r THE INDEPENDENCE MONITOR AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Published Weekly at Independence, Oregon, on Friday. 'oik County Entered aa Second ( lass Matter Autfust 1,1912 at the Post Office at Inde pendence, PoUc Coonty, Or :gon. Under the Act of March 3, 1879. SNAPSHOTS AT NOTABLE PERSONS F. P. Walsh, Chairman Indus trial Commission. CLYDE. T. ECKER, Editor NINA D. ECKER, Associate SuDBcrlptlon Rates: Ore Year $1.50 Strictly In Advance THIS PAPtR PrPncritNTFD FOR FCfitlCU mtMtKAL orrtees r NEW YORK AND CHICAGO UIANCHKS IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIF.3 Independence, Oregon, Friday, March 5,. 1915 P.ovpmor Withvcombe has started out He is doing Letter than a lot of people would do. fooled them. right. Heh at Recent dienatclifts from Mexico City retiiml uh th;.t Mexico hot the largest per Ciipiln of Provisional IVckwIimiIs of any country in t!' world Chicntio HentUl. I RULE FOR THE HEAL TOBACCO CHttw, ' 1 a. ,r-v I r A ,' ... .... ' " V: . - ,, . : : .' I " - , '1 ... . i J POPULAR MECHANICS thought he AhO you ll uno ir to 1 Be Your host popular G TTHE UMPIRE EXPLAINS TO THE OOOO JUtlGE O right to your dealer and get a Douch of "Right-Cut the Real Tobacco Chew. It wil give you better satisfaction than the old kind and last you longer and tast2 better. It's a new blend of mellow, sappy leaf scasor ed and sweetened just enough. Tike very (mall chaw leaa titan one-quarter thai old ti?a. It will be mora aatiafyinj than a mouthful of ordinary tithaooo. Juit nibble on it until you find th (Irrnittu chew that lout you. Tuck it away. 1 hen let it real. See how easily and evenly the real tobacco tmte comet, how it lunatics willnr.it grinding1, how much leal you have to anil, how few iliewa you Ink to be tobacco tntUfied. Tlui'a why it ia 7 AW lobacc . That's why it coalt Iras in the mt. Il la a rJv .tttw. vul Stta and short ahml t that ytu won't have to Irinti Km n ilh yttur lewa. liriiutmg wa unluuuy aaadlcti aubatiao auaaaa aril tuo aiuo. Ytv.u.1. nl r ira, rick tuhamsi ilxa "t ad to h envarxl p wiih molaaaaa aaa JaOfWa. Nu4i.a lu lha aall tma uul ll. rut lubams taalt Ul ' Htglil'tul." Oiiu small chew takes the ttace of two bijj chews of tlie old kind. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY BO Union Souara, New York (BUY FROM OEALER ORSENO 1QS5TAMP5T0 Lisl 1 I candle at i . i Dotn ends j . i aoesn r ma ice both ends meet. A better uiy is to bum our reliable, hivh grade eoal. It burns all HONEST beat with smallest amount Y.'F.IfSIIT f i r . f , X "m oi asnes. e absolutely give mMTEED fully honest weight. I his tact is DacKea dv our success in this com munity. Let us do business together, l i . r : uui uniy ncw dui ror years to come: THE CHAS. X. SPALDING' LOGGING CO. Photo tty Amrl'Rn Prena Atuioclatlon. ft linn liwn h:i 11 of Krmik I';itr1ck VVnNh, clinlriiin n of ilio foiloi-iil rom-lni.H-.biii on hifliiMi j;il n'l.-itiiMi-i. Unit lie l-i HUM flf till' 111 '-it IVKIMI U.'llj'e HH'll III I iii!i!Ii life. Hi- li lis j i-i mi K.iiim;ih It'il.v, Mo., iiln il' ho U known n tin1 II1MII Willi (Iocs tJ,lo;a III mi Illtl'lt-Hlltm way. lie Is n lnwvcr hv iiiofosslou ami lit ono time wiim cminsi'l for a pow erful at rift rnllwny roriMiriitlon, bill rcKlKiird tlio poKltlon In onler Hint lie mlirlit lw iinliii iiim i-i-i1 by nioiiopollsilc liilliii'iH i'H. SIiich then Iim Iiiib built up it bli; pi iii'tli'e mill lum Rciinired a laie llll'OIIIB. Mr. WiilHh wiis onr of the primp I movent In the hoi'IiiI renter Men mill would rentore tln old freedom of eom rimiilty delmte liy opeiiliitr the arliool luiUMea nn renters of nieetliiif nnd delmte of public (juexlloiiH Seveinl yeiir.t into he wim rhttlrniiin of a Missouri I'emo eratle Htntii iimventloii tll.'it deelnred for atiifn tvldn prliiinrli'H nnd hud the antlNfnetlon of Bei'liitf tluif ri'fnnn be come n nw. IleirtnnliiK tils business mreer na 1 boy In n fiietory, he Infer heoHtno a clerk In n nl'rond olflee, lenrniMl gte nogrnphy nnd bei-nniB a court stenogra pher. Willie hobliiiK thnt phue bo stHilled liiw nnd was ndinllted to tlio bur nt the nte of t weiity-Hve. He Im-i imide n pi" l.il study of liibor and In hor iinloiis. Mw-nyt netlvo In polities, Mr. Wnlsli neter held nn ollli e i-x ept thnt of nsslstimt city counselor by np liiilntinent: iiImo he hhs chulriiuiD of the Kail-is City civil service coinillls slon, which was mi linnoriiry poslttnn. Slni'e the commission boirmi work a lltt'e ever n yenr ngu It hns held ses sions In nearly every InrKO city In the country. A Sooth DnkoM Stateaman. When the new s. nntors, elected Inst November, it. cinble nt the capltol to take the o.illi of olllre tli.it ndiiiou Islies nnd binds them to perform faith fully their ihillcs ns ineinl'eis of the liiitlomil K'iM'i'iiiiiciit some clninucs will be noted I, icd November when the first elec tion news w.is disseminated It appear ed that t'oe I. 1'rav.ford. Ilciublle an. who for sl jeam htm represent wl the coiiitnonwcalth of South Lak New Plan of Ore Concentration There U a new nystciu coming Into Kneral use In coniier tnetallurgr aa weU aa In the treatment of other metala which, while essentially con ceuti-ation. differs radically from the older Idea of that process. The new plan 1 now generally referred to aa flotation. In the practice of flotation the separation of metallic sulphides la made In a manner exactly opposite to that followed In ordinary concentra tion. Instead of settling the sulphides, they are made to flout upon the surface of the pulps and are skimmed off. The basis of the method waa discovered by an American woman. Miss Carrie J, Kveraon of Denver. It la recounted that Miss Eversou'g brother, who was an awuiyer, turned over to her some sucks' which had contained concen trates to tie cleaned. She washed them In soap and water and In the procesa noticed that the sulphides floated. while the siliceous ganglia sank to the bottom. Hclnic a woman of Intelli gence, she realized thut she had made a discovery and took out a patent cov ering the flotation of metallic sulphides by the use of oil and water. Engineer lug Magazine. An Ingenious Elevator. A novel and Ingenious combination of elevator and stairway has been In vented for use In places where lack of space prohibits the installation of ei ther an elevator or a stairway, says Popular Mechanics. The apparatus consists of two Rteps that operate in a mall shaft and move up or down al ternately under the pressure of the foot. At each corner of the shaft la a pot with its ooter face provided w ith spaced teeth, nnd the front nnd rear poata are used re'iiectlvely for support ing the front nnd rear ste. Euch step Is provided with a counterweight anil is supported on the (sists by means of hinged arms that engage the teeth. In ascending one stands on one atep J 4 inn the i -V! . . 1 l 1 - - X. I - - . ' . -W . . f I - - .' :. II ik X C, ii- ' - f X liil ''it X v'l l , Y, I A N. H K -iU ( 1 W ( 1U SI I - ... A- s ' .7 v ana! 4e-aa"ag' t n maai I fci - jiti-s.N, X. TT f" -wt I X I X I I X. I t X 1 X ) STAIHWAT AND II.KVATOB. and allows the other to rise a conven ient distance under the action of the counterweight, when the hinged arm engages the teeth In the higher post tlou and holds the step In place. The steps are worked alternately in tula fuHhlon until the desired floor Is reach ed. In descending the steps are re leased alternately by pressure of the foot against strips that control the arms, and the steps are forced down to the next lower level. Means for hold lug the steps stationary at each floor are provided, while ropes suspended from the steps and so arrnuged as to release the arms from the teeth allow (be uppartilus to be pulled down read ily by a persou on a lower floor. Tin Rapidly Disappearing. With regard to Hie future use of tin. It may be said that we are dealing with the one metal whose known ore re serves are entirely Inadequate to even the present denin nils and that unless some new source of supply Is developed very soon we nitty expect Ui find that tin is a very scarce metal Indeed, says the Engineering Magazine. Of the present sources of tin ore supply most are either stationary or receding In out put. Itollvla being the only one which gives promise of pesuiuuenry and of future growth. Vuder these condi tions the question of substitute metals becomes of Importance, and aluminium, xluc and steel all have some possibili ties In this direction lu one way or an other. t. would succeed htttiM-lf. The final t-tlly of voles, however, showed thnt 1M S, Jchtis si, a I V ttocrat, ti:i.l won the honor. 'Alien Senator I'riwfonl was elected slv ar ago he n ut by a big vote. Ijist fiction Kd Johnson tieut him handily. I Ttti new senator, py the way, is i something of a character. He !s s i fliti.tiii.t.tolul n-..1l d ..itil..l t l.,n,. oorut Th'U Is probably I tie reason he I was ch. u t. roprv-vtit South lakota tit the t'vlt.st S -itea .'ii i!e, Mc lives In Yankton act! ! imH ,r :'v nc.-t cm ' c oaly kit a s I'd X f "'N for S.-u- I iitor I'd S ,1c1 ... fie Str - t be ! Knowti as !'-! In 1 I, st l h. l.istury In all prvUaMUty will iw-urd him. Car Weight and Tire Pressure. Thnt the pressure In au automobile tire, fully pumped up, remains practi cally the same whether the car Is rest ing on the tires or Is Jacked up Is the discovery made by one of the large rubber companies In an endeavor to solve some questions of "oaring for tires w hile the car Is laid up." saya the Scientific American" It waa fouud by means of special gattgs that In an or dinary site. tires, which shows a prvs sure of eighty pounds while the car Is Jacked up. It will show S0.4 pounds with the weight of the car resting on the tires. The cubic contents are oou pressed by dutteuitig" from POO cubic inches to tfct cubic Inches. Independence Business Firms Well worthy of your patronage Let C. D. Tharp The Harness Man Make yon a set of heavy harness to order. : : All work f uaranteceV The Markley Stud 10 Dots High Grade Photographic Work of All Kiti'Jg. Phone 7321 j . . i Tl . d i i iitj VviL Delivery MAKES THE .... Best Bread and Pastries PATRONIZE HOMI INDUSTRY DENNY BROTHERS -DEALERS IN- Mew and Second Hand Hardware and Furniture WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Store on C f treat. CRAVEN S WALKER AOENTS JTOI- Eastman Kodaks and Supplies, Die an Eastman -Iff the best. HALLADAY'S MACHINE SHOP In Fltchard's Garage. General Machine Work Repairint of nil kinds Automobiles a specialty let ui grind your plow aharea. N. U BUTLER Attorney at-Law Practice in all Courts. G. A. RICH THE RELIABLE Contractor and Builder Hin work speaks for itself. See him if you wieh to build. It Will Make You Better With Go to Church Because: vtJ the World G TO CHURCH! With the advent of cool weather many churches are Dlnnnini? a revival of the GO TO CHTJIiCIl movement which got such an auspicious start in the spring. During the heat of summer there waa a lack of enthusiasm in some citiea. Now ministers of the gopel all over the country are seeking to re awaken tlio public to a sense of their spiritual obligations. INDICATIONS ARE THAT THIS COUNTRY IS ABOUT TO WITNESS THE GREATEST RELIGIOUS REVIVAL IT HAS EVER KNOWN. CLERGYMEN REPORT THAT LAST SPRING THERE WAS A MAGNIFICENT ATTENDANCE AT ALL CHURCHES. WHILE THERE WAS A FALLING OFF DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS, IT WAS NOT NEARLY AS PERCEPTIBLE AS IN FORMER YEARS. MANY CLERGYMEN TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE VACA TION PERIOD TO IMPROVE AND REPAIR THE HOUSES OF WOR SHIP. Now that the clergymen have the people GOING TO C II OUCH they should strive to keep them going. Clergymen should not only make God's house attractive, but they should make the services attractive. They should make their sermons interesting without boin? sensational. GET AFTER THE BACKSLIDER IN THE CONGREGATION. COAX HIM. HE'LL GO. THERE IS NO OENYING THE FACT THAT A MAN WHO GOES TO CHURC H REGULARLY IS BENEFITED PHYSICALLY. MORALLY AND FIN NCIALLY. HE BECOMES CLEAN IN BODY AND IN MIND. IF HE IS A BUSINESS MAN HiS NEIGHBORS WILL PAT RONIZE r-'M BECAUSE HE IS COD FEARING AND HONEST. I HE IS AN EMPLOYEE HIS EMPLOYERS HAVE FAITH IN HIM WHEN Th E Y SEE HIM GO TO CHURCH. THERE ARE SO MANY APPARENT REASONS WHY GOING TO CHURCH IS BENEFICIAL THAT IT SEEMS SUPERFLUOUS TO ENUMERATE THEM. ' GO T ClH'ROIl! er Sunday night, when the Sunday School will glva a sacred concert on ' The Living Chriat for Every Life and AU of Life." Please bear this in mind and govern yourselves accordingly. THE PILL. BOX Our Med. Dors were all wor ried Tuesday because there whs so much black leg in town and it looked as if a general quarantine waa a possibility. But Wednes day there was nothing left but the smell and the Med. Docs felt very much relieved. Sometime during Tuesday nithtv twenty or more suspicious lookin? characters were seen in Butler's law office but fortunate ly Mr. Butler carried home the receipts of the day and he suf fered no financial loss. Taat tHa Valva Springs. After a ear has becu In use a Ion Unto It nitty hnpis'ti that the exhaust valve sritirs weaken to such an i tent a to Interfere with slow runnlug and prevent bltjh engine speeds. Slow ruunluc Is a.Tectcd by the valve llftluaT by sn.-tl-.in on the Induction stroke Httfh etutne speed are prevented by the vslve fnltitiK to r'.we quickly ettonsh. Th. rvfutv. w hen eedeaiorlng to tnereaae t!.e ertt ! !. y of an old car or when ov.-rhatin:; an ensttie. the tcstlni; ef the vsho iriu sbouid not be overlooked. WHERE TO CO PRE SBYTERIAiN!""1 'f'!1 in lh BPt'rt s- I day evening, March 7th. A cordial In Grover C B rtchet, A. B., Psstor , viution ta ,xtended to all to hear Miss Announcements for week, beginnirg WayWuia. Other service aa usual Feb. II. f Sunday School 10 A. M. Preaehlng in"TI-irirICT Service. 11 A. M and 7:30 P. M. Mid- j METHOUIh I week Prayer ard Praise Service Wed-j . W. C STEWART. Pastor, resdsf 7:30 P. M. j The services for the Methodist Epis- At the morning- heur the minister j copal church next Su-xlay wil! bat as ..til .n.,.k on "rhrian.n Katcuntiea in follows: lundav School at 10 A. M. the Midst of Insecurities. At the j The pastor will preach at 11 A. M. on evening hour the subject will be, j -The Prince of Truth." At this ser- Specters and Skeptics." Mini Gladys vice there will be a solo by Mies Fkr Limllev. reeentlv of Portland, will airfc-'ence Gebo. Epworth League. 6:30 P. M. airs. Mary rmiiey win tesa in me study ef "The Promisee of Sonahtp to Ged." The pastor will asin preach at T:S0 P. at. on "Jesus I My Cross Have Taken." This will be a study and ser mon en the famous hymn which was written in 1S3 by Ti arris Lyte. You Lead Me All the Way'' at thi service. CHRISTIAN A cat has kittens In eights and nines, but on cats no man ever dines, we have merely written these lovely lineB, to encourspe Mr. Paddock to put up the signs. Mrs. Mike Goetz and Mrs. Mike Walker met face to face re cently and aaid the first Mrs. Mike to the second Mrs. Mike: "Since" my Mike is a councilman, he works tlx days in the week for the city." Said the aecond Mrs. Mike to the first Mrs. Mike: "That's nothing; since my Mike has trot to be a bartender at a soda fountain, he not only labors six oays in the week but works on Sundays." We believe the time's at hand when every man will have a chance, to work like heck, get the money and v. ear good rant. Keulsr services Sunday st the Christian churcV Prvschirg by W. A. Wood. Bible S hoel at 10 A. si. Com oiui.ion a: d ear oon at 11 A. M. You are invited. Everyono welarotne. You oed u aad we need you. Come. will be interested. You are invited to attend, not only ene but all of the eer vtcea. In the evening Mr. Crow will 1 - .i v.- ... k. ,k- . . DTI jetT 1 renu" 1 c trakirg elaborate preparsticrs for the Sev. H.B FosAett, Acting Pastor lotsaervance of Palm Sunday, which oc Mim Kaby T. Way burn, Flll Secre- cure the 2th cf this month, and the sryofthe Woman's Arrsertcan Bat-! whole wevk of set vice a to conclude tit i w.i-a alw.on Society of Urejon, j wiU a jrwat LhiUiren a rvic. on East- Society is jrlowir-g ov-r h prospecti of an earl r visit from Ly sander Lyon M. D. Dr L)od has communicated to close friends here that ae recently took a financial flurry and mar ried a widow with one foot in the grave and three h una red thousand in the bank. What-feet? No, dollar.. Dr. R. T. rVlclntire Physician and Surgeon Office over Independence Nation al bank. 1'bore No. 4412 laOapawAaawa. Of-ifaa