; I h :v.;:;-:'.-.; i Let Us Fill the Cook's Christmas Stocking YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER WILL BE THE BEST EVER Try our cranberries, oranges, grapefruit, Malaga grapes, lemons, olive oil, cheese, canned goods and fancy groceries. The very best coffees and teas. 1 S I.r I lsW T I - --. J t XT--, i CALBREATH & JONES fjTHEOOOP PUDGE URGES PATIENCE) 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 More For Your Money. We thought you would ' like l his hit or than - SOMETHING FREE. 6ee Hope's Ad on another page.' YOU OLD IINT-.VOU'BF "tRnW ;H1SS0URI" ARE OU? THEY GROW (TOBACCO THERE! THEN TAKE A 4WVALL turW MTUIIW.I ,T f AND VOU U. KNOW ITS THE BEST TOBACCO IN THE WORLD. OONT GET SORE --LET HIM GIVE IT AQUALlTy TEST OUST A SMALL CHEW-THAT WILL CONVINCE HIM- WHEN some user of ordinary tobacco complains that he must take a big wad, just remind him that he won't need to do so when lie uses W-li CUT Chewing the Real Tobacco Chew, new cut, long shred. Tell him to iva W-B CUT Chewing; quality test that tmall chew aatiifies; that be won't have to apit to much, that he can jet better satisfaction for hall the money he it .pending now (or ordinary tobacco. "Notice: bow th. mH brims out li rich tobacco twto" by WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANT, 50 Uoioa Sqmra, New York City lir,. CASH MAKES MEAT CHEAP BEEF Brisket 10c Roast 15c Short Ribs 12jc Steak 17c MUTTON Stew 10c Chops 121 Leg 15c Goat Meat 5c 1'UKK VEAL Pork Stt-ak 14c Stew l'c Loin I74e Chops 17c Ham 7$c Loin 17Jc Roast 15o LARD Hull 15c Ruckei "t Weinies 15c Minced Hum 15c Forequarter Goat 4; The Peoples Market A. NELSON,;Prop Publication of Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tha County of Folk. U. T. Short doing; business un ier the firm name and style Short Adjustment Co., Plaintiff, vs. Henry Krieger and Mary Krieger, his wife, Defendants. To Henry Krieger and Mary Krieger !iia wife, defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon you and each of you are hereby com mandi-d to appear in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 3rd day of January, 1916, said data being n ore than 6 weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice and summons, then and there to appear and answer or otherwise plead to the complaint filed in the above entitled cause, m d if you fail so to do, judg ment will be taken against you and eui'hofjou for want thereof for the nlief ik.-3iai.ded in said eomplaint, to- v,l: j:.- a judgment in favor of the lli.ii'itT i;i the sum of $118.99 with iiilrtct-t st 6 p.-r cent from January 1, for merchandise purchased of & l'.th, of Portland, Oregon, a ad fi.r -be ft.m of $13.90 with interest at Gpi. cent from January 9, 19)5, for n.etchnndint: purchased of C. Kepp & rio, ; for the si' in of $4.00 with inter est at the rate of 6 per cent from June 19, 1915 for merchandise purchased from W'm. H. Quade; for the sum of $5.00 with interest thereon at 6 per cent from Mav 3D, 1915 for merchan dise purchased from I,udig liepp; for the sum of $15.15 with interest aC per cent from June 26, 1915 for nier cssnilise purchased of P. N. Scbnell; for the sum of $19.00 with interest at 6 per cent from July 9, 191-1 for mer hmdise purchased from Henry C. Schrocder, and for plainlitf'e costs and ' di.-l'iiraen'.entF, ud for a further ordei and judgement of the court directing the bheriir to sell Lot 8, Woe 3 Stitrid:in View Acres in Section 26 and 35, Twp. 6 S., H. 7 W. W. M. Polk County. Oregon, on which property plaintiff has caused writ of attachment to be issued to satisfy the judgment that he may secure in the above en titled cause. Service of this summons is made upon you and each of you by publica tion in the ' INDEPENDENCE MON ITOR" for 6 consecutive weeks, by virtue ol an Order made and entered by the Honorable J. B. Teal, County Judge for Polk County, Oregon, made pursuant to an application upen affida vit and by writ of attachment, as by law in si,ch cases made and provided and dated November 16, 1915. i. Evert Baker, Attorney for Plaintiff. H26 NorthwesUrn Bank Bldg., Port land, Oregon. First publication November 19, 1915. Last publication December 31, 1915. MUSIC lottie hedges Mcintosh Teacher of Voice and Piano. Residence Studio. : : Pnooe: 482 I . i ! O. A.-C. M:!l'l'!;!llllllllllllihlitlllllllll!!IIM FARMERS' AND H').V.E..Mk-ERS" WFEK aml Kl'RAL LUO CONFERENCES January 3 to K, I0'6 Lite lnf..tm.,-.' -. I' t '!'!'; -he Hosae Oorv c ui t.-t h"i )tnr t nut 'r.jliim y. i lhaTi K 1- - i ii i. . . . . a. i All The Monitor For News P All the Time : 1AINM i-.N T ,.e,l mt I' i--wiih lire thu.k-f. nd l. liv,- i "" utKt :t, ttui g-'. ufk, WINTKk SHORT COLK-Sli January io to February 4. 1916 rilItl A.tcuHaT! Cuut In Nut hhelt aw; - ""- ' A""1 u,k Ui- laiiBmi H'juerli-.UI h"v k A1M.ni. ..'tHI.f Nl'., COOK-.-... llul -I'll 11 1' KOMI'. r'.t vj-'u w. '.'. u ' , U V F.N'.JN i ' : I t a Al. . (,,.,., Tattwa. n'.:.. 1 -11 1 MuC. -.ri. Co ' '"-Ji 1 W ' " LOCAL NEWS Fancy and Staple Groceries at Max Goldman's. Albert Quart ier is- another member of the "Jimmy Valun- tine" cast who will show up very strong. The school census of the Inde pendence district shows 282 boys and 2i)S girls, a decrease of o3 over last year. Postmaster Merwin and assist ants are handling ihe Christmas business in good shape. The volume does not equal last year. The American Restaurant was moved this week to Main strett which in the opinion of the pro prietor will be a better location, hesidts beinjt a larger room. The Christmas night dance given by the Independence Or chestra will be largely attended. The good music and the good tune in prospect assures that. Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Finseth of Dallas visited in the city the first of the week with Claire and Claud Tharp and families. Mrs. Finseth was formerly Miss I!er tha Tharp. Petitions are being circulated asking for the apoointment of J. G. Mcintosh and E. E. Tripp as Justice of the Peace to f 11 the vacaney caused by the death of E. T. Henkle. Chas. T. Bascue will hate green peas raised in hisowi par den as rart of his Christinas din ner. This ought to make the shivering folks hack ea.t want to conic to Oregon. Mrs. Chas. Kurre was the lucky woman to receive thf May tag washing machine givi.r; away by Sioper Bros. & Cockii last Saturday. A lurge croud attended the demonstration. Attorney General Brown, win- was to address the Men's Club Tuesday night, did not come but sent one of his deputies in his place. A large crowd attended and was disappointed because Mr. Brown could not be present. S. H. McElmurry rcentl. wrote the Southern Pacific ask ing them to build a shed at Led ford and w as informed that the Aire busv prewiring to com me nee eltctrilici.tiun and thai the shed would he included in that work. On next week's social calendar the afternoon and evuninpr to be presided over by Mrs. J. II. Bur ton and daughters. Miss Florence and Mrs. Asa B. Robinson next TueBday, will occupy an impor tant place. Invitations were is sued sarlv in the week. The Monitor reaches its read ers this week in plenty of time for them to read the advertise ments before making their final tour in quest of suitable Christ mas gifts. Fifty per cent of the Chrintmas shopping will ho done the two days before Christmas and the advertisements will aid them greatly in determining just what to get. Hyacinth Circle No. 22 of Bue na Vista have lected the follow ing officers: P. G. N., Emma Loy; G. N. W., S. Mclain; Adv., Georgia Prather; Mag., VV. L. Murphy, clerk, Adaia Harman; Banker, Florence Gobat; attend ant, Lena Anderson; captain of the guarrt, td narman; inner sentinel. Mary Bevens; outer sentinel, Rhoda Locke; musician, Georgie Prather. Salem Capital Journal: Wil lamette Valley hop irowerg ex pect to realize $1,000,000 from their hopa now unsold, by hold in until May 1, 101G. and have voted to extend the contract foui months. The present contract: of the grower in the Oregon Hop Growers' association wer to expire L. 31. but at a me t ing held lat week in several ric linna nf trie count TV all of the growers agreed to extend tin contract for four mo"th or w. til the price of 15 cenU per poun is realized. 1 mas Gifts Having bought earlier in this year more Holiday Goods than the present business conditions justi fy, in order to move these goods we are prepared to offer some Splendid Values Toilet Sets Fruit Baskets Manicure Sets Fountain Pens Holiday Stationery Dolls Perfumes Toilet Waters White Ivory Toilet Articles, Etc. We fire showing the finest line of Xmas Greetings and Booklets in town and invite your inspection. IIHUAMS DRUG CO. -1 TJ J M fJ 7 9 4' 3 its 3 ri a Merry Xmas To tho party that gets one of these useful articles. Look them overand come to our store and we will help you select nn appropriate present Ladies' watches, silver, - $10.00 Gold filled, - - $16 to $30 Bracelet watches, - $12 and $15 Gent's Hamilton Waltham and I:lgin watches ranging from $5 to $30. We have some nice pieces in hollow ware that we are closing out at cost. We have small musical instruments such as Banjos, Guitars, Mandolins, Violins, Accordians, etc., and you will find our blow the average on these instruments. Watch mf window- r' waking tpecisl price on Ml at our 'oprit walch for tfimi. A. Kreamerl Jowv.lrynnd Qeritw Hurnlwliiny: - asw S iS I c I to. mm r