"Oh, to Be A SoldieiT Charley Chaplin's Comic Capers "The Paths of Glory" Copyright, 1915, by Keeley-Handy Syndicate. . KXTtl.-hlWI.Ttl.N( I IC,OfcS I OudWTA, KNOW' I J ! I COOP OYF-! rJt- rt7 I ' C 1 J V -Cf '-"! 5i IHhABi I AN I I S M6HT UP fo DATE. ) THE INDEPENDENCE MONITOR f Ycuvi c,t 1nl If;: l fijjps, i stt J 1 IfJ My CREATE J ITS THK R TOBACCO T COMPORT REAL j co Chew r V HU ' aW ? ST -V. AN INDEPBNDENT NEWSPAPER TOIJACCO salisficd- chew. a clean, small It's the Real Tobacco Chew, So satisfying and comforting that men arc glad to hear about it. And then yhen they've found it their next impulse is to sec that their friends get the good news, too. A little chew of pure, rich, mellow tobacco seasonsj and sweetened just enough cuts out so much of the grinding und spitting. j i in. nt.t. iudm,vu win 13 nviT L U I I Try WAY 3 ! ' W D CUT IS LOHO SHRIO. RIGHT-CUT IS SMOMT SHRIO mm Take leu than one-quarter tlx old sir- will he mura eotiiilyin than a mouthlr' ry tohaoco. Just Ink nibble of it ur , (ia itrennth chew that luita you, then r .iiy and evenly the real tohncco teate cop tatufiea, how much leaa you have to apil uhewe you hike to ha tohaoco tuti.hed. ,iy it a 71 Krai 7'oeWt L'krmt. Tlnt'a wl .,.. In .I,..- I ilia tn.ta of purs, rich tuhacoo cluat not p -overad up. Aa) exot.i of huoriue and aweetoniag makei yoi much. One small chew takes the t of two big chews of the old kind. ((Notice bow the salt brings out the rich tobacco la.Me.1y WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Union Square, Nrw York City (BUY FROM DEALER ORSENIJ iotSTAmpstou?) Newport Oregon's Popular Beach Resort An ideal outdoor retreat, Hunting, (lshiiijr, boating, sun bathing, etc latarmtiiig yiiling oirti In tha naiglitHr hood. Convviiiani camping .rouiide, aiwetric light, pure water Low Season and Week End Round Trip Excur sion Fares Two Datlj Trains from Albany Aak fur illuaUatad tukler "New port" giving Met of aoWla, rata, etc. A Viait to the Two World Expositions at Saa Frreic and Fan IMt-go Is aa event of a lifetime and one yia canoot afford to uiiaa Special Fares In July te San Fraadace, Im Angeles and San Dieo on certain datea Low Kound Trip Fares Dally with atop-overa In either dlrertioa Stop Overs at Expositions All tickets to tl'e Eait via Califaraia eriiilt top ovro at 8ao r raariico and Lva Argalia tu see the Kxpoaitioi.a Ask r.areat Agent for X'alifort.la and Its Two Woild Kioaitiona" and 'VVa8ide NoteaShaeta Route." SOUTHERN PACIFIC 'tli .ltu!, (i!i,lttidit A J itt, It ilitiA Ciiftr. Published Weekly at Independence, Polk County Oregon, on Friday. Entered as Second Class Matter August 1, 1912 at the Post Office at Inde pendence, Polk Coontr, Oregon, Under the Act of March 3, 18 70. CLYDE T. ECKER, Editor NINA D. ECKER, Associate Suosolptlon Rates: One Year $1.50 Strictly In Advance ADVERTISING RATES: 15c. per Inch for ons Insertion. 12 l-2c. for two or mors Insertions, 10c. on monthly contracts. Readers, 5 and 10c. per Una Independence, Oregon, Friday, July 23, 1915 A FREAK IN TTP.r Her is a line of Ve that reads exactly th nrne from either end: Able waa I , e i Baw Elba, inm re kab)8 sentence is credits' Napoleon Bonaparte, and said there U not another h 1 of type in the world that d the eame from either end that equals it. Lebanon Ex press. THIS EDITOR IS AMUSED It is amuiing to hear some poor sucker who couldn't buy a uteerasre ticket on a rafl down the Willamette river howl about the rights of American citizens on the hlRh seas. -Falls City News. PEPPERMINT INDUSTRY G!enn Parr is in the pepper mint industry and expects to find it lucrative. He has three acres on low ground, having: planted the roots in rows 2J feet apart. It Is thick and makes a (rood showing. As soon as the weather sets warm, so as to bring the oil out, he will cut and distill It and will realize from t0 to 80 pounds of oil to the acre. The mint is cut when in bloom and cuit,d the same as clover. Mr. 1'arr is building s still to handle his crop. This will be an important in dustry in the low lands of the Willamette Valley some day. The first year does not bring much profit, but the succeeding years up to the fourth or fifth year pay well if properly handled. Woodburn Independent. MOST BOYS Will KISK THE COLIC How much would you give for a bunch of those blackened-eyed, manicured-nngered, gum chew ing, frizzle-headed sismes who ean't do anything but goto the piano and play, "Does the Spear mint Loe Its Flavor After Dark?" If you'd kiss in of them you'd die of painter's colic. Billy Sunday. t and is advertising for new offers on its neutrality. Indianapolis Star. The Russians have not yet suffered a single defeat that they have not been able to explain. New York American. PRACTICAL HEALTH HINT. Cataraot. Cntaraot la a disease of the eye that miwt people regard with horror. To them It U Irremedia ble tilliiiliien. Aa the dlseaae progresMi.' and the vision da ereuaea they become alarmed und are quite positive they are Kolug blind for life. The trouble la they do not know the nature of the disease. What they should know la that tha dlaeaae la auch that there wlU be a pro Kreanlve loss of sight until a cer tain HtHKe Is reached, after which It will be possiblo by delicate, but uot especially dangerous, op eration to restore the eight. In ouly a very small percentage of ciiHea does the eye become blind. In the greet majority of cases a IiIkIi degree of useful sight Is obtained, aud In some a condi tion approaching normal vision results, (a fact, cataract la one of the most favorable eye dis eases which cause loss of sight, aud a patient whose falling sight en nni it be remedied by glasses should hall this diagnosis with ; relief Instead of horror. Persons 1 Nufferliig from cataract should ' (hit mi attention to qtiaok doo- Z tors and "oatiirnct cures. UlHsa es will do no pood, while lotions tuny do great harm Tbey should early consult a reputable oecu list and should put their case Into his hands. They should not by any menus delay treat ment, as the success of the op eration depend much on this point. CHURCHES Li ART 1ST - W. g. STEWART, raator. Sunday School at 10. Preaching service at U. B. Y. P. U. at 7. Union ear vices at the atetnodlat hurch ia the evening. Newport wiere he will spend his va cation of three weeks. The paator of the Baptlit ahurch will preach for bim during; his absence. We hope all our people) will be out in full force next Bsadajr and be loyal daring the hot suamor months that are now on, CHRISTIAN W. A. Woof, raster Sunday School at 10. Communion and preachlag service at 11 sad don't forget Rev. 4. F. Bennett, the great evangelist He will preach every evening; at sight. PRE SB YTBRIAIN Orover ft, Blrtchet, A. B., Pastor . Announcements for week beginning; July 26. Sunday School 10 A. If. Preaching Servieos 11 A. af. and :0 P. It. Mid week Prayer and Praise Sorviea Wed nesday 7:80 P. M. I LOCAL DRUGGIST MAKES A STATEMENTl We always advise people who have stomach or bowel trouble to see a doctor. But to those who do not wish to do this we will say: try the mix ture of simple ffuckthom bark, gly cerine, etc., known as Adler-1-ka. This simple new remedy Is so powerful that JUST ONE3 DOSE relieves sour stomach, gas on the stomach and con stipation INSTANTLY. People who try Adler-l-ka are surprised at Its QUICK action. The Williama Drug Co. Floors Like New Marred and worn floors are hard to clean and hard to keep clean. Half an hour's work with the paint brush changes your old shabby floors into new floors that are easy to keep clean and hard to wear out ACME QUALITY FLOOR FAINT (GRANITE) is the best floor paint to use. It is made especially to be walked upon, is ready for use, easy to put on you can do it yourself and dries quickly. A quart will cover about 75 square feet, two coats. Ask for a copy of our "Home Decorating" booklet. It tells you all about the use of paints, enamels, stains and finishes in the home. CHAS. K. SPAULDING LOGGING COMPANY Independence, Oregon Independence Business Firms Well worthy of your patronage Dr. J. Callaway Osteopathic Physician Oradnsts of the Americas School of osteopathy, Klrhsvllls, Missouri, nnder fousder of the acteacs, Dr. A. T. Still. ; Offices: First fleer of tils T. A. Patterson prop erty, half block west of railroad, oa C street. The Markley Studio Doe High Orade Photographic Work of All Kinds. Psoas 7311 riKt PARAGRAPHS Were it necessary, Germany miht ar:ue that the Armenian was armed. There were Ameri can mules aboard. -Chicago Tribune. Koumsnia hat rejected all bids MliTHODIST W. c. STEWART. Pastor. The Methodist Episcopal churta ser vices next Sunday will be aa follows: Sunday School at 10 a. m. The pas ter will preach at 11 a. m. Sabject, The World for ChrieL" Epworth League at 7 p. m,, unka service st 8 p. m. The pailor leaves next week for The City Bakery MAKES THE Best Bread and Pastries PATRONIZE BOMS INDUSTRY DENNY BROTHERS DEALER IN- New and Second Hand Hardware and Furniture WE BUT. SEU. AND EXCHANGE. Stare ea C 8troC CRAVEN 6c WALKER -AGENTS POR- Eastman Kodaks and Supplies, ooeeoooo Use sn Eastman-it's the best. HALLADAY'S MACHINE SHOP In Fitchard's Garage. General Machiue Work Repairing of all kinds Vulcanirii r. Automobiles a specialty let us grind your plow shares. N. U BUTLER AttorneyatLaw Practice in all Courts. Q. A. RICH THE RELIABLE Contractor and Builder His work speaks for iteelf. See him if you wieh to build.