Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, June 29, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 46
Five thousand, we do present
And it is freely given
That not a single soldier boy
Will e'er regret he's livin';
The Red Cross drive is by and done
And we hope there's not another,
But if there is
We'll make the whiz,
Just as we did the other.
Again the Fourth, the glorious Fourth,
The big day is approaching,
But it's not like once it was,
The safe and sane's encroaching;
There used to be a big parade,
Baloon go up and racing,
Baseball game,
Fireworks came,
And lively greased pig chasing.
Maids spoke for all the states,
The Declaration was a top line reeler
And no celebration was complete
Without the wound up spieler;
There was a President of the Day
And Grand Marshal, official bawler,
How we'd whirl
With every girl
Till we tired the caller.
So we fear the old fashioned Fourth
Is nowr a sure back number,
Sadie says its used most now
To auto, fish and slumber;
No great exodus as yet
To seek the -ocean's breezing,
When right here
Oft we fear,
Our nights are too near freezing.
What Women
Like to Know
For Beach Wear
Skirt of wasbulile while London
hrunk flannel, tailored model, fastened
In front with larje pearl button
through hand made button boles, fc-attv
1 1 il
' 1 $ t ' s
1 ". 4
I' -1-8
. .a If ' S i
This smart tailored waist Is of white
pussy willow silk, turnback cuffs and
novel roll collar of radium silk striped
In rose, copen or maize, large pearl but
ton. Design by Franklin Simon & Co.,
New York.
Mother's Doll Story
May's Pet Lion
There was once uihju a time a very
good little girl, who owned a pet rag
doll lion. His name wus Ieo, and, just
like Mary's lamb, everywhere May
went her I-eo was sure to go. -
One day, when tliey were out playing
near the Mk iud, along came a great
biK dug aud bulked at May.
Of course she was much afraid and
ran like anything to get over the fence.
She could not bare been any more
scared if It had been a big cow that
came at her.
I-eo ran like anything too. And when
May had scrambled over the fence
into the next lot Leo stood on top of
the fence and waited for the great, big
Now, real lions are much bigger than
doga, of course. But Leo was only a
pet rag doll Hon. Still, be bravely
waited. Aud Just as the big dog leap
ed upon the fence to Jump after May,
Leo nipped a little piece right out of
bis left ear.
"Kl-yi!" yelled the great, big dog. "I
guess I will not scare the little girl any
more today, after all." So be ran off
home, just as fast as May and Leo did.
A little tot who liked to run to the
door for letters bad never seen a postal
card. When one came In she ran to ber
mother with it, saying, "Oh. mamma.
BTe is a letter without any clothes on."
The government is getting
ready for the draft. All those
registered will be numbered and
the numbers drawn by lot in
Washington. Officials in Wash
ington will not know the names LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS
of those drawn for service. Mrs. K. C. Eldridce. Monitor
Exemptions will be allowed subscriptions $88.80
those engaged in certain trades, Jitney Dance $61.55
and married men will rot be
called if they have relatives sole
ly dependirg upon them for
support. All petitions for ex
emption must be supported by
satisfactory evidence.
The Polk county exemption
W. T. Hoffman
Valley Lodge I. 0. 0. F.. Ross
Nelson, D. W. Stapleton, Homer
Lodge K. of P.. Stewart & Car-
mack, Horst Bros., C. A. Me
Independence $3085.02
Monmouth 1072.00
Airlie 700.00
Buena Vista 10-4.25
board consists of Sheriff John Laughlin. C. K. Spaulding Logs-
Orr, (Jlerk A. B. Kobmson and ng Co.. J. J. Thurston.
Dr. G. B. McCallum. The draw
ing will commence within a few
Independence Walter Ballard, Gravel & Con. Co., J. B. Know-
Lula Gngsby, Leona Sloper, lea & Son
l T-a l Tf 1IF . . J I
Alice itucn, winona wooa, niur- $13
let Wilson, Grace Butler, Jbdith Miles Baker, Mrs. J. H. Bur
Plessington. Jack Bennett, Glen ton, Verd Hill. Dewey Hill
Wm. Dawes, Mr. and Mrs. J
J. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. E. M
Young, D. P. McCarthy. Crab
Club, I. L. Patterson, Oregon
ered back, self bound slash pockets,
pew model h!t with two straps In I
A Fishy Tals.
A Itttl flsh within a brook
Wm iimn? Bayljr tih a hook,
lis nlbtiwi nnce. I. nibbled twtoa. '
Us duly dallinl my. how nic:
Then, what a rUing up of thtnts!
And ail the wurtd (earned proutlaa
The atr riew-lik u the fih
And next be ornuhed on a dlafc.
Dunight, Ira Compton
Monmouth Millie Orsborn,
Verda (-rook, Ella Lefever, Dow-
ell Kaup, Clarence Nelson, Ho
mer Bureell, Beth Partridge,
James Partridge, Maurice Gen
tie, Laura Shipley, Russell Mc-
Clennan, Mary Rice, Eric Swen
son, Una Winiger, Romain Nich
olson, Naomi Mulkey, Ethelia
Elkins, Velma Johnston, Althea
Evans, Manly Erant, Jessu Keyt,
Herbert Powell, Grace Graham,
Floyd Henry, Eleanor Portwood,
Zeta Smith, Bessie Clark
Airlie Walter Dickason, Frank
Tubandt, Allen Caughey, Glen
Had ley, Alma Bliss, - Arthur
Buena Vista Marjorie Rey
Parker Emma Zielrech, Uriel
Suver -Wallace Green
The Fourth of July will be
celebrated on the Normal cam
pus at Monmouth by the etudents
Honor Guard.
Abe Nelson, Mrs. Abe Nelson,
Vivian Whiteaker, J. M. Larson,
G. B. Suver, Dan Beck, H. D,
Iliff. S. H. McElmurry, W. A.
Scott, J. B. Parker, Chase Bros.,
John Young, A. W. Vernon, H
W. Thielsen, Thomas Brunk, J
S. Bohannon, I. H. Ingram, Geo,
Bray, C. H. Mitoma, H. Matti
son. wm. wngnt, Major ana
Mrs. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. W. V,
Acock, J. A. Allen, W. C. Lewis
J. C. Donaldson. Mrs. Belle Rog
ers.. C. A. Voss, E. E. DeAr
mond, C. J. DeArmond, O. H.
DeArmond. I. A. Wood, Homer
Kill Kare Club.
Presbyterian Needlscraft.
C. P. Phillips, T. A. Ferjfuson, F,
Morshiro, G. J. Paraona, J. M. Sliter,
F. B. Kelly, Hugh Hanna, J. R.
Fawk, S. L. Fswlt, J. K. Hamona, J.
of the Bummer school presenting tontgotmtJy- n,rm.
t ii. 11 j Stewart, J. M. Moffit, L. O. Gorman,
a pageant Of the allied nations. , v Jhnaon. Crosby Davis. E. Kul-
1 he program Will begin at two landsr, R. J. Wright, 8. B. Walker,
o'clock in the afternoon. The P. H. Drexler, G. M. Hoyser, Virgil
Total $4961.27
Thanks to the efforts of a number and the lib
eral response of the people of South Polk county,
we did more than our "bit" one thousand more
because the missing $39 will come in today or to
morrow. We were once branded in the public
prints as slackers when it came to aiding the Red
Cross and the above is our answer.
If called upon once more, and it is the general
Expectation ' that we will be, South Polk will
"come thru" again.
To those who worked and those who gave, the
American soldier boys in the trenches will thank
D. lloydston, Ernast Zielescn, P. T.
Peterson, J. W. Osborne, Wm. Morri-
DennisoB. E. W. Muller, H. C Hall
berg, A. R. Gravea, M. A. Tethrow,
son, H. U. Seeley, Grace Jon ea, O. C. John McMillan, Ed MeCamas, Wilbur
pageant will be 'interspersed by
band music, appropriate quar
tettes and chorus patriotic num
bers. The pageant of the allied
nations will be followed with an
oration by Mr. M. S. Pittman,
and the Declaration of Independ
ence will be read by Miss Rosa
B. Parrott This will conclude
the afternoon program. Ar
rangements will be made for
those who care to enjoy the
privilege of lunching in the
grove on the campus. The band
concert will be given in the
Da Cotta, S. G. Arehart, Geo. Carroll,
Henry Windhors, Eli Ballard, A.
Brown, G. K. Koto, J. S. Cooper, W.
H. Walker, Geo. Kutch, F. E. Boden
harxier, Vale Hilterbrand, Grant Mt
Laughlin, Sarah Irvina, Frank Bush,
I J. II. Dickson, E. E. Roberta, M. W.
Mi, Mrs. Spurr, L. G. Reess, W. L.
Bice, Autowin Club ($5.0t), Ladies Aid
Christian church, Lew Stapleton, col
lection by Mrs. Geo. Carbray, A. T,
Steele, J. Nellas, Will Mattison. Geo.
Reuf, R. C. De Armond. Mra. R. C.
De Armond, W. N. Alexander, M. 0.
Leitch, C H, Pereival, R. C. Troxel,
W. N. Black, John Titus, L. Spralley,
Woman of Woodcraft, C. E. Bur
roughs. K. Chekno, M. M. Porter-
evening, beginning at half past "eld. Skip Wattenburger, ursLucinda
ptph 1h InHprwnHpnr.Mnti. Baldwin, Kuch
mouth band will furnish the
music for the occasion. The pub
ic is cordially invited to come
and enjoy with the students of
the summer school and all friends
of the Normal a beautiful
pageant of the allies, together
with a sane and patriotic celebra
tion of the Fourth.
June 26. Company L played
ball at Kickreall. The score was
8 to 6 in favor of L. Art Lacey
has been transferred to the sup
plies company. Ernest Smith
has been laid up for quite a
while with rhuematism. Lee
Jordan has a clothes cleaning
and pressing parlor. Here it is
Mra. E. J. Hanna, Wm. Perry, A
De Costa, J. T. Grovea, J. Huber.
Aaa Taylor, Frank Webater, S. E.
Owen, Harry Uaac. Sloper & Pat ton,
Mra. Edge and daughter, D. A. Cook.
$2 50
Mrs. Heath, S. C Nelaon, T. F.
Churchill, J. N. Jones, II. K. Cau
thorn, C. J. Van Avary, Ed Rex,
Vance Butler, A. D. Grigaby, Mrs. M.
Merwin, M. Merwin, Mrs. C. E.
Huntley, J. E. Hubbard snd wife,
C H. rarmer, Frank Farmer, John
Hanna, E. L. Fergerson, E. J. Steele,
Robt. and Herachel Steele, R. B.
Mode, Sara Cox, H. C. Constance,
W r Campbell.
f. W. Draegsr, W. C Smith, E. H.
Newman, I. E Hooker, J. M. Kelly,
Mias Rose Plant, Albert Zeleiach, Alvin
no refusing, we have to get the
work done. Armin Younir has Becker, Grover Farmer, Hunt Broa
In I It. J f f ... S
hoon h.,r m Ulr. Tfcia re" nafs. 3. 1. -ones, oam om.
. .... T Lee Robinson, Mr. and Mra. John
is me time to join mrany Wil Mr nd Mr, w 1u . R- E
Recruits are wanted. Write Guano, I. s. Hunnicutt, J. B. Hilter
CapL Stafnn. R. W. 'brand, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hayi,
Starr, D. A. London, 0. J. UaKlvy
M. M. Thompson, Walter Lembke, K.
A. MtLay, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephen,
Mr. and Mrs. John Undvrwood, O. M.
Lehman, Bert Wolfe, S. U.McCracken,
Levant Pease, Howard Buckner, F. B.
Gown, Mr. and Mra. Todd, John
McCallum Broa., A. P. Kirkland,
W. B. Barnett.
Glen Smith, E. Carlson. Thoaiaa
Reaves, -- Staley, Nora Mattison, W.
T. Clodfelter, E. E. Trueblood, O.
H. Hiddink, C. O. McLean, W. N.
Sharp, W. H. Mixer, F. Zisleiah, E.
Chapin, I. It. Howard, W. T. House,
1. L. Oleman. Mrs. McCallum, W. H.
Lamb, L. Suver, W. L. Suver, Sam
Suver, J. H. Suver. M. McMillan, Mias
Kinney, Mrs. Ford, E. Smiley, A. I).
Davidson, I). L. Hedges, Ralph Por-
terfleld, Mrs. Estes, D. A. Cook, J. A.
Huckinson. W. T. Unglile, M. E.
Branch, Jim Braden, D. N. Turner,
Milt Hamilton, K. Vincent, Wm. Ln-
berecht, W. N. Block, Cauh, D. F.
Chandler, J. M. Rigglea, Grace Suver,
A. M. Allen, C. H, Whitney, Al
Whitney, T. R. Heffiey, P. K. Black,
Mra. Hszleton, A. J. Brown, Mrs. J.
K. Philips, E. T. Brown, W. E. Bunn,
Morris Sswsll, W. O. Morrow, L. C.
layman, Mra. bhroyes, W. S. Powers,
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McCartar, W. C.
Garner, W. Grote, M. W. McGowan
(11.30), J. w. Fatzer, E E Tripp,
J C Callaway, J Pareon, C E Ander
son, F E Turner, T C Snyder, G B
Tethrow, I-em Lester, H J Muller.
Mrs M B Robinson, W P Sharer,
G H James, T O Ogleaby, Ed Meister,
Manley Martin, J J Antwerp, James
McNealaa, John Compton, Mrs M
wolly, w M Putnam, E L Ketchum,
Geo Alsaari, Harry AkiU, Mrs M E
Connett (4()c), C B Zumwalt, J H
Alex Kennedy.
Total f 1470.67
The above list, with that pub
lished on page 2 of this Monitor,
comprises the contributions of
the people of Independence and
vicinity. We regret that we
haven't the names at hand to
publish those from Buena Vista,
Monmouth and Airlie. Should
anyone be omitted or credited
with the wrong amount in the
this printed list, the mistake will
be corrected if called to our attention.
MiRS Helen Eaton will present
her pupila in recital Friday even
ing, July 8th at eight o'clock at
the Methodist church. A cor
dial invitation ia extended to
everyone to be present. No
admission will be charged.
Following is the program:
"Through Fields and Mea
dows" Kroelger
Marian Dickenson,
Pauline Dickenson.
"Poppies" GranfielJ
Bertha Kreutz.
"Valse Viviene" Vanasse
Ruth Dickenson.
"Snow Drops" Tchaiskowsky
Margaret Iiurroughn.
"The Blacksmith's Song"
Pauline Dickenson.
"Valse Poetique" Frimil
Claire Davis.
"Fields Abloom"., Spenser
Marian Dickenson.
"Poinsetta" Lansing
Hazel Calbreath.
"Dance of Demons" Hoist
Rosie Stillwell,
Norma Calbreath.
"Nocturn F Minor" Chopin
Vera Johnson.
"Zenobia" Quigsly
Bessie Si ill well.
"Minuett" Paderewski
Katherine Skinner.
"Drifting" Frimil
Norma Calbreath.
"The House of Memories"
"Roses" Levonne Leitch
Opal McDevitt.
Katherine Gen tel.
"Etude De Concerto"
"Prelude" Rachmanioff
Helen Eaton.
I desire to thank all the ladiea
and girls, and especially Mrs. E.
E. Hilterbrand, for their work
in soliciting, all of which was
carried to a successful conclusion.
Mrs. K. C. Eldridge.
Its success Is more remarkable
because it was accomplished thru
individual effort and not under
the auspices of any organization.
Last week, Eddy & Carbray
were listed under the $5 head
when it should have been $25.
In the list published on page 2,
the error has been corrected.
The Corvallis G-T wanta to
drain the Atlantic and run down
the German subs with Fords.