V v FFaaaaaJJiSSIStoaBaSaSBBaBBBaSSBMHSS igt -r-" y mini I , a x ' ' y A All the- convenicn. ccs ,-f ga better cooking and a cleaner cooler kitchen OJL Fr Bert Rt suits Uu far Oil Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. More efficient than your wood or coal Stove, and costs less to operate. Your cooking is better, too, because you have heat-control like a gas stove. ' PERFECTION L . 9f 1 ft-ut: vim .mm The New Perfection gives a clean, odorless. Bootless flame because of the long blue chimneys. Cuts out the drudgery of wood or coal. Keep your kitchen coo. In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner sizes, ovens separate. Also cabinet models with Fire less Cooking Ovens. Aik your dealer today. Standard Oil Co. ICaliloraU) For Sale By CRAVENS HUFF SLOPER BROS, fi COCKLE J. D. HIBBS & CO. BAPT1ST W. S. STEWART, Pastor. Next Sundsy according to tha request Of th president ef the United States we will observe "Armenian-Syrian Day." Sunday school at 10. Preaching at 11. B. Y. P. U. at 6:30. The evening service t 7:30. Two weeks (go the pastor announced that he was going- to speak on the sub ject "The Best Business Man in Inde pendence" He didn't preach the sermon that evening because a mission ary frcm India spoke. By special request ha will presch that sermon next Sunday night. Do not foiget to come and hear "The Best Business Man in Independence, and Why." The pastor solicits answers to this query. Next Wednesday night at 8:30 Rev. W. Stewart is to commence a. course in the study of Christian Doctrine. This will be held every Wednesday evening at the above mentioned hour. During the course the psstor will show some of the vagaries of doctrines that have developed in the last century and why they are falsa. All are cor. ially invited to the services. CHRISTIAN F. Claude Stephens, Pastor Important Services, Lord's Oct. 22. Bible School at 10 a. m. Divine service 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m Evening service, 7:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. Day, METHODIST T. J. YARNtS, Pastor. The Sunday Services at the Metho dist Church next Sunday will be as follows: Sunday School 10 A M. Divine Worship 11 A. M. Evening service at 7:30. PRES13VTKRIAIN Dr. H. C. Dunsmore, Pastor 10 a. m. Sunday school. m. Public Worship with 4 S'-'I I I im Go East UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM SUPERIOR SERVICE Through Sleep ne Cars PORTLAND to Chicago. Kansas City. Omaha. Denver and intermediate points. Dininr Car Service second-to-none. The Kouta is via the famous Columbia Kiver-Tha "Old Oregon" and 'Pioneer' Trails-wonderful In scenic and historic interest. Automatic Sig nals guarding tho eiitire main line and 1,140 miles of double-track are guarantee of the high standard the Union Pacific sets. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Joins West .'ix wist With n Houkvunl of Steel Tickets, reservations and travel service to suit your needs upon application to CITY TICKET OtTICE, Washington at Third WM. McMURRATf, General Passenger Agent, Portland. isMtanSb 11 a. 7:30 p. m. Sermon. We invite you to all our services. Strangers cordially welcomed. CASH MAKES MEAT CHEAP Boi! Shoulder Roast Prime Rib Roast Shoulder Steak Loin Steak Round Steak -Pork Steak Pork Loin Lard, 5-lb Bucket - 75c Lard, 10-lb. Bucket $1.45 8c to 10c 12 l-2c 15c 12 l-2c 15c 14c 14c 17 l2c AS AN EXAMPLE ! The grand jury at Dallas re turned an indictment against j Weldon Black, driver of the automobile which killed C. S. Hatch in Dallas on Sept. 10, ; charging him with manslaughter, i Perhaps a few salutory legal examples will make drivers more : careful. Something is certainly 'needed to that end. McMinn j ville Telephone-Register. SPOONING IN THE PEN ! When a convict like Tanner can spend ten days in the room of a woman prisoner at the peni tentiary withoat being found by the officials, it looks as though poor discipline prevailed. Jef ferson Review. The state's total registration will be about 275,000 whieh will not equal that of two years ago. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, aa they cannot raach the diacaatd portum ot the ear. Thre la only one way to eura catarrhal dariuaa, and that la by at conatltutlonat remedy. Catarrhal ltaftu-aa la caua'd by an In flamed condition of the mucoua lining of tha bualachlan Tuba. When thla tuba la Inltamrd you hive a rumbling aound or imperfect hearing, and when It la entirely cloeed. Deafneaa la the rceult Unleaa the Inllammation can be reduced and thla tube reetored to Ita normal condition, hearing will he deatroyed forever. Many cae.-a of drafneaa are cauaeel by catarrh, which la an Inflamed condition of the mucoua aur fncea. Hall's Catarrh Cur acta thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys tem We will give One Hundred Dollars for any caae of Catarrhal Ieafneaa that cannot be cured by llall'e Catarrh Cure. Circulars free. All brugglats. 76c. r. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. O. The Nelson Shops 1 1 i I I 1 1 1 1 1 ttj-rt-rt"- ' ' ". ' THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK Established 1889 A Successful Business Career of Tv.enty rive Years INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS OFFICERS AIVD DIRECTORS H. Hirschberg, Pres. D. W. Sears, V. P. R. R. DeArmond, Cashier W. H. Walker, I. A. Allen, O. D. Butler mini 1 1 n 1 1 v - f A:' We are for you Try Independence First N. L. BUTLER ATTORNEY-AT - LAW Pradice in all Courts DR. J. CALLAWAY I Osteopathic Physician i Graduate of the Amerin School of Osteopathy, KirksvUle. MUsourl, under founder of the science, Dr. A. T. Still. ! OiTices: First floor of the F. A. Pa'Urson property, half btock west of railread, on C street. j Photo copyright, 1912, by American Press AssoclHllun W0ODR0W WILSON. A vote for Wilson is a vote for peace. Nof peat:e at any price but peace with honor. "Thii does satUfy the mother of the land at whose hearth and fireside no jingoistic war ban placed an empty chair. It does satisfy the daughters of the land, from whom bluster and brag have sent no lovirw brother to the dissolution of the grave" and it does satisfy the fathers of the land because their boys have not been used as cannon fodder because of the Standard Oil Co. and other money interests want a war of conquest in Mexico. Mr. Hughes and Mr. Ilo3evelt miy condemn Mr. Wilson because he haa kept this country out of war but the American people by their votes will not. The war in Europe is the result of the policy now being advocated by Mr. Hughes and Mr. Koosevelt. Not only re-elect Woodro Wilson but back him with a con. gress that will stand by him. Elect Mark V. Weather lord to congress. (Paid advertisement of the Ir.JpecJens WiUen Club) WESTCH PRESIDENT FAVORS PENDLETON FROF. R C. FRENCH, FORMER HEAD OF WESTON NORMAL, IS UOOSTF.R FOR PENDLETON AS NORMAL LOCATION. I'mtlniiJ, Ort. I'rofosaor R. C. Krrwh, ex 1'riniili'iit of the Slate Nor n::il IVhool atW'iKtun, Oregon, prefi'rs l'.,':ullitun to Wi'Htim aa tho facilities for prurticn teaehliiK at Pendleton nmke It the IokW'uI fite for the eastern Orefion Normal Sehnol. Mere Is what he says: "The previous history of the Normal School In KaKtcrn Oregon proves that a larne numher of ymniK people to whom other eiliicallonal liiHtltntlons are not easily areessihlo are ready to avail themselves of the privileges of fered hy a Normal School to fit them selves for community service In public school work. The Immediate Ktah lishnient of such a school at some cen tral point, such as Pendleton, would prove a groat asset to the State of Oregon." AT MOTHER'S EXPENSE The following incident hap pened at The Dalles last week durinar the Convention of the Oregon Mothers' Congress: It was at the noon hour. Four automobiles drove up within a half hour of each other, each one of them containing farmers' families the number of children ranging from four to six. The young people were bright-eyed and purposeful, well dressed and full of vim. The father was a prosperous looking individual in each case, and showing plenty of contact with his fellow-man. The automobiles were all h:gh class and up to date. The wife and mother "Mother Dear", if you please in each instance was a tired-faced, plainly dressed woman whose very life seemed to have been given to the end that there might be brighkfaced boys, contented husbands and high-power automobiles. Their face indicated that Ikeir entire life had been one of resigned sacrifice. That they had lived to see their scrub stock year af ter year by the use ot the pure bred sire3 until at the present time it is standard; that they had seen their barns equipped with all the latest labor-saving devices to the end that the live stock might be used in the most aoproved manner. The latest type of machinery had been in troduced. During all this period of time the home, or rather the house in which the mother held sway, had remained the same as it was when she went into it a ! bride. She had not thought it rxesible to have hot and cold water piped all over the house, with a roorny bath. The men folks' needs must takfj that money for the more necessary sheep. dipping vat. She is still uing the same old kerosene lamps it would be an expense to run aJire in from the near est power plant and have elec tricity in the house; father really needed the meney to build a silo. The children are coming pretty fast in the first stages of married life. She would have liked aom help and perhaps might have had a girl were it not for th fact that they had recently ac quired another hundred sad sixty-acre tract and must pay for that and have more hands in the field. Pure bred live stock and splendid farms, up-to-date manhlnery and added land is wonderful thing; it spalla pros perity, but it may spell prosper ity at "Mother Dear's" expense. Portland Live Stock Reporter. TURN IN ON CREDIT Your old Hot Point Electric Irons, Toasters and othajr appliances regardless of their condition. We will allow; yon, ONI THIRD OFF on price of new late up-to-date models INDEPENDENCE ELECTRIC COMPANY H. J. ROWE, Mgr. Store Phone 4021 Night Phone 6211 BUTTER WRAPS f 1 per 100 MONITOR OFFICE Tjo j R oo mf o rA r gu m tyrt . -a assja. v ST S S tHaVWisI at Saal4J aSB MaB W KM WnV hasj md at sl I 1 Itntf (V. .M i m fmi.JiJ I I M a atatW 0tmftm4tt I "3 Y fc-w ya M rr aiaaj 4a ( I tr r '' r ) m si 1 fC J 'MH s r sW sWst $tvm tsafaai asMlatal T Kn aa) ttm Va I isW tW al 1-st x . ,, J -" " suMssct.m 1 Wtesja pt OREGON POWER COMPANY r how son