PEND MONITOR "THE PAPER THAT EVERYBODY READS" INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1917 NO. 52 VOL 5 NDE ENCE T THE RHYMING SUMMARIST Much old joy around this town, Shouts and great elation, Fellows are smiling big out loud, It's a time for celebration; One time gloom has hiked away, Gone with worry to the races, . No more sad It's all glad, See the difference in the faces. It will be a happy harvest, Even tho the contract's sticking, In a month we'll be at it, Come on people for the picking; Great Guns! Hops are now a quarter And still a climbing, going higher, Some one muled And got fooled, Up against it is the buyer. Our beets and beans and taters Caused the hops to up and go it, Speculators forgot we had 'em planted, Now they see it, now they know it; Looks like they'd get a stinging, To cover shorts will keep 'em humping, And it's the dope And much the hope, That hops will keep on jumping. So the harvest time's approaching And tho the yield is terser, For hops and beets and beans and taters, It could be a durn sight worser; The producer will get the coin, O'er that there's no contention, And the guy Who has to buy, We will not stop to mention. cfflo Wd gross Mirsp i Qik Stole Ballad JA) 4Ibcvt S. Crockett- MOW, this It tale of (he great blf war. ' Twai a maid ia a hos-pii-al Who flushed when the Patient said, "Von are A mighty likable tall" A ND ibe was a red little, cross little oursa, When he paid the com-pll-ment , But the saved the Patient from the bcarsa. And he fot well, and went THEN oft to France be tailed ; and, loo, When the call for ourses came, Sbe started off on the ocean blue As a full fledged Red Cross dame. THE bullets flew and the shells they bant, ' And the soldier, wounded, lay ; It I could be by a fair maid nursed, Why, I'd gladly pas away I" THEY took biro back in the am-bu-laoco ' To the big base hos-pit-al 'Twas an awful wound, but his waking glaacel Why you're thai likable gall" AM) tbe brave tittle, sweet little Red Cross nurse Just wooed him back to life, Ibeo be wooed her, for better or worse. And brought ber back his wife! iJr DuuJ It is alleged that potatoes are passing thru what many term their "second childhood." Supposingly thru growing and but few in a hill, a few days ago they perked up and commenced life over again. Late varieties show signs ot be ing a credit to their kind. WOMAN SUICIDES Anna B. Kinyon, aged 53, wife of G. W. Kinyon and the mother of several children, committed suicide by drinking poison at her home in Independence Wednes day afternoon. Despondent from ill health she carried out a threat she had made on several occasions. It is not known what drug she used to take her life, but what ever it was, sh gave a dose to a dog first to ascertain if it would do the work. The dog died in a few minutes. Mrs. Kinyon lived for a half hour after taking the poison and tho a physician was summoned aud arrived before her death, he could do nothing. Funeral services will be held at the Baptist church this afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. T. D. Yarnes officiating. Interment at the I. 0. 0. F. cemetery. CO. L HOME One hundred members of Co. L came to Dallas Saturday and went to their homes over the county. For a large number of them it was probably their fare well as it is expected that the Third Oregon will be moved south very soon. Camp life at Clack amas is growing monotonous. It is dry, hot and dusty and a change will be welcomed. The boys are all rugged and hardy and full of vim and fight They are now in excellent condition for any kind of service. FIRES In a fire which destroyed the the barn of E. B. Gobat near Suver last Thursday night, four head of horses, harness and several tons of hay were burned. The loss is estimated at $1500 without insurance. Futile ef forts were made by a number of men to get the horses out of the barn. A residence occupied by H. H. Griffith on D and Ninth streets caught fire Saturday night but was put out after the roof had been partially burned. A hop house went up in smoke Wednesday night. F. M. Brown was the owner. NEW REGISTRAR Miss Allie Bramberg of Inde pendence will succeed Mrs. Katie Macy as regristrar at the Nor. mal. Miss Bramberg has the necessary clerical ability and ex perience to qualify her for the place which has been so ably filled by Mrs. Macy and will make good. It will feel kind of queer around the Normal for quite a while without Mrs. Macy there for she was very popular with both the faculty and students. BOY BURNED The eight-year old son af P. T. Peterson of Parker, was bad ly burned yesterday under mys terious circumstances. The lad was playing around a wood saw and in some way irnited the gas in the engine. He says he did it with two wires. The boy was burned on the face, forehead, side and hand. STEWART RESIGNS Rev. W. C. Stewart, who hag been pastor of the Independence Baptist church for three years, has resigned. He has been called to the pastorship of a large church with a large membership in Wisconsin. As yet his resig nation has not yet been accepted. Mr. Stewart is still in the far East. 26 GENTS FOR HOPS Twenty-six cents was offered for hops this morning, the high est price in a number of years. Not many will be purchased at that figure for the grower who has a bunch on the vines will take his time about selling. The high price will not benefit the growers at piesent for a large portion of them have their crop contracted for at a lower figure, tho a few have a profit-sharing contract By the terms of the last named contract, any ad vance over the stipulated price is divided between the buyer and seller. The high price of hops is causing some rejoicing in the Independence district. The in dustry that was flat a few nionths ago appears to have come back. It is easy to account for the present price. Thousands of acres were abandoned this spring cutting Oregon's yield from over 100,000 bales to less than 40,000. Brewers have woke lip and realizing that they may IJe short have commenced to buy and speculators apparently face a shortage on their contracts. The hops in this section are not in the best of condition as a whole and the yield may be be low expectations. With picking time less than thirty days away, it seems to be the understanding that 50c a basket will be paid the pickers this year. A grower suggests to the Monitor that as many home folks pick this year as possible thus relieving any possible labor shortage. WHICH WAY There is a big rumpus in the north end of the county over which wav the hiehway will come into the county from Mc Minnville. A route by way of Ballston has been chosen by the commission which caused the Amity and McCoy people to get busy. Senator C. L. Hawlev in a speech before the commission declared that if the route goes by way of Ballston tourists going north will come as far as Inde pendence and then cross over to the east side. BOOTLEGGERS CAUGHT Sheriff John Orr caught two chaps in a cabin in the Black Rock district in the act of mak ing what John terms "a tolerable good brand of whiskey." They were brought before Judge Baker yesterday and given 100 days in the county jail. HARRY ORD CAPTAIN According to announcement made by the war department yesterday, Henry N. Ord of In dependence, who has been at the officers' training camp at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, has been given a commission as captain. DEAN COLLINS' TRIBUTE TO COMPANY L Bona of our bone nd flesh of our flesh; Company L is going away; And let's not think of the shrapnel thiesh And the mist of the powder smoke, low and gray Playing at marbles but yesterday; It is so hard to understand Company L is going away To the unknown chance of an unknown land. Home Town lies in vale of peace, Cool green fields and murmuring wood; And who dreamed that she could re- leu e Sons of war from thia neighborhood? But she hearkened the call and understood The call to the colors when it fell, And she reckoned the cost as best she could And gave up her sons in CompanyJL. But we in the valley know at last In the loneliness of our valley green - When the shadow of war on the land ia cast, A aoldier is more than machine; We look back over the years between And feel, with a pang ia the heart afresh, A aoldier is more than a machine Bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh. And yet, in spite ot the hurt inside, As we look on each fated, firm young face In Company L, we thrill with pride, The leaping pride of a fret men race; Sorrow and joy may interlace. But pride is keenest, for, truth to tell, Our country shall suffer no disgrace From the men we havs given in Com pany L. Bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh, Company L is going away From our valley of peace with green fields fresh Fighting men in their war array; For the "Werld-made-free" there'a a price to pay, A price we have reasoned and reckoned well, For we otter the core of our heart today In the men we offer in Company L. Dean Collins in the Oregonian. AMERICANS MUST "SHOW" ENGLISH According to Mrs. Mildred Campbell, who is now in Eng land, the English must be "shown" that the Americans can do anything in this war. In a letter to her father, T. J. Fryer, Mrs. Campbell says: "This war is a beastly busi ness. If we could only see the end somewhere, I5ut it is not in sight as far as we can see, and no one knows when it will end. The Americans have made great haste in coming over here and the papers say the first ones are in the trenches. I do hepe they make a lame for themselves. There are a lot of these hide bound English that won't give the Yankee credit for anything, but I reckon they will before they are out of this mesa. 1 hope Wil son does away with the profiteer ing class over there. It is shock ing nere. lorn nought a pair or shoes the other day that cost him $17.50. At home they would have cost six or seven. It's all a great, big highway robbery, only they don't wear masks." GUEST OF HONOR AT CHINESE DINNER PROSPECTIVE OFFICERS Among the 131 Oregon mm selected for training for officers are Ray M. Walker of Independ ence and Ivan H. Iugharry of Monmouth. They will report at the Presidio. San Francisco, August 27 for the usual three months' training. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL Thcra u.aa a hpnntif 111 Hisrilav of the aurora borealls, commonly called the northern lignts, last night. At first it was thought to have been the reflection of a big fire but after watching for a moment flashes like those of a searchlight could be seen which shot up from the zenith like iky rockets. Mra. M. E. Lewis, former resident of Independence, ia now in China. With her daughter, Grace, ahe is one of the chief attrHCtiona with a vaudeville com pany. Mrs. Alice Skinner received h very interesting letter from her the first of the week, extracta from which follow : "Shanghai U the best city we have seen in China. We were working at a place called the New World hut I did not like the percentage ao I rented a tlace on Canton road and will open Aug. 6. I have been sick for a week from vaccination.. I went to a Jap doctor and I think he did not under stand whHt I aaid when I told him I had been vaccinated five times but it did not take. I think he thought 1 wanted to be vaccinated in five places for that in what I got. It all took and I was some sick woman. Grace ia a great favorite. She gets $200 a week but it takes $181) of their money to equal $100 in gold and it costa a great deal to live. Grace and I were invited out to a Chinese dinner lent night. I was the guest of honor but could hardly believe it. We commenced to eat at 6:30 p. m. and we stayed until Grace had to go to work at 9:30, and they were still serving courses. Hot towela were paened around every so often which seemed very funny to us. The host was very wealthy and has two wives. One his father selected lives in the mansion. We were guests at the home of the wife he loves. The two wives received us but when it came time to eat, they retired upstairs and we ate alone with the men. The bet ter clans of Chinese men are Bure gentlemen. Never a thing of tho rough nature from them. They look up to me In a way. They think a fat woman is loved by a certain joss. They cannot understand us not drinking and nmoking. I have drank enough lemon tquuah since being over here te float a bstb tub. Mr. Doo, the manager of the New World, is very American and has but one wife. He wants us to givo him ideas on table etiquette. I think my first lesson will be on table linen for I firmly believe that at the reception laat night the cloths wore bed sheets. Each place at tho table was gives three small dishes in the shape of a clover leaf, a tumbler and two chop sticks. The food is In one big diah and as it is pissed around each one ia supposed to dig in with a chop stick and get a bite. We had pigeon eggs In some kind of dope that tasted good tut this morning when Grace told tns that tho eggs were supposed to be 100 years old I hud rlou thoughts about it. Other course were shark's fine, salads, fowl, lih, crabs, oysters, lobsters, shrimps, California fruits and iee cream. It muHt hfve coat hundreds of dollars. I don't know why they have the sing song girls as entertainers unless it is to take uway yur appetite." MR. HARRIS SCORES THE ANTIS Independence, Ore,, Aug. 6 To the editor of The Journal-At the time of the great Civil war 1 was a boy, living in Missouri, but I wan old enough to remember the horrors of the time. In that state the people were divided in ttnir sentiments and the struggle wa not confined to tbe armies.but s taken Up by tbe citizens at home, and it was something awful. When it became evi dent that we would be drawn into this war in spite of all that could be dene, I consoled myself with the thought that we would not have such troubles at home as they bad at that time, but would be friendly at home and firmiy united against our foreign foe. But it seems that 1 am to be disappointed. While we are not killing each other at home, so far, yet there in a turbulant element amongst us that broods trouble. This might not seem so strange, coming from the I. W. W. and outlaw element, but to see the same thing undur different tactics bob up in the United States senate is amazing. When a member of the senate will, on some petty pretext, seek to defeat measures vital to tbe prosecution of the war. thereby prolonging the war at tho ex ponse of billions of mosey and perhaps thousands of the lives of oar boy, it is something strange. They all mum and do know that such acta will end their political careers. The (Continued on I'age 4, Column 6)