Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, May 25, 1917, Image 3

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mom lyco
Shabby Floors
Painted kitchen floors make housework
aeier. Acme Quality Floor Paint forma a
smooth hard aurfaoe that cleausalmost as es
ily ai til. No need of back breaking scrubbing
is inexpensive, a quart covers 75 square fett
two coats, and ia easy to apply.
The Acme Quality Painting Guide Book tells al
about painting also waxing, staining and varnishing floors;
what to use, bow much will be required and how it should
be applied. Free at our store.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Beven9
returned home on Tuesday even
ing from a trip to Camas, Wash.
Mrs. Ed Tyler returned to her
home at Wooiburn on Thursday.
She has been visiting relatives
here the past two weeks.
Leoland Prather went to Sea
aide on Tuesday where he se
eured work right away.
Rev. Atkinson went to Moun
tain View Saturday morning, re
turning Sunday afternoon.
Cecil Steel of Newport is visit
ing his sister, Mrs. N. C. Ander
son, and his brothers, Dewey
and J. H. Steele.
Next Sunday there will be
Sunday school at 10 a. m.;
preaching at 11 a. m. ; and even
ing service at 8. This will be
the baccalaureate services for
the graduating class, and every
body is welcome to coma and
hear the service.
Mrs. Moe and Mrs. N. E. Tyler
are on the road to recovery.
They kave had yuite a siege of
The Ladies' Aid Society of the
55 ,9
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65 .30
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Fill In Picture Puzzle No. 25
- - -
A BOAT wiucJi you drew in your iw l"""' " th
Lr. bets. b!Kr than th. on. you dr.. c.rry good, all or lb.
world. Rk-h men use them for pleasure. Ferhar- y- b .n,
of them! Sometimes boat, can t find a place to dk. They do not want to
luni .o They carry eomethln on b,rd .hlch th-y us. to Seep them
EeaVE T 11 J. Q-r ahaped thina-a. Too n oulckly draw on. If you U
tart your pencU at No. 1 and l.l It run to , I. . and on.
, M. E. church will meet at the
i home of Mrs. Ed Prather. Every
I member is requested to be pres
; ent. Visitors are always wel
; come.
I Mrs. J. E. Lucas, who was
hurt when her horse ran away
two weeks ago, is able to be up
and around again,
Rev. and Mrs. Atkinson were
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Lichty on Monday.
j Rastus Peterson has had his
new Dort car home a week. He
I is enjoying it very much. J.-A.
j Reynold is the proud possessor
. of a new Oakland. There are
lots of cars being sold these war
times. '
Mrs. A. H. Holman had the
misfortune to fall and break her
arm on Saturday evening.
The graduating exercises at
the M. E. church on Friday
evening, June 1st.
Jess Well, the ferryman had
one of the wheels break on the
cable and took it to Portland to
have it fixed last Friday, return
ing Saturday. He was accom
panied by F. L. Chown. They
motored there by way of Salem. .
? 20 ' .
7 1- I
'22. .-
A '24
C1' ..;
35 .41
36 ..44
Monmouth Monmouth's two
municipal gardens will be planted
to potatoes and beans. The com
mercial elub will donate the seed.
Salt Creek The epidemic of
scarlet fever in this section is
said to be under control. There
are six cases at present. Two
have died.
Dallas -Floyd D. Moore has
been reappointed supervisor of
the rural schools of Polk county.
Suver Fred Stump has rented
two hundred acres which he will
plant to crops in addition to his
own, He is now milking 63
cows, Dan London, a brother of
the famous Jack, being in charge
of the dairy interests.
Buena Vista Ed Lichty has
received 60 pounds of Yellow
Dent corn from the East which
he will plant this year.
Monmouth Ed Rogers lost a
valuable horse in a runaway
accident last week.
Dallas According to Winnie
Braden, a large number of cows
are sold when they go dry be
cause of the high price of feed.
Hens are also sold if they quit
Airlie The parent-teachers'
association has purchased a piano
for the school.
Monmouth-F. M. Black has
traded a grocery stock with boot
to C. A. Dobell for a farm.
HARMONY--The following were
born on Chas. Moritz's farm last
week: A colt, 7 pigs, 2 calves,
2 kittens and 175 chickens.
Falls City All the teachers
employed in the Falls City schools
for next year are "home folks."
mere is more Catarrh In this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and fur years It was sup
posed to be Incurable. Doctors pre
scribed local remedies, and by constant
ly failing to cure with local treatment,
pronounced it incurable. . Catarrh Is a
local diBease. erreatly influenced by con
stitutional conditions and therefore re
quires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured hy : 1.
Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a consti
tutional remedy. Is taken Internally
and acts thru the Wood on the Mucous
Surfaces of the Sys'em. One Hundred
Dollars reward is offered for any case
that Hall's Catarrh Cure falls to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials.
F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
Bold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall's Family rills for constipation.
To you, sweet perfumed, soft
colored, delicate harbinger of a
fruitful autumn, ye lovely bloom
of the apple trees, the children
of earth chant welcome in the
sunshine of early spring. In the
faint blush of your beauty the
world beholds the babyhood of
the most varied, the most de
lightful, the most useful, the
most diverse of all the fruits
which providence has bequeathed
to man. There is no production
of tropic lands, nor among the
myriad gifts to the tones which
a temperate sun, in semi-tropic
nurture, warms to natural repro
duction, which rivals the apples
of the northern lands. In tex
ture, in flavor, in coloring, in
bountiful yield and infinite
variety, the apple surpanses in
use and value all other fruition
of earth upon the trees. There
fore in this season of nature's
conception, the flowers which
promise red and russet orchards
when the morning frosts shall
come in eaWy fall, delight the
eye and
quicken the heart of
man with beauty and
of plenty. Pendleton
Theopohilus Thistle, the suc
cessful thistle sifter, in sifting a
sieveful of unsifted tnistles,
thrust 3000 thistles through the
thick of his thumb. If, then,
Theopohilus Thistle, the success
ful thistle sifter, in sifting a
sieve full of unsifted thistles
thrust 3000 thistles through the
thick of his thumb, see that thou
in sifting a sieveful of unsifted
thistles, thrust not 8000 thistles
through the thick of thy thumb.
Author Unknown.
By Our Correspondents
Miss Pearl Smith was home
from Corvallis Sunday.
J. L. Hanna returned Sunday
from Salt Lake City.
Mrs. Hazel Hnrn visited her
sister at Corvallis Sunday.
Mrs. W. H. Cockle was a
Salem visitor last Saturday.
K. O. Eldridge made a business
trip to LaGrande this week.
Miss Margaret Hodge of Salem
visited Mrs. 0. A. Macy Sunday.
The Oregon Milling Co. Is
erecting a new barn on its farm.
Cyril Richardson and Whit
eaker of Co. L were home San
day, J. A. Bewley and family were
Portland visitors Saturday and
Mrs. Going of Dallas visited
her sister, Miss Lora Chute,
Mrs. Allen Clark was visiting
relatives in Albany the first of
the week.
Harley Nelson and Guy Lucas
of Buena Vista have enlisted in
the navy.
Shaler Eldridee departed last
Saturday for Frisco where ke
enters the navy.
Mrs. B. F. Swope and daugh
ter, Grace, were Salem visitors
Mrs. Frank Bolden of Dallas
has been visiting at the home of
Mrs. Bulloch.
Mis Constance Cartwright of
Salem was the week-end guest
of Miss Beryl Holt.
Miss Freda Campbell of the
Willamette University was a
home visitor Senday.
Rev. T. D. Yarnes attended
the state Sunday school conven
tion at Newberg. last week.
Miss Helen Austin of Aber
deen, Wash., was visiting with
Miss Rawlings last week-end.
Miss Phyllis Bush of Portland
is visiting friends and relatives
in Independence this week.
AGENCY U Masonic Bldg.,
McMinnville. 41tf
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Baker of
Newport were Saturday and
Sunday visitors's at W. T. Hoff
man's. Announcement has been made
of the engagement of Miss
Dorothy Childs of Independence
and John Eakin of Dallas.
Word Butler was at Hoskins
Sunday. He reports that the
V. & S. has a number of men
working at that end of the line.
Marion Butler has been elected
principal of the Buena Vista
schools, a place this worthy
young man will held with credit
Mrs. Hattie Henkle has re
ceived word that her brother,
Dr. F. T. Harris, of Lewiston,
Idaho, has been called into the
medical service.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Craven
and son, Mr, and Mrs. Percy
Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
Williams and daughter, and Sid
Bush autoed to Portland Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Howard had a letter
last week from her son, Byron,
who is at Mare Island training
for the navy. He is soon to be
transferred to a battleship. He
likes it fine.
Altho the city has strict laws
regulating peddlers and can
vassers, four of them raked the
town with a fine tooth comb last
week. They sold hose, silver
polish, canaod goods and toilet
IQI if
W. S. STEWART, Pastor.
The Union Memorial Service! will be
held in this church at 11 next Sunday.
Show your patriotism by your attend
ance. Sunday school at 10.
Friendly Entertainers meeting S:30.
h. Y. P. U. at 7:0.
Preaching at 8:00.
Special music by the church choir in
the evening.
A warm welcome ia assured all who
Thos. D. Yarnes, Pastor.
No services In the morning because
of Memorial Services at the Baptist
0 A. M. Sunday School.
2:30 P. M. Loyal Temperance legion.
7:00 P. M. Epworth League.
8:00 P. M. Evening service.
Sublect: "The Prodigal or the
Prodigal's Brother."
It is all right perhaps, this
setting aside days for special
purposes, but there can be too
much of a good thing. It has
about reached the limit now, for
the unoccupied days are nearly
exhausted. With a few more
some of them will have to wait
for leap year to get a chance at
the game. With every day Bet i
aside for some especial purpose
all interest is lost in all of them.
However, this demonstrates the
system is entirely American, for
it is being run into the ground
just as we run every other thing
of the kind. Salem Journal.
Gen. Gibson No. 42, W. R. C.
of Independence
Have a membership contest on.
Thia contest will end the 30th of
May 1917. All loyal women are
invited to join our Corps, who
hsve reached the age of 16, and
pledge allegiance to our flag and
to the republic for which it
stands. It is the oldest organi
zation of this kind, and all patri
otic women could not And a more
dueerving organization to aid
our Union In caring lor
veterans and their depen
i pen dent 1
War Can't Stop Us
It makes no difference in our
appetites for good eats. But the
question of the hour is, "where to
get good, satisfying eats at
medium prices."
It is plainly in evidence in every
part of our store. It consists of
Fresh, Pure, Clean Groceries
And the smiles of many satisfied customers Is the
best of proof that we make flood on every claim.
F. Claude Stephens, Pastor
Important Services, Lord' Day,
Slay 27.
Bible School at 10 a. m.
Communion at 11 a. m.
Christian Endeavor at 7 KM) p. m.
Divine service 8:00 p. m.
Theme: "Charge of the Light
Union Memorial Services in the
Baptist church 11 a. m.
"Under tke warm blue sky of May,
The graves on the hill are green today.
On many a mound to left and right
There'a a little fluttering flag in sight
And the little bright flag its vigil
Night and day, where the soldier
sleepa "
Dr. H. C Ounsmore, Pastor
10 a. m. Sunday school,
11 a. m. ) Public Worship with
00 p. m. ( Sermon.
We invite you to all our services.
Stranger cordially welcomed.
For Spring
Mr surface dusting or brushing
is not cleaning. Thorough clean
ing draws out both "outside"
and "inside" dirt without scatter
ing it in (tie air you breathe. It
in cleaning auch aa can only be
hud with an
Vacuum Cleaner
An Electric Vacuum Cleaner will
keep your hoaie spotlessly clean
all year long with very little
effort on your part, at small ex
pense and with no wear or tear
on ruga, draperiea, mattresses,
bedding, etc.
Oregon Power Co.
Phone 5011
Practice in all Courts
Butter Wraps
$1.00 per 100