THE INDEPENDENCE MONITOR ? J don't I KNOW IT-irS I f THE REAL TOBACCOj 0t LIVE I'. THAT PKOMPTLY IT A f OMTY IHH"'AHT AN IMJLPLNDLNT NEWSPAIT.k SPECIAL SALE PtA C. Published Weekly tt Independence, Polk County Oregon, on Friday. -ON- Granitewaf e AND Snlered as Second Class Matter August 1,1912 at the Post Office at Inde pendence, PoJk County, Oregon, Undr the Act of March 3, 1879. CLYDE T. ECKER, Editor NINA B. ECKER, Associate i i 1 1 i THE DBAVMAM ASSURES THE 000D JUDGE, A Uttlc of "Right-Cut," the Real Tobacco Chew, gives you the tobacco comfort you arc entitled to. Satisfies you better than any of the old kind. Richer, finer flavor. Lasts longer. Pure, rich, sappy tobacco seasoned and sweetened just enough. Taka very .moll chew lent than one-quarter (he old lize. it Kill ha more tati.fyint than a mouthful of ordinary tuhacco. Juat nihhla ,n it until 'ZJh Irni'th chew lliut auita you. Tuck it away. 'I hen let it rest. Sea how ...liu .... I .. .1 tiJjl ffl '"n"cco '' cornea, how it alinfirs withinit ((rinding, how Vi-v nuirh I.-.- v..,. h.,. .. ...: I....- f.. -I i - . '" nirwi yuu IUKI t he tobacco latinfied. That's why it ia Iht AW Titbacn Chew, T hat'e why it coata leu in (lie ciiil. Il la a rradr chew, cm ne anil tfiort ihr,,l to Ihm yon non'tiiav. to (rind on it uh ynir Italh, Oriuduia uu ui Jiuary candied lutiaoou Mofc.. ym apil too aiucb. Thm ta.t. of pnra, rirb tirbaron dnaa n'4 lived to h. covered up with mulaaM. aud aworioa, JStHlot bo Ilia aalt briutfa out Iba rich tobacco taale w "Hilbt-Cut." One small cliew takes the place of two lij chews of the old kind. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY BO Union Stiuarat, Maw York (BUY FFOM DEALER ORSENO I05TAMP5T0US) Ml si Suoscrlptlon Kates: One Year $1.50 Strictly In Advance THIS PAPER Rf PRECENT ED fCP F3 il'.CU ADvLH TILING BY THE OENEHAL OFFICES HEW YORK AND CHICAGO fcltANCHtS IN AU. TH PRINCIPAL CITIES Independence, Oregon, Friday, March 19, 1915 Hats off to President .Wilson and his Secretary of State. . Their skilled leadership in the present time of peril is not only praiseworthy but is extraordinary. 1 lie United States will not become involved in the European horror or Mexico's interna! strife unless con ditions become a great deal worse than is foreseen at present, and then only after all honorable means to prevent luvo been tried anJ failed. W atf t'Jad that Mr. Wilson and Mr. Bryan are leading now. War is a .d we want none of it. A!umintnmware See Our Windows St til Eating? Good! And 'we are r till selling! Groceries. Good Groceries tbe kind you like. They're always fresh be cause we sell a lot of them and buy often. Ask any of our customers how they like our tfrocerj7 L. O. REEVES Grocery Specialist. Phone 1011 A number of Portland people have nothing else to do so tluy climb Mt. Hood. Alter Jan. 1 ruxt, one m;iy 1:0 from Seattle, Washington, lo Savannah, Georgia, from ocean to ocean, and never leave pw liibition territory. That will he a lonjf waya to travel without a drink. Tim Portland Jeletfram, re cently moved into a home ofiu own, has a new dress and is otherwise improved. When" the Telegram puts another good niun on its editorial pane and cuts out 1 . . t a i. several columns or uie i nuicuic junk thereon, it will he entitltd to a seat in the front row. I m - - - I Ik 1 s "fir.villl r JVBest for 1 .v-rm 1 111 .aVJA 1 4V-'V- III. a. r 1 One-third off on Oraniteware "Wear-Ever" Aluminum WARE V I I ueats every other kind because it lasts forever and J because not as much heat is required, so making A. i a saving in fuel. "Wear-Ever" utensils are light to handle and easy to clean. Cannot rut, cannot chip or scale. Replace utensils that wear out with utensils that "Wear-Ever." Sloper Brothers 5c Cockle """"""" rrrrrrrrrrrriiirjijijTjijijijuiju . PAOIl RflAiro iflrftT niirun UMOII IIIHIXLO l?ILH I UflLMf BEEF Brisket lOo Koait lCc Short Kit.a lSc Bteak 17o UUTTON Stew lOe Chopi 2 lAfg 1&0 Goat XI tat 60 POHK Pork Bteak 14o Ham 17io lionet 16o VEAL 8ttw lo Chopa 17Je Loin 17 Jo LAKP Hulk 15c Uucket 75e Weiniea 15o Minced 11am lfc Fomjuarter Goat 4o The Peoples Market A. NELSON, Prop. The pleasinj? and usually-read- first, Monday Crawfish, haa dis covered after a careful perusal of the Monitor that Sprinjr has arrived in Independence. On April 1, when the bill for a cer tain Easter bonnet comes in, the editor of the Crawfish will then know that Spring has arrived in Portland also. If editors have to pay cash In Portland, he has already found it out no doubt. The Monitor does not deny that the so-called Moser law- giv ing the novernor authority to remove appointive ollicers when evr ho ffla o dinpuitfu, miikIi have been passed for partisan purposes as we cannot believe that Gus Mosher would father anything that was not of that kiud or (lomtthiiig worse. But. just the same the law is a good one. The Monitor would have the governor appoint and remove at will all the itute ollicers. district attorney! and sheriffs. We believe that the public inter est would be belter served if the governor waa respotwible for everybody who has a part in the execution of the law. .Also excellent for grown-ups MaaayBaak UaotSaiiaiaal RED CROSS PHARMACY Monitor Ad Get The B UMueas. NO l ICS 10 COMTK ACTORS Notio ia lierul y gin to whom it may eoncrn. tlmt biUa will U o"l by th County Court of Vok Counly. Ort;on, 00 Thui4ay. the Slh iiy of April at I cliKk V. M , for Ui ora tion of a tr furry t IminmnJonca, OrtRn. for tha yvnod of ona year from ilt of coiitraft. Iil5. Said fer IV to ta ciwmttJ frra each day l twean tha hourt of t o'rKck A. U. and So cUwk P. M. of each rfy. tha ra uaimir of tha dy to la yhrtJ for at rt fixed by tha Court; tha County furnishing tha t.!U;-i!itnt now on kml, th '()Uipmiit to l kept up by the aonlractor. Huia to tw aivoitipsmt d by If jHir ii'Ot f tha amount of tha M-U t-'inirt ria tli rikt to rajtvt any aud an biot. ;l DR.J.L. CALLAWAY. Osteopatiiic Physician t.'ruiluate of the Amarlcan School of Jataopathy, Kirkirille, Mo., undar rojndar of tha aciai ee. Dr. A. T. Still. Formerly of Indapandenca, haa ra turned. , nttw.; Flrt floor of the T. A. Patterson property, half bloak waat of railroad on C atroat Dictionary That the uatlvoa of .Nltrerla are ca llable of advuncml forms of education Is apparently proved hy thla little tucl- uem told by t'ouatiince Laryuuire lo "A ltesiilout'a Wife In Nigeria :" "My liuatmud told rue that In tbo course of the patrol they paal throiiRh a rallry whore the luuHhitant of the nn-ka and hills above apiarnt ly made I heir hoiuca lu bolea ami cavern tine ineiiitier of the party Idly anked what was the acientitlc uame for cave dweller, the word haviuji allpi-ed hla tncuiory for the moment No 0110 piearod to be able to aupply the word. But then the native Inter preter, ploddlnir aloiiR behind, came up. aayliiK: 'l'anloti nie. sir. lHn't you mean tr 'tlmlytcH?' 'The KntflUliuian. amaised, askel where lie had ever hcaril mich a word and tieorjte' ret'lll placidly, -1 a rewdliip a dictionary one day an. I saw If I cannot Imagine myself reading a Herman r ItallMii dictionary f'r pleti. tire s Hit !.itins In ui.v mind for future use MnverMutionally a ecm!I- uu usual . U-utltlc teria 1 only w ish I could." Independence Business Firms Well worthy ofyourpatronoge Let C. D. Tharp The Harness Man Make yon a set of heavy harnesi to order. : : All work guaranteed. The Markley Studio Does High Grade Photographic Work of All Kinds. rhona 7321 The City Bakery MAKES THI Best Bread and Pastries PATRONIZE HOMI INDUSTRY t na Knot. The H'Me h ao i-alled only for the la! r-n cnrs. It w formerly calUnt I'Ue liKks " or the "l'hlue 1 iTirv " I' v in k all to epent. con'. DENNY BROTHERS -DEALERS IN- New and Second Hand Hardware and Furniture WK BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE. Store en C Street. CRAVEN fi WALKER -AGKNTS rOR- Eastman Kodaks and Supplies, Dm an Eastman -if the beat. HALLADAY'S MACHINE SHOP In Fltchard's Garage. General Machine Work Repairina; of all kinds Automobiles a special' v Let um grind your plow shares. IN. U. BUTLER AttorneyutLaw Practlc In all Court. Q. A. RICH rrr thi reliabli Contractor and Builder His work speaks for itself. See him if you wish to build Dr. R. T. Mclntlre Itiyalclaa aad Suryeoe OrBca over IndeperoWncaj Natjaa al Bank. Thona No. 441S laiJaaaa fcaara. Orcaaaa The Monitor For News All the Time. f