. , .. - INDEPENDENCE MONITOR "THE PAPER THAT EVERYBODY READS' VOL.5 INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1917 NO. 43 THE RHYMING SUMMARIST All our men of legal age Passed in their names to Sam, If they can get their board and keep, It beats this buying ham; Those with a wife and seven kids, Sam will soon be slighting, With eight to feed It is indeed A harder job than fighting. Six million bucks will be spent For roads and highway paving, Then in tires, oil and time perhaps, There's sure to be a saving; And the auto men will pay the bill, Says those who did conceive it, We'll wait a spell For time will tell, For now we don't believe it. No more till fall will school bell ring And books will all be pickled, Out of an enrollment of six six six, Six six six are tickled; Sadie hangs around the fountain where Many folks are drinking, And if she sighs Some one buys, Pretty soft we're thinking. It's now so warm, so very warm, That it makes a fellow totter, Boys are getting frettul like And feeling of the water; We want to take the thick duds off But the thin ones, we can't spot 'em, The wife no doubt Found them about, And of course the junk man got 'em. SPECIAL EXTRA U. 8. A. SUNRISE EDITION TWO OF A KIND. T AST Tuesday oris) of our prominent bualncn men fired tli ahota from his run at another prominent businrsa man, who returned the lire with bullet for bullet. The two prominent bustnesa men, bavins made two prominent aaaea of themselves, returned Into obacurlty for the reat of the day. HIS LAST N03E PULL. Blwaah Charley came to town the ether day, met ua on the main atreet and pulled our ooa. We have sine wondered why be pulled It. Sometime we have thought that hi Intention wm to Insult ui and to bum ble ua Into the duat before our people. A fain, we heve almost believed that be thought he was taking bold of the handle of a saloon door and meant ua no barm whatever. Our action In response mlarht have been a bit hasty, but we have no re grets. Our run worked without a hitch, and Blwaah Charley will pull no more noaaa to tbls world. OUR MYSTERY. While John Richfield waa dlgllng poet boles) for a now fence the other day be found a silver ten cent piece at a depth of three feet from tha surface By whom It wast dropped and how many thousand years ago cannot be told, but a town without Its deep, dark mystery ta no town at all. ALWAYS READY. rpHE editor of our esteemed oontem porary down the atreet la out with his five hundredth threat to shoot ua on sight He ought to have explained whether it waa his foresight, his present sight or his hindsight However, wa alwaye atand ready to be shot FOUL PLOT FOILED. Lsst week we had something to say about Colonel Jim Crocker, who la punishing a big stock, of poor whisky while waiting to be nominated for some political office The colonel bellevea In "pap." He's alwaya lived on It, and he'd atarve without It. We simply aked our readers If he waa honest capable, and so on, and the colonel got riled over tt He hired Hank, tha half breed, got him drunk and then gave him a keg of powder to blow up the Kicker office. But In fooling around Kith the pow der Hank brought about an explosion on the vacant lot next to our oftice and aalled away to the unknown land In sections and f ragmen ta. What we could And of Hank we burled next day at our own expense, and we don't feel particularly bard against the colonel. We shan't go looking for him espe cially, but If ws should happen to run across him some day while we feel ab- eenunlnded we shall very likely gather blm In and erect hla tombstone In our private graveyard. M QUAD. O file All zona Kitfiff jyytp "ALWS ON THE JUMP" JSkh Old man Smith, a highly respected citizen of our little community, who shot and killed a pair of ukulele players from his bedroom window last Friday night, has been discharged from custody. From a Kansas paper. POLK REGISTERS 1186 The total registration of Polk county last Tuesday in the military census was 1186. Of this number 72 were aliens and 7 alien enemies. There were no disorders in the county and ap parently but few failed to regis ter. Thru the efforts of Sheriff Orr, Polk was one of the first counties to report to the adjutant general. Over fifty per cent of the total claimed exemption. Black Rock, with 76, had the largest registration. The totals for a number of precincts follow: Dallas 208, Independence 157, Falls City 115, Monmouth 80, Eola 32, Buena Vista 34, Suer 24. West Luckiamute 35, Pedee 33, East Luckiamute 23. CITY FACES SUIT Further contention over the line question in North Indepen dence came to a head Wednes day night when the city council was given written notice by Mrs, A. J. Cooper, W. B. Grounds, D. D. Davis and John Podvent, all owners of property on Log Cabin Btreet, that udless the city gave them reasonable damages said to have been sustained by reason of the change of property lines that action would be com mented forthwith. The mayor and three councilmen had a con ference with the injured parties yesterday afternoon and made them a proposition. It is to be hoped that a settlement can be made and the matter kept out of court. KID FARMERS The entire community should feel proud of the work being ac complished by the industrial de partment of the Civic League. This work is under the super vision of Mrs. G. W. Conkey. Her duties being so numerous, Mrs. K. C. Eldridge has personally ooked after the work. About three acres are now in cultivation at the high school. There are sixteen boys and three girls working regalarly assigned plots. Last Saturday the grounds were fairly humming with activities, some planting oeans, some po tatoes, and others corn. Today the entire club will plant a vacant plot to potatoes. Mr. H. Elirschberg furnished all the seed potatoes and the crop will be U8d for the soup kitchen. When the work is finished the planters will enjoy a picnic supper. The canning department is under the direction of Mrs. Snerman Hays and Mrs. K. C. Sldridge. The sewing department will be managed by Mrs. N. Wither who has 1 eld similar positions in the Portland schools. BOND BILL CARRIES By over fifteen thousand majority, voters of Ortgon Mon day ratified the six million bond issue. Folk county rejected the measure by 16 votes. Independ ence furnishing 11 of the 61. Nearly all the county precincts went against the bonds while Dallas and Monmouth largely favored them. Other measures that carried were the port bond bill, uniform tax classification amendment and the one requiring city, town and state elections to be held on the same day. The other three on the ballot were rejected by decisive majority. A light vote was cast all over the state. Result in Independence: The increase in pay of legis lators; Yes 41, No. 322. Declaration against implied re peal of constitutional provisions: Yes 55, No 230. Uniform tax elassification: Yes 133, No 185. One election day bill: Yes 246, No 123. New penitentiary: Yes 84, No 297. Six million bond issue: Yes 189, No 200. LETTER FROM CO. L uackamas, June o We are now drilling at target practice, The men are not allowed out of the grounds except on a permit from the captain and no visitors are allowed except on Sunday afternoon. The Y. M. C. A. has put up a tent house for the boys. The place is supplied with writ ing paper, pens, checker boards and a phonograph. Preaching every night James Dodson has started his barber shop. He ex pects to make $50 a month. This with the thirty he gets makes a nice income. Four recruits have joined Co. L lately. Ernest Smith has been laid up with rheumatism. It. W. P.-T. ELECTS At a meeting of the members of the Parent-Teachers Associa tion held Tuesday afternoon, the following officers wtre elected for t.h eoming year: President. Mrs. F. G. Hewett: secretary. Mrs. P. M. Kirkland; treasurer, Mrs. Crosby Davis. Preceding the election, there was a recep tion for the teachers and a short program was fiven. M TAINT RIGHT" The hard-working janitor of one of Cody's (Wyoming) public buildings recently placed the following notice in the vestibule of said building: "Please do not spit on the ceiling. 'Taint right"-Ex. TERMS EXTENDED When the electorate of Oregon Monday passed the measure re quiring all elections to be held on the same day, it extended the terms of all city officials just one year. By the provisions of the new law, there can be no city election in Independence this year and successors to Mayor Moore and three councilmen cannot be shosen until Novem ber 1918. To eomply with the new law, the city charter must be amend ed. It seems to us that if the charter has to be changed that it is the opportune time to com pletely overhaul it and bring it up to date. FLAG RAISED Old Glory was raised over the Odd Fellows hall Monday night with appropriate ceremony. Wearing the regalia of their order, Odd Fellows and Rebskahs marched around the block and came up Main street from the south. As the flag was raised, the band played 'The Star Spangled Banner" and hundreds of people sang, B. F. Swope spoke briefly along patriotic lines. A thousand people wit nessed the ceremony. INDEPENDENCE ASKED FOR $4,000 The Independence Red Cross will be asked to raise 84000 as its share of the hundred million that the National Red Cross is preparing to make J 11 4 a a tremendous drive to raise in double quick time. Buena Vista, Suver, Parker and Green wood will be included in the Independence district. While the local organization has not received an official notice of the amount of its levy, the above information was received thru Salem last night, Independence being attached to the Salem chapter. Last night's Salem papers also carried the news. staff BY VIRGINIA SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION The sixteenth annual session of the West Willamette Baptist Association will be held in Inde pendence on Tuesday, Wednes- Red Crossing in Independence is becoming an epidemic, and you are almost socially extinct if you cannot make binders and bandages and converse about units, base hospitals and the other many things that the lied Cross stands for. The surgical supply department is under the capable direction of Mrs. It. E. Duganne who is a graduate nurse, me sewing rooms are open Tuesday and Thursday af ternoons and evenings. There the members of the Red Cross assemble to work in a common cause, a common sorrow and a common hope. Membership is daily increasing. The next regular meeting will be held next Thursday evening. Last Wednesday evening, Dr. C. F Cropp gave the first lecture to the First Aid class. Others wishing to take the work should enroll before next Wednesday. were made with pink rose bord ered doilies and napkins and dainty pink rone baskets held the mints. Fortune's yellow roses marked places for the club mem bers, and pink rose shades were used on the lights which radiated a pretty pink glow over the assemblage. The most exquisite menu consisted of "candlestick salad" nut-bread sandwiches, '"Ludies' delight" with whipped cream and cakes, hot chocolate and mints. Mrs. Mcintosh will be the next hostess. CHILDREN'S PARTY. Mrs. D. O. Taylor entertained for her small son, Howard, last Monday afternooi with a de lightful children's party. The little folks were entertained with games and refreshments. ROSE LUNCHEON. One of the purely social clubs which has not cessed activities is the Wednesday Afternoon Club. On Wednesday of this wek Mrs. W, H. Craven and her sister, Miss Eva Robertson, entertained with a charmingly appointed rose luncheon at the pretty Craven home. The re ception rooms were fragrant and pretty with vases and bowls of crimson peonies and large clus ters of snow-balls. The hours passed quickly and pleasantly with needlework. Groups of matrons who are mem bers of the Red Cross worked with a zeHt on "four tailed band ages", while others indulged in merry ronversation. A pleasing feature of the afternoon was the group of songs rendered by Mrs. E, E. Paddock. Following a short business session in which Mrs. J. E. Owen, a former mem ber of the club, was elected to fill the vacancy made by Mrs. N. F. Gillespie, the guests were invited to the lawn where the camera man was in waiting. The luncheon table presented a beautiful picture. A large bowl Mrs. II. theS. S. afternoon. r!av and Thursday. June 19. 20 and 21. An attendance of 200 of pink and white roses centered is expected as the membership the table and pink petaled rosea embraces the Baptists ofanum-jwere scattered here and there ber of counties. over the board. Appointment S. S. CLUB. Mattison entertained Club last Wednesday Members answered toll call with pretty quotations about roses. Mrs. Crosby Davis read a very interesting paper on on Carrie Jacob's Bond. Mrs. Claire Irvine sang a number of pretty songs and the hostess closed the afternoon with a splendid luncheon. SUCCESSFUL RECITAL. Artistic tastes transformed the Methodist church parlors into a bower of beauty for the studsnt recital given by the pupils of Mrs. Lottie Hedges Mcintosh last Monday evening. Tall standards of red peonies, snow balls and blue Columbine were combined gracefully into the tri color and a multitude of tiny flags were used here and there, while larger flags were draped about the rostrum with pleasing effect. A large and representative audience greeted the young par ticipants. The Misses Dorothy Paddock, Ulla Dickinson, Frances Townsend and Opal Hewett, fresh and pretty in dainty sum mer frocks showed the guests to comfortable seats. As a whole the large class of pupils acquitted themselves most creditably and diaplayed conscientious adher ance to the instructions of their soulful teacher. Little Nan IlifF, Mable Nitholson, Margaret Ziel isch, Elizabeth Mixer and Alma Kullander played with remark able ease for such tiny tots, while Evelyn Tobey, Wilma Shafer, Beatrice Bramberg, Goldie Hooker, Bessie Plessinger and Alice Baker were equally pleasing in their pretty selec tions. Thelma Williams displayed versatilily by rendering both cello and piano solos. She ex ecuted both numbers with skill (Continued on Page 4, Col. 6)