Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, February 01, 1918, Image 1

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NO. 25
"Mr. Summarist: Why don't you shout,
My Wife Has Gone To the Cou itry Hoora
That's how most men feel about it
If they dared to say;
Or are you one of the henpecked kind,
Afraid of any lady,
Please tell me so
I want to know,
Yours as ever, Sadie."
Why, Sadie, how you talk,
Our hair is streaked with gray,
We might have been a live one once,
Every dog his day;
Larry and Cecil now have theirs,
Each is a star that twinkles,
While we're a mut
And in the rut
Ironing out the wrinkles.
Ole Olson was a Swedish man,
We knew long, long ago,
He says "when Tillie she ban oop,
Vy, Ay I vas downt below;"
So soms must shine and give their light,
While others must not glitter,
An old guy skate
Starts too late,
Perhaps this thought is bitter.
We're hugging now a red hot stove
Which makes us somewhat sleepy,
With J. Frost a snooching near,
A fellow's sort of creepy;
Our bedmate is a jar of fruit
Which is not at all appeasing,
While we like it not
It is our lot
To keep the stuff from freezing.
Europe's Meat Supply Must Come
From America.
Warring Nations Have Depleted Live
Stock at Enormous Rate, Fvet
Killing Dairy Cattle For Food.
American stock breeders are being
asked to conserve their flocks and
herds In order to meet Europe's tre
mendous demands for meats during
the war aud probably for umny years
The United States food adminis
tration reports that American stock
ruisers have shown a disposition to
co-operate with the government in in
creasing the nation's supply of live
Germany today is probably better
supplied with live stock tlmn any oth
er European nation. When the Ger
man armies made their big advance
Into France and then retreated vir
tually all the cattle in the Invaded
territory approximately l,Sou,000
head were driven behind the German
But in England whore 2,4)0,0O0
acres of pasture lands have been turn
ed Into grain fields the cattle herds
are decreasing rapidly. One of the
reasons apparently Is the declining
maximum price scale adopted by the
English as follows: lor September,
$17.73 per 10O pounds : (Vtolier, $17.28 ;
November and December, $15 )8; Jan
lary, $14.40. The effect of these prices
was to drive beef animals on the mar
ket as soon as possible.
In France the number of cattle as
well as the quality have shown an
enormous decline during? the war.
Where France had 14.Sn7.iXX) head of
cattle In 1913, she now has onlV 12,
341.SXX, a decrease of Ifl.fl per cent
And France is today produe'.::g only
one gallon of milk compared to two
and one-half callous before the war.
Ienniark mid Holland have been
foreed to sacrC e dair y herds for beef
because of tl.c :u 'k of ner-evsary feed.
Close m .i-i.v oi' .i.e l.uropeaii meat
siniMtion lots coin ini oil i lie Komi Ad
ministration that tl.e fuiure problem
of America lies largely in the produc
tion of mi nt producing animals and
dairy products rather thiin In the pro
duction of ccivttls for export when
the war will have ceased.
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Independence went to bod oArly
Sunday night nVd so likewise did
the people of Monniouth and Pal
las. A walk around in the resi
dence districts of this city at ton
o'clock showed but few candles
burning. The reason for this un
expected observance of one of the
cardinal rules of health is easily
explained. The ramrod got stuck
in the piston valve of the Oregon
Power Co.'s electricity maker and
no juice could got by the jiunpaiid
kick. Minus juice 4 there was no
light. YV. R Harnettj city electri
cian said this morning that in
such cases if any body had climb
ed up and spit on the wire where
it entered the house, they might
have broken their fool necks in
climbing down. About midnight
the ramrod was blown out by con
densing all the wind going over
the wires to the company olliccs
and some hero in Dallas turned
on the light.
There was n "Community Sing"
at the Methodist church and those
present sung every thing they knew
by ear, but as there were so many
present who only knew the words
of such old favorites as "Put on
Your Old Gray lionet" and How
Dry I am," it was deemed best to
postpone the "sing" until (mother
time. Presbyterian services were
hold at the Hotel Heaver owing to'
the presence of other light than
electric. This led to a sort of
compulsory atendance of a fw
who had always imagined that
church services consisted of u
. , a prayer and a colloc
tion. A few other Incident I n'
pened during the that are distress
ing to mention. One. man kissed
another nian"s wile, by mistuke of
course, and a fellow took the wrong
girl home . Owing to the scarcity of
beaux, he didn't lose the right girl
because of it but if there hadn't
been a big wnr in Europe something
more heart rending might have
been the consequence. One redeem
ing feature of the night of no light
was that a number of women in all
three cities saw their husbands for
the first time in years on Sunday
evening. The explanation of this
is that when it is dark as a stack
of blue clips, pair of duces is as
good as u king full, providing of
course that affidavits are not re
quired fear each transaction.
The Military Whist party giv
en by the Civic League Wednes
day night was fairly well at
tended and those present spent
an unusually pleasant evening.
Nearly $20 was netted for patri
otic fundi.
In the Prosperity Kdition which
will appear sometime in February,
we desire to publish a list of all the
home boys who are now in.tlro ser
vice, of the country. Ajrlie, Mon
mouth, Suver, Hucna Vista and
Parker will be included in the list.
Despite our best efforts we are go
ing to miss a few and to aid us in
making the list as complete us pos
sible, it would be a great favor if
relatives and friends, and especi
ally those living in (he country,
would assist us by phoning or
sending to this office the names of
their soldier boys.
Siuee beginning operation the
first of the year, the Valley &
Siletz railroad has gained stead
ily in business, the iincrpase be
ing of such a size as to require
the addition of another coach to
its equipment. Also a gas car
will be used when it arrives.
Superintendent Williarr.s is ex
pecting si on to make Indepen
dence his headquarters and all of
his office force now at Hoskins
will come here. With increased
train service, the V. & S. will
begin an era of prosperity. It
will also greatly help Indepen
dence and all the country thru
which the railroad runs.
Representatives of the Salem
Loganberry juice manufacturers
are quite sure they can secure
considerable acreage in this vi
cinity and say they will guaran
tee that the raising of Logan
berries is profitable. They point
to the success of many Marion
county growers as ai example.
Loganberry juice is supplanting
grape juice as the national tem
perance drink and the demand
for it thruout the country is rap
idly increasing. Loganberry
growing is bound to be a leading
Oregon industry.
Two professors from the Uni
versity of Oregon started to
school at Camp Lewis today.
They are Professor John Bovard,
of the department of zoology,
and Dean Walker, director of
Freshman athletics. Professor
Bovard will enter the school of
arms and will study gas and
fiame attacks. Professor Walk
er, will make a specialty of the
bombing. Wken these two men
have finished their studies at the
camp they will return to the
university and teach students
what they learn. Camp Lewis
Notes inOregonian.
Mrs. Abigail B. Travis died in
Portland last Monday at the age
of 76 yeare. She was the moth
er of six children, among them
being Mrs. Fred Howard of In
dependence. Funeral services
were held Wednesday afternoon
at the Baptist church, Dr. H. C.
Dunsmore officiating. Interment
was made in the I. O. 0. F. cem.
The honor of representing "Amer
ica" in a presentation to Queen
Mary of F.ngland has been conferred
upon an Oregon matron, Mrs. T. C.
Campbell. Mrs. Campbell is n tall,
attractive typo of womanhood and
is striking in her handsome robe of
red anil white satin with Id tie drape,
silver stars, gold C-recian strappings,
gold helmet with silver stars and
black eiigle feathers. Mrs. Campbell
was photographed in her attractive
costume, wearing the emblem w hich
guve her permission to be presented
nl court.
The presentation was made No
vember 28, 1017, i ii a "Pageant of
Fair Women" arranged by Her Hoy-
al Highness Princess Lnngrnna Cav
alier and I.ady Cavan at a reception
to the Queen and Princess Mary.
The Queen complimented Mrs.
Campbell upon her representation of
"America" and personally thanked
her for her participate!! in the pa
geant. Mrs. Campbell is the wife of
lr. Campbell, a member of the Ca
nadian forces who has been in Eng
land and France for the past two
year in the service. Mrs. Campbell
is a daughter of T. J. Fryer, of In
dependence, Ore., and a grand
daughter of the late Judge A. II.
Fryer. She has made a name for
herself in the literary field, writing
several short stories and magazine
artclies. Sunday Orcgonian.
To the General Public of Polk
In compliance with the request of
Mr. V. H. Aver, Federal Foo.l Ad
ministrator for Oregon, I have con
sented to serve as county chairman
for Polk County. Any questions
pertaining to the administration of
food in this county should be re
ferred to mo and I shall endeavor
to give them my prompt and con
siderate attention. Your sympa
thetic, full and patient cooperation
is requested.
The public should ALWAYS
bear in mind:
1. That wo must conserve and
substitute NOW if we would have
plenty for ourselves and our allies
nflerwhile. We must follow NOW
the HF.Qt'F.STS of our government
or we shall probably follow the Olt
DF.15S of ANOT1IF.U government
2. That the government's direc
tions to grocers, confectioners and
hotels are very definite and that
they are FAPl'.CTKD to live up to
regulat ions.
3. That we should cooperate
with them fully ami gladly and
never ask them to make an excep
tion of CS. To do so is very em
barrassing to them and it proves
that wo are unloyal, if not disloyal
to our government.
4. That wheat, sugar, meat and
fats are the foods to be conserved
and substituted.
5. That Monday and Wednesday
are w heat less days and ut least one
meal on all of the other days should
be also; thai we should use sugar,
pork aud fats very sparingly all of
the lime.
(i. That we are to deny ourselves
these articles even though it costs
us much more to get the subsli
tutes. The purpose is to supply the
armies. We must bear our part of
the iuconvcnicueo and hardship if
such it bo.
(Continned on Page 4, Col. S)
My wife, Uuela Ireland, and
myself having seperated, notice
is hereby given that I will pay
no bills contracted by her.
Dated Feb. 1, 1918.
Ellis R. Ireland.
A view of an xi -riiaental tn-neli
nhouiiig an entrain e to an lui'li rvrniiini
pti.-saje. Ttitie NtirrviiM Hre ccjutruct
e In all s-rious!ie- . !,! the hoys real
ize something of ' : v!i r iu the
Hare's an old fuslilono'l recipe for j
corn muflini that hit recently been
revived and used with miuaual sucrea '
In several of the larger New York ho
tels: To make three and a half doten
muffins take one quart milk, all ounce
butter auhititute, twelve ounces of
light syrup or honey, four efts: pln'.-h
of salt, two ounces baking powder,
one and a half pounds corn meal and
one and a half pounds rye flour. The
butter and syrup should he thoroughly i
rolled: then add the e:(rs gradually.
Pour In the milk tnd add the rye flour
mixed with cornun-al aud baking pow-dar.
Parched cm-nmeal Is the feature of
these excellent wheatleas biscuits.
First, the cornmeHi one-half s cup
Is put In a shallow pun plaeed In the
oven and stirred frequently until It
Is a delleate brown. The other Ingre
dients are a Unmoor) of suit, a cup
of peanut butter and one and a half
cupa of water. Mix the peanut but
ter, water and salt slid heat. While
this mixture is hot stir In the meal
wblch should slao be hot. Heat thor
oughly. The dough should be of such
consistency thut It can be dropped
from a spoon. Hoke In small eakee
In an ungrensed pan. This makes 18
blseulu, each of which eontalna one
slith of an ounce of protlu.
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Mr y Ns.
GoiawynPiclures Star
JV1udj;e Kennedy In
"Nearly Married"
As Great a Comedy as uBaby Mine"
and "Twin Beds"
Wednesday and Thursday Nights
February 6th and 7th