Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, August 10, 1917, Image 3

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    !Sr- (fclilrPn
Shabby House
Shabbineuu meanB deterioration and decay.
Good p aiDt will incjafe tLe value ' of ) our
property and add many years to its life by
protecting it from rain, mow, sunshine ud
the influence of the elements.
protects your propsrty betttr, because it laeta
longer. It costs less because each gallon of
the Acrna Quality Kind covers more surface.
Ask at our Btor for a free copy of our Acme Quality
Painting Guide Book. It tella all about paint and painting,
Avhat to use, how much will be required and how it hould
be applied.
Jay McCarthy returned home
ob Wednesday from eastern
Oregon where he has been work
ing. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bevens
went to Belknap Springs to
spend their vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher are
here visiting Mrs. Fisher's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L Chown and
son, Ernest, visited relatives and
friends in McMinnville Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Lichty
and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Prather
motored to Suver Sunday and
called at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gobat, who had the mis
fortune to lose their barn by fire
Thursday evening.
If there were no rosy fingers on a tiny
dimpled hand
Grasping in their simple sweetness all
the heart strings of the land,
If no eyes of dreamy wonder beamed
with innocence and glee,
What a miserable wildnerntsa this
weary world would be.
If there were no wee pink toaias on
the chubby little feet
So soon to join the multitude along
life's busy street,
If there were no need of comfort or
no baby tears to dry,
Not a ray of real sunshine ever would
adorn the sky.
Don't Do Sentry Duty
Any Longer
VOU can dust, sew or read while the Electric
Ran Is cooking your dinner.
An Electric Range will not only release you
from sentry service in the kitchen, but It will also effect actual
economies In your cooking by making foods go farther through
reduction of shrinkage.
Mo surplus heat escapes Into the kitchen from an Electric
An Electric Range
Keeps the Kitchen Cool
Three degrees of heat-high, medium, low-available Instantly at
a turn of a switch, enable you to secure just the right temper
ature for your work, from the standpoint of cleanliness, con
venience and safety, an Electric Range Is unequalled.
Call today and Inspect the various
tlcularly their simplicity and ease
Oregon Power, Co.
Rev. and Mrs. Atkinson and
sons, th Misses VanAvery and
Ray Grounds motored to Moun
tain View Sunday in the Grounds'
G. W. McLaughlin is enjoying
a visit from his sister.
Grandma McClain and her
grandsen, Raymond McClain,
returned home Sunday from a
visit to Corvallia.
Miss Lena Snyder spent the
week at Independence with her
aunt, Mrs. Mattison.
Frank Fisher had the mis
fortune to cut his thumb one day
last week.
There will be services at the
M. E. church Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock and evening at 8
o'clock". Everybody welcome.
If no tired little toddler ever nestled
on the breast
Awhile the lullahy shall woo the sand
man from the West
To dream a dream of manhood when a
few short yeara have flown,
Then there'd be no heaven yonder and
no everlasting throne.
Ye who in full manhood's power rule
the universe below,
Recollect the hour eometh when with
tottering steps and slow
-You'll relinquish all your glory and be
nowhere in the raee,
Then the tot in yonder cradle will be
holding down your place.
styles on display,
of opcratlenu
Note par
(Fnm the Monmouth Herald)
A special freight is running on
the S. P. through this city haul
ing logs, which traffic originates
on the Valley & Siletz railroad.
A more or less casual perusal
of the draft list fails to discover
any great proportion of pool hall
loafers among the chosen. If the
general scheme of selective con
scription is to secure such, it
overshot the mark in Polk coun
A peculiar trouble'which the
gardener is experiencing this
year is that potatoes, which are
very small and barely ripe are
beginning to grow again. Some
say in explanation that the
ground is so warm as to cause
the growing".
Mrs. Macy, who has been reg
istrar at the Normal for a long
time has resigned her position.
Her husband has accepted a po
sition in Salem and they will go
there to live. Mrs. Macy has
been with the Normal so long
that she was considered as almost
a fixture and will be missed by
many. Her successor is Miss
Bramberg of Independence.
Winegar and Lorence unloaded
a threshing outfit Wednesday
for a company of fourteen farm
ers in the Luckiamute country.
The fourteen have formed a
combination and expect to do
their own threshing, trading
hands and keeping the machine
for use when needed. Frank
Lougharry has invested in a
tractor which is to operate this
separator. The company will
pay for the machine, an Advance
Rumely, this year and in the fu
ture will have the use of the
machine for the expense of up
keep. Lewis, Embree and Kiser
received a tractor also on
C. H. Parker sold a two year
old pig for $73.70 Monday, mak
ing the delivery in Independence,
The pig weighed 5550 pounds.
Wm. Riddell and son Leslie
started to Texas with two car
loads of goats last Wednesday.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local application!. they cannot reach
tns diseased portion of tha ar. Thn
ll only on way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that li by m constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Deafneaa li caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous llnlna of
the fcusuchlsn Tube. When this tuba Is
Inflamed you hsvs a rumbling sound or
Imperfect hearlneT. and when It Is entirely
closed. Deafness the result. Unlt-ss the
Inflammation can be reduced and this tube
restored to Its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness srt caused by catarrh, which Is
an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces-
UH's Catarrh Cure acts thru the
blood on tht mucous surfacaa of the ays
tem. We will (Ire One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Catarrhal OtslneM thst cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cura. Circulars
tree. All Druisleta 76c.
r j. cheney a co-. Toledo, a
A few men are born lucky-
some achieve luck and some
are simply good advertisers!
Aurora ObserTer.
No collections, no expense. We
want your slow accounts. We
assume all responsibility and
take all the blame. Yamoreg
Collection Agency, McMinnville,
Oreg. J. I. Knight, manager. 48tf
The Oregon
Agricultural College
Whrre trslnrd speelsliitl with modiru lab
er atones and adequate equipment le in
truttion ledin to collile degrees la tbs
following schools:
AORICULTUHE. with IS departments;
COMMERCE, with 4 aV,r ttn.Btl ;
ENGINEERING, with 0 departments, la-
sluding Cml, Klrrtriral. Highway. Industrial
Arts. Irrlgatiin, and Median, eel K.ngineeriag .
F0KE8TRT, Including lagging Kngiaeer
BOMB ECONOMICS, with 4 major depart
eots. including training in the Pretties
House ;
MINIVO, with three departments, inelsd
lag Chemical Engineering .
TUB aCHOOL Or MUSIC, offers In.trse-
tioa la tht prinripal d'partraerits of eecal
and instrumental music.
10R5 cadets is 1118 17, and won miiBmen
dsttsa for 0. A. C. from the Westers Depart
saent of the U. S. War Department ae ess of
the fifteea ")llos"ul-t institutions" of
higasr learaisg All redela will be faraiihed
ipleto anlferms by the V. ft. Uorersoaeat
aad the junior and aenior radets. enrolled in
the R. O. T. C, will b root mutation for
sabeieteacs. s well ae all trenp"jrtelif,o and
Sabeiatencs st In aix week,' Mumioer esiap
19IT LiformtUoa oa leanest. Address.
Registrar, Orejoa Agricultural Cello,
Dallas-J. E. Cooter, district
agricultural agent, has given up
his work, congress having failed
to provide funds to pay him.
the buck goat which won the
trrand championship at the Panama-Pacific
exposition two years
has been sold by W. D. Gilliam
to a Texas man for $250.
Airue The F. J. McGee farm,
known as the "Bewley place",
consisting of 900 acres, has been
sold to Montana men for $22 per
Gilliam The clover seed yield
in this section will be very light.
Pedee The Valley & Siletz
took out several cars of logs last
Ballston Farmers are not
going to sell their hay at the
present time, despite good prices.
Artie Sussman and Phil Polsky
of Portland were the purchasers
last week of 96J acres of land in
Polk county, near Independence,
from Fred Loy. The cash con
sideration was $10,854. Polsky
and Sussman took over the crops
and stock and are now residii g
on the ranch, which is well
equipped for dairying purposes.
Eighty-four acres of the tract
are under cultivation and 12J
acres are in timber. Portland
Garage for rent. Inquire at
Monitor office.
Porter and Shoe Shiner Reserves
Only Enough Daily to
Keep Himself.
Sandusky, O. Andrew Francla rat
rick Mahon, ality-Heven years old, ho
tel porter and ahoe ahlncr for more
than half a century. U "broke" from
doing his "bit."
"But 1 never was happier," any".
Mahon, "ami until this war enda I am
ftolng to keep rlRht on alluring aerowi
all the money I tail acrape together. 1
am going to place It where It will do
the most Rood."
Throughout the Red CroHii rampnlgn
Mahon turned over dally hla receipt
for the day. less what It eoNt him for
meals. What he ate oont him from oO
to 75 cents a day. Severn! times bo
paid to the Ited Croaa committee uuih
exceeding $10.
"Now I'm going to atari to wive so
1 can buy aome more liberty boiidti
when t'm le Sum find It iiccennary tn
float another lnNiie." mild Million "H.V
practicing the Htrlctowt economy I
ought to be able to aulwcrllie for aev
era! of the $lno dcnomlnntlon."
He waa the first to milmcrll. He
took $1,000 worth In the name of a
"Uncle Hum ha got to win," he aald
"1 am too old to light In the trenches,
but I'm not too old to help miNtaln
three or four youngsters who can tight.
Ever. penny I can acrape together
over and alwre what It cost a me to
keep myself In working trim I'ncle
Sam and the allien are going to get."
Pennsylvania Lints, Short of Man,
Now Hiring Girls.
Newfleld. N. J.-Thoiiand.s of excur
alonlMts on the electric lines of the
Went Jersey and Seashore railroad be
tween Camden and the aeuHhore at a red
tu atonlHliment at a young woman
wearing a trim, dark blue Ktraw hat
and large, orange colored goggled, who
atocol guard over the main grade tom
Ing In the town.
Thin flagman 1 Mix IaUe Ward,
the first girl to take up the Job at flag
ging trulna on the Pciinwylvaiila'a linen
In thl part of the country. Mlsx Ward
may aoon have many women oompim
loua on other part of I he division, aa
the railroad official have eiit out no
tlcea to their Htatlnn ugenfa and fore
men to employ women for these places)
whererer possible In order 'o free men
for the section gangs. In which the
railroad la aliorthatided.
Hair In Form of Cross.
Petorabursc, I ml.-Iler liattle la go
lug to leave hU hat at home for awhile
After much ttmly Lester decided m
what be thought would be the bet
scljeiiit to show his enthusiasm for Un
ited Cross. He went to a barber ahop
and whlired a few word to the bar
ber. Then the burlier gut leisy. When
Lester left the eh p hi- hnir was cut
closely except for a ' t the. ba '.:
of his bead, wtieie (lie hair waa left
1 t B i
Bible School at 10 a. m.
W. S. STEWART, Pastor.
Sunday school at 10.
Preaching t 11.
li. Y. V. U. at 7:00.
Preaching at 8:00.
TO EXPEND $4,000,000
Secretary Baker Says Several
Government Plants Are to
Be Established at Once.
Washington. - Secretary Kaker an
nounced that plants for the produc
tion of nltrtitc from atmospheric nitro
gen would be constructed Immediately
at u cost of aUnit $ (Hhi,ihki and that
water power would not be used. Sites
hnve not boon Hcleeiod.
Several go eminent plants are to l e
established nt once. Secretary linker,
clialrnniii f the so idled nitrogen
boil I'd, Issued the following statement
on I he siib.iect :
"Hy direction of the president certain
plants will be Immediately constructed
for tlit production of nitrates from nt
moNpheiic nitrogen. The plants to be
constructed h not Involve the uso of
water power, but use a process w hich
In a inndillcat Ion of processes previous.
y known, nml the total expenditure
Involved In t hese projects is uboiit $.
(Kio.ixm. Nothing lint her can be mild
at this time about the process: or the
location of the works which are to be
"Of the total amount appropriated by
con Kress-namely, $'Ji,ooH,(Xi(l-subst ini
tially $lli.(K,ou remains) undesignated
as to Us expenditure by the president.
The committee, consisting of the aecre
tarlesof war, Interior and agriculture, to
w hich the president referred the jwos
Hon of the (selection of a ulte or altea
for the development of water power,
has iiinde no report to the president on
that stihjecl, but is engaged In the
making gf liiitln r engineering studies,
anil the subject Is temporarily closed to
further dlscii-islon by localities and
comnninilles tie: iriug to be considered
as possible Miles for the plants."
Polics Investigated and Found Buildiny
Ventilator Porfoctly Loyal,
New York. A lin;.e electric fun on
top of the New York I . I on company
building at I'll ly lliinl mh'cI and Kixth
avenue was taken for a ;eiinnn wire
less) apparatus by a pn .--din citizen, und
tho police of the Wet i oily seventh
at reef sill I loll W ere not iped
The mini saw Spark coining from
tho fan, which Is imd to leniilale the
building, und told the police that Ten
ton spies were aeialllig ineisages.
Sergeant M n rkliauscr and two uieu
who were sent to Investigate cleared
up t ho in) story
Dr. R. E. Duganne, dentist,
National Bank Building.
r L -sea: .... to'
spfH nil si
r r 'W, stWirfaMF.
V V V J 7 .stm I m I a m tsf a 1MB mt " t 9 . -mf
War Can't Stop Us
It makes no difference in our
appetites for good eats. But the
question of the hour is, "whereto
et ood, satisfying eats at
medium prices."
It is plainly in evidence in every
part of our store. It consists of
Fresh, Pure, Clean Groceries
And the smiles of many satisfied customers is the
best of proof that we make good on every claim.
I i
Thos. D. Yarnes, Pastor.
a0 A. M. Sunday School.
11 A. M. Morning nervice.
3:00 P. M. Loyal Temperance Legion.
8:00 P. M. Eveninjf Bervice.
Dr. H. C Dunsmore, Pastor
10 a. m. Sunday school.
Their Food Valu Us In Wartime la
Seen by Conservara of Crop.
Washington. The humble peanut,
eaten casually when ono hapena to
pHsa a vender's cart, is coming Into It
own In tills war, according to olIKIaU
of the fixnl adndiilstrat Ion.
Tor peanuts make peanut butter,
which. It Is predicted, Is going to play
a more Important part In the dietary
as ordinary butter la conserved, lu line
with the food administration's milk
saving campaign.
Peanut butter has 2tl per cent of pro
tein, !!! per cent of fat mid "1 er cent
of carbohydrates and afTords a total of
2,filO calories per pound. Thus peanut
butter has a marked nutritive value.
Peanuts huve been forging ahead
anyway, for aluco lSltl) the culture of
peanuts has Increased rapidly In this
country. Then the ioaiuit acreage wa
MtU'io-l. Only last year It was 1,215,
ooo, and fills year it Is J.tHll.iXK).
Shelled peanuts yield from 4) to 60
ht cent of oil. This odlhle oil. It la
stated, compares favorably with olive
oil and In used for culinary purposes
and also for nut king oliMimiii'Kaiiue.
At present peanut oil rnuka fourth In
(pianlily of the vegetable oils produced
In the l iiited Stales. The estimated
product Ion of peanut oil for 11117 Is 41,
M' pound., or I.HO.j.'HH) cnllona.
An Important feiifurp of the eamit
crop from the standpoint of the food
administration Is that it la a crop of
which tho production may lie atlmii
later to almost any extent without un
desirable after results In the disposal
of the crop.
Practice in all Coun-;
$1 per 100
CorraUia, Orsgea.
i la tba form of a cross.