LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE YOU'LL enjoy this real Burley cigarette. It's full of flavor just as good as a pipe. IT'S TOASTED The Burley tobacoo is toasted; makes the taste delicious. You know how toasting improves the flavor of bread. And it's the same with tobacco exactly. MS r. m ) Guaranteed by COMMUNITY ITEMS Chas. McComas went to Dal 'as on Thursday to be examined for the crmy and was placed in the 5th class Misses Plant and Ros were Sunday guests at their home at Wigrich. Mrs. Ralph Porterfield, Mrs. Harry Stratton combined busi ness with pleasure in Indepen dence on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and fam ily were Sunday guests at the hoire of the latter'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. McComas, at Wijr rich. A. Plant and daughter of Salem visited at Wigrich the last week with his sister and brother, Mrs. Rose and Mr. Walter Plant, and his mother and sister at Buena Vista. He has enlisted and was his farewell visit. Mrs. Rose of Wigrich is spending a few days in Salem with relatives. C. W. Niemeyer of Salem, late of the 1st Canadian contingent, entertained a large audience in the Methooist Episcopal church at Buena Vista on Sunday even inn, February 3rd, when he re lated several ot his experiences tit the front. A collection was taken in aid of the I'uer.a Vitta Red Cross auxiliary and over $28 contributed a splendid tri bute to the patriotism of the district. Mr. Niemeyer was the guest of Major and Mrs. Rose on the Wigrich Ranche from where some 30 members of the staff drove to the meeting. Relics of the war brought from the front by Mr. Niemeyer, which had ' kAan rttipiniiolii rr r1iQTlov ii thk urcn iciiuuoij vii i - ij id vuv Misses Plant and Rose store, were also exhibited and explained by him. SOUTHERN PACIFIC ISSUES NEW FOLDER MAP OF STATE A new folder mop of Oregon lias just been issued by the Southern Pacific Lines. This map will be of service to local people in gaining a better knowledge of our state, and will also direct the attention of residents of other states to the re sources of Oregon. The map is carefuly drawn, showing all the lakes, streams and principal mountain peaks, as well as the railroads and highways. All the cities and towns are plainly indicated, and an alpha betical index enables one to read ily determine the location of any town in the state. On the back of the map is a brief but very complete exposition of Oregon's resources. The geo graphical divisions, with physical features, climate, productions and scenic atractions, are set forth in detail. The prospective settler or I lie tourist w ill here find much valuable information. All of the worli on this map was done in Portland. Copies can be obtained from any Southern Pacific representative. THIRSTY AT ALBANY ARE OUT POT OF GOOD MONEY A "number of thirsty ones ot Al bany 'chipped" in betwen $200 and $300 and sent a representative to Ilonibrook, Cal., for the purpose of bringing back some of the elix er found at that popular resort. He departed hence several weeks ago and up to this time has not come back. lie has even neglected to send them a postal card show ing the scenery. Now certain fel lows in Albany think this fellow meanest guy on the Pacific coast, though it is reckoned that he is no longer on the Pacific coast. Pr. R E. Duganne. dfntiat, 'atloiiBl Bank Building. . Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as tliej cannot reach thu snat of the (llst-ase. Catarrh la a local disease, greally In fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure It you must take an Internal remedy. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts thru the blond on the mucous sur faces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Cure was prescribed by one of the best fihyslclans In this country for years. It s composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect com bination of the Ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Cure Is what produces such wonderful results In catarrhal condi tions. Fend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY CO., Props., Toledo, O. All DrusRists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. laming Power The world today is demand ing: of every man the maximum of his earning power. Are you keeping your earn ing power up to the high stand ard? There's only one way to do this- Eat Pure, Eull Strength Foods j; We have a reputation for handling nothing but the BEST GROCERIES obtainable. The best is none to good for our customers, and we spare neither expense nor trouble to proenre it. Calbreath & Jones SONNY BOASTS If la could jump like it little flea He'd give three jumps and where would lie he? Most 'way down by that big gate! Then he'd give three jumps and jump hark straight Might here to me 'cause I'd bo call ing him, you see. If l'a could fly like a humble bee He'd fly right up in that tull tree, Where he'd stay awhile then fly around. lie wouldn't stay in that tall tree Cause I'd be calling him you see. Ain't it funny a great big man Can't do what a bee or a humble bee can"? Claudius Thayer. ASTOUNDING REPORT FOR INDEPENDENCE The wife of a merchant had stomach trouble bo bad ihe could eat nothing but toast, fruit and hot water. Every thing elue would aour and ftrment. ONE SPOONFUL buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka benefited her INSTANTLY. Because Adler-i-ka flushes the ENTIRE alimen tary tract it relieves ANY CASE con stipation, sour stomach or gas aid prevents appendicitis. It has QUICK EST action of anything we ever sold Williams Drug Company. EVIDENT THAT THE ROBBERS WERE MARRIED WOMEN Two women recently robbed a Kansas store, and not getting an money from thewoman proprietor grabbed six pair of trousers and fled. This is strong evidence the robbers were married women, and if they had been followed they would have been seen going through the pockets of the whole six pairs. Salem Capital Journal. THREE CHURCHES USE ONE PREACHER HARMONIOUSLY Three Protestant churches at Forest Grove have decided to march together as Christian soldiers mi der one leader. Or perhaps it would be nearer accurate to say that they will flock together under one shepherd. Oregonian. Notice to Skilled Workers Arrangements' have been made to have C. W. Irvine accept en rollments for the United States Public Service Reserve. He has all the necessary enrollment cards and buttons. If you are skilled in any line of work, call at the Farmers State Bank and and talk this over with Mr. Irvine. 3E i3 'v4 H 6- f V f 'i I I tr4 lea inning Feb. "'9th and tiding Feb. 1 Still We will Sell at a pecial Price 1 lb. can Royal Club Coffee, - - 31c 3 lb. can Royal Club Coffee, - - 90c l 2oz. bottle Royal Club Pure Vanilla or lemon Extract 20c 1 2-oz. can Royal Club Pepper, - - 6c 1 2-oz. car. Royal Club Mustard, - 6c 1 2-oz. can Royal Club Ginger, - - 6c 2 cans Libby's Aster or Carnation Milk 25c 1 25c can Boraxo Bath Powder, - - 18c 1 25c bottle Del Monte Catsup, - 16c The above are specials for a period of time only and will not be Fold at these prices after the expiration of the above dates. Below You Will Find a Small List of Comparative Prices Which Will Be of Interest to You. We have not reduced everything In our store as costs would not justify It, but most of our stock has received our attention. THESE WILL BE REGULAR PRICES which we expect to maintain If market conditions justify. 9 lb. sack Corn Meal, 9 lb. sack Rolled Oats, 1 lb. can Ground Chocolate, I lb. bulk Coffee, 1 lb. bulk Coffee, 1 lb. bulk Coffee, 1 lb. No. 1 S. L. Tea, 1 lb. No. I Gun Powder Tea, 1 lb. No. 1 English Breakfast Tea, 2 lbs. Brick Codfish, I Pkg. Snowf lake Soda Crackirs, 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder, 1 lb. Schillings 44 1 can Standard Corn, 1 can Standard Tomatoes, was 75c, now 67c it ti it it ti ti ii it it 44 44 44 75c, 44 69c 35c, 44 31c 25c, 44 21c 30c, 44 26c 35c, " 31c 60c, 44 53c 65c, 44 55c 75c, 44 65c 40c, 44 35c 35c, 44 30c 50c, 44 45c 50c, 44 45c 15c, 44 12c 15c, 44 12c Space will not permit the enumeration of more items at this time but it will pay you to investigate. YOURS TRULY, Johnson & Collin s i U rf