Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, July 13, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 48
Days may come and days may go
On both the land and water,
But fat folks will desert the land
If it gets a little hotter;
It's so warm, so very warm
That it jellies up our livers,
And the sweat
Is sure we bet
To raise up all the rivers.
Out in the country, the farmer folks
Do not seem to mind it,
Nothing but the pigs and hens
Yearn for shade and find it;
The verse, the one which follows this
Was written by another,
Sometimes we shirk,
Do not work
And lean upon a brother.
"The open air is singing songs
For all who love vacations,
The seashore and the forest wilds
Are filled with invitations;
The busy hiker packs his kit
And buys a bunion plaster,
And fares him forth
For all he's worth,
The rocky trails to master."
But in a little while, a few short days,
In this life of haste and burly,
The chills will chase the summer off
And we'll still be cross and surly;
Sadie Shucks has shocked us thus
With her weekly riddle, - -"If
some beer
Was only here,
Believe I'd jag a little."
0. D. MsOsnald In HsraM, Chin, California
Did your son join th imy, little
mother; and are you grieving about it
until your heart is nearly broken?
Did you kiss him good-bye that
morning ha left and suppress the tears
by a great effort, so he would not go
away feeling so badly because he knew
you cared so much?
When you wers packing his grip and
had all oC his things spread out upon
tha bed to be sure you had forgotten
nothing did you drop to your knees and
ask God to watch over and care for
your boy through the dangaruus days
that ware to come?
Did you retrace his steps back to
childhood, to the days in the little
cottage, when there were just John
and you and the boy your own won
derful boy?
Then did you follow him as he grew
day by day, until you told his dud one
evening after he had gone to bed that
he was big enough to wear pants?
And did you remember how proud
you both were of your boy your only
Then did you see him the day he first
started to school, with his book that
you had covered with a gty piece of
calico held tightly in his hand?
Little mother, did you think of the
great feeling of thankfulness and pride
that welled up in your heart that
morning as your boy turned around
Hop men are somewhat en
couraged by indications that
there will be a demand for their
product this fall. Of course, no
large prices are expected, but
perhaps an even break or small
profit may be realized on this
year's crop. Once it is known
positively that there will be no
legislation affecting beer, a de
mand for hops will be made.
While the acreage in the Inde
pendence district has been
greatly reduced, there are hun
dreds of acres left While it is
being reported that the growers
ure worrying about pickers, there
is more roncern about prices. It
is believed that sufficient pickers
can be secured.
(Continued on Page 3, Column 4)
The following changes in pas
senger train service will be
made on the S. P. commencing
Sunday, July 15: No. 351, now
due at 10:50 a. m. will arrive at
10:32 leaving Portland at 7:35.
No. 353, now due at 7:15 p. m.
will arrive at 6:57. lhus, thse
two trains will arrive at Inde
pendence, Parker and Suver
eighteen minutes sooner than at
present. There will be no change
in the time of the trains going
north. The motor car will arrive
at 4:37 p. m. and depart at 4:40.
Because of the S. P. changes the
I. & M. will revise its schedule
to make connections at both In
dependence and Monmouth.
July 10. We are now drilling
in regular course now expecting
to move south soon. Top Ser
geant Morton, who was shot, is
now expected to live. We lack
sixty men in the legiment to
make it up to war strength. Co.
L. wants ten more men and those
desiring to join should write
Captain Stafnn at once. Armon
Young," Neal Buchanan, Ernest
Smith and Roy Whiteaker were
in Independence Sunday. James
Dodson was at Airlie. Miss Ora
Fenton was at Clackamas Sun
day. R. W.
O. E. S.
Adah Chapter O. E. S. had the
pleasure of entertaining some
friends of the order from Salem
last Tuesday evening. Mrs. K.C.
Eldridge presided as W. M. and
Mr. Rringo of Salem acted as
W. P. Miss Bessie Swope was
initiated into the order and Mrs.
Phillips was received by affilia
tion. At the close of the initia
tion Mrs. Hauser of Salem gave
the beautiful and impressive
floral degree. Following the
work a splendid luncheon was
It has been unofficially an
nounced that the draft numbers
will be drawn in Washington
some time next week. The war
department deals only in num
bers and not in names. For ex
ample, if No.l is drawn, every No.
1 in every county in the United
States must report for service.
Pleas for exemption can only be
made by persons drawn, and all
those subject to exemption
should become familiar
with the exemption law if
they desire to avail themselves
of it. Then, every registered
man should secure his number
(not the one given on registera
tion day, they are different)
from the county board to avoid
any mistakes or errors on his
How many men will be drafted
from Oregon has not yet been
staled but the number will be
small. This state has furnished
so many volunteers that Oregon's
quota has been filled. In fact,
there is a possibility that none
will be drafted the first call.
$237,901 FOR BRIDGE
The Marion county court has
decided to accept a bid of $237,
901 for the erection of a steel
bridge over the river at Salem
which is to be completed by Aug
ust 1, 1918.
The old bridge will be moved
forty feet up stream and placed
on piling to handle the traffic
until the new bridge is finished.
The I. King and Fred Loy
places at Parker were sold last
week. The King farm of 91
acres was sold to an Idaho man
for $9,900 and the Loy farm,
sold to Portland men brought
$9650 or $100 an acre.
Anti-Draft Anarchists Sentenced to the Penitentiary
nh i il 'ni ath a' AJmio in' it i rt- " n J ...W in -
PVto by ABer1" Jr
Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, Use two most notorious anarchist la America, as they looked aft
coavlctlos and Mate nee of two years In tie federal penitentiary for maintaining anti-draft propaganda.
Miss Arbuthnot is spending
her spare time looking for living
quarters in Independence to
which place she must move now
that ehe has accepted the prin
cipalship of the grades in the
school system of that city. Miss
Arbuthnot will be missed in
Monmouth. She is one of the
somewhat rare type of school
teachers who identify themselves
with the social life of the com
munity wherein they work. She
will have to resign at least three
honorary positions when she
leaves our midst She is secre
tary of the Parent-Teacher asso
ciation, vice president of the
local Red Cross auxiliary and a
member of the executive board
of the Y. W. C. A.-Monmouth
ROLL OF MERE 168,000
I Oliver.-At Fort I'Han, Colo.,
th Culled HmO-h army obtained
ii lull, ran'lxiiicil re-rult. "loe
Cik-Ii! Sum keep ii W'MiiT'ii iuou
?" lie aked. "Sure." nnl tue
otli-i-r. "Will, plrme keep thin
for uw." Tlie rookie limnled o' er
a Blip of pupi'r. II '. a rertiti-i-ateof
dcKMit. for $'.!.. "I Juxt
oil dome aln-ep." lie explained.
4- 1
Rain is badly needed in
entire Willamette Valley,
two days' soaker is wanted
less there is a downpour within
the next ten days, a short crop
is predicted. Beans appear to
be the worst hit.
'The Birth of a Nation" comes
to the Iais July 22.
Editor Monitor This is to let you know that I
recently received a letter from ray daughter who
is in the East and the heat there is suffocating.
She says it is so hot that she cannot wear a thing.
Please publish this for the glory of Oregon and
greatly oblige A. Friend
The large audience that greeted
Miss Helen Eaton's piano pupils
who were presented in recital at
the Methodist church last Friday
evening was more than delighted
with the rendition of the merit
orious program. Marian and
Pauline Dickinson opened the
program with Vol ger '8 "Through
Fields and Meadows" which was
followed by "Valse Viviene"
played by Ruth Dickinson.
Margaret Burroughs pleased her
listeners with a most intelligent
interpretation of Tschaiskow
sky's "Snow Drops." Marian
Dickinson played Spenser's
"Fields Abloom" with noticeable
ease. Fontaine's "Poinsetta"
was splendidly executed by
Hazel Calbreath and Bessie Still
well and Norma Calbreath gave
a brilliant interpretation of
Hoist's "Dance of the Demons."
Chopin's Nocturn in F Minor
was ambitiously rendered by
Vera Johnson, and Bessie Still
well played Quitjsly's "Zenobia"
with appealing sweetness.
Paderewski's Minuett was com
passed by Katherine Skinner
with great ease. Norma Cal
breath closed part 1 with Frimil's
"Drifting" which she played
with excellent expression, 'ihe
program was rendered not only
with technical skill but with in
dividuality ard sympathy. Each
number showed careful prepara
tion and every pupil taking part
had her pieces committed per
fectly adding credit to their in
structor. To the extreme regret of the
audience Miss Opal McDevitt.
who is a decided favorite, was
unable to appear, tho Miss
Ruth Schnedley of Portland
sang a delightful
group of songs which were
heartily received. Miss Kath
erine Gentle's violin numbers
were enthusiastically encored.
Miss Helen Eaton closed the
program with MacDowell's
"Etude De Concerto". Her
masterful interpretation cast a
spell over the audience. The
young pianiste played with such
wonderful skill and real musical
expression that the great Ameri
can composer, tho dead, still
seemed to sing and in a cadence
more clearly defined perhaps be
cause it rang to us as it were
from the great beyond. The
audience clamored for more and
was disappointed that applause
did not succeed in bringing a sec
ond number from the talented
little artist. V. S.
Early to bed and early to rise,
and you'll meet none of the
regular guys. Widow.
111 Belorflm
uRd bu Nurd Ddtjey WPy ClSa luqjCwc I i
You're way out there,
And I am here.
How much 1 care
You don't know, dear.
And every day,
As I wait for the new,
I can hear you ay,
Don't you dare to have the blue.
So I'm going to be brave.
And I'm going to be true,
I am going to smile.
As you want me to do.
It does no good
To be moody and tad
When I know you would
Have me cheery and glad.
So I'm going to be brave.
And I'm going to be true,
I am going to be worthy,
To be worthy of you.
Now he u here,
And you are there
Ah, yet so near,
Your son and heir.
If his blue eyes
You never ee,
Remember, dear,
I That a man like you hell be.