cooi I m a AH li e heat is concen trated where it is ne ;ded keeps you cool and make for better cooking A r new pwzzcnon OILCGSOTOVE 1 Why not cook with L a modern oil stove this sum mer and be comfortable? B.-iltes, broils, roasts, toasts. More efficient than your wood or coal stove, and costs less to operate. Hotter cooking because the long bluechimneysgive stead ier, more evenly distributed heat, under perfect control like gas. No smoke or smell. In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner sizes, ovens separate. Also cabinet models with Fireless Cooking Ovens. Ask your dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY For Best Rtiultt J'tarl Oil Tor Sale Dy CRAVENS HUFF SLOPER BROS. 5 COCKLE J. D. II1BBS G CO. WW THE INDEPENDENCE MONITOR AN INUUPUNDtNT NliWSPAPEK Published Weekly at Independence, Polk County Oregon, on Friday. Bettered Second Class Matter August 1,1012 at the Post Office at Inde pendence, Polk County, Oregon, Under the Act of March 3, 1879. CLYDE T. ECKER, Editor NINA B. ECKER, Associate SnDBcrlptlon Rates: One Year $1.50 Strictly in Advance ADVERTISING RATES: ISc. per Inch for one Insertion. 12 l-2c. for two or nor Insertions, 10c. on monthly contracts. Rtadtrs, 5 and 10c. per line Independence, Oregon, Friday, May 19, 1916 Many primary sores are never healed. Now we shall see what we shall see. Billie Sunday says Rockefeller lias rflways done the ritfht thing by God. Evidently Rockefeller has done the right thing by Billie Sunday and he has it credited in the wrong place. Over 40000 Republicans in IVnns) lvania wrote in the name of Henry Lord on their ballots this week. If Ford's name had been printed on all the primary ballots in all the states, he would have been the Kepubucan candidate tor president and a most likely winner in November. ihid Fisher jumped the old-time rut when he invented Jet! and Mutt. Fur yours, with that amusing pair, he's Chased away o people's care, and made them lauh and throw tlieir hats, and cackle till they broke their slats. The tired, the sad, the weak, the worn, have laughed with Bud and ceased to mourn; the, the halt, the blind, the deaf, have whooped with glee cVr Mult ml J it Where does he Ca I the joyouj vvlr'ch break the luttona frorjt cur wis? You'd tl.I J; the fjur.t would have to fail, tut never once has h3 been stu'e. When h sits down to hatch a r !ct in w hich his heroes will bo can: ht, ho lights his pipo, and ccon a yx-.-s emerges from TuxcJj smoke. Aij swears by "Tux" r.nd so will you, when yo i have tried a jar ci- two. I & m BREITENBUSH SPRINGS NOW OPEN Great Baths! Good Fishing! Fine Scenery! Whether you come for a week, a month or the summer, you'll find tljis place the best in Oregon for a vacation or outing. Address J. K. Johnson Detroit, Ore,, for further information. AN "OUR TOWN" WINNER . i rk Asa B. Robinson, of Independence, nominat ed today by the Demo crats for county clerk. CUD 1 : rju.? A -j r-.-.Si a tit ' g. J i -M .J r -' f" r , jsfc.. BUENA VISTA Mrs. S. Wilson of Portland is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lester Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Neal are visitinK friends in Eugene this week. Mrs. Chaa. Kp.u has returned to her home in Carltoa after spending a few days visiting rel atives here. She was accom panied home by her mether, Mrs. Margaret McLain. Mrs. Will Bevans is visiting her mother, Mrs.4'Ed Elkin, at Grande Ronde. A game of baieball was played here Friday between the Airlie high school and Duena Vista high, which resulted in a ucore ef 20 to 2 in faver ef the home team. Last Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Neal .were pleasantly aur prised when a crowd ef eighteen boys and girls came to their home to spend the evening. The time was spent playing games. The jrirla brought ami served a delicious luncheon during the Hvemng. The li. N. club met at the home of "grandma" McLain on Thursday afternoon. This was business day, and the greater part of the time was spent talk ing over the business of the club work for the year. Mrs. Wall recited a eemie pieee which was greatly enjoyed by the ladies preseat. An excursion frees Corvallis spent most of the day here San- day in the interest of their rose queen, Miss Georgia White. Severnl of the candidates for county etfices have visited this place the past week. Mothers' day was very appro priately observed at the M. E chureh Sunday morning. The ehoir, eonsisting Entirely of young people, famished some rise special songs. Alma Wells and Marjorio Key sole's saag "My Mother's Lullahy," and the pas tor, Kev. Mr. Wall, delivered a very fine serwon. Hiatus Peterson is visiting in Portland and MeMiaoville. I The ladies ef the llur&t Club! and their hushaads gave a fare-' well prty in honor of Mr. and iirs. J. K. Neal Saturday even ing at the M. E. parsonage There were about forty-five pre sont. The evening was sper.t playing games, singing, and in social conversation. The house was very'prettily decorated with white flowers and ferns. Ice cream and cake was served dur ing the evening. CHURC HES METHODIST W. C STEWART, Pastor. One of the mot intregtinjr Sunday Sunday lessiona will be held next Sunday. Dont misa it. Topic "The Cripple at Lyatra." Regular Church Service U A. M. Topic "Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit, saith the Lord." Epworth League 7 P. M. Topic "Capturing the Student of China." Dorothy Paddock and Opal Hewett are the leaders. Popular service 8 PM. The pator was much gratified with the large attendance laat Sunday. Ov er 200 were present. The following is the program for next Sunday evening, FATHER'S DAY PROGRAM 1 Voluntary, by orchestra. 2 Hymn "Faith of our Fathers" Congregation, No. 415 3 Prayer. 4 Anthem Choir. 5 Announcements --Offering Offer tory. 6. Double Duet by four girls. 7 Solo, "Softly Now the Light of Day." Mrs. Irvine 8 Hymn, "How Firm a Foundation' Congregation No. 401 9 Sermon "What We Owe To Our Fathers' The Pastor 10 Solo "Daddy" Mrs. Paddock 11 Hymn "By Cool Siloam's Shaddy Kill" Congregation No. 678 12 Recessional Special Instrumental We assure you a delightful time if you come to the First Methodist. Washable CHRISTIAN f. Claude Stephens, Pastor Service for Lord's Dy, May. 21. Bible School at 10 a. rn. A most interesting feature given by Carl Bingman at this service that will interest all attending. Divine worship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p. m. Evening Evangelistic services 8:00. "The Gospel Is God's Power Unto Sal vation. Believe it. A welcome awaits all desiring to worship with us. J. N. McConnell of the McMinnville Christian church spoke Tuesday even ing before the auxiliary and general congregation. His address was tboro ly enjoyad by all those present. He returned home the following morning BAPTIST W. S. STEWART, Pastor. All of the serviocs bf the church will be held in the church this coming Sun day. Altho there ia plenty of work yet to be done, the Church is so that it can be used for services. Sunday School at 10. Preaching at 11. Subject, "The Child in the Home." May tS, The Visitor in the Home." June 4, "The H mes of the Future. B. Y. P. U. at 7:0 Preaching at 8:00. All are cordially invited to attend. PWESBYTKRIAN .Regular aervices at Calvary Presby teris;n church next Sunday. Dr. Dunj more will preach both morning and eve! ing. NOTICE FOB BIDS Bids will be received by the clerk of School Dist No. 29, Independence, Or egon, up to and including May 24, 1916, for wood, aa follows: 110 cords of slab wood or old growth fir wood; 10 eords of grab oak wood. All of said to be delivered at publie and high schools, as the Board may designate. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. GRACE SWOPE, 40 Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is fcereby given that the un dersicned has been duly at pointed ad ministratrix ef the estate of George A. Rich, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Pulk Coun ty, and has qualified. All rvertona having claims against the fa;d estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same duly verified, together with the urowr vouchers therefor, to the undersigned administratrix at her resilience on Monmouth etrfet, Inde pendence, in aaid Ceuniy. within six months from the data of this notice. Dated and first published May 6. 1916. 1NETTIE RICH. Administratrix of the estate of Georife A. Rich, det?asied. j B. K. Swepe, Attorney. 421 Vou ofte i wanted a finish for you- walls and coili t at wo ild have the durabil'ty of an oil paint, yet wMh n !rf o- i-oft, restful, velvet like appearance. A finis'i thai was snuiti'ry. That you could wash without 'ACME QUALITY, NO-LUSTRE FINISH is the ideal finish. It is sanitary. It can be dusted, wiped with a damD cloth, or even washed with mild soap and water without in juring the finish. And it's t, expensive and easily applied brushed on like ordinary paint. More information at our store. THE GHAS. K, SPAULDING LOGGING CO. THE GOOD JUDGE 6ETS A TIP PROM THE COUNTRY DOCTOft) (youm j REAL SWITH I ALWAYS CARRY REAL TOBACCO CHEW1 YOU I NOTIC ' the) lEWJ ll WOULD NT BE WITHOUT) Jit, l ain't afraio or ( r LpERMS WHEN I HOVE ITf t J)"! my mouth r" MEN are learning the truth about chewing tohaeco. A clean, tmall chew of W-B CUT Chewing the Real Tobacco Chew, ntm cut, hmt i,W--will Mliily you. ll le.vel clean after-lmtt in lh month not the thick. totiy tatta that the ordinary chew forces on a man. Tlmt'a one of tha rcaaona why men arc ao eager to tell their frieoue about fa ktal Ttiacc Chtm. Notice how the aalt brings out that rich tobacco tasta ' Made by WEYMAN BUTON COMPANY; 50 Unioo Square, New Tork City iMHI I It eM I 4 I 4-04 I Calbreath & Jones GROCERS Where a Dollar brings one hundred cents of value 1 I A dollar for every dollar or a dollar back I THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK Established U9 A Successful Busineso Ct reer of Twenty rive Years INTEREST PAID ON IIML DEPOSITS I OFPICERSA.ND DIRECTORS H. Hirschberg, Pres. D. W. Sears. V. P. R. R. DeArmond, Cashier W. H. Walker, I. A. Allen, O. D. Butler MtMtHUMII, tM