Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, May 11, 1917, Image 1

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    Az-.4 jk'j -v
NO. 39
Papers are filled with economy talks
And other warning clatter,
We're told to save all we can
And then to lick the platter;
"Never spit out what you can chew,"
Experts are daily humming,
Boiled angle worms
And other squirms,
We can taste them coming.
Sadie's 11 roosters and one old hen
Have commenced to lay,
But Sadie wonders why it is,
She gets but one a day;
Bertie Kullander has no doubt learned,
He's quite a chicken feller,
If Sadie 's wise
She'll make those eyes
And Bertie sure will tell her.
Engineer Bewley at any task
Is bound to do his best,
He'll even pull a Ford 'tis said
If beauty is distrest;
Girls of the high school glee
Burst forth in gladsome song,
Their voices scoured,
In fact the flowered,
And made old gloom go wrong.
Sunday has been set aside
As a day for Mother,
She's the one that when you lose,
You'll never get another;
If she be near or far away
Write her a good long letter,
The time do take
And it will make
The both of you feel better.
With only two more meetings,
one to be held the fourth Tues
day in May, the last the second
Tuesday in June, the Independ
ence Civic League will close a
most prosperous and profitable
year's work. During the latter
half of the season, Mrs. K. C.
Eldridge has been the leader and
as a president she is most
capable, always working every
detail out in an admirable and
satisfactory manner to the entire
Last Tuesday afternoon the
club met and completed the
somewhat delayed plans to send
a box to Co. L. Thursday the
box, containing miscellaneous
substantial, was foi warded to
the "Independence boys."
To those who are ambitious to
make gardens and are without
the available ground, the Civic
League will secure the necessary
acreage if it is made known.
Mrs. Geo. Carbray entertained
the members of the S. S. Club
Wednesday afternoon. Sewing
and conversation filled the hours
with pleasure, the hostess con
cluding the session with a splen
did repast.
Mrs. K. C. Kldridge enter
tained the members of this club
in a most delightful manner last
Wednesday afternoon. The re
ception rooms and library of the
handsome home were farther
beautified by vases and jardineres
of pretty spring blossoms, and
j plants. A large cluster of choice
I pink carnations centered the
drawing-room table. Groups of
jolly matrons gathered around
the glowing hearth, tatting and
; chatting, passing the hours in a
! delightfully congenial way. The
i hnaU-Ki sprvprl a mnst pinuiaite
luncheon to the club members,
and Mrs. Sherman Hays, Mrs.
F'earl Hedges and Mrs. Percival.
A large American flag, which
once flew over the battleship
Maryland, was raised over the
Masonic Temple yesterday after
noon with patriotic ceremony in
the presence of a thousand
people. A parade, headed by
Dr. H. C. Dunsmore, master of
ceremonies, marehed from the
public school grounds to the
temple. In the order named
came the G. A. R. fife and drum
corps, the girls of the Honor
Guard carrying the flag and the
pupils and teachers of the Inde
pendence schools. J. W. Kirk
land, the oldest Mason in Inde
pendence, raised th flag. The
school children repeated their
patriotic pledge and the entire
assemblage saluted. After the
flag had been unfurled to the
breze, C. W. Barrick delivered
an address. As the finale, thi
Star Spangled Banner was sung
by all.
The gard( n train, conducted by
the Southern Pacific under the
direction of the extension service
of the 9. A. C, is in Independ
ence this afternoon. Commenc
ing; at one o'clock and continu
ing until 2:45 there were lectures
at the high school on "Food
Preparedness," "Home Can
ning," "Vegetable Growing"
and "Poultry Raising" by Miss
Turley, Miss Cowgil), Prof. VV.
S. Brown and Prof. C. C. Lamb.
The lectures on "Vegetable
Growing" and "Home Canning"
were repeated later in the after
noon at the preparedness car.
All the lectures were interesting
and instructive and will prove Of
much benefit to those attending.
Addison Bennett, with the
Oregonian, writes: "If Polk and
Yamhill counties ever looked
better, nobody seems to rpmem
ber the time. I heard more than
one farmer say that he never
saw vegetation make a finer
growth in the same length of
time than during the past week.
It does not seem at all probable
that there will be any frost. If
this proves the case, and other
conditions go along favorable,
Polk and Yamhill will give a
good account of themselves
when the crops are harvested
this fall."
When the new revenue bill goes into effect, the
people will realize that war costs money.
Th Girls' Glee Club of the
High School, fifteen in number,
presented at the opera house last
Friday evening a real musical
treat and added to it as a dessert
the best acted sketch ever staged
in Independence, either by
amateurs or professionals. The
girls were directed by Miss
Rawlings. assisted by Mrs. E.
E. Paddock. Each musical num
ber was clever, original and in
perfect harmony. The sketch,
"The Kleptomaniac", a difficult
role, was handled with ease and
grace. The seven girls, an sll
star bevy, mixed the right ele
ments of polish and finish and
smoothly glided over the rough
places with an easiness that was
marvelous. There was no grasp
ing for lines. It will be too bad
if this entertainment is not re
peated here.
The Glee Club consisted of
Margaret Burroughs, Norma Cal
breath, Hazel Calbreath, Ulla
Dickinson, Helen Gillespie, Ruth
Girard, Opal Hewitt, Vera John
son, fay Johnson, Erma Lyons,
Inez Mix, Dorothy Paddock,
Bessie StilJwell, Frances Towns
erd and Velma Whiteaker. Those
in the sketch were Norma Cal
breath, Haxel Calbreath, Ulla
Dickinson, Opal Hewitt, Do-othy
Paddock, Frances Townsend and
Velm Whiteaker.
Saturday was booster day in
Independence for the road bond
bill. Commissioner E. J. Adams
delivered a speech at the Isis to
a crowded house. He insisted
that the passage of the bond bill
on June 4 would be the best
thing Oregon has ever done, that
the bill was drawn in the inter
ests of all th people of the state
and not especially to benefit
Portland, that Oregon should
build its trunk roads first and
the branches would follow, that
taxes would not be increased and
that the present state levy and
automobile tax would care for
both the interest and principal of
the bonds. Mr. Adams' address
was a splendid argument for the
affirmative side of the question.
He is certainly familiar with
the subject.
At a banquet given by the busi
ness men fnday night, Mr.
Adams was the guest of honor
and spoke briefly regarding the
bond bill and answered ques
tions concerning it. Others who
spoke were Judge Kirkpatrick,
Winnie Braden and I. L. Patter
Commissioner S. Benson, who
was scheduled to be present, did
not come. Many would have
liked to have heard him.
The S. P. gas car stuck a
tractor, belonging; to J. B.
Knowlesj Saturday evening near
Gerlinger. The driver of the
tractor made an attempt to cross
the tracks but because of a grade
got stalled and backed up. The
engineer of the gas car thinking
tint the tractor driver would
wait for the gas car to pass did
not stop. The tractor driver,
apparently not noticing the ap
proach of the car, started up and
drove onto the tracks. In the
collision that resulted, the trac
tor, a new one just reently pur
chased, was badly wrecked, but
fortunately the driver escaped
uninjured. The gas car was not
damaged. Mr. Knowles was
sitting in a buggy near by and
witnessed the collision.
Sunday, May 13, is Mother's Day. It is set
aside as an occasion for all men and women to
show by some act or deed their love for their
mother. This cannot be done in any particular
manner for each individual's way of showing
affection and admiration is different but the three
common practices are to attend church services,
wear a white flower and write a letter to mother
if you are not with her.
Some man has said that "all that I am, I owe
to my mother." What he has said nearly every
man and woman can say also.
There is not sufficient evidence here , fences upon the street lines as it is
to justify us in changing the lines of ! now claimed by teem. If anybody on
the streets of Independence as they earth knew the boundary lines of Main
J. E. Cooter, district agent for
Polk county, delivered an ad
dress in Independence last Satur
day afternoon in whicn he
strongly urged the farmers to
utilize every available acre this
year, that the country faced a
food shortage and that the
farmers must help win the war
by greatly increasing their
The commencement exercises
of the Monmouth high school
will be held June I. The follow
ing fifteen will receive diplomas:
Guy E. Sacre, Donald Portwood,
Lou Uuggles, Clarence Walker,
Earl McNeil, Alice Hamm, Silas
Starr, Jay B. V. Butler, Jr.,
Thelma Marks, Gertrude Coote,
Violet Deuny, Gaynelle Shore,
Gladys Evans, Harold Olson and
Birchard Van Loan.
Three thousand on the officers'
reserve list have been called to
the eolors and ordered to report
in San Francisco on May 15.
Among them are If. W. Brune of
the Dallas Otserver, J. S. Coop
er, Jr., of Salem, Walter L.
Tooze, Jr., of Dallas and Mark
V. Weatherford of Albany.
Lester BoJenhamer brought to
the Monitor office last Saturday
morning a rose in full bloom,
evidently the first one in Inde
pendence this spring. The
flower was grown at the Bod en
hamer home on C street.
have been acquiesced in and recognized
for forty years before the last survey.
It is evident that no purvey wag made
when the land was originally platted,
but by referring to the plat it is plain
that Thorp intended to plat the north
east corner of his claim. The originM
field notes are not here, and there is
not a scrap of original evidence any
where ia the record to identify the
location of the northeast corner. In
this dilemma the surveyor attempted
to locate it by reference to a descrip
tion in a deed fiom E. A. Thorp to A.
Nelson, dated March 21, 1883, convey
ing all his donation land claim not
included in the town plat in which
deed the beginning point is described
as follows: "Beginning at the north
east cerner of said land claim where a
bottle with charcoal in It ia sank ia the
ground," etc. Upon what data this
description is based does not appear,
Evidently if was riot a "government
corner" because the government sur
veys are not marked by beer bottles
buried in the ground; and it is a matter
of common knowledge that in the early
fifties, when these donation claims
were being surveyed, Oregon was ia a
staO of priatine purity and sobriety
and beer bottles were unknown. So
this beer bottle which the surveyor
found and dug up and identifies as such
must belong to a more recent geological
period than that extending from 18jOte
1854. There is no proof of the accur
acy of the survey, if there was a sur"
vey, when it was buried and no suffici
ent proof that it was the same bottle
referred to in Thorp's deed, though it
probably was. It is not nearly so re
liable as indicating the location of the
streets as the acts of old settlers, in
cluding Thorpe himself, who owned
some lots now owned by one of the J climed b' P'intiff
plaintiffs and who maintained his ; remain.
street Thorp was that nan. He was
the owner of the townsite and inter
ested in the progress of the town, and
it is not probable that he would In
fringe upon the streets which he had
laid out or allow his neighbors to do so
without remonstrance. Upon the
whole testimony we are inclined to the
opinion that the boundaries of Main
street are as a mstter of fsct where
the plaintiff contend; but even if the
northeast corner of the Thorp donstlon
land claim is situated where defend
ant's engineer placet it, the city ia
estopped from claiming a right to shift
the boundaries of the street which have
been accepted and acquiesced in by
everybody for nearly half a century,
merely to attain mathematical exact
nesa. This is not a case like Oliver v.
Synhorst, B7 Or. 182, 109 Pae. 762, 111
t'ac. (94, or Cruson v. Labonon, 64 Or.
6U8, 131 Pac. 816, where there would
have been no difficulty to ascertaining
the exact boundaries ef the street if
the parties had been reasonably dili
gent Here the plaintiffs have adapted
the theory ef the man who laid out the
town and dedicated the plat and assum
ing that he knew the llnea of the
streets he had dedicated have purchased
from him and in some Instances enly
replaced the fences placed by him upen
what he evidently believed was the
street line. These lota are not in an
outlying and unoccupied part of the
city, but upon one of its earliest occu
pied streets. With the acquiescence of
the city and under the direction ef Its
ofTicisIs permanent sidewslks have been
erected and valuable Improvements
made, for forty yeara tke street hss
been actually used by the public upon
the ground and within the boundaries
There it will
It is the patriotic duty of every citizen of Independ
ence to subscribe in accordance with his or her
means to
The Liberty Loan of 1917
United States Government
3) per cent Bonds
offers its services without charge to aiy individual
or corporations wishing to subscribe) to
the $2,000,000,000 United States 3i per cent
Bonds now being offered by the United States