' INDEPENDENCE MONITOR "THE PAPER THAT EVERYBODY READS" VOL. 6 INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1918 NO. 20 THE RHYMING SUMMARIST An angel girl is with us now, She's borrowed from the Post, She makes sunshine all around Like in summer 'most; We dare not give or reveal her name, It's a secret we are keeping, To spring in style After while When the Post is peeping. Good natured folks are rather scarce, Most of us are crabby, Then others think the world would stop Unless they're always gabby; Laughter and song we must have To keep the joy a-flowing, And no honest smile Can ever rile, A coming or a going. We think Peter at the golden gate Will honor all the passes Which read, "The bearer and Golden Rule Stuck like old molasses;" "Do him first or he'll do you," Some poor fish are poohing, But if they go So, so, so, They'll soon be done for "doing." . Good looking as some folks are, They'd be ugly in a minute, If cross and crooked all the time, Out of the game or in it; We pass this way but only once And in our chase for money, We ought to stop Our little hop And sip our bit of honey. "THE CONQUEROR" AT ISIS FEB. 13-14 The milliont of admiwrs of stalwart William Farnum. the famoui Fox Film star, may look forward with keen an ticipation to "The Conqueror", a mas give and thrilling William Fox photo dramatic romance based on the life of one of America's frontier heroes, General Sam Houston, of Texas, which will be seen at the Iais Theatre, on Wednesday and Thursday nights Feb. 13 ar.d 14. The first announcement of this big production carries with it the facts that it was directed by R. A. Walsh, producer of "The Honor System" and other Fox pictures of extraordinary merit, and that in the course of its production, "The Conqueror" made use of several thousand Indians, Mexi cans and live stock; that the battle scenes, in which a hundred cannon were used, are tremeduous; that the love story is one of infinite charm and that the dramatic action builds to a climax calculated to maka every spec tator gasp for breaih. Scenes full of fire and action rouse one to the highest pitch of excitement. No more realistic battle scene can be imagined then when nearly a thousand United States soldiers and Indians clash with Mexican soldiers. It is the great est spectacle yet produced on the screen. Try to picture in your mind the in tensely dromatic invading of a convent, with its circle of a hundred white robed sisters, by the Mexican invad ers, with their final rescue by Cavalry men. This is but one of the gripping scenes in "The Conqueror." William Farnum appears in the in teresting character of Sam Houston, a historic figure in the early days of Texas. In the picture Sam Houston is first shown as a diamond in the rough, living among the Cherokee Indians and indifferent to the call of his white brethern. But when he meets the Tennessee Rose, played by the lovely Jewel Carmen, Hounton undergoes a complete reversal of form. From that moment he is filled with unconquerable ambition and the pic ture carries him through the various steps in his career, from constable to governor and from governor to the general who repulses, with the aid of his Cherokee friends, an army of llexicani and saves the woman he loves from the hands of the renegade leader of the raiding Greasers. BRAND WH1TLOCK RE VEALS FAN GERMANISM The tragedy of Belgium has awak ened the world to the full significance of Pan-Germanism -that over-ambitious policy of territorial aggrandize ment that reckons not with treaty obligations and human considerations in its accomplishment. Belgium wss the quickest highway to France. Therefore, Belgium must be sacrificed regardless of Germany's previous guarantee of Belgian neutral ity for, declared the Prussian machine, a treaty is only "a scrap of paper" and "necessity knows no law." For more than four years the United Sutes has been represented at the seat of the Belgian government by Brand Wbitlock as minister. Mr. Whitlock became famous in this country during the four years that he served as mayor of Toledo, Ohio, hen his broad under standing of civic problems was evi denced in his writings. No more suitable man could have oc cupied the Betgain legation during this critical period than Brand Whitlock and his account of Belgium's tragic experi ence which will be published serially in The Oregon Sunday Journal beginning February 17, is the biggest story that tsy war has produced. The Post's Prosperity Edition grows larger each day. EVAPORATOR PLANT. Another industry was assured for Independence this week when Horst Bros, of San Fran cisco, announced that their large hop dryers on their ranch, just north of twn, would be convert ed into an evaporator plant for the drying of vegetables. There is a possibility that the estab lishment may be moved into this city. The Horst ranch, consist ing of nearly a thousand acres, heretofore used for the growing of hops, ran be planted to beans. peas, carrots, spinach and other vegetables. This with the ad ditional acreage that eould be contracted for would give the evaporating plant plenty to do. A large number of men will be given employment. Thus Independence gains its second "prosperity maker," the Valley & Siletz Railroad being the first. It is almost a cer tainty that a condensary will be established and a Loganberry juice plant is within reach. Then the Polk County Post will soon make its appearance as the her ald of better times and condi tions. " FOUND A LOST SHEEP A Monitor reporter met 'J. A. Macy in Salem the other day. The latter said he was on his way to the feeble minded home and if the reporter was headed that way he could go along. The. Monitor representative agreed and started with him and the conversation drifted to Indepen. dence. After tke reporter had boosted the "old home town" for about five minutes, he aiked Mr. Macey to come back to Indepen dence and the entire population would welcome him as they do the flowers in May. Mr. Macy agreed to think it over and then stopping suddenly exclaimed, "what do I want to take you to the feeble minded home for; you're all right in tke bead." That was how tke reporter at tempted to get a lost sheep back to the fold, even tho he took a chance on getting in the home for the feeble minded. TOO OLD BUT REGISTERS Independence, has one young man who is registered, . tho he didn't need to be. When regis tration day came, Frank Dick bob got to figuring on his age and was somewnat in doubt as to the exact time he had been on earth. He didn't have time to find out for sure, and being perfectly willing to serve if his country took married men, put down his age as between thirty and thirty one and was duly enrolled. A few weeks later he found out from his parents that he wasa year older than he guessed. DAD SWOPE RECORDER "Dad" Swope has succeeded "Son" Swope as city recorder. The change was made at Wed nesday night's meeting of the city council. Upon the resigna tion of the young man, the coun cil promptly and unanimously elected his father to succeed him. In the same fashion Andy Tup per was re-elected marshal. The finance committee, which consists of W. E. Craven, Bohan r.on and Mix, submitted a lengthy report concerning the financial condition of the city and will make another report at the next meeting after they have secured additional data from the treasurer. It is proclaimed very emphatically in the report that the committee intends to insist upon a most economical adminis tration of city affairs. The matter of vacating a part of a street so as to permit W. T. Hoffman to install a grain pit at the mill was started on the road to settlement. The council is unanimous in wishing to give Mr. Hoffman the chance to build the pit, but is somewhat divided as to Whether to vacate, lease or grant a franchise for the use of the piece of street in question. LITTLE GIRL KILLED. Erma, aged four, was killed and Pauline, aged two, was seri ously injured in an automobile collision in Portland Tuesday night. They are the daughters of W. A. Graham of Dallas. Their mother disappeared at Til lamook last September with a young man named Viers under mysterious circumstances. KEEP OFF THE GRASS Some gardens have been plant ed and grais seed is being sown on the parkings and lawns. Possibly a number have not found it out yet for complaint has been filed with the Monitor that some folks are wulking on the seeded parkings. Please keep on the sidewalks aud off the grass. P-T MEETING The regular meeting of the P a r e n t-Teachers' Association was held Tuesday afternoon. A Lincoln program was given by the pupils and there were some musical numbers, all of which was much enjoyed by those pres ent. CONCERT WAS GOOD The annual concert given at the Normal Tuesday night was a complete success both in attend ance and program. It was also the occasion for "breaking in" the new chapel. A large nm ber from Independence attended, roing by special train, and Inde pendence talent was well repre sented on the program. McBETH BUYS C. McBeth, who has built up a large business as a plumber, this week purchased the building on C street, owned by Asa Taylnr, and will move hit shop3 into it at once. He is also planning on adding additional equipment. LIST OF DELINQUENTS Names of registrants who have fail ed to return their questionaires: Edmond Chas. Barney, Donovan Dud ley Miller, Ernest Murray Barney, Raymond Edward Bulsen, Harry Allen berg, Sidney Read, Geo. Robert Turn- er, Adalbert Speer, Daniel Ernest Roth, Carl Schneider, Rollo James Mc Kinney, Matl Simpson, Roger Lam bert, Clyde C. Vincent, Gus Captain, Win, Canoy, Edgar J. Seeley, Chm. Lyman Bigelow, Owen M. Thompson, Nickelal Goertz, Kristian Dejgaard Nielsen, O. R. Brantner, Jno. b ilett, J. W. Esaig, Leroy Stalnaksr, Wm. Swanson, Harry Quiring. Any one knowing the address of any ot the above named persons, please re port to Local Board for the County of Folk, State of Oregon, Dallas. INDEPENDENCE BOY ON TUSCANIA Edgar J. Seeley of Independence was on the Tuscania, the American transport sunk by a German submarine off the coast of Ireland. It cannot be stated with accuracy at this time that he was saved, but in all probabilities he was. The Tuscania carried a total of 2397, including the crew. The saved number 2296 leaving 101 to yet be accounted for. 44 of the missing 101 have been washed ashore but none of them could be identified. This is the first time German subs ever "got" an American transport. The Tuscania was the vessel tt carried Co. h over several weeks ago. ui onv ill roAiinr wdititc untie ki uvi ill I imiiub itniibd u v wit- Somewhere in France, Jan. 15 I am well and we have a fine place. There are many American soldiers in France and many are fighting. I have heard lots about fighting but am not allowed to tell any thing about it. We cannot understand the French people so we don't do much talking to them. The girls are quite fond of us. I have a pretty widow and if I could only understand her I would be at home he'e. Everything is so much different here. There are many wine joints. The best wine sells for 28 cents a quart and even the 8-cent wine is good. You never see a drunken soidier here. It makes me laugh to see such little cars and narrow streets. Fares are collected after the train stops. I am glad I joined the army and am not afraid to go to the front. When I do the Germans had better look out. R. YV, WELL, HE'S SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE A soldier writes: "I am sor ry I cannot tell you where I am, because I am not allowed to say. But I venture to state that I am not where I was, but where I was before I left here to go where I have just come from." THE WILLIAM FOX WONDER PICTURE Maim Famum IN BLANKS SENT FARMERS Blanks have been Bent out to all farmers by agricultural boards and agents fdr the pur poses of ascertaing the prospec tive crops and labor conditions. BANKERS BACK BOYS The bankers of Polk county are backing all boys financially who will raise pigs this year. "The (Itonqiieror A Gripping Drama In 8 Reels, Picturing the Career of General Sam Houston. Three Hundred of (he Most Famoui American Indians, with their Chiefs, Mexican Soldiers, United States Cavalrymen, Texas Rangers Trappers and Guides. : : i i A Picture that Will Go Down : in the Annals of Fllmdom Directed by R. A. WALSH Who Made "The Honor System" : : IS THEATR: Wednesday and Thursday Nighto I February 13 and 14 j i