w ta f .. ... JHtRE'S HOPING lYOUlL WIN THE RACE tmatI ILL LEAD AT TMC FINISH JUDGE WITH THE REAL TOBACCO V THE INDEPENDENCE MONITOR ChZ ' AN INDEPHNDEWT NEWSPAPER Published Weekly at IndeDendenrp. Pniv Oregon, on Friday. entered u Second Clau Matter August 1, 1912 it the Poet office it Inde pendence, rom county, Oregon, Under the Act of March 3, 187B. CLYDE T. ICKER, Editor NINA D. ECKER, Associate SuoscrlpUon Rates: One Year $1.50 Strictly In Advance THIS PAPER RfPRESENTED FOrt FOREIGN ADVERTISING Br THE THE CANOEIST ASSURES THE GOOD JUDGE A TEN ,you chew tobacco for the satis faction and comfortyou get from it. "Right-Cut," the Real Tobacco Chew docs satisfy. Gives you the taste, the sub stance of rich, sappy, mellow tobacco. Seasoned and sweetened just enough. That's why "Right-Cut" users tell others about it. You'll like it better than the old kind. Take very small chew leal then one-quarter the old ei.e. It will be more ntilyiii than a mouthful of Ordinary tobacco. Jnat nihhla nn it until von ft nit the atrendth chew that auita you. Tuck it away. I hf.n I., f it ti- 1 : I .. .1 i.. I ' -' .-. uv ' " sniuj miim vvvuiy kiio rent tunacvo laate comet, how it auti.hei without f rindinft, how much leaa you have to apit, how lew olicwi you take to he tobaroo aati.ficd. That e why it ia Tht Rial Toiuce Ihtm. That'i why it com leaa in the end. It la a TmJy rh., .ul in. and .hnrt ihrcd i that T"0 won't hare In Irtnd on it Kjlh rrnir Mi. OrwJwi oa ordinary miulud tutiaoiw TKa .J .. ...I A . . .... . .... .. : -'- " ...... nwru ii n. m'iwi9u p wiin mniaaac. aim laonaa. ftotioa bow lb. aali brino out th. rub lobaawo ua is "kitnl-Uui." One small chew takes the place of two big i chews of the old kind. WEYM AN-BRUTON COMPANY BO Union Square, New York (buy from dealer OR SEND IOt5TAMPST0Us3 ; H 'mm Will Offer tho Highest Market Price For Wool and PMair Sqo me before selling. Bagsanl Fleece Twine on Hand ALLEN T. CLARK, Monmouth. Phone 302. k. a ' f UmU earved at HI Hours The Beat Meal the Beet Serrtce I Regular Dinner 25c The Palace Cafe ! E. J. FOWLER, Prop. SVXBTTBIKO MSVID TO HIT TBI CVSTOMXI Located on South Side of C St. Nasi ooor to nuke a Jotuujwn'i ffaone Main 2321 N EFFECTIVE laxatire known. ft . Svruo w LIST tkZ of Figs s and Aromatic Syrup of Senna To maintain a h 'althy system tha bowoln must t uiu iu rrgmnr, i mi ia imp ui omuii, i mt .i. . . . i ... i Ovr formal a eat hn u turn for ynr. and H ff1eiiMy (or lia imla uutteM, wtia goy U kxuttc Ia4. ifl is: PUROIA CPAIAKTtt Sni-uUarvPt'HOIJ. I'lf.i ... ! Id tilt. KN TikH aatl-l. i. n thv ..n-C fc41U V, iij It. uwrtu.iy l?(uiidi-4 by your local duw. two SIMMS, as amf Cf.VT Kul CKOSS I'lHKMACV at.JaaTjlaealibMeaaw'.Wi cneral OFrices NKW YORK AND CHICAGO MICHES IN AU THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Clean Up! Paint Up! Flowers! Independence, Oregon, Friday, April 2, 1915 It should be "Straight United State' savs Theodore Roosevelt when he objects to certain faction, of our chi- zens hyphenating themselves (for example but not in Dar- ticular, German-Americans) and embarassinc our covern- meat in its etlorts to maintain a strict neutrality bv their i . ' outspoken sympathy r-.nd near-rebellious acts in behalf of a European country or countries now at war. When a man abandons the old world and becomes a citizen of the United Slalf s. he .hould not abuse the privilrjci and tights that.that alizeaihip has given him, and which in most c itee were denied him in the country from whence he came. Former Vio I'rennlent Fairbanks is beiup boo.nwi t. lonsively by tlfniocrnls for ibe ruDublicuii nomiuation for : J . prusiueui. uwy nant to make it easy for Wil-on. ut before you "Paint Up" come to our store and buy your paint. It's as good, if not better, than you can get anywhere. Lowe Bros.' Paints have a guaranteed reputa tion. ' We can also satisfy your wants, in Varnishes, Stains and Oils. ' It VC.ll MU F-. bo to thurch Because: tz Zy'Z ce Happy -i- GO TO CHUHCH every 8unday in the year I THBRB AM SOME MEN WHO ARB NEVER SEEN IN wnwnwr. iAwn JM nrtl9TMAS DAY. THEY 8FFU Tn THINK THAT IF THEY GO ON THAT DAY THEIR DUTY 18 DONE. OCCASIONALLY THEY MAY BE SEEN IN CHURCH OUR .rtci n a VIVA U. THIS APPEAL IS MADE FOR THESE CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING. SO 18 THE DAWN OF A YAR. IT IS POSSIBLE THAT THEY HAVE FORGOTTEN JUST HOW TO ACT WHEN THEY ENTER CHURCH. LET THEM PREPARE NOW FOR THE CHRI8TMA8 AND NEW YEAR SERV ICES. Let tha man who goea to church on Cbrintmia day only apeak truthfully, Ia he not uplifted by the sublimity of the lervice? Doesn't he feel a panff because he doesn't irn in divin oftener? If he has aoine father, mother, brother or aiater who un. oepariea mia aio tne church (five him a enae of reaiirna- i t kn J- A I 1 a 1 i , " wu 1U ujb tuas oi on jovea one. mere is nothing that will re lieve the aorrowa of thii world like the word of Ood in the hodae or uoa. uurt-i WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS TO GO TO CHURCH. START NOW. GO NEXT 8UNDAY. GO EVERY SUNDAY. IT IS N EARING THE BEGINNING OP A NEW YEAR. NO MATTER HOW YOUNG YOU ARE. NO MATTER HOW OLD, YOU ARE GETTING NEARER THE DAY WHEN YOU'LL HAVE TO PACE YOUR GOD. The man who troea to church on Cliritmaa rl nnl t. nn . bad aort The fact that he goot on that day ihowa that relijrioui .cuiuig wivi.m mm noi aeaa. AU that be needs to make him go erery Sunday tn the year ia a remin.lir If h ttiia it may catch the eye of you, his mother, his lister, hi wife, aia eweeinean. iiuw UlJl THIS. Ask him to go next Sun. day. COAX HIM. HE'LL GO. Get others to GOTO CHURCH I Sloper Brothers & Cockle Independence Business Firms wen wortny or your patronage Let C. D. Tharp The Harness Man Make yon a set of heayy harness to order. : : All werk f uaranteed. The Markley Studio Voet High Grade Pbotograpbio Work of All Kinds. none 7321 WHERE TOTOO Itifil P R 13 SE3YTERI.A.N firover C'.Btrtcliet, A. B,, faetor iervlcea of the church for the week b.Kinnirif Sunday, April 4 1 A epecial Eaiter program by the indajr School at 10:30 A. U. Note the huur. 7 he regular Sunday School hour and the hoar for n.ornl-g worship will be united in the one Eaiter eervice brtfinninf at 10:30. A epeaial feature of this n-rrlca In addition to the a facial inguif b the choir and a numbt-r of individuals, wlil ba th. bautietn and reception of members. A number have strata the Holy Communion at this service. Epworth Leame at 7 P. M. Topic, "The Promise ef Immertallty." Leader, Ethel Newton ard Mary Pur- vine. At 8 P.M. th. Sueday School win give their miasionarv nrwaram "The Living Christ or Every Life and All of I.if. Don't mi,,. tilt. aervie. j The City Bakery MAKES THI ..... Best Bread and Pastries PATKONIZI HOMI UDDSTRT ilitnitied th.ir d.alre to uaite with the 'burch at Una time, and will K r- etlved this Sblth mornlr(. In the evenin at 7:30 the raitor wilt preach on 'Th. Miracle of Miracles " Midweek ir.yer aed trail eervice Wydnea.'sy evening, 7:30. A smile srd hearty weleome to all. MUTHOOIST W. C STIWAKT, rastor. Th srvirra this week hate beii well attended. The adtrsea which have been given have lxn of a most uilifiinjf and elev..iiK ordar. Next Sundty b a greot day. Surtdav Schj. M A. M At 11 A M th. Pi t. r will preach on 'The Immortal. ty of t a Soul. " Let every memtr of tha j CMRISTIAIS i Sunday School at 10 A. H, Presoh- I ii'tt end ceramunion at 11 A. M. Prayer meeting every Wednaeday evening st 7:30. Why not attend these alorioua eervict's, hear good music, good sing ing and fine sermons that will do evary one gmxi4 Come to th. Easter eervicea Sunday. Everything beaetifal and good m the worahip of the Lord Come, we need you and you need thasc services. All welcome. DENNY BROTHERS DEALERS IN- Ifi.w and Second Hand Hardware and Furniture WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE. Store en C Street, CRAVEN S WALKER -AGINTt rO- Eastman Kodaks and Supplies, eee 0ae sb taatmaa-lt's the beat. HALLADAY'S MACHINE SHOP In ritchard's Garage. General Mschint Work Rfpsirirnof all kinds Automobiles a specialty mi ui grud yotr plow shares. BAPTIST W. S, STIWART. raator. Fa. tar will be observed throughout the day on Sunday. Sunday School st 10. Preaching at 11. Subject ia "Th. Etertul Hope." After the sermon th Lorifs Supper will be sole bra taxi. B Y. P. V. at 6 10. Preaching at T Sub;w:i will be, "WhiWwaahinar Bin. or ajihitur it White?' Special muti; IV. U BUTLER Attorney-at-Law Practice In all Courts. G. A. RICH : teiiiuabu Contractor and Builder His work eipegifg for itself. See him if you wiah to build. The Fair Independence INTevv 5, lO, 15c Store On Alain Street In the Building Formerly OcctupiecJ by L. A. Gury church be In attendance. Ve will eel- by the chwir at both eervicee.