Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, July 14, 1916, Image 3

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In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Polk County, Depart No 2.
Alice A. Stuffltbaan, Plaintiff
Charlei G. Stufflebean, Defendant
To Charlei G. Stufflebean, the above
named defendant.
OREGON: You are hereby required
to answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Court and
Suit within aix weeka from the date of
the firit publication of thii Summons,
to--wit: On or before the 22nd. day of
July, 1916; nd if you fail o to answer
the said complaint for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to said Court for
the relief in aid complaint derranded,
towit: For a decree diasolving the mar
riage contract new existing between
yea and the plaintiff; that the care,
cuatody and control of the minor chil
dren therein named, Lewis H., Jessie
V. and Nina E. Stufflebean, be awarded
to the plaintiff; for her costs and dis
bursements in said suit ard for such
further snd other relief as to equity
seemethjuat. , u
This aummons, by order of the Hon.
H H. Belt, Judge of the above entitled
court! made and dated at Ch. mbers on
the 7th. day of June, 1916, at the City
of Dallas, Oregon, is served upon you
by the public .tion thereof for a period
of six consecutive weeks immediately
prior to the '-2nd. day of July, 1916, in
the Independence Monitor, a news
paper of general weekly circulation
and published at Independence in Polk
County, Oregon. The date of the firBt
publication of this Summons is June 9,
1916, and the date of the last publica
tion will be July 21, 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon in and for the County of Polk.
Department No. 2.
Rachel B. Miller I'lnintiff.
Charles F. Miller Defi ndant.
To Charles F. Miller, defendant al.ove
OREGON: You are hereby required
to appear ami answer the complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
court and suit on or before aix weeks
from the date of the firat publication
of this summons, to wit: on or before
the 21st day of July, 1916, that being
the date of the last publication of said
aumnwia herein, and if you fail so to
answer, for wart theieof, the plaintiff
will take a decree apainst you for all
and singular the relief prayed for in
plaintiff's complaint, and'nirly
a decree forever ai.nuHiog and dis
solving the marriage contia-t now and
heretofore existing between plaintiff
and deferdant, and for such other and
further relief as to the" Court may
seem just and equitable.
This summons is published in the
Independence Monitor, a newsp ipor of
general circulation, printed and iub
lished in Iniependence, Polk Countv,
Oregon, by order of the Honorablo
Circuit Coui t above named dated June
Bth, 1916, once each week for six con
secutive and successive weeks, the
first publication thereof burg in the
Issue of said newspaper dated June 9th,
1916, and the last publication thereof
being in the issue of said newspaper
dated July 21st, 1!U6.
Attorneyfor the Plaintiff.
if he asks you
to try a can of
He wants to do
you a favor
he knovvswhat
brands to rec
ommend from
F. Claude Stephens, Pastor
Service for Lord's Diy, July 16.
Bible School at 18 a. m. "
Owing to the absence of the pastor,
th-re will be no preaching this Sunday
Suit Case That Collapses
When Not In Use.
- 't 'i f-'Affc.ia-S.fa.JIs. II Wm Mil
Osteopathic physician
Graduate of the American School of
Osteopathy, Kirksvllle, Missouri, under
founder or the science, Dr. A. T. Still.
Offices: First floor of the F. A.
Patterson property, half block
west of railroad, on C street.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned as administrator of the es
tate of Mary M. Fryer, deceased, has
filed his final account in the County
Court of Oregon for Tolk County, and
th it Monday the 7th. day of August,
191,;, at 10 oYWk in the forenoon of
ssi !d day, at the County Court r m in
the County Court house in the City of
D-illas, Oregon, has appointed b
said Court aa I he time i.nd place for
the hearing of objections to said finai
account, if any, and th settlement
thereof, and tho closing of said estate.
Administrator of the estate ot Mary
M. Fryer, deceased.
B. F. SWOPF, Attorney.
Dated and first published, July 7th.,
1916 Last publication Aug. 4.
Shoulder Roa&t -Prime
Rib Roast -Shoulder
Steak -Loin
Steak - -Round
Steak - -Pork
Steak - -Pork
Loin - -Lard,
5-lb Bucket
Lard, 10-lb. Bucket
8c to 10c
12 l-2c
12 l-2c
17 l2c
. 75c
- $1.45 .
W. C. STEWART, Pastor.
Summer has come at last, with all of
iU discouragemtntB and wonderful en-
couragemeiits. This is the hard time
of the year for we pastors when our
people are gone on their vacations or
else purposely vacating themselves;
Iroin the services of the church. The
empty pews are not the must inspirii.g j
things in the world, so we do pray that
all people who are not awsy on their j
vacations w ill please see to il that they
do take the places of thosu who are j
Sunday School 10 A M.
The pastor will preuckMit 11.
Topic, "What is it to be a Christian, j
The world's answer."' The pastor will!
begin a series of sermons on Sunday j
m irning on this central theme. j
I'opulur Service at 8 l M j
We launched the ship hist Sunday
evening and next aunuay evening we
will "Be t:ut on the deep-" Such
hymns as "Jesus Savior Phot Me",
Lull For the shore", "Throw Out
tho Life Line" and "Let the Lewer
Lights Be Burning'' will be gung.
V hittier 's poem "The Three Bella" will
be read. You will tind the Kirat Meth
odist a very good place at which to
attend church.
i. ''SZZl
' J
1 t
Women on
c; .ontly curry
t.ike Inure i!i
they limy pun
come the l't li
li.ipplnt; epcdltlnim fro
suit loses In which to
: v.'ir'.oii.s small articles
Iim-o In order to over
ri of llii nn'u lll-K wlll'll
W. S. STEWART, Pastor.
t unday School at 10.
1 'reaching at 11
Subject. "Nuu.berinn the DayB"
!!. Y. P. U. at 7:00
Preaching at 8:00.
The pastor will preach on the Great
War. The subject, "Russia and Her
I'urposr; in tho War."
All are conlially invitod to at tend.
lr, Uunsmore will preach in Calvary
IV.&bjlcrian on Sunday morning, but
ch- re will not be any evening service.
$100 Reward, $100
Th readers of this paper will he
pleased to learn that there Is at lwsat
oi a dreaded iliiicusc thai scli'iioe lia
ben able to oure In nil ita smues, and
thit Is catarrh. I'ntarrh hems Krealiv
ii, iuenced by constitut ional conditions
n -nitres onmiiutlonnl treatment.
H. ill's Catarrh run- is taken Internally
ar. 1 urtrt thru the Hlin.ii on Hie P-Iuemu
Si.rfaets ft i lit- Fysti'm thereby fle
M..viHK Hie fotinHallori of til.- iliwase.
Si-.itiK the i.ittlent rtrenaili by bo tilling
up !ho i onslilule n and assiatlntf na
li: e in doing its work. The preprie-tp-s
have so mm b faith in the curative
pi. 'vers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that
th. y offer One Hundred Dollars for any
rait that It falls to cure. Send for list
of tFtimoninls.
AddreM' F. J Oil KM BY CO., Toledo,
Ol.:o. dd by oil Prussian.
Warm weatrer is here and
wryone has been :-.nxious to
.en it. So it is only a few days
cv until you can go bathing
TI t n you will find a large sup
;' of Lathing suits, caps, and
1. jos awaiting you at very rea-
-ab-o low prcea. Caps ami
2'c a,i 50c. Suits 25c to
3 00. ('on key & Walker.
it is not In sfivl ea woman lint'iiior
tins dcM'.'iii'd wip ttli'r'.i cnl'ai -i's. and
V, 1 j t -i i there In no ileum ml for lis serv
iii-s it is foMi'il dii ami i nrried lint 'in
ili'f the arm liUe u ho'iU 'llie ii'i i'pta
ch-. with all lis siih's. top ami but
turn. Is In one pleiP. inn pro. : ion Is
made for lork:n.t; I lit- eilf-cs toml!ier so
tliut when It is properly ulutpcd up the
dress suli case is a xiittaiiliiil re
tat lo aultiih'e for all onliimr.v iw
Gooseberry Shortcako.
Make a i-;-y sweel tuiir elierry n:uice.
this for the lilllns tin- p.isti-y lb c
one pinl of fl.nir, I wo even
tea -rpoonfnl s ul liaKiii 4 powilor. one
ei i:, one cupful of Willi, m e taliU'sponn
frl ihcapii;i:i of ImltiT ami out- half
cupful of siiv :ir Sli'l I lie dry IukicII
en! tn-clher. lii'ut the "-Xi I Inn uglily
.ulil the miiU :iiul the moped lustier
tl.c.i Into this siir I lie d.'y ln;:i'eilii'iils
four Into iov ei" caUc iliin uiul hul;c
Remove from the oven oml. h;ii' Ktill
nuriii, BP'it Hie eal.c. mill hutter eiieli
Inyer. Just liefore Kervin p!.n-p one
In.ver of the lal.o on n lieep plate, ruvio
with a thlcU layer of l ho i;ooscli'rrj-snci-c.
place the seeoml l.i.v-T oil t"i oi
this and pour over all Mio rcinainilt'r of
the sauce. Serve liiiiiit-; M.itel.v. with or
wil bunt en nui, as ile-ireil
Cleaning Lac.
1 lie Uhiil uf lace that Is dm ileltculr
to lie waslo .l in pile usual way run he
i-P'ine.l in ihls way. Mal.e a KtroiiK
;iii.: pstnls i.f suine outl soap iiml allow
the lace to reman In il for several
Uo::fs at lea; t although it Is well lo
si .ike II out oecimoimlly A wide
iliii:itlieil hottie Is most convenient tl
II.-: i d Ic. When I lie let Is Ilioriiunlil.v
s 'a'iCil let Hie soupy wilier out til' the
.(.( tie unit l;eei oililinii i lean water tin
til ilioKoiip litis nil hoen removed from
tl:e Imp. I'o ii"l liiimlie l he lace ut all;
W.vkini: the I. utile will linse it tlmr
,-- lily If the lin e is imnow wind II
Rio mil a Puttie tliat lias l oon enverei!
willi a pie. e of sell limine! mill do not
ip oie il nolll It Is dry
Valua of a Name.
"Whnt'a In a iianii'V nskeil the man
wlm indulges in ipiolnt ions.
'That iiui htiun." replieil Mr. Cumrol,
"Khiin-i vnur iinfiiinlliiu it v wllli urt. It
is i viileiit that you never paid tlio el
frn charee for the sinnliire on an oil
pa Int liu;." Wuhliliictun Slur.
A Way Around
An Obstruction
The Nelson Shops
Summer Trips
When summer comes and a vacation
outing is planned, remember New
port is cool. The breeze from off the
mighty Pacific never fails. With the
many diversions and attractions to
pass the hojrs away, surely you
could find no better place for your
The Cost is Low
Ron rel Trip Tic Lois r on mile daily fioin all
Southern J'aeiiic -Utinh in Western OreK"ii.
The return limit Oct Oli-t.
Daily Trains from Albany and Corvallis
make excellent connections.
Vr;t,. f .,r illu.trjtf.1 U.kVt "N'mput" -rak ',.-!
at' ;ijt f r eon pli t n.f Tin.-.t sc ri.
JOHN" VV'M'II. (ieneMllff-HK-rAlJirt, fortUi.'l, Oifgoti
A young uiau culled at the office of
Jenkins & Jenkins, ntuu ne.vs, anil waa
shown Into ttie privatu room of tb
aru lor partner.
'.Vh. Mr. Quluib,v," salj the lawyer,
laytiiK aalilu ooiuo pnpors on Ills dok
and turning liia rrilving cltalr siiie-, "plcaso tw scntod."
The young man took a chair beeide
Uio desk. Tho lawyer continued:
'I have eout for you. Mr. Quliuby, to
ask your nssUtauce lu u very liuior-
tiint nuitter which ennccrna client of
uiine. A Kent Ionian In wry 111 ami ilo--iii-a
to see his daiijtutor umnieil, bo
llcvlii(t he w ill not tecover. The young
Uiily's heart Is set on a certain until.
Maidenly uiodewty prevents her pro-
wing to the youiiK mini, anil he haa
uot proposeil to her. Meanwhile, her
t.ither U urtituK her to uiarry before he
lies. The young liuly lias appealed to
me to flnd some way ot of her tlltll
cvlty. 1 have nuugesteil that alio marry
smile one w ho it is to lie understood
will lwrt from her luituedlntel, after
ilip ivrcnionv mid who will iisr. e to a
llvtnve ho siKin as lier father dies. The
f.Hiiily Is weiilthy iiml will pay Ulier
ii 1 1 v for tile Iomii of a luishiind. Would
you consider tin offer?"
The young mini thought Ivfore niak
ni: a reply, but finally said:
"I myaelf have set my heart on a
ci'tnlii girl. She Is or will he wealthy,
iiml, strange to sny, her father U very
111. the snine n in the case you men
tion. Ihifurtuliutely I have notuing
except a small siilnry. If I could Ret a
thousand or two In this way I would
Pi emboldened to propose to the girl I
love, but I don't know whether she
would have rue. However. I would not
ho any worse off limn I am now If alia
refused me."
"Vou would bo 10,IHK better off,"
siiid Mr. JcnkliiK.
"Ten thousand!"
"I am authorized to offer yon that
.Mr. Qjilinliy ilchateit with himself
whether or not lo nooept the offer.
Wlint tleh iTi'd him was that ho feared
the Kill be wanted would not ninny n
divorced man. Mr. Jenkins said that
of i iiinse that whs a niHtler In which
he hud no concern mid Mr. Qulmhy
must deeldo it fur liltnm-lf. Mr. Qulm
hy said Unit lie would take the matter
Into consideration, hut the lawyer ob
jected, miyliiK (lint, owIiik Pi the fact
that the father of his client was very
low and possibly bin life nilKlit be
snved by the pelllenicnt of tho matter
troubling him. an early answer was
d.'slred, lie offered .$20,000 If Mr.
Qulmhy would kIvo mi immediate con
sent, ihls settled the mailer, anil the
lawyer handed the young mini a con
tract to rend.
"This Is uot signed by the lady," said
Mr. Qulmhy after having iienised the
dm uinent."
"I will brliiK her here, and she will
sbrn It In your and my presence."
"Very well." replied Qulmhy, "but
there is one thing I should like to have
put In the contract - Hint mi one except
the bride, her futlier and her attorney
shall know of thin marriage. 1 prefer
to make It known to the lady I wish
eventually to marry at such time as 1
may select."
"Certainly," replied Mr. Jenkins, and
he mlded the clause to Mr. Qulmby'i
Ml 1 infliction.
The luily was plumed for, nnd while
she was on her way the groom to be
n shed the lawyer when the wedding
would take place. Mr. Jenklim gave
tit in to understand that he could talk
that mutter over with the yoiinjj lady
when she arrived. Mr, Quluiby was
evidently much wrought upon by the
plmiRe lie was about to make and
walked the rbxir nervously. Presently
the door was thrown o'ii and an office
hoy announced lady. He wet dl
rei ted to show her hi. A few minutes
eh psed, diirlnjr which Mr. Qulmhy kepi
his eyes fixed on tho door anxiously.
Then n young dirt entered, blushing
it ml smllliiK.
"Agiiea!" cried the young man In
' Vcs. Tom Agnes."
oh, Agnes. I was lutendliur to do
ihH to mnke a raise to offer myself to
jou not temporarily, hut fur good!"
"Why did you Intend to take all this
trouble? If jou wanted me, why didn't
jou tell ineo''-
ftut It seenis tliut yoni wont another
"He hasn't a skid 1110-"
Agues was Kinllhig. and a grin over
spread (he fU'-e of the attorney. Tom
Qiiimhy began to miilerstnnd.
"Well, then. Aches, tie naif, seizing
the contract and tearing it Into btla,
"I'iii yours If you want me."
'How about Hie Kiri you were to
marry nflcr the divorce V ihe asked,
loo! lug at him archly.
"Since you are the girl there's HO
t,i-i I of hiiio'iin; up tliut matter."
'.1 friends," InierjMMtisI the attor
ney. T have flier matters reipihlulf
my iil'eiillori. and I dou'l see that 1
can be of any further service to yoll
I .: you this I'l'iin for a conference,
lei-lever, iiml jou will doubt leu auc-c-
1 In loinlui tini! the rest of the case
VOL! --lvc."
f flel- a brief Interview Ihe young
-.n,.e drove to Hi- Poll's home, and
b" Imik her li nee . to the sickroom.
A 1 ierirwoM 11 winiii'. ' 1. iiinl the twuiu
a ere mad.- one In t: e h. iillil's presv
.,;, The d-.ii.2 ma 11 did let dream
Diet lie vein m.d-r oi .M:., ill. .hi to the
hie (ii.i'y '' law)'r to do away
Willi tlrf Miicnii"il of his duilgli
ter am! her loter tur sieing her mar
rieil Ixfore liia di aiis.
w& mm
in No Other Way Can Tou Get All the
Richness and Fl'vor of the Leaf
Many prominent physicians declare
chewing to be the most wholesome way
of enjoying tobacco.
"1 began chewing some year Ro,"
said cue, "and I soon found that it is
the only way to get the benefit of all
the rich juices stored up by nature in
the tobacco leaf. I refer, of course, to
the plug form of tobacco, which is the
most n.ittirat and the cleanest form.
"Chewing good tobacco like Spear
Head makes the salivary glands more
active, which in turn has a beneficial
effect on the whole system. Add to this
the sweet, mellow, delicious flavor of
chew of Head, and you have
the highest possible degree of tobacco
"I mention Spear Head because I
have found that this brand is excep
tionally pure, being made in a fac
tory that's run strictly according to
pure-food rules."
Spear Head is made of sun-ripened
Burlcy, which is acknowledged to be,
the ric!ict, mildest, finest flavored to
bacco leaf in the world. And it is
produced by the latest processes, which
develop the quality nnd luscious flavor
of the Choice Burlcy to the supreme de
cree. r A chew of Spear Head has a whole
some relish that is not found in any
other chrwinir tobacco. In 10c cuts,
wrapped in wax paper.
No Room for Argument.
ivul th. KM .1 , II. 4u I hW
lull 'tMM ti IK, Mln, I '7.
' l-U. ifoi rn m. rm. wr -4 Jim a
-1 if
I ot l eti .omU lis to piaK. tkn; adtM
liu FlHt Jil ltMf K .inldv'
and fturr ktnhily T Jnm 4ai
know hu t'tUr d irx-T t
hul ih ht iMUhmi
iU(onpl ul the kaia
G-EElntric Fiitirta
n oBifta.riKti aKnuiUtm
trail s k rt 1m rtnm, t j
lui. turn: aaf
1 Hwniy mm f y. at4
. v k r.
Katlmatea cheerfully fnrnialuu
Fre f Charge. All Work Gnar
enteed To Pasa City limptctlon.
Wa Do Contract Work
H. J. HOWE, Mgr.
I' your trouble and repair work to
MAIN 6211. Wavi'l crme quickly.
Practice in all Courts
Ml Til or any Oregon
OALtM Hettrlc Station '
Good for 30 daya.
Ninety day ticket f 35.00
Mails and berth included on the
i Twin Palac-i 8. 8. Northern I'acilic
and Grant Northern - only Z ftourt
at niia. Moat dalightful trip on tlia
Weit Coat.
Tuesday-Thursday- Saturday
! La Fares for Round Tript CACT
to nil cities of tha 1
i Dnect via the Most Steaic Routas of
j Anirrica or via C'aWornia
! Clatsop Beach for Vacations
J. W. Ritchia, Ageiit, Sulern. Ora.
Try Independence First