Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, February 11, 1916, Image 4

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    9an mn inmiiM
Hew Spriiig Goods
are arriving almost dailj.
Kid Oloi
Garsonn Drsss .'.Mngharns 30
diTwrnt patterns to seleot
from, yrd
Idol Peroales, 36 inches,
light and dark colors big
assortment, yard
Devonshire Cloth, 32 inches
the idea) rojo per cloth, abso
lutaly fait colors, yard
The Latest Arrival Comprise:
Whit Piques, 28 in.
wjde, narrow and
wide corda, yard
Whit Seed Voile, 16
in. wid", a favorite
eh ear material, yard.
35 and 25c
35 and 25c
Born To Mr and Mra.
Fred Edgar, Monday, Feb.
7, a 9 pound boy.
Vets the coupon found on
this Daze before next Mod
day night at 5:30.
Why have wet feet whan
vou can buy rubbera and
rubber boots ao cheap at
Conkey & Walker'a.
One iron bedstead, ateel
Choir Entertained
Alter toe Metnodiet cnoir
bad finished practicing last
Friday evening. Mrs. J. Q
Mcintosh, ia pretty little
speech, cordially invited the
members to accompany her
to her borne. To say that
they had an "enjoyable"
lime would be under esti
mating the pleasant evening
spent at this (hospitable
WhiteSplasb Voile Mr OC OCp
36 in. wide. yard. . w3i ZOO
We art alio stowing
Maw. Bilks, Mew Wool Drew Goods, New Wlndew Draperies,
New Kid O loves, Maw Table Linens.
Maw Laces,
for sale at
the American
Queen Qual
ity Shoos
Eddy & Elliott
Something new in men s
hatsjubt received. Drop in
and let us show you. They
are at Conkey & vYsiker's.
Buy a good warm Mackin
law or heavy sweater ooats
while you can buy ' them
right, at Conkey & Walker's,
springs and cotton mattress borne, for it was the univer
sal verdict that they 'had
the time of their life." The
hours too quickly passi
with music, "stunts" by each
01 tne memoers which were
not "musical," ani a delie
ious Much pleasant
little deviations after a rou
tine of energetic rehearsing,
is delightful mid always ap
predated and the memben
Mars Delicious Chocolates
15c per 1-2 pound
Put up in sanitary packages.
15c Store
Independince, Oregon
Nemiraling Blank, Popular Voting Contest
At a ldy worthy to become a candidate in your Popular Voting Con
teet, I present thia fame with tha distinct understanding and egreenent
that the maimer of U papar will nut divulge my nama.
This does net obligate me In any way whatever.
IVil I ii i-l T n t . . r r.i a n arm lv I n I f I. I. . . .' ... 1
has been visitiag in Wood- voted Mr. and Mrs. Mcln-
lhone in the news. burn for ln pait iw0 weeks, tosh ideal entertainer
Dr. K E. Duganne. den- returned to Independence
tiet, National Bank Building. Monday. mJiMOtni ILAKb
Mrs. Parl Oviatt went to ,u;i ,l. ; i. l Odd Fellowship displayed that
uuim iiwio i iuh ui iMiii1 j M k: .l-
i l :., c.ij . . . kuuu iciiumuip lor wmca IHW
.... ujum, ,,,,. an1 croebeting eoing m-H.r .w.,,. w
I... I .... . " ""W.
onmruny. . Ion. VOU Will find VOUrsUDDiV veteran jewels were o-iveii to J
A pood pair Of reading I of threads and yarns at E. Hubbard, W. H. Craven and
glasses lor 91-00 at O. A. Conkey & Walker's. s- H- McElmurry. 1 here was
Kreamer's. w .... one ,l8?. for u u Dovs but he
f in. ..n. iuu.pi Was unaDie to be preseat. Ihese
1 eter ingermanson of Oris t,j the Wigrich ranch where jewels are given to members
wold, Iowa, is visiting in In. he and Mrs. McDonald will who have been in the order for
dependence. run the boarding house un. 26 years. To properly observe
. .. , ... ,:i .n v, tne occasion, Kebekahs and the
ur. J. i. uriaer, aeniiet, " F 8. f . members were invit
iucosior to Dr. Allin, Coop- Uaving secured the agency ed. Besides the ceremony inci
er Bldg. Phone Main 1021. fur Lang's Mineral Water, Meital to the presentation of the
The veteran attorney, users may obtain more by Jew,1- a Preseat enjoyed an
I j t .1 l J i! ir I n ollin, f ant nhnn n ,U1U,V,,M vmmHw -
(iflflna, into th II. aonin build, ms at my residanoe, Main
6922. C. E. Frss?r.
Mrs. C. C. Way of Toledo,
is visiting at the home of
hur mother, Mrs. J. M
The Monitor has been re
quested to announce that
Eesdthls Couaoa to The Irdcpirdrate Vendor cflkc vlihlr fifteen
days from data and It will ccuat tnty-flve volts, tio aenty required
wltt this Coupon.
Deled January 30, 101 A
will be
On Weduesday of last
urwolr n inn oral fwirn tn Mr
... u n t .the Inde .endeace Chapter,
and Mrs. R. O. Lacey of L. a '
Ready Ftlixed Poultry Foods!
Standard Food for Foultry of All Ages for All
Purposes. Specially Mixed and Balanced Chick
Food, Developing Food, Scratching Food.
Chick Starter 10 lbs
Chick Feed 10 lbs
Developing Feed 10 lbs
Scratch Feed
10 lbs
10 lbs
10 lbs
Eastern Oyster Shell 10 lbs 20c
Charcoal - 10 lbs 50c -Oil
Meal - 10 lbs 25c -
100 lbs $3 00
80 lbs 2 25
10O lbs 2.23
100 lbs 2.23
100 lbs 2.75
100 lbs 1.00
100 lbs 1.25
60 lbs 1.75
10O lbs 2.00
Mill Feed Always In stock. We have Burbank'g,
Ferry's, Morse's and Lilly's seeds.
The Independence Seed and Feed Store.
Mies Mable Gillette, Nor
mal graduate, will euceee.i
W. I. Reynolds as teacher at
An excellent good quality
of wool blankets at very rea
sonable low prices at Con
key Jl Walker's.
M. J. Hunt and family, of
Salem, have reoently moved
to a farm a few miles south
of Independence.
8olditr Gather Soiled Clothing and
Give It Vigoroua Scrubbing.
One day a week la set aside in the
trenches la northern France an "wash
dav." On thnt Hnv the snldlrra irnthiT
Worthy Ctrand Matron, Mrs. Uu their soiled eiotuhi and give it a
Marv Houck of Roaeburir v,gorou "crum,1DK- D1 r
.uary nouca, oi xoseourg, could ve housBWVe ,H)UlterB on the
a Special truest of method of getting the heavy dirt from
Wash day Kt'nernlly is followed by a
night of music and souk. There are
Published Weekly at Independence, Polk County
Oregon, on Friday.
BMered al Second Class Matter Aagut 1, 1912 at the Post Office at Inde
pendence, Polk County, Oregon, Under the Act of March 3, 1879.
NINA B. ECKER, Associate
Suoscriptlon Rates: One Tear $1.50 Strictly in Advance
ADVUTISINO RATES: ISc. perInch for one Insertion, 12 l-2e. for two or
more Insert loos, 10c. .on monthly contracts. Renders, 5 and 10c. per line
Independence, Oregon, Friday, February 11, 1916
O. . 8., next .Monday even
ing, Feb. 21.
E. N. Townsend has added
a ba'li to nis Darner aoep
and otherwise improved the
premises. All that he needs
now is a manieurisi ana s
nigger porter, and hesxpeols
these to oome with the saw
When making cash pur-
eFaxes at Eddy A Elliott's,
Cttlbreathd Jones, Williams
Drug Co., Howe's Jewelry
W.J. Hryan was arrested Store and Mrs. Baseue's,
and jailed in Independence don't forget the coupons
this morning. However, it god for voles In the Mer-
. . .
was not the famous states- nhnnta.Mnmtor" mano con.
man but Tripp's dog.
Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette
Curler, of Mcliain, Mich.,
arrived Saturday for a visit
with his neive, Mra. J. M.
Otitis. Mr. Carter is ad old
The Tolk County Sunday
School Association will meet
in Dallas Kriday, Saturday
mid Sunday. Feb. 25, 2d and
27. A fine rogram is be
ing prepared.
Mrs. Forest Finch enter
tained the l,adi8 Circle of
ths Christian church last
Wednesday afternoon. After
their routine work, an elab
orate luncheon was served.
Mrs. Orpha lWcue is in
lrllaud uniting the whole
millinery houses and
studying tht iu w spring ami
summer styles She will al
so pure' ae her millinery
stock for the earning st-ason
while thrre.
In houor of the Oznd anni-
verssry of the order, Homer
Lode No. 45. K. of P. will
hold an informal msetingat
their Caatle hall iu Inde
pendence on Monday uight,
Feb. 14. There will bt an
address, special music and a
Fhutu by American Preaa Association.
many Rood Hinp'rn niuong the men tn
the trem heH. nml It Is a ioor camp that
do not txu'.si uf une or two muslelaus.
The story la tolil th:;t at one of these
concerts, w hen the air wns still and
clear and the mice curried, a yonth
with a flue tenor voire started to slug
From a trench Iu the far distunce there
came a plaintive call, it waa tne
youth's father. He bad been led to be
lieve that his hoy waa dead. Hla voice
didn't enrry. and another In the father's
camp through a megaphone asked If
the slnser whs Willie of the
British regiment When the answer
is uiecaph.ineti back that It was there
was a fervent 'Thank tltxlT' fnm the
I other end of the line. The two ranipa
How greater prosperity saay then j.xne,! iD tbe NturinK of the song
be realized b Willamette Valley
farnaei-s tkreagk improTintj tke j
hog produetien oa small farms.
as well as larxe enea. Is the topi
Rippant Flings.
Mrs. Belmont hns written an opera
for the eurrr-.j;e cause. A ballet for the
of a Brane-era' eeafereaee canes' ,"'l0' "v-iHroit Free rrvs,
. rt,ln-1 fe lf..t.. JPa wsn.s ensn ror me
. .... m ...... ... I -..,, H 1 lin'tih..ll
. i - - - -
ret). 14th. A t enerai SXCirsiOn I n to cbarse bayonets f-l1ttburj:h
of livesteck raisers of tke Valley ctrouK-ia
r-rMinti-. .ill Ka run tn Pa.rt1an N that Venue la Inhnb
(Of ll tXCftSiOI. AM lrfCIl 11 1 wtewa. t3 txmcratuUtUu or Ma nD
vltatioa ia exteadeu naesseers of floiences? cttcaKo News.
flranite and farmers reni rally Cincinnati judw h-u!s that iwt
i .W; m,.ll., Tko DUKKjnaineaauM-ri;nial.niuesirv.-i
- M thf But would this tn
Visitors Will be US guests CI ttie rolveth Mine penalty for sivedineV-
Portlaad Uaioa Stockyarda at a Puuburgti t;atte-Tiu.e.
laackeoa te be served at 1 e'sleck
tka day. J Watch the Monitor.
If only candidates for the legislature would do
what they promise, and if elected vote to abolish
47 commission and reduce Oregon's high cost of
living, perhaps but why yearn for the impossible.
A non-partisan tariff commission is a good thing
and we are glad that President Wilson favors it,
even if he had to change his mind to do so. Dur
ing a hundred years of tariff making, political
parties have used it as a pawn to advance their
own interests and to draw campaign contributions
from corporations. It is time that the tariff was
framed solely for the benefit of the country.
Lamar Tooze, who was a guest of Henry Ford
on the recent peace mission, has returned home
and is frightened for the safety of his country.
I feel uneasy when I think of our small army.
he says, Holland, has an army of 400,000 men
and I sincerely believe that Holland could lick
us." After learning how Lamar felt about it, we
became uneasy also and commenced to learn the
Dutch language thinking that it would come in
handy after our country had become a vassal state
of Holland's. Later, we remembered that another
military authority, General Miles, late com
mander of the forces of the United States, recently
said that if this country could not raise men in
short order to drive out an army of a million in
vaders he wTould want to leave it, and it relieved
us very much, we no longer sliake and the study
of the Dutch vocabulary has been abandoned.
Having sold my grocery,
all parties owing me are re
quested to call at the store
and settle.
L. -5 . Reeves.
Tour Help Appreciated
All votes and subscript
ions for The Monitor will be
greatly appreciated as I have
entered the contest and am
working very hard.
Miss Christina Zerr,
American Restaurant
(paid ad ) 24
An Invitation!
We like to see ever) thing
look Bright and Snappy.
Bring in your Rings, Brooch
es, Chaiue, LaVallier?, Etc.,
and we will
Tell your friends to come.
Of courae we do alt kinds of
Repair Work, Reset Stones,
Make to order, Rings.Brooch
es, Pendants, Etc.
Miller The Tailor has hie
new fall line of sam.h-a in.
Con?e and se them. The
Cooked Food Sale
on Saturday, Feb. 12th, all
day at Cal breath & Jones', best in the market at lowest
The ladies of the Christian prices. Fit or no sale.
church will reive the publio!
to a bounteous cooked f ood j For pa'n"K and paper
sale. If will do well tocome'hac8U)K' cal1 C912.
here when you plan for your; 11. Sauer.
Sunday dinner.
Wood, Gravel and Sdi-
In looking for a Suit (! went, deliverer!.
Clothes for men and boys or, fj
young men, just go to Con
key & Walker's. They hsvej
something in that hue that
will suit you. One coat and !
vest and two pairs cf pants'
for the small price on cne'
. i
f r.
Good ar-h, fir
' wood for sale.
49tf Homer Hill
m a p!9
(continued from page 1)
A Crackerjack Suit to
measure at $15. Can't be
Fit or no sa e.
Miller The Tailor.
i beat.
vent me from discharging tke redigree Duroc Jersey
duties of the office for the beae-! Boar For SaU Sure stock
fit ef the greater number." tt, P,.no .
. . , , , ... f."-- iro:uuoie or
akiog such a pledge, which 'mi . , , . . ,
ill be strictly adhered to. the! , l. rfde ,n 8tock-
veters ef Polk county will do 'r1 nancn, in.
ell to nominate aad elect Mr. , dependence, Ore.
Bekaaaea. Phoae 1701 Farm. lfitf