Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, June 15, 1917, Image 1

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NO. 44
Sadie will parade tomorrow,
Such is the plan she's laying",
Her mount will be a gentle one,
But rather long on braying;
So save a place for Sadie sure,
An)rwhere you need her,
She will go
And make a show
If Larry F. will lead her.
Old Man Grunt, so he declares,
At his home each night,
Has a private roundup,
One that's out of sight;
"Maw rounds up seven urchins,
The little sleepy heads,
Croons them all
From large to small,
And puts them in their beds."
This is a roundup feature
That beats an' other kind,
And to be once more in it,
We're sure you wouldn't mind;
The kids as they ride the merry,
Enjoying the pleasures thats rife,
Of course don't know
But really tis so,
Are never more happy in life.
A boy is a boy only once
But a man is a man for life,
A girl is a girl till she marries,
T hen the rest ot the time she's a wife;
So the kiddies who frolic about us,
Will ne'er be as happy 4agen",
Now they're in clover
But those days are over .
When they get to be women and men.
Ml -
rnmrnrrti-n il i . t
I I'&i r.; 1 1 v Cj was praising ine irminuineBB 01
I women.
"If war bulletins were as truthful ns wom
men," be said, "we'd have a better idea of how
thin world struggle is realty going.
"I remember a case the other day it's interesting in
its revelation of woman's truthfulness the case of a hus
band who had disappeared.
"Questioning the wife, I said to her:
" 'And now, madam, tell me this is very important
tell me what your husband's very last words were when
he left.
" 'His last words,' the truthful creature answered with
a blush, 'were, "For heaven's sake, shut upl"'" Wash
ington Star.
j& It Pays to Advertise 0
rpHE man who didn't advcrtlM
Wu dead xtremclr dead.
HI widow placed (of mammoth tlx)
A stons above his head.
Staa put hla nam upon the aame
Id lattera large and fair
To tall the eye of paaHrsby
Her asan waa aleeplnc there.
IOLKS thought her Borrow must
be (rreat
To mine thle monument
They did not know the did not
Her actual Intent
One dajr there cam a former flame.
He read; then soothed her
And. aa she wed, aha softly
"It oavl to advertise!'
-Havana Time
sr flame, m
ir atsha;
aald, 1
!w No More Pot Luck !
rpHE wave w uwd to like
Are getting out of styla
A friendly house we d strike
And linger there awhile.
"E used to take pot luck
' And And It rood. I tow.
But homes I ve lately struck
HaTt flreiess cookers now.
Louisville Courier-Journal
Raising the Rent j)
T wish I were a landlord ray.
My lile w-m!d tie content.
Fir no one knows an easier way
To so aicl nose trie rent.
-I'etroit Kree Preaa.
The Monitor alwavs leads.
By the signing of a contract by
which the Independence public
schools become a training school
of the Normal, the acceptance of
President Ackerman's recom
mendations for instructors, find
by the election of Prof. H. H
Dunklebersrer of Dallas as
principal of the High School, the
board of education solved in one
evening several problems that
have caused some contention and
by its action has assured a har
monious and successful coming
term of school.
Prof. Dunkleberger, who has
taught in Dallas for several years
with remarkable success, was
not an applicant for the position.
He waa drafted for the place be
cause of his well known ability as
an instructor. It is presumed
that he will accept.
The other teachers selected
for the High School some time
ago are Earl VV. Heckett, manual
training; Madaline Rawlings,
domestic science; Beryl Holt,
history and mathematics, and
Mabel Stevens, English.
That the training school will
be in the hands of competent
teachers there is no doubt and
Independence is to be congratu
lated upon the fact that trof
T. H. Gentle will guide the
destinies of the institution. The
instructors will be Katharine
Arbuthnot, seventh and eighth
grades; Grace Williams, fifth and
sixth; Kate Houx, third and
fourth; and Emily De Vore, first
and second. All these young
ladies have the necesscry ability
and experience.
Mrs. Ruth Conkey was highly
honored by President Ackerman
when he recommended her for
the place given Miss Arbuthnot
but after consideration and con
sultation with her friends de
clined to accept it.
At the annual election of the
Civic League, Mrs. K. C. Eld
ridge was elected president,
Mrs. O. D. Butler, first vice
president, Mrs. A. L. 'Ihomas.
second vice president, Mrs. Clyde
Ecker, secretary, Mrs. J. S.
Cooper, financial secretary, and
.Mrs. D. D. Davis, treasurer. All
the officers were re-elected ex
cept the secretary, Mrs. L.
Crane, who is now living quite a
distance from town and found it
quite impossible to be present at
all the meetings as the secretary
should. The annual report of
the president is published else
where in this Monitor.
Next Monday night is the
annual school meeting at which
time a director and clerk will be
elected. All residents over 21
years of age can vote under the
new law.
E. E. Paddock is the retiring
director. While trre Monitor
has disagreed with Mr. Paddock
on one or two important school
questions, we have always felt
sure that he acted and voted for
what he deemed was for the
best interests of the public. Mr.
Paddock as a member of the
school board has never been
swayed by personalities and he
has always stood like a stone
wall for efficiency and economy.
The red cars of the Southern
Pacific arrived in Independence
Tuesday noon. So, June 12,
1917, can be set down in the
history of Independence as the
day that electric cars first enter
ed the city. The run was made
thru to Corvallia and was for the
purpose of testing the wires and
current The private car of
John M.Scott, general passenrer
agent, was attached and a num
ber of railroad officials made the
initial trip.
umciai announcement was
made today that electric service
will be installed from Whiteson
to Corvallis for sure on next Sun
dny, June 17. Two thousand feet
of side track will be built in
Independence on the east side of
the main track for 'passing
VW 1
Next week is Baptist week in
Independence. The keys to the
city hall, jail and other public
buildings will be turned oyer to
them and they will be told to do
their durnest' A complete pro
gram is published on page two of
this Monitor,
A pretty wedding took place in
the city of Salem on the after
noon of June 14, uniting Wm.
Campbell of Independence, and
Miss Edith West of Salem. Only
a few invited guests were pres
ent beside the immediate family.
Rev. T. D. Yarnes of Independ
ence performed the ceremony.
The wedding march was play
ed by Miss Freda Campbell as
the happy couple slowly descend
ed th sUirtase and nwuclied to
the altar to hear the solemn
words which should make them
husband and wife,
After the ceremony light re
iresnments were served and a
delightful hour was spent in
social intercourse.
Everybody in Independence
knows "Billy" Campbell. He
has lived in Independence for
many years. Mts. Campbell at
one time taught in the local
schools and is a young lady
wnom it is a pleasure to know.
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell will
make their home in Independ
ence for the summer, but will
probably spend the coming win
ter in Salem.
A host of friends wish them a
long, happy, prosperous and use
ful married life.
It is practically a foregone con
clusion that the Oregon Hop
Growers Association will be dis
solved and the members com
prising it shift for themselves in
the future. This was the senti
ment of the meeting held in the
Commercial club auditorium
Tuesday afternoon when a num
ber of the members met to dis
cuss the situation. Saletn Capi
tal Journal.
Right now is the time for everybody to assist
the Red Cross financially. In this greatest crisis
of the world's history, the Red Cross MUST
have millions lest thousands die. And it ma' be
your dollar that saves some Independence boy
wounded next winter in the trenches of Europe.
So go your limit and come thru whenever your
bit will add that bit more to the Red Cross funds.
Independence and south Polk county has been
assessed four thousand dollars. We MUST give
The 1917 class of the Indepen
dence High School, twelve in
number, recehed their diplomas
at the opera house last Friday
night. Dr. Carl S. Doney, presi
dent of the Willamette Univer
sity, delivered a very instructive
and interesting address to the
class. A large crowd attended
the exercises.
The graduates were Hazel
Calbreath, Edith Dawes, Ruby
Gentry, Helen Gillespie, Mada
leine Kreamer, Eva Mills, Hazel
Porterfield, Gertrude Ruch,
Wendell Denlinger, Wayne
Hanna, Keith Roberts and Buren
Independence, Or., June 12,
1917. Officers and members of
Civic League: I will not at
tempt to give a flowery report of
my six months' service as presi
dent of this body for the work
has been all practical. The first
matter that engaged our atten
tion was caring for the poor and
needy at Christmas time. We
expected to have the help of the
Business Men's Club, but for
some reason they gave us no
assistance, However, the stores
were very generous to us. Con-
key & Walker gave a liberal dis
count on goods purchased. Cal
breath & Jones provided entirely
for six families. Fluke & John
son placed twen,ty-five 50-lb., or
fifty 25-lb. sacks of flour at our
disposal to be called for when
wanted. We provided for six
teen families, using $28.99 of the
League's money.
The club has been a real live
one, meetings having" been well
As early as February 13, the
boys' and girls' Industrial Club
was discussed and a committee
appointed to see what could be
done. Had I realized in the be
ginning the amount of hard
work and worry this entailed, I
fear I would have weakened, but
it affords me great satisfaction
now to report this movement a
complete success and it places
this League on record as having
accomplished something worth
The mayor gave your com
mittee the privilege of securing
and planting Boston Ivy on the
east and west sides of the city
hall, the city paying for the
The League ladies also pre
pared a box of cooked food and
other things and sent them to
the Independence boys in Co. L
at Vancouver.
We sent our bit, $2.10, to the
state president's traveling fund,
and other small things that have
helped to keep us busy.
The card party given in Moose
hall on February 22 was well at
tended and netted us $15.00.
The Pioneer reception at the
residence of J, S. Cooper was
enjoyed by all and I trust this
will" be"an annual event. We
have added eleven new mem
bers to our club and I am pleased
to state there are no delinquents.
I have enjoyed the work and
associations of the past mx
months and I want to thank the
officers and members for their
hearty support.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth A. Eldridge.
They Are to Be Drilled In Tactics
by the Warden In the State
Lincoln, Neb. Tint state penitentiary
Is to tie turned Into a nillltiiry Karri son
for a part of earn day, mid the state's
prisoners w ill I om soldiers If nee-
essary. Warden Fontoii has decided
on military drill for prartlrolly nil the
convicts as soon s kIiiiiii wooden gun
fun Is? made. 1'rlsnn Herretnry O'Con.
nell, a member of the First Nebraska
reKlmeiit In tho HpauUh -American War.
will lie drllliiuieter In chief.
Should the war with i.crimuiy rem u
Hiieh a Htuife as to become a drain on
the clilzens of the country Warden
Kenton believes the jumper pilxou In
mate limy be culled to the front.
says he in adopting the military drill
a one of ptcpiirciliifsx.
The warden will himself take the
ti mIii ItiK Willi bis chnr-.'1'H, and If the
convicts are summoned to war ho will
offer his services. He Is (sipuhir with
the men, nod they say they would want
do better lender. Many have expressed
their eaifcriess to enlist- three o,utr
ters of t !u in the pilwiii authorities
say. There Bre alioiit twenty former
soldiers mid sailors In the prison, and
thee aie expected to set hi ulds to
Hf ret a ry ' 'oimell In tenchlnir the
war (fame. Tlie warden hiiys be will
sco to It that the men lin k nothing In
know Icdk'e.
He has Issued s call to the three
cooks In the prlion that they show
tliclr patriotism by complying with th
request of 'resident Wilson with re
Jiect to wasting of fiKsls. The Jietil
teiitlsry farm Is to be enlarged materially.
Clackamas, Jan. 17 Company
L marched in the parade at the
Hose Festival yesterday. All
those having a clean record have
a day off to see the festival.
Armin Young, Ernest Smith,
Harry Stalnaker, Neal Buchanan
and Hoy Whitesker were Inde
pendence visitors Sunday. All
those caught leaving without a
permit are now in the guard
house. They' will have their trial
soon, so it pays to obey orders.
Charley Atwater of Airlie has a
shoemaker's shop here. Busi
ness is fine, he says. R. W.
Independence's first round-up
is on with a large crowd present.
The cowboy, including several
cowgirls, and the baby and doll
parade was the feature this
morning. It was very pretty.
Mrs. Whitehead and Mrs. Glen
Newton received first and second
prizes for their kiddies and
daughters of Mrs, L. W. Wann
and Mrs. Chas. Kurre were like
wise favored in the doll division.
This afternoon the cowboy stunts
take place at the fair grounds.
The Independence band is play
ing continually and is receiving
much praise for its work.
Tomorrow morning at ten
o'clock there will be another big
parade and in tbe afternoon more
stunts by the cowboys and cow-Kirla.
The Monmouth Herald and Dallas Observer
(last week kicked the Independence dog around.