Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, May 25, 1917, Image 4

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What Kind?
Early Cabbage
Early Cauliflower
Early Tomatoes
lnJm. B. Barneti
MaxGoldmai buys and sells
all kinds of wood. 40 tf
Otis Scott was in Portland
over Sunday.
Harry Miller of Co. L was
her Tuesday.
Miss Hilda Hilke was a Port
land visitor Sunday.
Dr. J. B. O rider, dentist, iuo
eeaaor to Dr. Allen, Cooper
Building, Phone Mala 1021.
Jens Jenaon is working at the
Independence creamery.
D. H. Phillips, the new jewel
r, accessor to H. J. Rovve.
The L T. L. is going to have a
picnie in the grove on June 9.
See D. II. Phillips for pres
ent! for the boy or girl gradu
ate. The publie schools will give a
program on Thursday afternoon,
May 31.
A watrh repaired by D. U.
Phillips will keep time, and you
can depend on it
O. M. Blenis, until recently a
realdent of Independence, is now
a news ageat on one ef the local
passenger trains.
Dr. R El Duganne, dentist.
National Bank Building.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kurre of
Portland were calling in this city
Wood Smith took his father to
the Old Soldiers' Home at Rose
burg this week.
O Cedar Oil will renew your
furniture. For sale at Moore &
Just arrived from Chicago a
large shipment of up to oate
jewelery. No trouble to show it
Mr, and Mrs. Forest Finch and
son spent Saturday and Sunday
in Portland.
Miss Vera Brunk has returned
from Salem where she has bee n
attending business college.
Mrs, G. C. Bolter of Salem
visited with her daughter, Mrs.
P. R. Alexander, Monday.
Eyes scientifically examined
and glasses fitted. Dr. F. G.
Hewett, Cooper Bldg. 2tf
Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Holt of
Salem spent Sunday with their
daughter, Miss Beryl.
Mrs. Von Gal, who has been
visiting friends at Lebanon, re
turned home this week.
Miss Kennard of Falls City
spent Saturday and Sunday with
her sister, Mrs. H. J. Rowe.
The trail from Detroit to the
Brietenbush Hot Springs is now
open for travel. 42
For Summer Wear, New Fancy and White Hats for Ladles
Stylish Shoes
for that
Young Lady
W. know te prkle which U maturing in the heart f
that daughter tf yours, which prompt. her t. deeire
hM "like motkir't", And w. have provided in the
J mat the shoea to please her and you . Mother's f hoe
will appear no more atyliah on her feet the, pretty
ew deeifn. on daughter' There are atylea for dreaa
up and every day -each one correctly designed to make
hr feet grow right. That' the secret of perfect,
healthy feet in later year.
Strut ill-It.) Siitt hr Mm ui lays - hi Ftri ind Wv atr'i tuh - Hid Cat Nuiirf
B. r. Swope, Lawyer Cooper Bldg.
T, R. Heffley has a new Ford.
Just received, a new lot of
Gordon hats at Kreamer's.
A naval recruiting officer will
be here today.
Several of the country schools
closed last Friday.
It is reported that Ed Owen
will return to Independence to
Saturday special. $1.50 Cedar
mop 85c at Moore & Walker's,
complete Home Furnishers.
J. R. Simonton is holding down
a place behind the counter at
Calbrcath & Jones.
Mrs. Crosby Dalton snent the
week-end in Salem, the guest of
Miss Edith West.
Two good tent bouses for sale
at a bargain. Inquire at Dick'
ann'a Meat Market. 33tf
The Ladies' Circle of the
Christian church will meet next
Wednesday with Mrs. B. H.
Miaa rtnilid Mill.r of Portland
has been visiting at the home of
her mother in Independence this
Miss Vivian Whiteaker, with a
party of Salem friends, went
. r- t tl! .1
over the tjoiumoia nignway
A stood pair of reading
glasses Tor $1.00 at O. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duganne
of Eugene were in Independence
this week visiting Dr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Lottie Hedges Mcintosh
wilt give her- annual students'
public recital at the Methodist
church on Monday evening, June
Mr. and Mrs. W. B.Cuthbert
of Kingfisher, Okla., arrived
here last week to visit Mrs.
Cuthbert's parenta. They may
conclude to remain here.
If you are going to have a
wedding or a swell dinner, don't
forget to complete the menu with
Pugh's Loganberry Juice. Sold
everywhere. 22tf
The Leader Millinery is
having a sacrifice sale.
One third off on all stock.
Sheriff Gellatly of Benton
county was here Sunday in
search of unknown parties who
stole a quantity of wool from a
farmer near Corvallis.
Try oar Favorite Dry Paste for
wall paper, no hot water, no
cooking, no trouble. 25c will do
two rooms. Moore & Walker,
complete Home Furnishers.
By re-arrangement of the
working hours at the postoffice,
Miss Gladys Irvine now kandKs
the evening mail and she beats
the men for speed in the distri
Mrs. J. Dornsife returned
Monday afternoon from Cali
fornia where she has been for the
past to weeks visiting her
husband. Mr. Dornsife is get
ting along quite well she reports.
For Sale a thoroughbred Jer
sey bull, 2 years old, dark brown
color. Price $40. R. H. Mc
Carter. 7 miles southeast of
Independence. 40tf
I The Kensington ladies and
j their husbands, ladened with
igood things to eat. surprised
Mrs. Fred Young Sunday even
ling, the occasion being Mrs.
j Vo'ing's birthday. It was a very
: pleasant evening to all present.
Sacrifice Sale
Millinery Goods in
Trimmed and Unt rimmed Hats,
Ribbons, Flowers, Orna
ments, Feathers, etc.
In Pile
With Special Prices on Children's Hats.
Saturday, May 26
The Leader Millinery,
Bertha Potter, Prop.
Lots of fine buckskin work
gloves at Kreamer's.
H. Hirechberg and C. W.Irvine
were in Newberg yesterday at
tending a bankers' convention, j
Mrs. Erkenbrack of Van
couver, Wash., is the guest of
her daughter, Mrs. H. B. tear.
Allen ClRrk last week shipped
2500 bushels of wheat to Port
land for which he received $2.76
per bushel.
Wanted -Pasture for two colts.
J. T. Hart. Rt. 1. 41
Mrs. Nellie Stewart of Port
land visited at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Damon,
for several days this week.
Dr. H. C. Dunsmore will de
liver the address to the gradu
ating class at Buena Vista on
next Friday evening.
Call early Saturday and get a
$1.50 Cedar mop for 85c at
Moore & Walker's.
Clark Hembree and Ross Nel
son were in Portland this week
with a car of mixed stock which
Mr. Hembree sold in Portland
There will be pretty articles
suitable for graduating gifts on
sale at the Springtime Bazaar to
be held Saturday, June 2. Pres
byterian ladies in charge.
Work shoes $1.75 to $5.00 at
Memerial services at the Pres
byterian church Sunday night
Dr. Dunsmore will delixer the
address. Special music by the
ladies' quartette of the Normal
Miss Dollie Miller departed for
Bisbee, Arizona, Wednesday
taking her little sister. Florence,
with her. They will stay in
Arixona a year in the hope that
it will benefit the little girl's
Mrs. Claude Skinner and Miss
Mable Porterfield left Portland
by boat last Saturday afternoon
for California where Mrs. Skin
ner will remain for some time
for the benefit of her health.
Word has been received of their
arrival at San Francisco.
Arrain Young of Co. L was home
Miss Ora Clark has returnedfrom
Mr. and Mrs. John Neleen were here
from Corvallis Wednesday.
Mrs. Jessie Mattison and daughter
were Portland callers laat Saturday.
Posters ara out for the Independence
Roundup which takea place on June 15
and 16.
Mrs. M. A. Carter of Albany is vis
iting- at the home of ber daughter. Mrs
Clara Taylor.
Wanted, a good girl to do tailoring,
writing and anawer telephone. George
Alaaaari, tailor, Moumouth street.
U..of O. graduatee living in Polk
county have formed a club. Dean
Walker is a member ef the executive
Monmouth Herald: Mrs. K. H.
Sickafoose ta planning to have a $2500
house built on the site of her present
reaidence. S
The Girla' Glee Club of the high
ichool presented their eatertainment
at Alrlie laat Friday night to a large
Mrs. O. J. Whiteaker went to Salem
yesterday where she made arrange
ments to take voice from Manetta
For the benefit of country people
who with to aee the great peace play,
"Civilization", the laia has arranged
for a matinee at 1:30 Tuesday after
noon. The two eveaing showe will be
gin at 7 and 9. Packed houses can be
expected at ail three ahows.
The Polk County Association of
Christian Endeavor has eleeted the
following officers; Gladys Parker,
Monmouth, presidect; H. II. Dui.kle
berger, Dallas, vice president; Ger
trude Wilson. Dallas, secretary; and
Carl Bingman, Independence treasurer.
The following from Independence
attended the Pythian Sisters conven
tion io Coivallis thia weak: Mr. and
Mrs. A. C Moore, Mr. and Mra. E. N.
Johnson. Mesdamea W. B. Kurre, J. L.
Hanna, Lee Wtiitcomb, and Sam Cox,
E. E. Tripp, and Miseea Gladya Irvine,
Vera McKinney and Bertha Col line.
There was a little
Kaiser and his name
was Bill; he got in the
world's way and then
stood still. Teut! Teutl
Wichita Beacon.
ArlMi VmbT CeMat$tFV
TtorMif k Um at
Ton should have a large increase
in the number of ens received when
International Poultry Food Tonie
is given. One extra egg a month
from each ben pays its entire eost
and ita use often doubles th num
ber of eggs produced. It is a tonie
for helping to prevent disease, to
promote health, to invigorate toe di
gestive and eag producing organs, and
help supply material for egg sheila.
arr US LJfrp5pJ Jn
eats. ki -L. fi aatia.
Independence SeedSFeed Xtore