z HEY Hold Their Shape One of the greatest difficul ties with many shoes is their tend ency to stretch and lose shape after being worn a short time. We have solved this trouble for women who call on us for Utz & Dunn Co. Shoes Here are shoes that always look well, wear well, and hold, their shape under the most severe strain. These qualities, together with their becoming style and comfortable fit, have brought these shoes into high favor with i who make wise selection of their footwear. See Our Attractive Values $3.00 to $5.00 CONKEY & WALKER THE SOCIAL WORLD I BY VIRGINIA SOUTHERN ' Where U the home of the apple and rots, Where the wild eurrnt breathea and I the hazelnut jrrowe? 'Tis Oregon, sweet Oregon. What li the lure of this far western land. Where ehe btfkons to nil with-her wel 1 coming hind? It is the land of Oregon. , Lyman. Spring is advancing with such marked syerd that outdoor ram blers can scarcely rsalizethat na ture is taking on a vari colored where appointments had been made for Whist, the Kill Kare Klub enjoyed Beverkl exciting hands last Friday evening, when Mr. and Un. Sherman Hayes entertained. Mrs. Hayes carefully plana and detaila her functions and this proved a most delightful session or the club members. SEWING at reasonable p ics by Mn. Lucy Smith, Fourth St. between E. & F. DRESS MAKING by Mes damcs Henkle and Young at the former's residence, corner Third & B Sts. riione 7022. .CALL AT OUR STORE. WE extend this invitation to every one to call at our store aud look over the different iinre of fondg we ha'.'e to how you. All new, frsh goods and we guarantee our price? to be RKiHT. We will gladly refund your money for anytbing, you gtfrono our store if not found satisfactory, to you cannot better the treatment ybu got here. BACHILORS ENTERTAIN The Autowin Cluh bears the Koud distinction of including in ' carpet; however, such is true, for j its membership two of Independ- daintv little multi-colored bios- Unce'a jolhst and mosi genial if i , . i I 1 . Ti 1 T .... sums are peeping up everywnere not resolute Dacneiorn, k,. c. nen- we go, and well we know that jkle and Joe Hirschbcrg. Spring in Oregon is a surety. The two interesting gentlemen The past wctk has been filled combined their entertaining qual with a perfect medley of picas- j itiea and received the members ure, the loud pedal emphasizing j,,f their club at the pretty Bur two glorious surprises which ton home on Monmouth street were perpetrated on three promi- ast Thursday evening, nent couples. The appointments were made Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Knox re- with all the skill and delicacy ceived the first surprise of the feminine ingenuity could have week on Thursday evening when accomplished. The decorations their friends gathered to eele- too, of Spring blossoms, formed brate with them their 24th anni- ' a most artistic setting for the ternary. Several tables circled with "500" The evening following, Dr. and players. Mrs. O. n. LSutler were complete- j Throughout the entire function ly surprised to have two of their , the effect of the trained hand clubs join them to enjoy their ;8nd minds of tho clever hosts 25th anniversary or Silvr wed- was evident, and the choice ding. 'luncheon served was a decided Then on Monday night she culinary triumph, the result bc , Word Butler's were awakened b) :ing that the ladies of the club an old fashioned charivari, pro-1 are now on the alert to obtain duced by a bunch of "Owls" who! the rake, salad and beverage re gathered to usher in their 21st ce'pts used by these successful anniversary. entertainer?, wtio inform the in quirers that there is considerable 1 i - 1 1 ll., !m aiAAintj I royalty un w mivu FLUEXE& JOHNSON THIRTEEN YIAR8 OLD To celebrate her 13th birthday, "Babe" Butler, the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Two World Expositions Now Open Reduced fare round trip tickets, permitting stop-overs at all points in cither direction, to the Panama Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, and to the Panama California Exposition, Bin Diego, on tale every day to November 30 Via the Sconlc Shasta Route Three Tine Trains Dally Shatta Limited: Sin Trancisco Express: Cs'.JforrJa Express Stop-Overs on One Way Tickets Ten days' stop over will be allowed at San Francisco and Los Angeles on Oiio way licit et? sold to Enstern Cities when routed via t'e Southern Paoific. "California and li's Two World Expositions." A new booklet dttcribing the trip from Puriland to San Diego including the twe Exposition!, the scenic beauties of Oregon, the 8 nktyom and Shaeta Hounlair.a, Sin Fraa Ciaco, the tece and outing reeort.i of Califor ria, the San Joaqjin Valley and Yoaemite National Park. Free on ap plication to nearest Agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agant, Portland, Oregon. T Metis served at eU Boon The Been Meal the Beet Servile I X Regular Dinner 25c The Palace Cafe E. J. 1 0WLER, Prop, ivumnao turn) Tcscrr the customer Located on Sooth Side of.C St. Next door to Flake 8 Johnson's Phone Mela 2521 "FKESH1IS" INTIKTAIN The Frsahman class hld bwbv Butler, Invited about 25 of her at tne High School bailding last friends to the pretty Butler home pr; ja- evning and provided last Saturday evening, where ju- j0Hy good Informal time for the vtnili games lormea tne aiver- ent,jrt Bchool, teachers and a sion of the evening 'number of invited guests. A large birthday cake lighted I The aggembly hall was gay by 13 tapers, made an attractive jwjth dreamers, garlands and tea- table centerpiece, around which !t00na of elass colors, green and a sumptuous repast was rvedjmajzej combined with magnlfl by the hostess mother, assisted 1 cent fern8. by Mlas Helen Butler. I Mj8g tjeien Butler, the class The littls hostess received nu-jprt8ident) preBjded over the merous beautiful gifts, bearing ,evenng't entertainment in a de- pretty expressions of sincere d-Rightfully composed manner, miration. program of merit was given by the school, Mesdamea George Coakejr, Guy Knapp and Clyde Ecker also contributing numbers, As a result of an szciting con test. Mias Galbreatb reseived the favor. The company was refreshened during the evening: with delicious punch, served by the class, Concluding the evening's pleas ures, ices and a variety of Fresh man baked takes were abundant ly served to the large gathering. 24TH ANNIVERSARY Laden with well filled luncheon baskets and necessary parapher nalia and brimful of hilarity, a large pnrty of self-lmited guests Quietly (?) called at the It. II. Knox home last Thursday even ing to gently(?) remind Mr. and Mrs. Knox of their 24th anniver-, isary. ladies' ciRCtE j je Kuests kept coming until Last Thursday afternoon the there were about 75 prenent Lndi' Circle passt-d a most; when the couple were lad to Hy plesaaot afternoon with MrsJ men's Altar, where the Rt. Rev. Chester Sloper. Gillispie presided in a solemnly ! When their work and plans impressive manner. Mrs. Hanna had been completed the hostess bore the wedding wheel on a : served a delightful luncheon. j large white satin pillow. i : I Preceding the ceremony a pro- j dawcinc club I grara of wedding music. Inolud- j The Ladies' Dancing Club n-i -sine I First Met You," joyed their fortnightly dance at!wai beautifully rendered, j their dab rooms last Wednesday' There was a "wardrobe mis ! evening. itresj"snda French maid who . The latest most Intricate and !co,tumai the bride in a beautl- graceful steps are indulged in. fuj pilk VVorth creation. Her leventhe mysteries of some of 1,,, w6i a cluster of dainty 'the "twinkles" asd "trots" arelsuriflowert( igut from a Kansas i delved Into, forming mot de-1 , . . Rightful gatherings. admirer, the long veil was uhu j held In place by an arrangement recognition by a dexterous valet. Ho wore the conventional grey and accentuated the wedding color scheme by wearing red, red roses. The laugllnble wedding might be called a farcical comedy, the only resemblance to the one sol emnized 21 years ago being the complete happiness of the bride nnd groom whose honeymoon has never seemed to wane. When the guests had laid the lieautitul table which whs cen tered with an immense cake bearing '24 tapers, the bounteous wedding feast wrs thoroughly enjoyed by the large asscniblane. A pretty token of estetm was expressed to Mr. imd Mrs. Knox by the evening's guests prsent- ng them with handsome sterling salad forks. Many other gilts were also received. The bride's boquet was caught by an unmnrriod lady of the party. 8. B. WALKERS KNTEXTAIM Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Walker opened their pretty noma on .sra street to the members of the Owl club lest Monday evening, - hen six busy tables of Whist enjoyed the evening. The Owls have completed a most pletsant season, the mem burrh'p including most congenial frieiiuJ. Monday evening being the last meeting on the Owl calendar, card tables will be pushed aside for the allurements of the great out of doors. Mr. and Mrs. Walker ware charming entertainers, and wherever the "Owls" keep watch a merry time results. I Good! -1 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON In her delightfully character istic manner, Mrs. M. Merwln entertained the members of the Wednesday Afternoon Club, on Wednesday of last week. The afternoon hours passed quickly with thimbles and chat ting, the hostess serving dain ty and beautifully appointed luncheon. COLLEGE HOP A jolly party of Terpslchorean enthusiasts motored to Mon mouth to a college dance last Saturday evening. Music was furnished by the Independence Orchestra. On their return Miss Vale Hil terbrand entertained the party with a delightful "Midnight Luncheon." Still Eating? Groceries. And we are Good Mill selling Groceries the kind you like. They're always fresh be cause we sell a lot of them and buy often. Ask any of our customers how they like our groccry7 L. G. k'EEVES j Grocery specialist. Phone 1011 4-4 "" " CASH MAKES MEAT CHEAP j 11 KEF F.rikt lOo Koast 15c Short Riba 12jo gteak 17o MUTTON Stew 10c Chops 124 Leg 15c Goat Meat 5c roKK 1'ork Steak He Loin 170 Ham I7jc Roast 15o VEAL Stew 13o Chops lTJc Loin 17Jc Weinii'S 15o LARD Rulk 15o Rucket 75c Minced Ham 15c Forequarter Goat 4o idaj i l SILVER WEDDING The Autowin8 and the Owls fathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Skinner lastFriduyl evening and went in a body to the Dr. Butler home to celebrate i the Silver wedding anniversary j of Dr. and Mrs. O. D. Butler. I who are members of both clubi Their surprise was comple when about 40 club friend opened tne door ana rushed in with card tables and bounteously filled luncheon baskets and clus ters of crimson carnations which gave a glow to the rooms that were soon excitement and filled with meiry chatter. The self invited guests took possession of the house while Dr. and Mrs. Butler were honor guests. Ten tables were soon arranged and "500" played until a late hour, a decided air of informality prevailing. The ladies then nerved a most magnificent luncheon which they j had provided, highly spicing l Dr. and Mrs. Butler, who are de-! I cided social favorites. 1 f The clubs presented the couple with handsome sterling teaspoons. The house was then put in or der anil the quests said good-bye, but th'Te was another chapter before the evening's fun had closed. Avain they assembled at the Skinner home noxt door and hen the lights at tho Butler res idence were "low," the club members returned with a varied supply of musical (?) instruments t and a loud charivari formed tho grand finale. It was not long before the couple appeared, clad in rain-; coats, bath robes and a pleasant smile, and it is rumored that the' "movie man" landed some inter esting films which will be a local attraction soon. The Peoples Marke A4M- A. NELSON, Prop. 4 iii n .to- .- DREXLER & ALEXANDER Tha Store That Gives Satisfaction DRY, GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, FURNISHINGS and a COMPLETE HUE OF GROCERIES I The Buster Brown Snoes lor Children, km Belter it f couple 2 silver; 1 Latast Novelties for Women Call and See Our' Line THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK Established 1880 A Successful Business Career of Twenty live Tears INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS M8S. HAYEJ HOSTESS i j Circled around several tables of the same delicate blossoms. (Additional society The groom wu attired beyonfl 'found on last page.) be OPI'ICHRS AISD DIRECTORS H. Hlrschberg, Pres. D. W. Sears, V. P. R. R. DeArmond, Cashier W. H. Walker, B. F. Smith, O. D. Butler ej. ' - a- r