INDEPENDENCE MONITOR 'THE PAPER THAT EVERYBODY READS" VOL.5 INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1917 NO. 35 3 -I i 3 We have decided to continue our Big Closing Out Sale Until and Including Wedne sday, April 18th Great Bargains Throughout the Entire Store. EXTRA SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS DURING THE REMAINING FEW DAYS. Ladies' Suits, Ladies' Dresses, Ladies' Coats, Ladies' Waists at a Big Sacrifice. Some half price and even less in some instances. Men's and Boys' Clothing at Sweeping Reductions. Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods, Linens, Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves, Sheetings, Drapery, Etc. at Closing Out Prices. Don't Forget Wednesday is our last day in business in Independence ELLIOTT O'BRIEN CO. t THE RHYMING SUMMARIST Here's to all thelaoys of ours, Who answered country's call, May they all be back this -summer Or not later than the fall; They'll do their duty whatever be, . There'll be none to doubt it, And Ernest Tice, If he's nice, Will write and tell about it. Kaiser Bill, we don't like you, And when you're out and down, In hunting for another job, Don't hang around this town; We love the German people, But you we're not approving, So Wilhelm Bill Don't be still, Just keep on a moving. The college girls, Monmouth's pride, Passed thru here this week, They loaded up the I. & M. And made the engine squeak; When Con Frazier went thru the car, To gather each girl's money, She would smile For quite a while If he called her "honey." It has been a good long time Since we've mentioned Spring, We are waiting for the sunshine And the birdies' sing; Sadie has a brand new scheme To aid in the recruiting, If all she kissed Would enlist, Sadie would be suiting. ) WILL SING CANTATA "Easter King:", a cantata, will be suns: at the Independence I Opera House on Sunday evening, i April 15, promptly at 8 o'clock. The public is invited. There is j no admission price. It is under the direction of D. V. Polii g. Concerning the production at Dallas last Sunday, the Dallas Observer says: j "Without doubt 'Easter King I is the finest sacred production eve' rendered in Dallas. A chorus of fifly people selected from Independence and Dallas, proud, and sang with precision, uniformity of tonal excellence and ofttimes with temperamental abandon. In the more spectacular climaxes, the director took chances, which are only justified when dealing with musicians of ability and ex perience. "The chorus of Sunday night would have won praise from the most critical audience. The at tack was prompt, the ensemble excellent and the shading leftj little to be desired. The large j audience was profuse in its ap-j preciation and liberal applause j followed at the conclusion of each number." The personnel of the chorus follows: Soprano Mesdames Irvine, Conkey, Butler, Games, Paddock, Sloper, MacKenzie, Coad, Miller, Polinr, Stone, Barham, Tatom, Stafrin, Web ster, Gray, the Misses Williams, i Gillespie, Eddy, Childs. Owirigs, Harrington. Altos Mesoames Kramer, Gillespie, Coleman, Lehman, Macy, Graves, Hewitt, Byers, Wisner, the Misses Cuth bert. Morrison and Dempsey. Tenors Messrs. Hewitt, Bar rick, Drexler, Simonton, Steel quist, Snyder, MacKenzie, Cerny and Schaeffer. Basses Messrs. Macy, Mcintosh, Gillespie, Campbell, Morrison, Gray, Orr, Ghorke, Gibson, A. V. R Sny der and Claire Snyder, A' LETTER FKOM CO. L Vancouver, Wn., April 11. Editor Monitor We have one hundred fifty Polk county boy? and some boys, too, from our home town. Archie Lacy, Leonard A. Fitzgerald. Ernest Smith, Iioy Whiteaker, Lee Jordan, Harry Clinton, Neil Buchanan, Harry Stoneacker, Ernest Tice, Cyril Richardson and Harry C. Miller. The latter was appointed Company barber yesterday and opened up for business at 4:30 this afternoon, starting in with a shave and hair cut for Corporal Tice. He has about 100 signers now at 75c per month and will get the rest in a few days. He expects to clean up $100 a month outside of ex penses. Not bad for one of Uncle Sam's boys. For the bene-1 fit of wives at home, all married men will be discharged and sent home, unless new orders come from headquarters at Washing ton. Ernest Tice. ODING) Bells Abe Becker and Miss Grace Girard. two well know people of Independence, were married in Dallas one day last week, greatly surprising their many friends here. They will reside in Inde pendence where Mr. Becker is employed as a pharmacist in Hewitt's drug store. Mrs. Becker is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Girard, a graduate of the Independence high school and in very popular among the 1 young people of the city. They are receiving congratulations on every hand. ROSE FESTIVAL SLOGAN Flower Gowned, foreit Bound, Hon i Portland. RESOLUTIONS Whereas, loving peace and abhoring war as only those can who have endured the suffering: and horror of war, and under standing all that it means to us as a people and a nation, yet placing: the flag of our country and its honor first, as all loyal and patriotic citizens will do, we stand for our country first, last and all the time; Therefore, be it resolved that we, members of General Gibson Post. No. CA, Department of Oregon, Grand Army of the Republic fully endorse and ap prove the stand our government is taking in order that the lives and property of American citi zens shall be fully protected against any and all foreign foes; We further denounce any and all attempts to embarass the U. S. government or hinder enlist ment in any branch of the army or navy, whether made by college professors, gchool teach ers, professional men, unpatriotic newspapers, or pthers as dis loyal, un-American and treason able toward our government in the grave crisis which now con fronts it; Be it further resolved, that we hereby voice our approval of President Wilson's message to the Congress and the ftand he has taken in upholding the dignity and honor of our country, and we pledge him our utmost support. James ScafTord, Commander, A. M. Bingman, Adjutant. OBSERVE EASTER There was a splendid Easter program given at the Presby terian church Sunday morning' by the Sunday school. A num ber of excellent, gongs and rtci tations were given and Dr. Duns more, in his usual interesting manner, feave a few personal ex periences of his tour thru Palestine. EASTER PROGRAM The Easter program at the Baptist church last Sunday night was well received. The church auditorium was crowded and each number as it was rendered waa received with enthusiastic ap plause. Piano duet by Dolly Dearingr and Fern Seaman. Anthem by the church choir. Recitation by Verne Petenon. Solo by Miss Laura Baker. Son. "Hark. Oh, hear the Birds," by the Light Bearer class assisted by two boys. Reading, "The Old, Old Story." by Vera Brunk and Arletha. 8outh. Tableau and Easter story. Anthem by the thurch choir. "Memories of Galilee"by Light Bearers and two boys. Pantomime "Sweet Hour of Prayer" by Dolly Dcaring. The committee who had this program in charge deserve the credit for the excellency of the pieces rendered, and the training that had been Riven to those who took part. GIRLS HONOR GUARD The Girls Honor Guard met Monday evening in the library. Dr. Cropp gave a lecture to Corps 1 on epilepsy, hysteria, drown ing and fainting. Corps 8 met at the garage Wednesday for the purpose of studying the mechan ism of automobiles. Next Mon day night Corps 1 will meet at the library at 7:30 to hear lec ture from Dr. Butler. Through the kindness of the doctors of the city, we are to receive vari ons lectures on first aid work. There are now forty girls in the elub.i The membership closes this week. Contiibuted. Benton (bounty Courier: James Carter of Wells died Sunday morning. He had been in poor health for a number of yean,