3 . 4 The Original M "YOUREX 9 r I ira rann n n iijtiLs.f LI7ZaA Silver Plated war "YOUREX" may incised be termed a new discovery in precious mtals. It ei pressed the honest achievement in the art of silver plaUd wars. In "YOUREX" you Ret a silver plated knife that will not rust or wear black, that can be sharpened the same as a steel knife without showinjr black around the edgeii, and guaranteed for all time. We guarantee that this (diver plate will Rive absolute satisfaction and we ajrree to stand behind and replace every piece of floods bearing the "Yourex" trademark that does Dot ive satisfactory service in any household. RETAIL PRICE LIST Tea - SPOONS Dewwrt - " Table - " - aotip - . Cotft-o " Oran " ... 6 O'clwk Tea " ... Boullion leeTe - " Berry " Sugar "... Baby - " - - Jally " Baby Seta .... C M Fork. Oyatar Kork .... I nd. Salad Fork .... Small C M Forkt Koorl Pushers - ButUrnd Sogr Butter Snivel - - Child' Set Carvar - II . H. Pi" flrvrs Crem Ladles ... Gravy Ladle - .... But ter Spreader Hollow Handle Knlvaa & Hollow Hmlle Fork Hollow Handle Knives & Flat Fork Holid Handle Knives & Jumbo Fork 4.r.o 6.00 6.00 2 W 8.76 i 60 4.0O 8.00 2.00 .76 .60 1.26 1.25 $1 00 2.75 4.25 .85 .)0 1.60 .75 1.75 4.60 2.60 1.00 1.25 815 15.00 10.00 6.00 SET Each Set Eaih Pr. Each Set Pr. Each Set i t i 0. A. KREAMER'S 4 M-S"-M- White and Pink Talcum Powder - - 15c Extra Good Complexion Powder - - 10c A No. 1 Toilet Soap - . - 5c All Special Bargilns. North Window THE PAIR MAIN ST. MAR BEAVER BOTH The Place Of Everything Many Bargains 5c, 10c or 15c LOCAL NEWS K. Townawnd is Newport ing. Mrs O. i. lavis ia at Newport. 14 in Mildred Korea will t.ach in Arlington. lr. H. K. Puganne, den tist, National lWtnk liuildinn. ..he Uclntosh, lavidson and Hedges families motored to Eugene) Sunday. klr, and Mr. Klwood ilartman of Salem are visit iug in Independence. Dr. J. 11. Grider, itntit, successor to Dr. Allin, Coop r Bldg. Plionw Main U)2I. Mrs. Lhuth t alaway of Mountain Home, Idaho, is visttng lir sou, Dr. C'ala way. Will Bevena, wife and rothsr, have y:i to Hl knap Spring where thry itH) for mal weeks. Prof. H A. Teats ie rusti cating tin summer iu the Polk county mountains and incident!,)' acting as fire wttldsn. Phone in tha nnws Mrs. Lucy Baldwin ban bean quite ill. Peter Kurre went to Port land Saturday. klr. I. inn ami Ora Fenton are at Newport. W. E. Craven and family pent several days at Casoa dia. Mrs. O. A. K reamer was a Turner visitor one day last week. A flood pair of reading glasses for $1.00 at O. A. K reamer's. The German submarine will not stop Tripp from felling real estate. "It's a Ijon.'Lonir Way To Tipperary." You have heard the song, now read the story. Mt. Angel Tribune: Marl Nye and Ralph Floyd of In dependence visited at the Browne home Sunday. Miss Mae Armstrong of Cottage tirove, was a must of the Misses (irelehen and Mttdeliu Kreacnerlast Saturday. In faith unity; in opinion liberty; in all things love. A V J A. F. BENNETT EVANGELIST Do you want to die as you are now living:? Friend, if not, the Gospel can change your life. Come out and hear it, just once. mm :vz cmst CHURCH lA& 33-. 1'. inaction , Cnaj af r-iru-Vt ...... . . .... . r - :fvK!.e f'?W "f aon ICo.ij.-Mov. - H.t-I0. Jo't:$: 8ta '!.. - OtitOHS OfFiCr-ACTSi ho-CH.SACTrR-lT!ML 4-13 DUTY-ACTS. A 1-3 Name HAKE of CHURCH of B.ic.5.,.;. 'iiinU. Hi(t.i CbK f imrOtHne of ConfaaaHtg. Hk !r I CMT-K ". I4akf 0 tie! am 1 CHkk w ... . f ' ' t Pkf T15i? fna s,M. X!fa 14- Hisui i.lnMi4 -Semi Btt-iHioHlfi'ilM.M tha 0o.U- Mrt II ttlO. RUUS OF rAilH .AND MAC TIC t. "wk( ail v.Jtf,ftt Wff..lI TO TMf TATTIFN" Hfi t S KITHE! SHtL n PllWSH f0W IT Bvl. T a .i.a. WORD 0 COD f Te b u..4 in tonvwion f. th !- MtW Jt ft . f I StmicMncy tr,- CHUUCH CovaMinwn I Tim . W in I 4 of Ua 'f.4am. MtH 13 t; LuW S II. I Eutot ef tHf Sp tjAin. rlaa.4 12 'L, r.iH AU WOT ACQ UNTO THt WW This chart shows Church of Christ as set forth in the New Testa ment. STUDY IT. w v a Services in Christian Church Building each evening; you are welcome to attend. Remember the time, 8 P. M. Cornel Qood anh, fur avid maplf wood for sale 48lf Homer Hill. Hens Wanted A few good K. Ue.l or Hurn-d Hook heiio. 48 H. Howe, Joweh r. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Uotv viiied at the homo of Mr. Pi.ty'a mother, Mro. J. U' lviik'land for few days. A Craekerjttek Suit to measure at Jl.". Can't le l. at. Fit or no sa!o. Millf r The Tailor Mr. and Mrs H. A. t'l.'d filter, enrmit.' to llu Kx po sition, stopped .dl' in Inde petidenox Sunday ami were guests at the A. C Moore home. The home of Mr. and Mr. O. A Kreamer wa thesene ofaineiry houie party lat week when Mr A 1'in irrn ajnl poos! and Mr. T. A. I v t v , a'l of Poi tUiui, sp. til the week eml under its ho pitable roof. Card of Thanks We wish to thhiik our m a n y kind friends and nighbore for the kindness shown us during the ick nesaand death of our beloed husband, pod and brother, Frank L. Patterson. Patterson and Shafer Fam liee and the Sandy I. 0. O. F. Ledge SELLING SILOS The Spaulding LosTgrfrigr corn pany is now placinsr their Indi ana silo not only in the country around Salem, but in all parta of the eoast Yesterday, they re ceived an order for three alios, itobe shipped to farmers living jnear JvtTeraon. Thia eompany baa the sxcluaivssale and manu (faeture on the Pacific coaatof the Indiana ailo and already have 1 110 attits outworking in these Mate!.. The Indiana silo has severnl points that appeal to the ! average farmer. One of these is the construction of the door fiair.e and another ia the ease with which the silo can be st ! up. Sa!m Capital Journal. NOTICE TOR BIDS Bidiara aikad for timadeling th Oroon Normal School library. Bida to be addrasaed to J. Aekerman, Monmouth. Oragon, and will ba opened in SudU J. A Churehill a office, Salem, Oregon, at 2 p. ra. July 31. Plana and aptifleationa may bo seen at President Ackarman a otlica. Moomenta. DOG QUARANTINE. Restraining and Muzzling Order. Tha infectious and communieable diaaasa known as rabies appears to be spreading throughout Polk County, and in eotnuliancw with Section d, Chapter 14. Seaaion lawi of 1918, ORDERS ARE HEKEBY CiiVt-N that all dog owned or Said within the nt ihall hereafter until otherwise ordered, he either held by chain or moiiled or restrained in auch a manner aa te prevent their biting anyone or further conveying the Infection ahauld the diaeaae further develop. In aeeordaiwe with Section 29, Chapter 14. Seaeion Lawe of 191S, anyone violating thia order shall be guilty of miaderoenor, and upon eon viction ahall be Bned not lesa than $50.00 nor more than 8:30,000. JOHN W. OKR. Sheriff of Po)k County, Oregon. Acting under ordera of the State Lire Stoek aanitary Board. M'outtor ads bring results. IT'S A LONG, LONG WAY TO TIPPERARY (continued from page 3) "I lM IIUII 1 II IM-..T we )OII Mglllll." she hoIiUhI. casthiH Iht arms Hruuii'l bis utvk. ""I see--1 ste a great blai k shadow coniiUK belwwu us, I I want to go with you - to I ut?Mr you. 1 oould go a nurse." Tatrlik tiiiHlly Kii.t wdi'd io quieting her and foiule ber fiirewell. Malomy overtook bliu on the road way. "You and I will probably be lu the aanie rvirlmont. Paddy Hooney," he ll sneeringl". "rut l"forv we go I'm gxiiug to gle you n eood Ik-klug." He advau.vd menacingly on Kuoney Tbe laltt-r elnahed witti him. and wbll. the rivals eirhaDK1 virions blow a frightenetl fituiv came Rutteiing to Ward Itaem. her blark bnir atreaailnv Ui the wind. "Stop It; atopT' she rtietl, and Molly rushed between tbem. The men ep aratoii. ami Molly fell fulntiii Into rarrick's anua. (continued next week) WochI, Gravel and Sedi ment, delivered. I3tf F. E. Rider. Miller The Tailor has his new fall line of samples in. Co ire and se them. The bi-st in ihe market at loet prices. Fit or no sale. FUEL Mill Wood in 16 inch lengths. This wood is partly kiln dried and is excellent fuel. De livered to you at $2.65 per load. G. K. SPAULDINS L06GING CO. Of Interest to Amateur Photographers Frew film development when film is purchased from ua, or when 6 print are ordered of each view. Filma to (It all Cameras and Kodak. We rant Cameras at reaonabl rate. Take one with you on your vacation or picnic party. Let ua ahow you the lateet thing in Folding; Roll Film Cameras, especially th Veet focket size. We will be glad to help you solve your photographic problem. THE RED CROSS PHARMACY Head juai ten for Asutcur Photographers.