads Into the vnaie bar
own ieeiings, aud tnen she conruses
the muslciun with his music. He, too,
is keyed up to a high tension ; he feels
telepathlcally the emotion he has com
municated, and so a spark Is kindled
between them. As for the result
well, sometimes it is love, sometimes
a momentary Infatuation that all de
pends npon how much music they heur
together and how much pent-up nerv
ous emotionalism lies buried In the
woman's soul.
Small Prescriptions.
Many physicians have a habit of
writing prescriptions without calcu
lating the quantity of medicine their
patients are to take. This leads to a
great waste of drugs and much un
necessary expense. Which leads the
New York Medicrtt Journal to urge
physicians to be more careful.
Another evil result of this far too
common practice, is that partly used
prescriptions are stored away In the
medicine chest, and next time the pa
tient has, or thinks he has, the same
symptoms, he takes what he supposes
to be the same medicine.
But the chief reason why physi
cians should not prescribe four or six
ounces when they know only one or
two will be used, is that It is wasting
the drugs and making the patient pay
far more for his medicine than is at
all necessary.
the mayor's subordinates would take
the cane, find the culprit and place
it horizontally upon the latter's chest.
The proceeding was equivalent to
a summons, and the man hud to Hp
pear before the mayor under the pen
alty of being cast Into prison. This
actioa was borrowed from Spain,
where it still prevails in the more Im
portant actions-
First Introduced Canes.
The Mexicans first used cunes in
America. When the Spanish con
quered the country, a queer custom
was Introduced. The chief executive
of the towns carried a stick with a
gold or sliver head. It was a kind
of scepter.
The people, of course, rarely knew
how to read or write, and when any
one vii wanted for a crlmA one of
Find Skeleton of Giant
A perfect sketeleton was uncovered
In Surrey, England, during the work
of carrying out alterations to surface
water drainage in one of 'the muln
streets In Faroham. The chief bones
were in a perfect state of preservation,
and were sufficient to show thut the
body was that of a man of unusual
stature. Close by was found a bona
of a horse. The site of a Norman cem
etery is only a little distance from the
spot where the body was found, and
here some years ago cinerary urns
were discovered, which were stated to
be perefct examples of first-century
urns. Some of these are now pre
served in Waverly abbey.
Rust Diuolver.
Ai Italian Inventor has patented l
method of cleansing Iron and steel
from rust. By his process the metal
is made the cathode In a phosphorW
acid electrolyte. It Is claimed thai
this acid, unlike others, dlssolvej
away the rust without attacking thi
solid metal, and also tends to prevent
subsequent vustlng. The electrolyU
Is made by adding 10 parts of pho
phorlc acid to 90 parts of water, ol
by adding a 10 per cent solution ol
sodium phosphnte to 10 per cent ol
the acid. A temperature between M
knd 70 degrees Centigrade is recom
mended. Dr. R. B. Duganne, dtntlat,
Nations! Hiwik Building.
elgium Under
tihe German!
Brand Whitlock
U. S. Minister to Belgium
An Absorbing Story Masterfully Written.
Contains the Official Record of
Belgium's Tragic Fate
Begins Serially February 17th
Oregon Sunday Journal