tgm Exclusive agents for Eastman Kodaks and Supplies 75c to $30,00 in Stock Post Cards . Booklets Slickers Enclosure Cards Holly Paper Xmas Ribbon CRAVEN fi WALKER The Christmas Store of Independence Xmas Box Candy 25c t9 $5,00 Wrapped for Mailing Xmas Stationery Xmas Box Stationery and Correspondence Cards 25c to $3.00 i LEATHER GOODS Including Music Rolls, Ladies' Hand Bags, Purses, Wallets, Card- Cases, Scissor Cases, Tourist Tablet Cases, etc. You need it- se it r The Lever it ' i " ; IT r L I ' V. 1 1 J. j. V i. i l" TH 5 ELF FILLING" irr.i .. . ..' jmi ' Ideal Fount m Pen $2.50 to $6.00 r BOOKS Copyright and Reprint Books, including" all the latest titles. Poems, Leather Bound Books. Boys' Books, Girls' Books, Children's Books. Books of Every Description. HI? The Master Toy for Boys $1 to $5 in Stock Educational and Instructive Baskets Work Baskets and Hanging Flower Baskets DOLLS of Every Kind and Description. The Largest and Most Complete Stock in the County Whim.- About HummincTop & :. 0y i . i TOYS of Every Kind too Numerous to Mention. See Our Toy Land and Be Convinced. " 44444 44-0 4444444-m-44440444444444444 ife BREVITIES Special lale until Christmas at Goldman's store. Dr. R. E. Duganne, dentist, National Dank Hulldlng. Misses Mabel and Frances Cooper are here from Portland. Mrs. W. O. Morrrw is visiting her purents at Tatoma, Waih. Give furniture this year. Aloore & Walkwr, Home Furnisk- rs. Mrs. I. Govro is spending the holidays with her son ia Linn county. A good pair of reading glasses for $1.00 at O. A. Kreamer's. Dallas Observer: Joseph A. Fin ley, director of music in the Dallas public schools, has been chosen to direct the music in the Independence public schools. Dr. J. II. Grlder, dentist, suc cessor to Dr. Allen, Cooper Building, l'houe Main 1021. Special sale on high top shoes at Goldman's store. Kev. W. S. Stewart was a 1'ortland viiitor yesterday We have a free chair for you. See it in our window. Moore & Walker, Home Furnishers. The Monitor always leads. Merrimaker's Dance Thursday evening, Dec. 28. P. II. Drexler is clerking at Kreamer's this week. Lots of folks will come "home" for the Christmas dinner. Herb Smith, who has been in Idaho for some time, is back in Independence. We have baskets, pictures, trays, etc. Moore & Walker, Home Furnishers. Miss Mary F. Irvine will give piano lesions in Independence every Monday. Her annouitce uppears on this pane. Mrs. Margaret M. Whitney will leave this week for Tacoma, Wash., where ske will reside in the future. Her son, Loren, ha9 been there for some time attend ing llltrh school. Mrs Whifnpv'a Miss Beryl Robinson will spend many frjmi, re)fret "that ghe ;3 lacoma and ia..jnir Tn.t.,.. .,,..,. The biii booster basket social which takes plaie i'i the Baptist Margaret M. Whitney was church basement on Friday granted a divorce from Al Whit- evening. Dec. 2D. will be a hum ney Tuesday by Jude Belt. She nier. There is a great rivalry was iven the guardianship of between certain young men for their son, Loren. A satisfactory I certain young ladies' basket and ' property decision was made out ; it is better than a circus to see ! Mrs. Lucy Whiteaker left Tuesday for Mesa, Wash., where she will visit relatives for some ' time. A pauper by the name of Franklin died at the county poor farm yesterday. Mrs. L. Damon returned Tues day from an extended visit with relatives in San Francisco and other California points. Special sale on shoes at Gold man's stoic. Tell your friends about it. the holidays in SfUtt'ri with livr other relatives. mother and of court. them bidding against each other. Christmas Eve Carol Y Lord was burn in Bethlehem Upon the Christinas f vs. Ail, slack of heart and slaw of heart, Who will not him reccie! My Lord was born in Bethlehem, And waiting shepherds heard Sweet angel heralds chanting loud The long awaited word. My Lord was born in Bethlehem, And in a manner laid. None tended him, none cherished hi::.. Save that sweet nother-maid. My Lord waa born in Bethlehem, And wise men came to see His lowly state and homage paid To his mild majesty. My Lord was born in Bethlehem, But soon he had to floe, For cruel hate of sinful man Spared not his infancy. My Lord was born in Bethlehem, But home had none on earth; A pilgTim and a stranger he, An exile from his birth. ; My Lord was born in Bethlehem. j He died, but rose again. i Rich is the gift his death hath bought New life for sinful men. i Big: Booster Basket Social Friday Ev'ng, Dec. 29 Baptist Church Basement EVERYBODY INVITED I J 0,0OK000000 O 0 o 0 o 0 o & T C 1 -M fi H... -if ' l:wT3 i J7 CO IN KEV 5c WALKER XMAS NIGHT CHEER It was on Christmas night. The church was filled with people. The choir, composed of two old maids and two old bach elors, arose to sirg the official Christmas hymn. When the chorus was reached the old mairis sang alone "Unto us a child is born," and the old bachelors followed with "W-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l-! w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-1." Anonymous. 1 FOR SALE Piano. Practically new. Cheap. Terms. Inquire Monitor office. 19 MISS MARY F. IRVINE PIANIST-TEACHER Pupils will be allowed" High School credit and will be given advantage 01 class work. At lndptdtac Each Monday 311 W. EiavanthSL Albany, Ore. is Li. lie Ninias The slioiiK Ml. and tiristnia rt. ; but If . 605 Main street. KiMe. Mil ill S.iii!as -ilimjUI plar a : r.'iisl.-miis jwtit In the s. ht-inc. I'a I'r or rhi'i.i ..r -T . 1 1 1 nlmtt-ver they i rt-Ihov - ! . n ' ! j h iiht flic ikxirs ; ur vIihI"ik, .- i- m holly wrenths ! anJ Iiiilo I l;fi!,M'h in in the holiday The d.iin c oiMpr sh iiM have small i S;uit:iM I'liii.iot it I'rii. H'il or p.i-tMi ; at t!;i-lr I .-ad. rhrsr or!o.-i can ln bounlit i!t-.iir.i:sl ii, iraiiy stores.' , but any h- s's tin , an use water : rolors ..'nil make tlii'in horsolf. anf one nno lUiinot it-;,. :iter o'iors oan , ii.- the ism- wirt of !ltt!e cu timet: Sa:it .t S.i'its '!:ius heads f.Tt'ice j ordtrs t'::t s!u- i:s.-l for tli? sala of her letter , , , , S l r arm Loans cn first 7, v, " 1 1 h m i.t-.i.nmons : q d nn , claM farm, II. E. lid. of ,o,i:s,.. m.:,,,!,. ,,l,.t.v of . J H01 Morton, Dallas. Drink Pugh's Loganberry Juice Sold Everywhere