Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, April 13, 1917, Image 3

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Shabby Floors
Painted kitchen floors make housework
asier. Acme Quality Floor Paint forms a
smooth hard surface that cleans almost as eas
ily as til. No need of back breaking icrubbinp;
is inexpensive, a quart coveri 75 square fett
two coats, and is easy to apply.
The Acme Quality Painting Guide Book tells nil
about painting also waxing, staining and varnishing floors;
what to use, how much will be required and how it should
be applied. Free at our store.
On Thursday morning came
the sad news of the death at
Newport of Mrs. Steel Allen, the
mother of Mrs. N. C. Anderson,
H. J. Steel and Dewey Steel.
The children left on Thursday
morning's train for Newport
where she was buried on Sunday
at 2 p. m. Mrs. H. J. Steel
went over on Friday.
John Nash, Arthur Black and j
Verd Shrunk left Wednesday;
afternoon to join the army. j
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Richardson ;
were in Independence on Thurs- j
day night and attended the :
Masonic lodge entertainment.
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Chown j
were week-end visitors with
friends and relatives at McMinn- ;
ville. !
M. J. Cryderman and daugh-
ter, Geneva, and son, Carl, left j
on the boat Monday for Seaside I
where they are going to make j
their home. The best wishes of j
the community go with them. j
Mrs. Jessie Tan went to Saltm (
Wednesday afternoon with her j
brother, John Nash, who started j
Fill In Picture
64 5i
4 V
a? V
Tilt: ovW tlit you drew In your last picture has 'iueer looking eye, hasn't It.
chliur.n? It aiso li calitd a la old btrd. tsn t It? Njw. children, have
you ever t-en a farm ? Here's chance to 1r.i one of th rnoxt Impor
tant machines Uf-d by farmers. Clnclr.nntus. the arent Roman conqueror. aft r
beating all hit fo-, fnt ba k to (he occiatlon of cultivating; the aolL
Start your pencil at No. 1, draw a linn to J, I and 4 and tee what you will n'-t-B.
. met i this maxhtue Is operated by band. sometime by aiUi&als awt.d auine
tlniea by mowr. . .
that afternoon to join the army.
Mrs. J. K. Tan returned home
Thursday night on the boat, be
ing accompanied by her sister.
Miss Lelah Nash, who has been
working in Salem for some time.
Mrs. G. A. Wells and her
mother, Mrs. Smith, left Mon
day to visit relatives in Iowa.
On Friday afternoon, Mrs. F.
L. Chown entertained the ladies
of the M. E. Aid Society, it be
ing the last meeting our presi
dent, Mrs. G. A. Wells would be
with us as she is going to make a
trip to Iowa. Refreshments
were served and a good time en
joyed by all present, and more
of the members wished they
could take the trip. They de
parted wishing her a good time
and a safe return.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bevens
were in Salem last week Thurs
day on business.
There was a party given in
Martin Prather's building by the
young folks. It was a farewell
party for the Cryderman young
folks as they are moving to Sea
side to make their home.
Miss Crowley spent Easter at
Puzzle No. 19
" la-
fr. ? Jo
the home of her sister, Mrs.
Rev. and Mrs. Atkinson and
the children were Sunday guests
at ti e home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Grounds.
n'nere is more Catarrh tn this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and for years it waa sup
posed to be Incurable. Doctors pre
scribed local remedies, and by constant
ly failing; to cure with local treatment,
pronounced It Incurable. Catarrh Is a
local disease, greatly Influenced by con
stitutional conditions and therefore re
quires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, la a consti
tutional remedy. Is taken Internally
and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces of the System. One Hundred
Dollars reward Is ofored for any case
that Hall's Catarrh i ure falls to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio.
Sold bv Druggists. 7Se.
Hall's Family tills (or constipation.
Sunny Slope-Frank Lefever
lost a valuable horse Sunday.
Parker Jesse Walker of St.
Johns has moved onto the farm
he recently purchased near here.
Greenwood J. B. Knowles
butchered five big hogs last
week for which he received 17
cents per pound.
Ballston E. L. Sechrist has
been shipping three cars of hay
Dallas Mrs. Joel Shaw has
70 Plymouth Rock hens from
which she received 1665 eggs
during the month of March, an
average of 23 eggs to the hen.
Monmouth A campaign will
be started in Monmouth to make
use of all the vacant lots for
gardening and chicken raising
Buell -It is getting late and
the farmers are becoming
anxious to get in their spring
AlRLlE From this community
alone eighteen young man al
ready have volunteered for the
"Come on, you God forsaken
degenerates; come on, you forces
of iniquity in New York that
have made the church a cuspidor
and a door mat to wipe your
dirty feet on; come on, you tra-
ducers; on, you triple ex
tract of infamy; come on. you
assassins of character; come on,
you sponsors of harlotry; come
on, you defamers of God and
enemies of the church; come on,
you beetle-browed, hog-jowled,
peanut - brained, weasel - eyed
four-flushers, false alarms and
excess baggage.
"In the name of God, I chal
lenge and defy you. It's mighty
easy to lie about a man when he
isn't on the job. I'm here now.
Come on."
Great Britain
r ranee
San Marino
United States
Germany is exceedingly gen
erous with American real estate.
She told Mexico she might have
Texas, New Mexico and Arizona
t she would get in and scrap the
United States. She offered Japun
a generous slice of the Pacific
coast also the Philippines and
her latest proffer is a section of
the southern states to the ne
groes of the south with the
privilege of starting a black
republic for themselves. All
they had to do to get this was to
lick the United States until
(iermany waa satisfied. Salem
Capital Journal.
The Northwest is fortunately
situated in that it has the cli
mate and soil to raise crops that
will produce an enormous amount
of hogs and we believe that the
hog is the backbone of this sec
tion. We realize the drop that will
take place In most all commodi
ties that are soaring skyward at
the present time, but being fa
vored by nature as the North
west is, if we study the condi
tion of affairs, the man who is
raising hogs is bound to make no
If it should be the destiny of
the United States to enter the
European war, many people be
lieve it will not last until the end
of the coming summer. The con
clusion of war means an imme
diate drop in the price of wheat,
for Russia is reported to have
three crops which will be released
to the world at the close of the
conflict. Hogs, in the opinion of
all traders, are sure to remain
high for the next two or three
Particularly from the nations
now at war, pork will be in
great demand. Early in the war
Germany slaughtered her hogs
in order that she would not have
to feed the grain needed for her
armies. The shortage of pork in
the other countries is nearly as
bad and they will have to de
pend upon America for the next
few years, until their herds can
be rebuilt. Portland Livestock
Even in the science of retreat
ing, Germany is leading the
world. - Washington Herald.
At all events, the Kaiser has
been more successful than Henry
Ford in getting the boys out of
the trenches. New York
Try as they may, the Allies
tan't halt the German retteat.
The Kaiser's army sweeps vic
toriously on toward home.
Philadelphia North American.
How hurried the German re
treat was is evidenced by the
fact that in some of the towns
evacuated they did not have
time to even smash the dishes.
Kansas City Times.
There was a young man from
Who loved a fair lass and would
mate her,
Of course you can guess
That she quickly said "Yes"
When he bought her an entire
Kansas City Star.
Evary Time Salvo Is Firod The 6ws
From Side to Sida.
Washington. The slmiine ciirc or
"peach buHkct" iuunM nf United Klaten
t)Uttleslilia mid larger emitter arc un
like lliose of any other naval uhlim
alloHt No until of wooileu h1jI dn'
would nvoiilzc tlie.-e odd blruclurea
aa mama. Tliey ure really olmervntlmi
towers of steoi.
Tbe eaiie must l the result of years
of experiment hy American naval offi
cers in ail effort to ei-eali; u liKlil lower
that could he sliot full of holes and
till stand up.
The cage limit is huilt of t lai'Ke
number of Klcndcr ateel rods, so r
ranged that every one of tliem could
be pierced hy sheila and unlem these
bit tt were closely ;rouied the iijhmi
would stand. Ko far no other mitloii
has copied the fuited Slatea style ;
uj oat
End! ca-e liiMHt is iaped hy a 'spot
ting top." Tlila la a plat form from
which observing nlllcers work out
ranges and with jwerful tsoa glasses
"!ot" the ah'itu as they land, t'orre -tlon
tn the ranges are telephoned to
the fire control stations If a while
spurt of water on the surface of the
sea fchowii the lii tn are rilling short
or overreaching the m;irk.
The s "it tin,: top of a battleship In
action la no place for a faint luarted
man. Kvery time a salvo Is HrnJ the
mast whips from one Mdc to the oth. r
with a si'keiiing fc-wiiy. The men i-i
the top are uip,cd ba-'k nie! fortii
like kills plining the g:iine of ' ra ..
the whip" Slid must hniijf on for Iheir
lives to the Mti'iildcr hih ra j. Ju
some canes the men are straHn-ti lu the
ra lis.
W. S. STEWART, Pastor.
Sunday school at 10.
Preaching at 11.
The subject of the sermon will be
"Hidden Manna.'"
Friendly Entertainers meeting; 1:30.
B. Y. r. U. at 6:30.
Preaching tt 7:30.
The subject of the sermon will be
"Resisting Unto Blood."
All are cordially invited to attend
the services of our church.
Six weeks ago the children of the
Friendly Entertainers had divided
themselves into two groups known as
"Gideon'a Band" and "Busy Bee."
For six weeks they had competed with
each other for new members and
reirular attendance. On Sunday, April
1st, it was found that the Busy Bees
had won. ' So on Saturday last the
Gideon gave a party to the Busy Beea
in the basement of the Baptist church.
The children played games and were
served with hearty refreahmenU by
tha losing side. The Friendly Enter
tainers have changed their time of
meeting to 3 30 so as not to eenllict
with any other organization tn the
city. Any child from three to sixteen
is made welcome.
F. Claude Stephens, Pastor
Important Services, Lord's Day,
$10,000 Verdict to Boy, V3.0J0 to Father,
For Shid of Auto.
New Voik.-lliluiei- .1. ( nilscn, eight
years old, lecelved before Supremo
Com t Ju-Mici) Kfiby and n Jury lu
Brooklyn a verdict of ifin.lHKi ngitlust
t lie K. W. Bliss company for Injuries lie
suffered Jan. HUd, w hen one of his
feet was run oer by a live ton muni
tion truck, causing, iinipulutioii of three
toes The hoy's father was awarded
$.'t,4MKI for the Iosh of his services.
Tlio boy nut sluing mi the curb of
Fortieth street, Brooklyn, near Ills
homo, with Ills feet In the goiter. The
truck, loaded with three hi'li shells,
rounded the coiner, Hkhhlcd and ran
over his foot. Kdwiuil J. Mel'rossiu,
counsel for the boy, contended that the
driver of the truck violated it city ordi
nance by turning the corner faster than
four miles an hour.
$1 per 100
Our steady increase in patron
age and our faith in the future of
Independence means much to our
customers, new and old. We are
oin to make greater efforts
than ever before to please those
who patronize us and to give
them every discount that the
grocery business will allow.
Llm tL
April 16.
Bible School at 10 a. m.
Divine service 11 a. m.
Theme : "Citadel of Christian Hops). "
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.
A welcome awaits the many who
may attend.
"The Lord reigns, let the earth re
joice. "Let the multitude of isles be glad.
Clouds and darkness are around about
"Kighteousneaa and justice are the
foundation of Ilia Throne."
Thus. D. Yarnei, Pastor.
.1) A M. Sunday School.
11 A. M. Divine worship.
3 P. M. Loyal Temperance Legion.
6:30 P. M. Epworth League.
There will be no evening service on
account of the Cantata which will bo
held at the Iis theatre.
Dr. H. C Dunsmore, Pastor
10 a. m. Sunday school.
11 a. m. ) Public Worship with
7:30 p. m. Sermon.
We invite you to all our services.
Strangers cordially welcomed.
The Monitor always
Practice in all Courts
County Court House
Dallas, Oregon.
Joseph A. Finlcy
Vocal Teacher
Thursdays from 4-8:10 p,m
Can take only five pupils
Write 600 Koyal Bldtf.,
Is Good
& Jones