The Original "Vourex" Silver Plated Ware YOURHX may indeed be termed a new discovery in precious met a Is. It expresses the highest achieve ment in the art ot silver plated ware. In "YOURKX" you get a silver plated knife Hint cull be slinrjH'tied the sntue us u steel knife without showing Idnck uround the edges, and guaranteed tor a lifetime. We guarantee t bat this silver date will give absolute satisaction and we agree to stand behind and replace every piece ol goods bating the "YOURHX" trade mark that does not give satisfactory service in any household. To git th genuine, sea that each piece If stamped "YOURBX" Sold by the Associated Silver Co., Chicago. O. A. KREAMER, Local Agent f LOCAL AND PERSONAL j Items of Interest Gathered in and AboutTown THE SOCIAL WORLD I BY VIROINIA SOUTH URN fOO o-o oo 0000 OOOO OOOO OOOO OO-OO 00000H KOOOOOOOO CKMM 090 t (continued from pat 3) JOLLY lURPKIBK Th bluest Word in Independ able it sometimes urprid, tho' not often-he ia usually the one to perpetrate the iurprisei on hii neighbor; however, Monday eight wai n exception to the c cuitomed rule, for wken Mr. and Mra. Word Uutler had returned from the Whiil Club Monday evening nd had quietly re hearsed the eveninK'" plure, and then were safely held in the .,..,. nt nrt.h.nn there came a irentlet?) tapping at their door, so gentle that Mrs. Butler thought it was a slight 'Frisco n..oi,Athan waiid ruusic. the kind that makes tie whole world kin, began nd well he aroused- uple knew that something aealthy ha. beun ,,.i.r t, hiat aauie, and guiiiH vii ." while the tablee had tot tlkd the ev or alert Word had fel.ed to read the nu meroua teltpaUia that had been passing and tat one hla friends bad indeed eur k.,.,r the Mcret of Mr. and Mra. Butler'a 81at anniversary had been rovealed and thulr friends wtre there to wake merry with thmn In the wee amoH houra ot the morning. Not the least chagrined the couple came forth froin tuelr bouooir and amlled, kly taking meted out to tliwn. ail that wit "CHILDHl N AGAIN" "Make ane a child Hgain juHt fur to night." '1'hia thrilling Herniation wn, a it wure, realized by the Eastern Btar members Tuesday night when thi'ir meeting was converted into a laughablu "Deoelriet 8kula." The girls of the school were "togged" In rainbow colored plnnfoii'S, display ing cunning little lure frillud "panta Uu", Mra. J. L. Hubbard probably wearing the most modiah of thia cer tain, stylo of frock, a pink pinafore under which lace frilled panalets peep ed cunningly out, one of the bifurcated garment cut to display longur lint's than iU mate. Tho little male urchlna eported knee treuavra, field hala and hoae that pro duced plenty of racket. Mra. G. W. Conkey, the dignified "school inarm", wan splendid in hor role and diaplayed hor pupils' "aprak ing" and 'tinging" ability in won derful manner. The teacher had the support of a "dolling" school board and visitors also came to heur tho children eiicak. The "kids" took their "dinners'' in baskets and divided with thoao who only took thutr appetites. The evening was most unique ami proved a splendid "get-tvyelher" vent. DIG SURPRISE TO MANY IN THIS TOWN Local lwop1 Bra turpriaod at thn QUICK results received from simple bncklhoru bark, glycerine, etc., as nil led in Artler-lka, the (iormuu rem edy which became famous by curing apiHtndicltia. This simples remedy draws orf aucrt a siiiiNniiib; nmoiint of old foul nmlter from tho body thut A HI NO 1.12 lKlrUj relieves eour stonmch, ftnn on the stomach and constipation INSTANTLY. It Is the best remedy we have ever sold. Tho llliama Drug.Co, RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions wore adopt ed by Valley Lode No. ii I. 0. 0. K. at regular meeting of the Ledge Urh 4. liliJ; Whereaa, Oar Hesieoly Father haa eeen fit in his Divine Judgement to removo fruio our midst our estrtnu-d and beloved Krulher K. J. Taylor and Apprveisiing hie teal, his ieyalty and his dwvodoe to the piinci phte of Odd Kellowsk p and Whereas, Appreciating the great loss we have sustained in the death of our Brother, Be It Thviaier Resolved, That Wi the members ef Valley Lodge No. ii I. O. O. F. hereby expreaa trie sense of our great Was io the death of our liroilier and Keeolved, That eiproes to his bereaved wife and f tally our tenJerett jaipalliies, praying that He who haa piuruieed to car U t the W idow and Fatherleaa will be her source ef sUergtk and her stay ia her dark hour ef trutl and Received, That a euey ef these reso lution bo furaishrd to Mra. Taylor, a copy handed to the local prens for publication aud the Same eprvad upon ike ndautes of the Ldie. W. Huntley L. Pmiim U. D. Uod Coiumittee. DK.J. L. CALLAWAY, Osteopathic Fhsician Graduate of the American School of Meopathy, Kirkaville, Mo, nndor f jjruWr of the acio! re. Dr. A. T. Still. Formerly of Independence, has re- Itimod. Otlices; First floor of tho f. A. Fattersoa prorty, half block west of railroad on C street. Phone in the news, ilre. Banc tie's Milliuery Opening Saturday. Dr. J, L. Calaway 8un dayed in Portland. H. Hirschberg was a Cor vHilirt visitor over Sunday. J. K. Jofinson returned to hih homo in Detroit Momlay. l)r. It. E. DugHi ru- cloit liHt, Nutional 15. ink buiMing- AsHeasor Huntley in can vsing iu Indept ndence this vek. Mr. Roecoe Staats retunud Huiulay from a vimt in Al bany. "Billy" McAdams is back from tlio bgisiaturo ax ha) py as evtr, Mina Kvelyn Kobertnon of 8"aille in visiting her sinter Mrs. VV. II. ;rrfvon. Mr. and Mra. D. 1. Pat tdrnon of Dallas were in In- The Red Cross Pharmacy is sporting a new awning. Ray Smitn is borne from the Hehnke-Walker college. Found By William Bar nett, a watch fob aud orna ment. J. S. Bohannon visited his brother at Corvallis over the Subbath. A good pair of reading glasses 'or $1.00 at O. A. Kreamer's. Mis Flora McCallou of Dallas spent Sunday in the oiij with frienis. Mra. Baacue's Spring Mil linery Opening will be held in it Saturday, March 13, at hi r C street parlors. Auto Truck For Sale or Tiade See Denny Bros, at Htcond Hand Store, Inde pendence, Oregon. 2!) G. Q. Walker ia around with a limp this ivek, the rt-Hult of a rnistep off the Saturday, March 20, Dr. Lowe, P( rtland s expert physical eyd specialist, will he at Beaver Hotel. If you want the last or ultimate word about jour eyes and glasses, don't fail to consult him. Dr. Lowe has been in Western O egon almost 25 vearsi and w ien most of our oitlzena thii k of glasses, they alio think cf Dr. Lowe. Re member th date. tlt-pemlenoe Sunday. 1. Clagtt was quite dan- i W;tlk in front of his stors gerouely ill last week but is I w M. Howard were Portland vieit- v 1 ft .... , . m n . ft . -v, . jr 6 v. I & speedily recovering Mr. and Mis. J. E. Hub bard spent several dap in Portland hut vvtek. Misd Mary Wing of Port land ppenl th'j rteek end with Mine (Jladys Lindley. Monday's Oregonian: A. C. Moore of Independence registered at the Oregon yes terday. Mrs. Alice Dell returned from Bend Friday, where she has been v.xiting for sev eral v" eka. i. A. Knapp came over from Vancouver Saturday to visit his family, returning Monday morning. D. Chesley Bones and li. G Dykstra attended meet ing of school principals in Dallas last Saturday. Eighteen members of the Woman local order went to ialeni last Friday night to attend a meeting of the Sa lem lodge and report a splen did time. The Independ enoe boat met the li o'clock electric at East Independence i i t to convey too Jiiy crown home, making a special trip. Mrs. J. W. K'chariisou went to Cor ' allis Saturday evening to Ytsil at t ie home ot iter par nis, Mr. and Mrs J K. N. Bell, returning Mou thy. Dr Bell left for the iSaii Francisco exposition ediies-ilhV, wlii if be repre sents Oj ora tfie first of fhe week in tbe interest of the H. AH. ! Foot Vise. A horse hitched to a wag on belonging to Bert Wolfe left town in a hurry Satur day afternoon and took a mile and a half run. No damage. Mrsi. 1. Claggett returned last week from a fortnights visit w th relatives in Port land. She was accompanied homo by her niece, Mrs. O. J. llaeford. Mr. George Henkle.form erly of this place but now of Corval'is, had the misfor tune to fall to the basement floor at her home last Satur day, receiving very painful injuries. The Chiietian church board has deoided to dis pense with a regular pastor for several wteks and Rev. . W. Wood of Monmouth will preach until further notice. Card of Thanki We wish to extend our most heartf It thanks to our friends and neighbors for the kindness und symathy shown us on account cf the death of our wife and sister. Thomas Kck. Mrs. R R. McGregor. Baby Chicks For Sale From Single Comb White Leghorn and S. L. Wyan dotts, from egg laying Strains, day old chicks and epgs for hrtching. We will take orders now for later de livery. Roe Lawn Poultry Yards, Independence, Ore. fhone 6921, Main. Wood, Gravel and Sedi ment, delivered. 13tf F. E. Rider. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice la hereby given to whom it may concern, tt at bide will bo opened by tho County i tourt of Polk County, Oregon, on Thi rsday, tho 8th day of April at 1 o'clo h P. M., for the opera tion of a free Jerry at Independence, Oregon, for tb period of one year from date of c- ntraet, 1915. Said fer ry to be operated free each day be tween tho houi a of 6 o'clock A. U . and 9 o'elock P. M. of each day, tho re mainder of the day to be charged for at ratea fixed y the Court; tho County furnishing the quipment now on hand, the equipment o bo kept up by the contractor. B la to bo accompanied by 10 per cent of he amount of the bids The Court res rvea the right to reject any and all bids. 31 ;uli A most popu lar and effect ive remedy for breaking up a COLD. if Wart ion Ctiaranterd KIU CKCrS MiA V ACY gj lLpwsjejaKiaBjitMElel S t (JtlCMlH I'll exinb Mi- Bell wil jut lu r hii-b:Wid later .et jevt oi clii.uren s evi entail upon tluni a hitler heriiuce through 'ife. Mini a child is termed dull nu: Hav and accused of oefeclix intelligence when tlettolive i vision i t'te sole cau-v o' ' trotibtt'. If you arw in doubt"' 1 regarding our ohihir'-n's i ley H tlk lllKltl tO lr. LiSVe ; when he is here Saturday, I ; March M. Ihs is your sa Jcred duty. I:s Jietit-r to b sue thtusoirv. Pr. Lowej i i v l:.H htetv coiuin; lv Iit'.le-j : p'-ti.ience for 2. veins. Con- jfj m!t him at Beaver Hotel. ! M aturday SPECIALS t IffiBJEKaij lEMfBVfOB ! m rvu Mill if M A TIMELY SUGGESTION I This ia the time of the year when your system needB a gener al overhauling. There is nothing that will put more vigor and vim into your system than NYAL'S HOT SPRINGS BLOOD REMEDY Make yonr daily tasks a pleasure. Make hard woik seem easy. Simplest thing- in the world to have that springy stop and that keen, alert movement which goes hand-in-hand with perfect health, if you take NY AL'S HOT SPRINGS REMEDY. This is a NyslStoae-a atore of Service. Our aole aim is to please our customer'. Come to ua and you'll always get what you want RED CROSS PHARMACY, V. J. Brown, Prop. "Good Drugs at Prices that are eonsistant with real Qualify." imp vi r -ra rr Mi l .. ;v?' i s ii ma r- I'M Going to Church Alone Is- Good; Going With Family and Friends Better ' YOU, we take it, are a sincere believer in church?oing. You know that NOWHERE ELSE CAN YOU FIND "THE PEACE THAT PASSETI1 ALL UNDERSTAND ING;" that nowhere else are you so sure of meeting with God fearing folks; that nowhere else should you be so proud to bn seen; that church membership is a MARK OF HONOR and evidence that a man or woman is a worth while member of the community. BUT DO YOU 00 YOUR BEST TO INDUCE OTHERS TO GO TO CHURCHr As you and others need the comfort and the help which the church and the church alone can give, so does the church need your help. GO YOURSELFi TAKE YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS; PER SUADE OTHER TO GO. Share with them the Joy and contentment you feel when, leaving God's bouse, you meditate upon the heartening sermon you have heard, telling you that "Qod's in his heaven; all's right with the world;" upon the uplifting music, elevating and refining the spirit; upon the recital of the spiritual experiences of others, each bearing upon your own soul problems. It is selfish to keep these good things to yourself; therefore SHARE THEM. Having heard the call to higher, purer, more satisfying life, pass it on to others. In no other way can you earn so well the heartfelt gratitude of your fellow man or woman as by bringing the glorious message of religion. And in no other way can you satisfy so completely your conscience, which tells you that you must. DO SOME THING FOR GOD AND FOR MAN. GO TO CHURCH YOURSELF AND TRY TO TAKE OTHERS WITH YOU. WHERE TO GO PRE SBYTBRIAN Crover C. Blrtchet, A. B., Pastor Announcements for week beginning March 14. Sunday School 10 A. M. Preaching Services 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Mid week Prayer and Praise Service Wed- neaday 7:30 P. M. Shoulder Steak 12 l-2c Loin Steak 20c Round Steak 18c Roast 15c Pork Shoulder Steak 12 l-2c Pork Loin 17 l-2c Weinies 15c Lard, 5 lb. Pails 70c Lard, 10 lb. Pails $1.40 Hamburger 14c Sausage 15c Spare Ribs 12 I-2c Boiling Meat 10, 12 l-2c Brisket 10c Ribs 12 l-2c Shanks 7c Minced Ham 15c Peoples' Market A. iV'olj-ton, Prop. METHODIST W. C STEWART, Pastor. Regular services next Sunday as fol lows: Sunday School at 10 a. m. Ser mon, 11 a m. Epworth League, 6:30 p. nu., 7:20 p. m. A tjt he morning service the paster will preach from the topic, "The City That Never was Resched," and in the oveaing at 7:W) cn "A Saint Among: Sinners." Last Sunday waa a rscord breaking day along all linea. See if we can't make next Sundsy better. Again we would call your attention te our Paaaion Week services which will begin Sunday, March 28th, and continue un til Sunday evening, April 4th. CHRISTIAN Regular aervicea Sunday. Presching by W. A. Wood. Bible School at 10 a, m. Sermons at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Everybody welcome. to i I: vfyt -A y)- . "V I I - 4 -I I m J I sT m. a"J V jxr js Tt X "ri'3 X X X 1 j yrn ing the candle at botn ends doesn't "make both ends meet. A better way is to burn our re liable, high grade coal. It burns all up, giving greatest amount of heat with smallest amount ot ashes. We absolutely give Ci&fIED fulL honest weight. 1 his tact is backed by our success in this com- t V I .1 munity. Let us do business togetner, not only rwzv, but for years to come. THE CHAS. K. SPALDING LOGGING CO. HONEST WEIGHT Monitor Ads Get The Busiaes.