( Tt frOOO UU&GC r'HQi '.jOCKtfS KNOW Tut VAUJg Of LA1T1M6 QUALITI 11, J UI'Im iomi W BCOLOm f rou can ur voo last HUIT WIH TO'DA'J ' Ul III THAI ilUllU. I- n JL Tl iTASli S0Y4 CALlI I fi j IH 'iHAU CNI "f 7 eccAuie hc lat4 M f 10N TMAH Art X V iwTMt mmj YOU men get to putting reliance into good stock. Ever since you learned of the rich tobacco of which W-B CUT Chewing is made, there has been a big and increasing demand (or it. The idea of shredding the leaf, so that you can get at the tobacco satisfaction without so much grinding and spitting, has made a winning with men also. The little chew that lasts tnd satis6es is the thing. M.i. fc. WETMAN BRUTON COMPANY, 1107 Bro.4wiy. New York City iTHE INDEPENDENCE MONITOR ! AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Published Weekly at Independence, Polk County, j Oregon, on Friday. biscuits entered as Second Class Matter August 1,1912 at the Pest Office at Inde- yendence, Folk County, Oregon, Under the Act of March 3, 1879. . CLYDE T. ECKER, Editor NINA D. ECKER, Associate SuDscrlptlon Rates: One Year $1.50 Strictly In Advance ADVERTISING RATES: 19c. per Inch for one Insertion, 12 l-2c for two or more Insertions, lOc. on monthly contracts. Headers, 3 and 10c. per line Independence, Oregon, Friday, April 13, 1917 Steady, evenly dis tributed heat, un der perfect control makes a good oil stove wonderful for baking. NEW PEaJeECTION OIL CO&MTOVE Far If fit Ri suits Uu Piarl OU good oil atovs isjuat like cooking with city gas. If you haven't a New Per fection you've missed y comfort for years. Bakes, i . - rr.-i.-A y than remf wood M.I at..,Bd MI. Im. t. cf .1. V.U1. QUI in, ,Hi-nw mam wmnaa aiuuffrr. Kmmtn yomr kitahmn mmL Tte. tone blu. ahlmn.r. prviit in ok or .dor. In 1,1,1. n. 4-burnr tlm,liiii ..p.rata. All Cablli.t Modal, with Flraloa. Coking Ov.na. Ask your today STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CllteoiU) We have been notified by somebody in Port land that it will not cost us anything to advertise the rose festival. When a merchant in this town holds a flower show or installs an orchestra in his store for the purpose of drawing1 trade, he pays for the advertising. He wouldn't have the gall i to ask us to do it for nothiner. But Portland is different and there is some reason for it. The state outside has been "worked" by Portland interests for so long that it is now force of habit to throw out bait to the suckers. When Oregon wakes up and learns that there is something to it besides Portland, it will commence to grow fat and prosper. Simon Benson has begun a suit for libel against a contributor to the Lebanon Criterion who made certain charges against him which Mr. Benson says isn't true. The Criterion, an innocent party, was included as a defendant. If the case ever comes to trial, it may be of unusual interest. In cidentally, several thousand votes were lost for the proposed bond issue when Mr. Benson went into court Costs Little More to go East VIA CALIFORNIA Before .electing the route for your next trip East consider theie three important things: SERVICE Steel cars, through standard or tourist sleeping- can, unexcelled dining cars. SAFETY Rock ballast, automatic block signals, heavy steel rails, consistent speed. SCENERY Known throughout Thousand Wonaers." the country as "The Road of a LIBERAL STOP OVERS Our Agents are well informed. Ask them regarding train schedules, or write JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC LIMES Portland Ross Festival, Jane 13, 14, 15 Fewer English Motor Licenses. London. The number of automobile licenses Issued In Oreat Rrltain and Ireland Is only about half what It was before the war. In 1914 there were 837,000 registered motor vehicles of all kinds. The total for the following year was only 3(K).NK) ami for 1010 about 325.001). ' ui Sale By CRAVEN & HUFF SLOPER BROS. 5 COCKLE! D.HIBBS SCO. 0aOOOOoX00(KMOeOOOV)000IDOOIKH0000000 oooooooo When The Monitor Prints It YOU are assured of a jjood job as a skilled man does the work. Our Cash System enables us to beat city prices. There is hardly anything we cannot do. Messrs. Roosevelt and Bryan represented the two extremes in the present crisis. Roosevelt wanted war all the time, Bryan stood lor peace until the last. But now that war has come, Roosevelt wants to go as leader of a division, Bryan offers his services as a private. The young men of the country are rushing to the colors just as their forefathers did before them in 1776, 1812, 1848, 1860 and 1898. It called on fur active service in this war, they will make the same kind or a record as did their lathers and grandfathers. Prohibition is a possibility of the war. The government may deem it for the best interests of the country to prohibit the sale of all intoxicating liquors, li proniDiiion is iorcea dv necessity, it may stay with us alter the war is over. The President's stand in favor of a war tax upon profits to pay the expenses of the war is the right sort. He says that no debt should be handed down to posterity and where there's a will there's a way to do as he wishes. Eggs and Cockerels Black Minorca and Ancona t eggs, trap-nested stock. Only three Minorca cockerels left, McConnell strain. . C. E. FRAZIER, Main 6922 INDEPENDENCE. ORE. J V ooooooeooocHooo(ooo9ooooooooooo THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK Established 1889 A Successful lUialnm Carter ot Twenty rive Years INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS OI'I'ICU R A rpip IRUCTORS H. Illrschbent, Pres. D. W. Sears, V. P. R. R. DeArmond, Cashier W. H. Walker, I. A. Allen, O. D. Butler The government may have to regulate the price ot foodstuffs. When commission men in thecities destroy thousands of tons of food to maintain prices, something more stronger than regulation is needed for them. So many organizations are supporting the "six million bond issue" that it ought to win and cer tainly if it was a question of which side could make the most noise, the affirmative would win in a walk. I - The editor of the Lebanon Criterion has always i been a faithful errand boy for Portland interests 'and it seems like ingratitude it is ingratitude to plaster a libel suit on him. We don't know but what some of the young; men at least, who are marrying to avoid con- seriPtion. mav be iiimnini" from tht frvimr iv i , , , r" For Spring Housecleanlng Mere surface dusting or brushing ia not cleaning. Thorough clean ing drawa out both "outside'' and "inside" dirt without scatter ing it in the air you breathe. It is cleaning such as can only be had with an Electric Vacuum Cleaner An Electric Vacuum Cleaner will keep your home spotlessly clean all year long with very little effort on your part, at small ex pense snd with no wear or tear on rugs, draperies, mattressea, bedding, etc. INVESTIGATE Oregon Power Co. Phone 5011 'pHERE is more than physical comfort in a good fitting suit. There's the comfort of knowing it is stylishly cut and expertly de signed. C. A. Lochrldge & Co. Th Monitor always leads. i&ACriZa""""'"l I I your ticket should read Good reasons why your ticket should read Union Pacific System: Automatic Safety Signals Protecting every foot of the way to Chicago. 1140 Miles of Double-Track Highest type of road-bed construction. H Top-Notch Trains Through Sleepinc-Cars and D inr toChicago, Omaha, Kansas City, Denver. Columbia River Route East Parallels America's Greatest Highway through the tanuxis gorge, between roaj and nver. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM JOINS W.TST AND EAST WITH A BOCUVARD OF STEEL PORTLAND Cm' OFFICE, Third at Washington WM. McMUBJUV. Omm Pun,,, uiiinniiinniiiiiitttttHtllttuiiiJiua:'11'" the fire