Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, January 29, 1915, Image 3

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    Important Notice!
J A D i ,y, Furniture
Store will handle our Com-
Authoritative Corset Styles
bination Ironing Board and
Strp LaMtr in Inlr(pn!
erC" ip'hcI of th II I
Hardware Cnmmnv, ac ih
V'-ij!.d t o'ir D o -'
l if
A Irany, Orepon
Also excellent for
Mnwttik Uaet Batista
Don't Take Chances
villi colds and del.
Know res wl
weather comfort.
Waterproof thraaah and
throiifh. PaMawaAeM
t dgtt atop crcry drop nan
nwnrafl ia whera aba Iroaai
vedap aad buttoa.
$ 3.00 Everywhere
frattctar Bat. 7S Ctl.
A. J. TOWER CO. MTBFicnoN guaranteed
BOSTON Smiforff CaMcf
liH-iiVS w
'Says an Independence busi
ng man:
"I advertise in The Moni-
, exclusively because it is a
' in paper and well edited,
fuJ is taken home to read.
U ider these conditions it is
r.'ad by three times more
j.ople iii th? Independence
district than any other newspaper."
Osteopathic Physician
graduate of the American School of
Osteopathy, Kirksviile, Mo., ur.cer
fujnder of the science. Dr. A. T. full.
Formerly of Independence, hae ra
ta mod.
Office: First floor of ths F. A.
P.ttereoo property, bail block weet of
rill road on C street
N. L. Botler G. A. Hurley
Butler & liurfey
Attorneys at Law
Office In Cooper Block
' I depend ce, 50reJo
B. F. Swope
Attorney at Law and Notary Put x
Will rac:ke in all ccm(f of the
aUie. I'n bate matUis r4 col
lections given prompt a ..ion.
ornca: coorea a oc
hxltpfifa V. Off
I ! I
Authoriative Corset Styles
We are now showing the new authoriative corset
styles for spring and summer fashions. Select
your Warner Corset now and wear it when your
gowns are fitted.
Flexibility is the keynote Flexibility and comfort
able support Thin double boning preserves the
figure but "gives" perfectly with every move.
Every Pair Cuaranteed
Not to Kust, Break or Tear
Wear a Warner's brassiere with your
corset the perfect undergarment be
neath a fitted waist.
Warner's Corsets
$1 to $5
Warr. er's Brassieres
Conkey & Walk er
"Good humor, loft have nor of it,
Let'i eplee tha win of lift with wit,
Tha little day we tarry here,
Let flow the aanahine of food cheer;
Fiad not in eeher sense auto zest.
We have no time for quip or jeat,
Nor o'er our task ao roundly best
We drink no toast to merriment."
After a period of general re
laxation which continued until a
pall almost seemed to settle over
things socially, otherwise than
routine club functions, with the
issuing of invitations by Mes
dames L. Damon. J. E. Hubbard,
W. H Craven, W. E. Craven and
P. J. Dickinson to nearly 100
g-uests for an afternoon at cards
at the I. 0. O. F. Hall last
Wednesday afternoon and in
most cases the fortunately bid
den accepting with alacrity the
affair promising to be the lamest
and the merriest of the waning
winter season, Society has taken
on a decidedly new impetus.
With February rapidly ap
proaching, when such varied op
portunities are offered the host
ess for special observances enter
taining will likely take an enthu
siastic fresh start . and really
become) infectious.
The faultless weather and im
maculate sky have lured many
out into the open recently, some
for long hiking jaunts, while oth
ers enjoyed jolly motor parties.
A bit of interesting news con
cerning David Campbell who has
many friends in Independence,
was Uken from Sunday's Ore
gonian the following recital at
tracted many devotees of music
from this city who accorded re
markable praise to the partici
pants: "One of the most distinguished
music recitals in the series at the
Monmouth, Or., Normal School
was that which took place there
last Wednesday night, the two
soloists being Mrs. Delphlne
Marx, contralto, and David
Campbell, pianist. The attend
ance was about 400 quite nota
ble for Monmouth,
lir. Campbell, who arrived re
cently from Europe, where he
studied the piano with distin
guished masters, played with s
clarity of tonal beauty and mas
tery of technique that were ad
mirable. He is steadily forging
ahead as one of the most talented
of the younger pianists of the
Pacific Northwest, and fully de
served the praise his audience
howertd upon him."
Fashioning gsrments for sweet
charity's sake, and at the same
time pausing a delightful after
noon visiting1 and sipping tea, a
large representation of this club
leathered at the home of Mrs.
Will Pat ton Thursday afternoon
of last week.
Another pleasant event chron
icled in scholastic circles wta the
reception given by the Sopho
mores to the entire High School
at the auditorium last Friday
A splendid program had been
prepared by the entertainers, and
those responding to the invita
tions gave thorough evidence of
real enjoyment
ine evening hours were
brought to a close with appetiz
ing refreshments.
The largest function of thesea
son was presided over by Mes-
dimea! Damon, J. E. Hubbard,
W. H. Craven, W. E.Craven and
P. J, Dickinson at the I. O. 0. F.
Hall last Wednesday afternoon,
when about 20 table were cir
cled with' "500" players. A de
tailed account will follow in the
next issue.
Story of a Maiden Who Jump
' ed at Conclusions.
Dr. R. T. Mclntire
Physician and Surfreoa
Office over Ir depertience Natioi
a! Bank. Phone No. 4412
ImtepanOanca. traan
LiiLll'.lii.tHtii Ui. UUeAiAi.A) V
They met at a farmhouse as sum
mer boarders, lie was what women
call cyulcaL She thought hltu Indiffer
ent. Ue waa certainly a cool chup.
and the three traits combined attract
ed her.
Several weeks pnaised, and there waa
no mention Between mom or ineir
growing liitimitcy. He spoke of re
turning to his work in the city without
mentioning any regret at the discontin
uance of their walks or their sittings
in the moonlight on the tHrcli. She
dared not mention the imiting for feat
her voice would trt'iuhie.
One moruiug after they hnd come in
from a walk they went to the mantel
in the llvlujj room, where the mall was
deposited, and she. taking up a letter
addressed to him In a woman' hand,
gave it to him. -41e aluii'ly snl.l.
"Thank you." She eat the afternoon
wondering w ho was bis correspondent
and surmising his notion at receiving a
letter from a mother, h sister, a girl
friend or a sweethenrt. If it were from
either of the first three he would have
aald something to denote the fact; If
from a sweetheart, he wuu.h! have sui.l
no more than "thank you." This was
her reasoning.
The next morning Instead of waiting
for him to go to wnlk she went alone.
That la what a girl in love would
usually do under the circumstances
Sho assumed on evidence that would
have no weight with twelve Jurynieii
uilnd you, I Bay Jurymen, not Jury
women that his correspondent was his
When she returned a "depot hack"
was heiug driven up to the door, aud
who should get out -of It but the com
panion of her former walks, whose
companionship she had taken palua to
show she did not longer care for, but
whose absence had made ber miser
able. That was uot all; be handed out
a very attracUve looking girl, whom
be led into the house, lie reappeared
Just as the girl who hnd witnessed the
arrival was upproaching the Hrcb
He went to meet her pleasantly; but,
noticing a severe cipiensloii on her
face, his own assumed a serious cast
Evidently there was a change. He had
been Intending to explain his uot Join
lug In her walk by telling her that he
bad gone to the station, but be con
eluded to await developments.
"Pleaaniit walk?" he asked.
"I didn't see you when you started."
"It is not to be eipected that you
should go to walk with me every iuoiu
"Certainly not. That would be very
selfish of me. Suppose we go Into the
summer house."
"Thank you; I'm tired. I shall rest
awhile before dinner."
"Am you ilka I'll stroll dowu to th
river bank.1 Good morning'."
Tbla waa not to ber purpose. She
changed her nrind and aald she would
go Into the summer bouse.
"Why did you deliberately go off to
walk without me this moruiug?" be
asked when they were seated.
"I don't care to attract tha attention
of those In the house by these walks,
"The young lady who has just ar
rived might not like It."
"I hadn't thought of that."
"You should have thought of It."
"We men are methodical fellows.
We take up matters n they come
along, while your sex is prone to take
them up as fancy dictate)."
"As principle dictates."
"That word principle has many con
dltlons. Pnmetlrnea It la rigid, some
times ehiHtle."
"I should think In this case It must
be elastic."
"Vou umst remember that what we
call principle partake of education
The Oreeks"-
"Bother the Greeks. What hnd they
to do with us?"
There wits a brief silence. Evident
ly the hair splitting was over. I'res
ently be aald:
"We shall not hereafter be quite so
free to enjoy these walks together,
"EvhlenUy not"
"My mother will lie op oo Saturday,
"Oh, your mother!"
"Yes. Bhe Is an Invalid, and I ahall
Deed "to devote a g'xl deal of time to
"And the rest will belong to an
other." "What other?"
"The young lady who has already ar
rived." "Hue will help ma In the care of my
"That will be her duty."
"And her pleasure."
"Certainly; of course."
"I shall he here only a few days aft
er mother comes: then the care of her
will devolve entirely on my sister."
"Your sister?'
"Yee: It Is she who arrived Just
There was smother brief silence. The
girl looked up at the sky. then down at
the floor.
"Why didn't yn tell ma that be
fore r
"Yoti didn't as li "
Hue aat silent for a moment, then
urone snd was about to start for the
honw. but be el?l her hand and de
tained her Tli- fencing was over, for
the tirst time uln-e had raff her he
j. 'Id but be ru-si,t. and she replied In
W. C. STEWART, Pastor,
lerviraa for the Methooiat church
for Sunday January SI, will he as fol
lows: Sundny morning at 10 o'clock
the S;:bual& Schcol will meat for ti e
study of the regular International les
son. We want to sea every member
t;i hia place and as irany new ones as
the old ones can bring. The pastor
will preach at 11 o'clock, taking
for hia subject, "The Way the Truth
and the Life." Epworth League at
6:30 p. m. Miss Levicy Hamilton will
lead. At 7:30 the pastor will preach
on "Modern Amusements." You will
he interested in this, so let all attend.
We have planning for the
future a little and would like st this
time to announce some of the things
that are coming to The f'irat Metlu
dist. On Monday, Feb 1, the pastor
will give an illustrated lecture on "The
Child Life of the World." On Sunday
Feb. 14, the morning service will be
the Children's service and in the even
ing the pastor will giva an illustrat d
sermon on "The Other Wiae Man."
On March 1st anotter lectnre on
"Home Missions and IHiblic Welfare"
will be given. Our Seaund Quarterly
Conference will convene on Friday,
March 12. tin Sundtiy evening Marrh
11, the pastor will give an illustrated
sermon on, "How We Got Our Bible."
This will be most ii tereating to bible
students, Sunday school teachera and
the laity in general. J 'aim Sundny
comes this jtar on March 28, and the
pastor has mudu his plana to observe
l'ai.-uon week. Each night on Mission
we k we will have a speaker of note
with us. The subjects studied will be
aliljows: Mondi.y March Stf, "With
ered Lives," Tuesi'.ay, "The Condem
nation ef This Age." Wednesday,
"Ikv.' to Meet the Crisis of Life.''
Thursday, "Answered Prayer." Fri
day, "Good Friday," afternoon, "The
Stven Words from tho Cross," even
ing, "SuiTsrlng With Him." Easter
will be a great day. Tha choir will
render its sweetest and most' appro
priate music and the pastor will
preach at 11 on, "The Risen Christ."
We wish that the public would keep
these announcements in mind and thi.t
they would plan on attending at leaat a
part if not all. Make it a point to at
tend The First Methodist.
Orover C. Blrtchet, A. E., Pastor
Announcements for week beginning
Jan. Si.
Sunday School 10 A. M. Preaahlng
Services 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Mid
week Prayer and Praise Service Wed
neaday 7:30 P. M.
BEN C. CROW, raator.
At the Christian church thia Sunday
morning the sermon will be "The Ex
ample of Solomon's Prayer." The
choir will sing "Blessed la the Man
That Trusteth In Thee." Mra. Irvine
will sing "The Savior'a Cernmand," by
Florence Chipman, for the offertory.
Our morning attendance ia splendid and
our services moat helpful. At the
evening hour we will again render an
other fine song service at ssvea-thirty.
Several old and now hymns will be sung.
It ia hoped to have a frio of ladiea
voices sirg "In Heavenly Love Abid
ing," snd Mr. Crow will sing the sec
ond of old favorite sacred songs just
preceding the sermon, tha number t ho
sen is "Face to Face," by Herbert
Johnson. "Nsarnan" will be the ser
mon subject. You are invited to meet
and worship with us.
j Still Eating?
Good! And we are .'till selling
urocenes. uood groceries
the kind you like. They're always fresh be
cause we sell a lot of them and buy often.
Ask any of our customers how they like our
3 grocery7
Phone 1011
Grocery Specialist.
- '
T "
Brisket 10c
Roast loo
Short Iiibs 12jo
Ste'ak 17c
Stew 10c
Chops 12i
Leg 15c
Goat Meat 5o
l'Oltlv VEAL
l'ork Stak 14o Stew 15o
Loin 17o Chops 178o
Hani 17Jo Loin 170
Roast lfc
Bulk 15o
Bucket 75c
Weini eg 15o Minced Ham 15c
Forequarter Goal 4o
The Store That Gives Satisfaction (
t e-e i a
Sunny Slope
Allen Towns waa a Monmouth
trader Thursday.
William Fishli&ck of Carlton ia
visitiriK relatives here.
Clarence Marks of the Luckia
mute waa here Saturday.
Joe Houeman U plowing- for
John Stump.
Geo. Heck purchased two colta
of Dow Hamer the past week.
Mrs Katie RoKra attended
the Poultry Show in Dallaa last
R M. Bosley bought three
colts recently.
Dave Dove made a bualnena
trip to Independence Tuesday.
JWaaa Johnson and family of
the Luckiamute apent Sunday at
ihe Fishback home.
Tala of a Mouae.
A tittle mouaa with tusir ".
Mat a rairv enno '
-you cunnlns tiilns
..Id thr fairy.
The Monitor always leads.
Mmit waa ararnl anrt run awny
Tha fairy In bt,t pursuit:
H.cauirht m-'- " " tlM
Mouswi wit" "'"' mul
H. ran and h ra " ,alrr t
Bound that hla p"lnt h d m.
Till as h. puMH na "u ".,'
But be atraunad It out kn and thru
The Peoples Market j
A. NELSON, Prop.
1 he Busier Brown Shoes tor Children, None Better
Latest Novelties for Women
Call and See Our Line
X Meals served at ill Hours
Ihe Beat Meal the Beet Service
ReKtilar Dinner 25c
! The Palace Cafe 1
E. J. FOWLER, Prop.
located on South Side of.C St.
Nest aeor to Fluke a Johnson's 'ao" Mala 2521
The reason why the Monitor
prints so many calling cards, an
nouncements and invitations is
because they are always neat,
uptodate and are free from errors