Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, June 01, 1917, Image 2

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    (THS 5HtO TSLH THI aoop ABOUT it!)
tobacco, But youhivir
EE1 CmEwih
IPS worth your while to get what food tobacco
judges say about W-B CUT, and to notice the way
men are changing over to it Talk it over with
some one who chews VB CUT there's something
sound and fundamental about the tobacco. It's not
gummy with syrup; just tobacco through and through
and mighty rich, tati1 leaf at that shredded and
lightly salted to bring out the good tobacco taste.
VU, br WETMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 1107 BrJw.7, New Twk Cty
Do Your
Financial "Bit"
to the
When The Monitor
Prints It
YOU are assured of a ood
job as a skilled man does
the work.
Our Cash System enables us
to beat city prices.
There is hardly anything we
cannot do.
Established 1889
A Successful Bualncia Career of Twenty rive Tears
H. Hlrcchberg, Fres. D. W. Sears, V. P.
R. K. DeArmond, Cashier
W. H. Walker, I. A. Allen, O. D. Butler
Published Weekly at Independence, Polk County,
Oregon, on Friday.
entered as Second Class Matter Angus! 1,1912 at the Post Office it lade,
pendence, Polk County, Oregon, Under the Act of March 3, 1879.
NINA B. ECKER. Associate
Suoscriptlon Rates: One Year $1.50 Strictly in Advance
ADVERTISING KATES: 15c. per Inch for one insertion, 12 l-2c for two or
more Insertions, 10c. on monthly contracts. Readers, S and lOc. per line
Independence, Oregon, Friday, June 3, 1917
Senator Harry Lane is dead. For the past
week newspapers have eulogized and commended.
Those who could not excuse his vote on the
"armed neutrality bill" while he was living-,
alter he was dead, praised his sincerity in casting
this vote. Conscience must have pricked many
writers who heaped abuse and ridicule upon the
man who did his duty honestly and conscien
tiously, but all they write after the object of their
persecution has passed to his grave will never
wipe out the stain. All the pictures that the
Oregonian cartoonist can draw for the next ten
years will never erase the half dozen that were
penned for the purpose of driving Harry Lane out
of public life. This is not the time to argue the
merits of Senator Lane's votes, but who knows
but what future generations will concede that he
was right.
The "plain people" of Oregon have lost the
best Iriend they ever had in the halls of congress
Not many men would have been so keen to the
people's interests as to go so far as to endanger
their political future and invite a storm of virulent
criticism. The 'plain people" of Oregon should
never forget Harry Lane. He sacrificed all, even
his life for them.
The necessity of Producing an Extra Pound of
Poultry Product for Every Person In the U. S.
By I. r. Richards, President of the American Poultry Assocla'Ion
The death of Senator Lane mussed up the
senatorial aspirations of several Republicans. The
appointment of Chas. L. McNary to the vacancy
gives him a distinct advantage over all rivals as
he will have nearly a year before the next primary
to gain prestige and some, kind of a record.
Whether Mr. McNary intended to be a candidate
for senator next year we do not know, but if he
did, he has won half the battle by securing the
appointment. Incidentally, the governor is ex
pecting some political advantage for himself by
picking Mr. McNary, who stands fairly well with
the progressive element of the party, but judging
from public sentiment we are led to believe that
if the governor had ten senators to appoint it
would not save him from defeat.
The Monitor has received a number of letters
from over the state commending its suggestion
that certain Portland newspaper men enlist A
rather peculiar situation exists relative to enlist
ing. The militarist wants to stay at home and let
the man of peace do the fighting; the man o
peace naturally oeneves mat tne man ot war
should be in the first line of trenches. Thus we
have it that one half don't want to fight and the
other half wants to fight but wants the half who
don't want to fight to fight for the half who wants
to fight.
Americans ot German Dirtn are torming an
organization to bring about a republic in Ger
many. By so doing they are rendering not only
a irreai service to numanuv out are aointr a nir-
j-, j - o -
bit to end the war. While at present there is no
direct communication with Germany, the news
will soon seep iuto that unfortunate country.
Nearly all people of German descent in America
have relatives in Germany and their influence will
bear fruit.
Before another latching season every bit of tab!.! and kitchen
tee great United States will, no I scraps and make them a source
doubt, be in the deepest thces of of profit,
the world's moat cruel war and j tuiT rrV
no one can foretell the countless j nUVV THE GERMAN
thousands that may be crying for i OFFICERS FARE
bread. It is up to the United j Freeman Armgt back
Sutas, the world s greatest, nch-1 from the trencheg in northern
est, and most resourceful nation, , Franc0 jg thug d
to not only look after the welfare Hijlsboro Independent :
of her own cit.iens, but to give ; .He sai(j jt wa tfce
aid and assutance in MPPjy"k; theallies that while the Germans
food to countless thousands of did not hesitate to send their men
suffering human.ty m the torn t0 cerUin dfiath thg officers
and stricken war zon. The great wy gQod care of
agricultural resources of America skjn8 To jllu3trate thi . g . .
that all of the trench attacks in
which he had taken part no
officer of higher rank than a
sergeant major was found in a
first line trench, and that is
a non-commissioned office. If
officers of higher rank were
fourd they were usually in the
second Una, and then almost in
variably far underground, where
they waited comfortably with
plenty to eat and drink while
the privates and non-commissioned
officers met the attacks. "
"Hats off!" I cry,
To Adam Pfaff,
Who has a si
Lent phonograph.
Cincinatti Enquirer.
And bow ye low
To Willie Wessons,
Who's given up
His fiddle lessons.
Macon Telegraph.
We make so bold
To hail Miss Hannah;
She's gone and sold
That there piano.
Columbia State.
But coma shake hands
With William Bailey
Who's went and hocked -His
-Portland Journal.
The Monitor always leads.
Too many donations are requested for patriotic
purposes. Between the prevailing high prices
and the prospective war tax, the average man will
j have his nose close enough to the grindstone.
must prepare to assume this bur
den. Every one of us must do
our bit. Every acre, every nook
and corner must bear its share.
It is lucky that in poultry we can
produce the cheapest and most
quickly produced meat of all the
various sources of our meat sup
ply. Here, we have an oppor
tunity of producing an extra one
hundred million pounds if the
American farmers, the fanciers
and breeders will give their at
tention to hatching during the
months of May and June.
It is a well known fact that the
available supply of meat pro
ducts is today the lowest in bur
country, per capita, in the history
of the United States. In order
to meet the extremely dangerous
condition, we have within our
selves a wonderful opportunity
of aiding what may prove to be a
world-wide cry for food. Let us
all join enthusiastically in the
propaganda of helping in the
problem of helpiaginthe prob-.
able time of need, by putting
forth now every effort to meet,
in a measure, the demand that
is sure to come for untold quan
tities of food stuffs. Never in
the history of the world will
there be a greater demand than
in the next twenty-four months
that are to follow.
For the past twenty-four
months we have been killing the
Koose that has been laying the
golden egg. and with the hue and
cry of costly feed, poultry and
all meat products have been soar
ing far above all the usual esti
mates as to the relative cost of
production, and the selling price.
The margin of profit oa the pro
duction of eggs and poultry for
meat is far in excess of the per
centage of profit in normal times.
But aside from the question of
profit, we Americans must look
at the situation from a philan
thropic and humanitarian stand
point and each and every one "do
his bit" to meet an exigency that
seems inevitable. Let us all try
to be a faotor in the production
of an extra hundred million
pounds of poultry meat which is
less than one pound additional
for each man, woman and child
in the United States.
The United States Department
of Agriculture has just issued an
estimate that upwards of seven
hundred millions of dollars is the
annual tribute paid by Americans
to the garbage can. Why not
convert this into feed to produce
poultry and eggs.
Every 'home can have a self
supporting and profitable flock in
the back yard by converting the
offal from the table and kitchen
into the very choicest of poultry:
feed. Why such an astounding
waste, an itter extravagance
that costs us nearly seven dollars
for every man, woman and child
in the United States? Let every
home have a neat poultry house
and a few well kept, profitable
It is not unusual for the fan
ciers to quit hatching with April.
Let me urge that hatching be
continued during June and 'also
during July in a large part of
odr country. Let the old hen do
her part fill up the incubators
lr Ail r 4- W n m rrs n , v t- l . i . 1 T .
rr- ktitiu k"iiik Liuvun untf I j j j f r j
the results mill be worth while. HUBjJ6IIUClitB atUcaeefl OiQ.8
Let us be prepared to consume "TriiT havi it"
Unnwnui roc nttraSb
Wtth Vur PMittry
Thrub Um Urn
Toa should have a, large increase
In the number of ears received when
International Poultry Food Tonic
fovea. One extra egg a month
from each ben pave its entire cost
and its use often doubles the num
ber of eejts produced. It is a tonio
for helping to prevent disease, to
promote health, to invigorate the di-
(muveand egg producing orgaDs, and
help supply material for egg shells.