I Make Your Headquarters with CONKEY & WALKER for ur Clothint', Sliopg, Dry Gooda and Notions. Hfrw you will find a most complete Block, with one pricw to one and all Wit i oourtou treatment to everyone, the wear and quality guaranti ed atisfaction to all, e arp receiving new sprint an! Rummer goods pvry dnv. Give us a call before buy it CONKKY& WALKER THE SOCIAL WORLD o " BY VIRGINIA SOUTHERN 000 OOC XXK OOOC OOO OOOC OOO-C OOOC OOOC OOOO O-OO-O OOOC O-CXi- No oair.tie town or herb that grow cb j ground. No arburett with painted bloaaoma i dreet i And emellitTt awaate, but there it might be fownd ' To bud out faire, and throwe her ! sweet aniela al erownd. ! Spenaar. ! 'Tha has been a neculiar le th largy in Social Independence thh;PrctlC9' i week and well we know the Win- , tor season has passed. The carollnjj of the birds, the follow the example of Green wood, Miss., where instead of erecting a monument to those who had died in battle, they built a commodious, comfortable community house, which they calUd the Memorial Building, Here all the theories I have tried to st forth are being put into Think of what a bless ing this ia to the living, as weil us an honor to the dead." DRESS MAKING by Mas- YOUNG FOLKS' CjRNER .CALL AT OUR STORE. WE extend this invitation to every one to call at our store and lookovtr the different lines of goods w ha 'e to sl ew you. All new, fresh goods and we guarantee our price to be RIGHT. We will gladly refund your money for anything you g t from our store if not found satisfactory, ?o you caunot better the treatment- you j.et here. . . . ... .1 n i.i I bursting ol tne ouas an "tram , jamwJ aenkie ana Young at the J I the advent of the new season, f0,-mcr'B reaiuence, corner XinrU I'and everywhere the cnarmoi tnev y, i'horn 7022. ideal weather is being felt and j the Krest out of doors Is heart! making its annual alluring and j insistent call, and already as one j response, boy and Rirls can bt J 'seen with their racquets, which j indicates that some names will be matched ere loose : A pretty occasion offered to - hostesses this month ia that ot ! "St. Patrick's day when "the ;i wearin'cf the green" will U seen. The Public Library board will take advantage of this date, com bining two events, the 17th of March also being the anniversary of the founding of the Independ ence Public Library and at this time a Library Tea will be given. FLUKE a JQU nson RECEPTION TO HICH The Independence High and t number ot invited guests will bt entertained at the Assembly hall of the school building this even ing, the Freshmen actinpr as hosts. While the "Freshies" may not be as seasoned entert&ifiera as the other classes, they know just how to extend neighborly hospi tality and the evening: with them promises to be extremely pleasant. Two World Expos fions Now Open Redunt-d fare round trip ticket, permitting -etop-overs at all point in either direction, to th Panama Pacific Informational Exposition, San Francise , mid to the Panama C-ilifornia Exposition, Stu Die r, n sale every da' to November 30 Via the Scenic Shasta Route Three Fine Trains Dally Shasta Limited: San Francisco L.prcs: Cfill'orr.Ia Express Stop-Overs on Cno Way .Tickets Ten days' stop over will be a'! w-d at Sn Francisco and Los A'ml on o io way tick ets sold to EiVern Cities when routed via t: e Southern Pacific. "California and It's Two World Expositions." A new booklet des-rihim? the trio fro Portland to Han Diego including th two Expoaitiona the enic beautiee of Oregoi, the Sisktyoua and Shaera MounUini, SanFran Cisco, the beach and outing ree-jiL- of California, the San Joaquin Valley and Yoeomite National Park. Free on ap plication to near at Agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Meals served at all Hours The Best Mealthe Bert Service J Regular Dinner 25c The Palace Cafe E. J. FOWLER, Prop. IYIRTTHWG SIRVID TO SCIT THE CCSTOMIK Located on South Side of C SL Next door to fluke a Johjuon's Phone Main 232 1 CLUB INTEREST! In her regular monthly letter to the federated clubs of the 5 United States, Mrs. Percy V. I'ennybanker of Texas, president of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, advances somt ideas that will be of interest to many cutside of clubs as well as to those that are members. Mrs. Ptnnybacker sayi: "We are practically agreed on the fact that we shall never be ab'e to reaeh the rural woman in large numbers unless we make it possible for her to meat us on a common footing where she has the opportunity to Rive as much, if not more, than she receives. Some localities have recently j been successful in establishing j community houses. Ia reality,; this r.2n:3 mepns ro.t room the rural wvman and a market place for her town lister. The matron in charge has on hand orders for butter, chickens and other country produce. She has also certain women who are only i to flai to make a little money j by caring for children by the hour. When the country woman ar : rives she finds ready sale for her ; produce, a comfortable room where she may meet her friends; and an opportunity to have htri children looked after; and yet, j i with it all, she had the ewect I ; consciousness of being absolutely j , independent. The town women : make an etfort to come In person j for their produce, in order that; the personal touch may be siab- j lished. ' I Not long since someone well j said, it hi a sad fact that to most j of us the women, who bring our I eggs and chickens to the hack ! door, are only our egg women;; we do net know them in the hu man, social 'a ay. Now, w htn e ' meet these women at the corn- mo r- our en-. tire relationship is ci.ar.ged. I . wish thousand societies weald i Legend of the First Rooster. Mills, tlie M'J 'f wur, liml a nt'i'Tiint nulled AliH'tiyim, wild wns h n.l f.lltllflll .vnutli. Allldllf! Ili-" tlllUT (Illtll'S lie ll'lll t" cnll Mars evwy luomtits lu'l'ure tlu tun v is up. Marn hail tolil lilni iii'M' to I'or-.n-f tills. I tne iliiy Ah'otrjon wurfci-d very hiu-J llint he slfpt hoiiikVv nil iv., nli:ht mid did ir wake m xt ninriiliisj until tho h"u whs well up In the skv Tlien lie was aw'nki'iiod by lu-lnir sliak en tinid by Mnrs. who wns vi-ry minri AIiHtrjoii Juiiipt-d up ipilrkly aril sUmhI niet'kly before Mais, who wns HcoldliiK lit u) hard. The sei-viint diil not know wlwit ti say or do, and ns he stood there In fear ho letrnn to feel very queer. I.tttle fenthers besnn to come out al' over hid body, his arms wore turned Into wiliKH, Hnd, to Ills jrreat surprise, his feet cuanjred Into liniji. slmrp claws, lie became more frlKbtened t thif mid, not knowing wlint to do, threw liU bend aud trioil to cnll for help. ITe found out that all he could g:ij wns "CiM U-H-diMKlle do." From that time on be tins never forgotten to tell us of the mini'lse, and every time you benr tlie rooster' first crow tn the niornlnsf you chu think of Alwrryon Nuraery Rime Ara Ancient. Ild you know Hint the nursery rimes were based on fncls and date back Homo an fur aa the lutii-nth ten Hi ry "I'roiigy Voiilil A-wiMiinK Clo" up Hiirel In I30. "Three Itllud Mice" In a uuimIc book uf Ki'.Hl. I.lltle Jack Horner" before the wv enth century. russyiMt. Fussyciit. Where Have You Hecii'" dates from the reluu of 'JiKiiii Klinbetb. "Itoya und (Jills Come Out to I'lay" coiiifs to u from tlie ri-ljrn of t'harles II.. im also dimM "Iucy Locket hist her pocket." "Old Mother Hubbiitd," Coosey. t;Hsey Cnniler" and "Old Mother tiixise" nppiirently dute buck to the slxteriitb century. Clnlerelhi," "Jack theOlant Killer." Hlue P.eiin'." iiml "Tmn Thuinh" up-IK-nr In 'I'errault's TiileH," published In Fiiris In P!!)7. Hurnpty luimply" wiim a bold, hud baron lii lived In the relu-n of KIiik John and was tumbled from power. Ills lilntory was put Into riddle, to ivhl' h the ntiNWer, as you all know, ia n ii i-KK. j . niunity house, we become) 4 chant and customer, and oi How a Rabbit Runt. The piisll'.ou of the rabbit's feet III rii mi ii4 Is not oii'li r-t' iiil eieept by foro!'! Ij ti f 1 1 rn Yoiinu snrt'iiien ureas tmilshf.'l w fieu, iipitti v.v.iiu.ii.i.,: i..i .r triii'U the first tltiie. tin y Hnd. us lln-y Ihiuk, t'i.-;t they nlwiivn ran tm I, ward t-'r tin; nliKtit tnii ks of the Ion ;', et lire really siluapd I e'llnd the laii-'er Hid more widely sepuratcd prints of f lie Ions bind ui". I As IIMs iinhnal sprints the fore feet I "iil.e the surface near one n mil her. i p bi'c the bind feet are spread ajiart I :ith1 hronubt to tho ground some ill j t;'iice In iidvanee, outside of them. n j t.(he strike, the fore feet, which have ; touched the surface but IlKhtly, are lifted, am! the npriiiK is nirntn made with the bind Ices alone la" mnklnir ' the lon'-st leaps the fore feet s'rlke ' In a line, one behind the other, and Ht i s.rne distance In the rear of the h!ml j out, as f they bad been axnln raised ' In fore the latter hud touched the stir ! ffire. Conundrum. Why U the letter T Ilka an Inland ' I5.s':iuw It l In the middle of water Win ii were mid It the otilv vow..l'' WELCOME NEWS FOR LOCAL PEOPLE People In this town will be glad to bear that the mixture of alrnple buck thorn bark, glycerine, etc., known aa Adler-l ka, can be obtained at our store. Thia glmple remedy became fiimoug by curlui? appendicitis and H tan bften found that Jf 3T A SINGLE TOSK rclievea aour utoroach, ga on ! a ti'orr.ach and contlpatrm IN STANTLY because It drains off nucta a curprtalnir amount of old foul mailt-r I rviu U.u body. ;Tba William Dmg'.Co. DRESS MAKING and sewing of all kinds. Making over ot (towns specialty. Mrs. Witt, McKtnney, cor ner rilth and r Sts,, phone 332 1. SEWING al reasonable prices by Mrs. Lucy Smith. Fourth St. between E. & F. in the days or Xouh (no At, w hen t' and I were not burn. What Is the (liiTeivine between the Prince of W'a'es iind the water In i. fountain? Tlie prime Is heir to the throne, the other Is thrown to the nlr. Which Is morv valuable, a live doll;! Bold piece- or a live iloli.ir hi'!? The live dollar bill, of course, because when you put It In your pocketboik you dou tile it ami when you take It out yon see It In creases What Is !lu worst time to catch a train? At V2:M. us It ts, 10 to 1 If you catch it. Fox and dies. This Kuine Is ti:.uall. p'-iyed In .ile north, w here (rails lu tl.. mih e ' .h lish the tmiinds I'.iii It n ay nlso h,' 1 ncd w Itiiout snow by w.rrklmt I' "ih- Willi HiMC. as f..f (enn:-. I .it v out two coiKTiitrle cliiies wl;h paths r idl.Uiii". from a ".e-4" in the center i.f tho Inner circle Select two p- i tons to act as fox"S, Mtrl I t (he . t tit rs he ;:, se. Th foics Ii y to catch the c im' by toin Ii liti! then) at any pel- t on the paths, but th' t v so nr.- !'e when In the nest, t'oth fox und -cse auist retimln lu the pat'. Country i i.-niieiuiiii. Ove h-nrd In th Wooda. "nello"" said the . h.-stimt to the robin. " hat ure you .'" "I'm a little bird." said the rohln "What are yon 7" I'm n little burred too." vM th ebenUiut. Superatitioua Cur-es. At an Iniptest lu an l:n:;lisli town on II livp-moiitli old child the motho: was said to have nlveli II n ih-roclloi. of snails iiml 1'emciarM aiujir ns a cute for whoopliiK coiikU. She put It: Mlialls, nlivc, Into the sueilt III u inus ill! hair, nrcl the liquid tllirate was the tiieillclne. It Ht-eins tllnl the "siirtll" nuiii'ily Is known In other parts uf th coin ' lint leinoiuule, hot lieaeii und i e.i i'hcii y sintp are also ylveii h the ioifr as a cure, and a sujiureil In fusion of snails m.iv tie Just us i-ilicu clous as uny ot I hem. Walks round the iru works with the Hufrerliiu children are fctill pt.u tlceil. Old women were ureal bellev ers In this met hod of cure, mid I he? used to be laurheil lit for their fait I. In It. There was method In Iheli MtrntiKe apparent madness, inn! one ot the bot-t know II cures today s h. vaioilziii;i of (liilils that wive oh emu pounds Hluiiliir In those eiiiiinailm from pluccs where iliiy iimke i;an fiuiliiii I'a Her. The Usual Way. "My Ron, lie direful to llnd out the Inward depths ot a woman' cliai n tei value before you make a lileicl ot her." "That's all tithl. lint ir she's pretty why not take her al liei face vuliii i'' Kallliuiiie American. No Irs-Jlt. "1 uln't Insniiin' of yer. I tell yer I'm almply caliln' of yer u liar, an' yer are one!" London I'll neb. Hits the Spot EVERY TIME s i,' r .c I ; l j z" . I Stop that Cough NOW! Fatiafarlion Guaranteed. FED CR)51 ' lt 1 :' DRJ. L. CALLAWAY, Osteopathic Physician I ''raihiBla f the American School of ' O-toopatliy, Firkavi!!.;, Mo, u:i.Je ! f jjnitr cf tb aciei ce, fir. A. T. Still. Formerly cf P depet.dnice, ha r turnati. OiT-eti: Firat floor of the T. A. , l'..ttroB prijwrty, baif bk.K weat of ' railread on C atraat. 1 StilljEating:? la IB9P1 Good! And ve are rtill selling Groceries. Good Groceries the kind you like. They're always fresh be cause ,we sell a lot of them and buy often. Ask any of our customers how they like our grocery? L. G. REEVES y Grocery Specialist. Phone 1011 A r r s,4i..f 4 t4'M 4 ' S 1 CASH MAKES MEAT CHEAP HEEF Urisket 10e Kojist 15o Short Ribs 124c Stenk 17c MUTTON Stew 10c Chops 2 Leg lTic Goat Meat 5c rfc.-taa.as l'OHK 1'ork Steak 14o Loin 17Jo Ham 17Jc Koast 15o vp:al Stew 15o Chops 17Jo Loin 170 LARD Bulk loo Bucket 75c Weinics 15o Minced Hhui loc Forequarter Qoat 4o The Peoples IVlarkef A. NELSON, Prop. DREXLER & ALEXANDER 1 The Store That Gives. Satisfaction i a I i DRY, GOODS, ClOTWM, SHOES, HATS, FURWSHINtS j 1 and a CCKPLtTE LIKE OF GROCERIES i Tlie EusTer Erown Slices lor Children, Kone Better a i i Latest Novelties for Women Call anJ See Cor Line a a aafc.a- aoa Ha, ' S THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK f Established - 1889 A Sueceaaful Bualneaa Career of Twenty rit Tears INTEHEST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS t OHllCIifsJS AIND DIREC TORS t H. Hirschberg, Pres. D. W. Sears, V. P. R. If . DArmond. Cashier t f W. H. Walker, B. F. Smith, O. D. Butler t I )Mtim Illl