America's Electric V Do It the Electric Way During this week only we will give 10 percent, off on any Electdc appliance sold on laid away for Xmas, on goods laid away we will require a small deposit. This Includes ! Irons Carpet Sweepers Stoves i Air Heaters Percolators and Toasters Fixtures INDEPENDENCE ELECTRIC CO. 9- The Limekiln Club The Case of Brother Jones IfTKn Hie routine Imsine.. of the Llmi-Mln club had been concluil ...i !.-..,.. nivi-niium .loneit oit in ftnil mild; ftyW ! -Mr 1'ifHlilftil. I rlHe to n "lUf-Htlon nf privil''fc. I turn a com t" T 1 ..i,.i. ml foh Insult, lieui'cd upon in un.l upon ill Hub. I 1.1 any member of dl Hub Kiel be ober hear dat I tolo . .. s - neWHlliPI Ultl 1 mi. uor-.n. . .. ...... , 'Hi-udder Jonca, you has bin looked upon In ills Hub as an hone.t .nan." replied th. president. "You IvhiH bin too honest but honest S L dSii. On one occashun. when you was .tnu.lin' beside Kl.l.r """.lock h drop -I two bit coin out of hi. mouf n.l couldn't find It wain I hid .lry member .t Out .noetln' ..-arc-bed. .n.l dat mlssln' coin was found In your Loot leg. You .aid you hnw nuthln' 'bout it. We took your word fob It Yet I would te.t If y dat you . an hone.t man. 1.1.,. any one bin In and gone "d4 tVZ C'done. rHolned, "and dat', why I -o k member of ronrW 1 ... wulkln' out do odder -venln- to .-njoy d. balmy atmosphere .nd Wlm in rte moonlight wb.-n a cltl.-n came runnin' up and culled me a thief and !?.. ' f.I'' , t'Zu mv neck. 11.. ald I wa. dar to .teal two or three rod. of hi. plank .ldf-wulk to burn III my tove." 'lld you Imva a crowbar In yoHr hand to pry up de planks?" Inquired th. problem. "No. will, and I railed hi. altcnshun to dat wery fac-t. I alao called 111. at t.n.bun to de bright moonlight an' de policeman on do cotior above. It didn't mak. liny difference wld tilm, lioweber II. called in. all .oil. o' name, and pulled my no.. uhye., he pulled my no.. When I tole him I wa Ulveailum Jon, he .aid ho didn't Hive kirn, who I waa. When I tola him I belonged to da Limekiln club b replied dnt dl. Hut. vu compoed of blackleg, and thieves I wa. nebiii- ao hiiiullliiled 111 my life. I blleved dat man would have torn off my necktie If I hadn't turned and walked away. I a thut aonii-tbln' b. don. "bout It. I bad my dlmiity to maintain and .o ha. ill. Huh. "llrudder Jones." .alii tne preemeiii, -da while man and de cull'd man ha. kitchen If dey can't buy neither coal an- brum In tt P''" '' "r VL walk!,.' out to enjoy .1. balmy air. b.for.r I-I n.lKl.t hah. "If you want me to, inuuoer jrai, i made him In.ult you, and If ho recownlz-ed thro. rod. of aldewalk 'bout d mldille of 11ml her Jom-a gulped and stammered ana nnu-iy huii.kku o. . "Mr I'reeld.iit. of co'ee I lieber .tulo hi. eldewalk. Hut. come to think thliiK. ober, I have come to de con-luahun dut de man bad bin drlnkln' and wa not Wily '.pon.lble fur what he aald We will, tbere fora, let do hull matter drop." 'if. de wle-t way, llrudder Jone.." amlled the president a. the member, of de club, up and down th. hall, winked at each other. Cnnyrlaht. !!. by MoClure oooo o-o-oo -"mv; oooe ou oooo oo When The Prints It YOU are assured of a ood job as a skilled man does the work. . Our Cash System enables us to beat city prices. There is hardly anything we cannot do. XXH oooo oooo oooo o-o-o-o oooo O o WHERE PICTURE SHOWS ARE CHEAP A picture show in Vauko:an, and can buyout the house w ith Wis., Wis., admits patrons for 8 dozen of iiks. - Kansas City the admission fe of two pota- Star. tofs. A iH'rson can nive a line party with a loaf of whoat brad , xh? Monitor always loads. Dec. 2nd to 9th H. J. ROVVU, MKr. ebcr hear dut 1 ober Mole u chicken. wood or foal? Huh It -br bin In (le f,.- uiw Uinil of Ibpft?" mm .J 1 J, I,..'-" II' ! Jris "I ncL-bar stole l-.n' a great .d,,c t , co.e stove in de nor wood d.-y bus bin known to o ou d"""' "'l,'w"lk l'1"1 II a- you eber walked In dlrec.hun M win i- - - you aa a ip-n man who carried off do winter, mum I nor Newepaper flymllcat. 6 oo-oo oooo xov oooo cko j Monitor o o ooo oooo oooo oooo xxxooj in Hi a L; 1 I i v. BREVTTIE5 Gordon hats $3 at Kreamer's. Dr. R. E. Duganne, dentist, National Hank Building, Annual bamiut't of the Tut'S- dny Evening Club tonight. . Miss Lena Snyder is a patient at the Dallas hospital. Cleve Robinson of Lebanon ate turkey with home folks. Dr. J. II. Grlder, dentist, buct lessor to Dr. Allen, Cooper Building, Phone Main 1021. Bergman shoes, the nearest water-proof made, at Kreamer's. Elliott-O'Brien Co, are issuing a handsome four-page illustrated Christmas Bulletin which will certainly he much appreciated by Christmas shoppers. Be sure you receive one. Wallace Huntley is on route one this week. Suits marked "Gold Bond" are all wool. Buy "Gold Bond" at Kreamer's. W. V. Percival is in a critical condition and his death is ex pected at any time. Robert Grounds has built him self a home on his lots in North Indej emlence W. F. Klliott and N. L. Gil lespie were buying goods in Portland Monday. A big line of men's suits and overcoats at Elliott-O'Brien's, exclusive agents for the popular Clothcraft clothes. A jiood pair of reading glasses 'or $1.00 at 0. A. i Kreamer's. ' Lyon Lodge No. 29. A. F. A. , M. will entertain the members of the Eastern Star on Wednes i cay evening, Dec. (i. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Walker re turned from Eugene yesterday where where Mr. Walker has oilicutttd as assistant coach dur ing the foot ball season. ! Sa!etn K ks will I old memorial M-nu'es Sunday for the mem bers who ave died during the ear It'll! Among those to be honored will be the lute George A. Kiel i. Something New-The West ern Junk Co. h:is established an othVe in Independence on C street and will pay the highest priees for metal, hides, rags and old papers. lie Ladies Circle of the Chritian church will hoi. is its annual bazaar in the opera house on Saturday, !Vo. 2. There will l e a musical program in the tit !,.!. g. Admission 10 and loc. 16 TO THE VOTERS It is reported that if elected to the city council, we will vote to clone up ail the butiriess houses on Sunday. Such a report is false. The present arrange ment seems satisfactory and un less conditions become a great deal worse, so had that a great majority of the people wish the abuse corrected, we will not advocate the passage of any law for the closing of business houses on Sunday. Peter Kurre. Wm. B. Barnett. (Paid advertisement) Wilson Elected! Tripp still sells and trades farm and city property. Under the direction of "Billy" Barnett, the young people of the Baptist ch'jrch will stage a play soon which according to Mr. Barnett will be a fun producer f the first class. A beautiful and extensive line of silks is carried by Elliott O'Brien's. Crepe de Chine, Pansy Willow, Chiffon, Taffeta, Taffeta de Chine, etc., are shown in all the correct evening colors. The Monitor organized an Independence orchestra in its local columns last week and by error gare two places to Ed Lorence. Now perhaps Ed can play two instruments at the same time but for fear that he would only eare to play one, we will take him off the trombone and put Pearl Hedges, the old re liable, in the place as we intended to do in the first instance but didn't thru an error of our proof reader. ABOUT BRYAN Monmouth, Nov. 28 To the Monitor Is it true that V.- J. Bryan never c rried his precinct, city and county when a candi date for president. Please an swer, in next week's Monitor and decide a bet. F. L. In 1908 Mr. Bryan carried his precinct, city and county by a very large majority, tho all of them were strongly Republican. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heart felt thanks ts those who helped us and were so kind during the sickness and death of our be loved one. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hoffman. FOR SALE CHEAP Tigs, horses, wagon, buggy, chickens, harnesses, 2-horse corn planter and cultivator, milk cow and other stuff dirt cheap. 16 Clyde Hill. FOR RENT. Comfortable furnished rooms Mrs. Martha C. Richardson, cor ner Seventh and Monmouth Streets. 16 WAS RACING .0 MEET STORK. But Polic.m.n Found Cocain. and Heroin In Harvey'. P. re. I. New York. A youiiK iiinii luistil.v leu villi the .It fi: .lore of ll-nrv Uu ln-tislcin eif-'ticiil t ho rofcsMonrtl at U'litioii of 1VU-cm;in I-'li' k. w lio nsked liitn what were t lie content of a tumi-l uinicr liis arm. 'l iin't stop to talk to you now." said the man. who Inter snld he a. Paul llnivi.v "lt' tin etaeii-eney cae, and the slork will f'u If j ou are married you tail understand (lie situtt Hon." Then lo trie 1 to das!) off. t-t't K'.l- l restrained Mm mil tnsistel upon e ainiultit: the par el. Aci-ordin to til. polUviiinii. it ivntuii.ctl a liu-s iiintti tlty of ruul hero'n. Harvey w :i s hold on a rutUry chtir-.e t-y M.I..U tr:tte llroucl) In Morrissnia court B.rdt Stop Gas Supply. e is. Two I ttie .par rvws caused every k"-'' er In Menom inee I-1 ;oit!t s:is for soveni! Ti e MrvN Idiilt their tst-st In tin- luttet I i'e nhi- l: tl'C . v. ; i -r t k tt.rong.. s,l. ! mring fie t -n e t - -Yi ,sl be !..-1 ! he out ! t pii'c : of the t..uW !;s::r ' -it ! :.' d sVst el t1? . a . rc:uoed Liter and - in cause l!:c nest T!.c I"- ''-' r in. ed f'.- : gas Tie lo'M the e" "'PP;y rent. -red. Wife AN ODDITY OF THE WAR. Peasant Soldi.r C.nnot Help Kin Be came He I. on Astiv. Suard Duty. Sta'Joned at Railway Lin to Pr v.nt Spie. or Vandal. From Inter fering With Train.. rails. A middle uyed man In full health stands Idly auioUins a pipe. Ac-rosa the road his wife, Ida jounx duUL litem and his need parents labor uuctMsiiiKly iu the fields, getting -la the crops vvbli-b they patiently sowed last spring vvlieii he stood Idly by nuokiiiK liis pipe us now. LazyV Not a bit of it. He is a French (xusaut of the tolling, untiring kind. Hut lie weals the Ions blue tout and biisisy led trousers of u territorial of tiie French urmy. and he carries a Uia-nzinc ritle with tixed bayonet all the tinie he is ou duty, lie is guard Iiik tile railway line to prevent spies or vandals from attempting to inter fere with the movement of troop, or supplies. ' Tuo years he has stood there. Mo bilized since Aug. 3, 111 1, he dropped bis agricultural Implements uud seized his nims. J too old for the trenches he bus been put ou Interior guard duty and is fortunate enough to be station ed riht opposite his home, rerhiips If be has u kindly colonel he is permit ted to sleep ut borne; otherwise he must walk away from bis house and stay In the nearest barracks while he is not on active duty. As he stands on the railway tracks he looks across t lie road and watches his wife staggcrinii under heavy pitch fork loads of hay us she swings theui to the top of the stack. His parents and his young daughters are not strong enough to toss the hay that high, so all that particular work de volves on bis wife. Last spring be watched liis aged kin feebly trying to guide the heavy plow tbrougli the fields nnj turning a furrow so shallow he knew little more than half the regular crop would spring up. i: tit it causes no bitterness In his breast, lie realizes It is for "la pa trle." And he knows that on all the thousands of other farms In France the same conditions exist. lie is thankful that he can be near his home and see bis family every day Instead of being stationed far off in a trench line or, worse still, patrolling a stretch of railway In a distant corner of the republic. MIDDLE AGED MEN EXCEL Fieult Shown In Endur.nce Teat y United Stale. Marine. Santo I lomingo. In a test of endur ai. e conducted by Lieutenant Kingston of the I'nitcd States murines in Haiti to ilc. iiiine tlie slaying powers of his ui. i II i::en ranging In age from nine te ii to tii'y -two and carrying the regu. la ion l.ciil equipment were given the te I of iiM-ending a steep mountain pi.:h. approximately eight miles, with in a t o hour limit. Kiglity -four men accomplished the in the prescribed time, and of those -0 per cent were veterans of foity-four years and over. The aver age age of those who succeeded was tw eiity-iiino years, while the percent ile o of tender foot recruits among the lo. ers reduced their average to twenty fonr years. Tliis experiment stre ngthens the the ory of tunny that trained middle age rivals unseasoned youth. DECLARES HIMSELF ALIVE. Prob.t Court Had Said That Arthur George Wa Deed. Seattle. Arthur George, a painter living at Tacoma, npeared at the coun ty clerk's otiice recently and tiled a sol emn declaration Unit he was not dead. He objected to the probate court's ac tion in docliii ing him dead and turning over $7.i worth of Seattle real estate to Mis. George, tn'w dead, after he failed to claim his property or bis wife after seven years' absence. "I solemnly declare that I never was dead and am not now." he swears iu this statement tiled with the county clerk He was Instructed to confer with the Swedish consul, who aided the heirs of Mrs Ce nge to obt.iin the property. George said he lived under bis own name at Kdu-onton. Alberta. Cai'.ada, all the time he was supposed to have been dead until he moved to Tacoma about a year ago. IS FIRST NEGRESS POLICE. Lo Ang.le Woman'. Duty to Witch Young of H.r Race In Cafe. I.os Angeles. C'al. Mrs Georgia A. Uohlnstn, recently appointed to the otiice of policewoman by Chief of Po lice Snlvely. is the first colored wo man In the I" lilted States to hold such a position. Mrs. Hoblnsou Is an unusual woman She speaks French fluently and lf studying Spanish. In her oij-.clal posi tion Mrs. Uol inson visits cafes, dance halls and other places of amusement fmjuenteJ by negro p.iveniles. Bolt Fire. Fireles. Cooker. Janesviile. Wis. -Ail electrical storm which did seme damage iu this vicinity win marked by one peculiar In. i-let.t. I.ightnUig struck a farmhouse, went through to the pantry, where It set fire to a tireless ivoker. There were iw other marks on the bouse. French Sentinel Watches and Parents Work. : Xmas Perfumes Delicate as the first blos soms of spring; possessing all the subtle charm of freshness because they come direct from the labcratories of the world's greatest Perfumes and many others, among the best quality, best price, kinds that can't be obtained at any other store in the city. Our rapid selling gives them i.o .chance to lose any of their original perfection. Anassoitment that will please you. In both richly cut glass bottles and bulk. At prices that will surprise even those who are acquainted with our remarkably reasonable figures. You are sure to be satisfied if you buy your extracts at Williams Drug Co.! IN SOCIETY (Continued from Page 1) serving light refreshments to the assemblage. .Preceding the reception Mrs. O. F. Cosper and Miss Lizabeth Cospergave an elaborate lunch eon for Mrs. Castner and the officers of the I n al club. Mrs. Castner'a stay was lim ited a3 she was returning to her Hood Ri.'er home after an ab sence of several days. She promises another visit to the Independence club in January. COMING EVENTS OWLS. The Owls will banquet at the Beaver next Monday evening and then enjoy a neisionof whist at the J. S. Cooper home. I. E. C Members of the Tuesday Even ing Club ai d their ituesti will participate in the club's annual banquet this evening at the Hew social hall. KILL KAEES. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bice will entertain the members of their club with a whist party at their attractive Monmouth street home this evening. The games will be followed by an elatorate luncheon. CARDS. Mrs. Lawrason Crane, Mrs. Verd Hill. Mrs. Maurice Butler and Mrs. Clyde Ecker will en tertain at a large five hundred party at the home of Mrs. Ecker next Friday afternoon. DANCE. The Merrimakers have issued invitations for a large dancing party at the opera house Dec. 28. Patronesses for the event will be Mrs. K. C. Eldridge, Mrs. G. VV. Conkey, Mrs."P..M. Kirkland, Mrs. S- B. Walker, Mrs. E. E. Paddock and Mrs. E. Burton. 6 per cent 605 Main street. Farm Loans on first class farm, H. E. Morton, Dallas. MONEY TO LOAN on Farm and City Property at 6, 6, 7 at.d 8 per cent Write, phone or see J. W. MORGAN Corvallis, Oregon. Drink Pugh's Loganberry Juice i Sold Everywhere x x