Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, October 16, 1914, Image 5

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    Fresh Choice Con s i d e r
vewttfrawell be-
MLfcbuv veg
Think for a moment of how
they are bought and kept, veg
etables should be fresh and
moist With the appearance of having just come
from where nature grew them. That is, when
they are well kepf-the way we keep them.
This Is the reason why aU our vegetables look as if they
had Just arrived-wlth all thxt delicious, fresh, natural
flavor you like so well. And we take good care that not a
moment Is lost In their dellve y tj you. Send a trial order.
! t
The Best Is Qood Enough and You
get only the best when you
buy meat from us
A new refi iterating plant keeps the meat coo'
and frenh, iind when y-u once buy from us
you buy agi 1, because our meats give satisfac
tion. We have jus' addf' : . .eudering vats and
sausage mncP '....-r thus b"ing able to sup
ply you v:M: lard and siusage, at all times.
We '.?'.'c ;ur own smoke houses and give you
country cured hams and bacon.
C Street, Independence, Ore.
Memoirs of Napoleon
In Three Volumes
The personal reminiscences of Baron de Meneval, for
thirteen years private secretary to Napoleon Bonaparte,
briii" out, as no history can, many enlightening and
interesting side lights on the character of that greatest of
l'aders. De Me'i eval's oWriptions have the piquancy
and interest posMc only because he was an actual eye
wiiiicss of thj scrnvs ar.d incidents of which he writes.
Their relia' iHt ' sr.) historical interest can be judged by
the fact that the ery conservative French Academy
publicly recommends them.
Bv special arrangement with the publl.J.f.s cf CoWt's, The
National Weekly, v.e ere slue to give these valuable and interesting
Memoirs with a jear's subscription to Colliers ami this publi
cation, at a price les than the lowest net rash subscription price ot
the two papers. Only a limited quantity of these Memoirs is
available, however, so to get the benefit of this special oiler you
must act quickly.
Collier's is .he one biff, fearless, independent Weekly of the .whole
country. lis editorials are quoted by every paper in the Lmon.
James B. Connolly, and Henry Keuterdahl.
i hole family-tditonais, eomine....
of hi V orld, Miort nu serial
riters of the day.
Suriil orabtMuol" fx
wcluiini Ih' ibrw-vol-Mrmotrt
of NipolL
postpaid -
It is a magazine for the
Phototrraphic News
Stories by the greatest wr
Collier's - - - - $2.50
Monitor - I--
1JT Z: ZZuoa will be extended for a year from its
present date of expiration.
If tou ire already a
Prints Handbills of ail kinds and
sizes and the prices are riirht. 0
Strange Courtship That Ter
minated Happily.
Mj father and mother died within a
few months of each other, and I, a girt
of twenty, went to live with rd aunt
I bad not been educated to till any no
altlou, am), my father bavins left ma
uothlng, the outlook was distressing. I
made up my uilud to so to work at
something la which do preparation wa
needed, but my aunt was uuwllltng.
One day aha came to me with a let
ter, which aba read to cue. It waa
from Etbao Andrew, a civil engineer,
who bad gone to Brazil to tiike a posi
tion ou a railroad that waa then being
built and bad determined to make the
country his borne. lie was evidently
Phor.e the news to iMuin 1C21.
Willis Carter waa here from
t . Weils Monday.
The Monitor for all kinds of
neat job work.
Alfred Holeomb has moved to
Beaverton, Oregon.
M. Merwin was a business vis
;tor in Portland Saturday.
Dr. Ham of Dallas visited
'ends in this city Sunday.
Miss Minnie Wunder has pen
j Moro for an indefinite stay.
Verd Hill attended K. of P.
Grand Lodtre in Portland this
ltr:li ir .....
vm tvurre nas moved into tn.;
called Wilson property on C j
I a practical (t called it brutal) sort of a
Attorney M. N. McFadden of j fellow, without a spark of romance In
Corvallis was in Independence i nlm- for be sked m aunt t0 ekvt
Mrs. M. Merwir, returned from
a week s visit m Portland Mon
day niv:ht
A good pair of reading
glasses 'or $1.00 at O. A.
Monday's Oregonian: Dean
H. Walker of Independence, is
at the Benson.
Miss Vivian Whiteaker visited
friends at Albany nd Corvallis
the latter part of last week.
Mrs. Clodfelter arriyed in In
dependence Saturday and will
visit with her son Clint Moore.
Sanford B. Taylor of Dallas,
democratic candidate for civil
engineer and surveyor, was in
this city Tuesday.
Miss Facklam, one of the
grade teachers, was a sruest over
the L'abbath with friends a few
miles in the country.
FOR SALE Team of Clyde
mares, well matched, 4 years old
and well broke. Price right. In
quire of John W. Orr. 8
I want to rent a farm that will
keep 8 cows, on II. F. D. and
cream route. Will pay cash rent
and give good references. Write
price and particulars. Address,
A E. Houser, Tillamook, Ore.
Mrs. W. E. Smith went to Al
bany Monday to transact borne
business coming home Wednes
day, Mr. and Mrs. Smith have
secured Mr. Mack's new resi
dence and expect to move into it
this week.
J. L. Murdock is spending a
few days on his farm at Yamhill
and during his absence his Bon
Frank, who with his wife and
wo little daughters, came up
from the farm over a week ago
tj visit his parents, is helping
out in the creamery.
Warren Guilliams has sold his
barber shop at Rickreall and
with his wife and child has been
isiting his father, S. N. Guil-
lams, and sister, Mrs. Nettie
Hoche, for a couple of wei ks.
Mr. Guilliams and family expect
to leave Monday for Sacramento,
Calif., ;.nd may go on to Nevada
to make their future home.
The Monmouth hotel has again
tssed into new hands so far as
worship is concerned, Mr.
Cooper having disposed of it to
Carl Tandrup, of Salem, who has
purchased the property and busi
ness, and will take possession
the 20th of this month.
In order to make room for
r?Ristered Jersey cows recently
purchased, C. N. McArthur will
sell six splendid grade Jersey
ilairy cowg and fifteen choice
l.eifers and heifer calves. For
further particulars address, Ar
thur M. Jones, Foreman, Ash
wood Farm, Rickerall, Ore.
Stod those Early Bronchial Cough
They han on all winter if
iot checked and pave the
ay for eerioua throat and
ting di-R8e. Oet a bottle
of Folej'a Honey and Tar
Compound, and take it free
'y. Stops coughs and cold.,
'ir-als raw inflamed throat,
'ooeens the phlegm and is
-nildiy laxative. B ttt for
children and grown jrgong.
N opiate. Williauia Drug
wife for til iu and send ber to turn just
as be would commission her to buy a
horse. She proposed that I should be
the article purchased.
The case on Ethan Andrews' part, 1
have since learned, was not so had as
it appeared My aunt had written him
n bout me with a view to making a
match and had sent blm my picture,
but she said uothlng to me about thin,
leaving me to decide, as It were, in cob!
blood. The letter she had shown me
was his reply. They had their own
reasons for this course.
At first I rebelled, but at Inst In a fit
of desperation consented, taking the
leap as a hunted doe will Jump from a
cliff. I nsUed uo questions as to the
traits of the man Into whose amis I
was about to cast myself nor to see his
likeness. I was taken to the steamer
as a lamb led to the slaughter. The
steamer touched at Ilavaua.
When we steamed out of the har
bor a gentleman began to tramp back
and forth, apparently for exerctxe,
near where I was sitting. Presently
he noticed my forlorn appearance and
gave me an Involuntary look of sym
pathy. Then he went below, I Infer
red, to get rid of so lugubrious a slight
ns myself, but he soon rcappeurod with
n bundle of magazines aud deferential
ly offered them to me. This was the
beginning of an acquaintance that In
n few days ripened Into friendship.
Though he delicately refrained from
iisUIiir me the cause of my gloom, I
longed to tell some one and confided It
to him.
'I'oor child," he sold, a world of sym
pathy in bis voice, his inn n tier, and
especially lu Ills kindly browu eyes.
"Do you wonder," I asked, "that I
am the quintessence of misery?"
"I do not. At the same Unio 1 can
understand the motives of the man
who has sent for you. Doubtless he
missed the companionship of Ills own
coiintryiuen, especially of bis country
women, anil, remembering that 'love
U blind' and "marriage Is a lottery,'
concluded to rely upon your aunt's se
lection, especially since he could not
go and select for himself. No, I am
not prepured to uduilt that the man
you are to wed bus ttio unrefined In
stincts yoo Infer."
"And what do you think of my action
lu the matter?"
lie made no reply for some time,
lie waa pondering.
"You have evidently found It easier,"
I said, "to excuse blm than tne."
"My hesitation Is ruther that you
require a woman instead of a man to
Judge for you. Tbe adage 'Put yourself
iu hU place' is in this case Impracti
cable. No man can put himself In a
woman's place."'
"You can at least Judge whether I
have acted wisely or not."
"Under duress you have made a de
cision Involving a risk, but who shall
say whether your circumstances Justi
fied the risk or whether It Is a greater
one than If you had selected your life
partner after a study of blm during a
courtship In which you were blinded
by love and In which each participant
studies to conceal every defect?"
If tlio man w ho had sent for me hud
put tils proposition in such comfort
ing words I'm sure I Buotild have full
en Into bis arms. Possibly I gained
comfort from the modest manner lu
which my companion analyzed my
case, and more especially bla soothing,
kindly tone. At any rate, I was re
lieved and did not relapse into my for
mer slate till w tillered llio harbor.
Rut at pnrtlng with my friend, al
though he strove to cheer me. is soon
us he was gone I col lapsed.
The same evening a.t a hotel in Itlo
a curd came up to tne. and. brushing
away tears. 1 nerved myself to meet
the mouster who was to be my part
ner for life When Instead the corn
lnion of my voynge came Into tbe
room toy heart beat with fl wild hoe
that Providence bud sent him with a
reprieve He stood looking at me with
an amused look, then asked:
"Well, have you seen your brutal
partner? 1 can't presume to call bin
your lover."
"No (lis card has Just come lip, and
I supposed you were he. I preaume
he will be up In a moment"
"M.v Kxr child." be anld. "I am
Ktlinn Andrews."
"Yes. I went to riavsna to meet you.
I feared so bantnessllka a courtship
Dilltht repel you and preferred that you
should hav an opportunity tu Judge
of me before completing your bar
gain If you prefer to return, your
ticket Is ready for yon "
It is ceedlesa to say that I cboae to
Aliens of tbe age of twenty-one and
upward, who have enlisted In tbe
armies of the L'ulted States, In the
regular or volunteer forces, and have
been honorary disWiiirgi-d. are entitled
to become lil.,i1s um etltlou, with
out previous di l tnitlon oCnteritlor
and sre not r-julnd to prove wort
tkiu one year's residence.,
Sunny Slope
Hey Clarke of Independence
was here the first of the week
Allen Towns has 'built a new
hojj pen recently.
George Bennett and family ol
near Independence, were in our
vicinity Saturday.
Jesse Johnson and family of
Luckiar.iute were guests of rela
tives here the first of the vvetk.
Elmer Kake and wife of Mon
mouth Sundayed with relatives.
Frank Swearinpen of Mon
mouth, visited with his brother
George and family here Sunday.
John Sumpter and family of
near Falls City, were in Sunny
Slope Sunday.
Pearl and Ina Fishback were
shopping in Independence Friday.
Robert Ilake and family of)
Oakdale have moved on George 1
Chesbro's place here. ,
Amos Hohman of Dallas was a;
visitor here Sunday.
Chas. Hohman and family
have moved to Washington,
where they have traded for a
In the Circuit Court of the State of!
Oregin for the County of Polk,
tieorge W. Conkey and G. G. Walker,
Partners, under the firm name and
style of Conkey & Walker,
K, Higuchi, Defendent.
To K. Hig-uclii, the above named de
fendent: In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby requir-d to appear and
answer the complaint of Plaintiffs in
the above entitled action filed against
you in the above entitled court within
s x weeks from the 18th day of Sept
ember, 1914, the date of the first
publication of this summons, and if
you fail to appear or answer said cause
on or before the 30th day of October,
1:114, for want thereof, the PliilntilTs
will apply to the court for tbe reli. t'
preyed for in the complaint, towit .
For the sum of $241. 3D, and for their
iiiBts and disbursements herein.
This summons, by the order of the
Honorable J. B. Teal, county Judge of
I'olk county, Oregon, mado at cham
bers in Dallas, Oregon, on the 17th
day of September, 1914, is servtd
upon you by the publication thereof
once a week for six consecutive and
successive weeks immediately prior to
.uid 30th day of October, 114, in the
Independence Monitor, a newspaper of
,eneral circulation published weekly
at lndeiendence, in said county of
I'olk and state of Oregon.
The date of the firBt publication of
this summons is September 18, 1914.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The Store That Gives Satisfaction
( The Busier Brown Shoes lor Children. None Better
and a
Latest Novelties for Women
Call and See Our line
Cabinet Work
Come in and Get Estimates on Inside Trim
Store Room and Office, Main St. Old Star Theatre Building
A Successful Business Career of Twenty Five Years
8afty Firtt.
"The doctor kiijs there are more
white corpuscles lu my blood than red
"Well, what are you Roiug to do
about It?"'
"Nothing. If I hul more red cor
puscles In my blood mlht go around
looking for trouble As it Is, I'm cou
tent to let trouble look for me."
ItlrmliiKhnm Ak--Herald.
H. Hirschberd,, Pres. D. W. Sears, V. P.
t R. R. DeArmond, Cashier
W. H. Walker, B. F. Smith, O. D. Butler J
: 4kM''I4-''4""'"M'"M
I "i
X Meals served at all Hours The Best Mealthe Best Service
I Regular Dinner 25c
The Palace Cafe
E. J. FOWLER, Prop.
Located on South Side of C St.
Kexl door to Nuke 6 Johnson's Phone Main 252 1
00m m0
-: FO
I have 100 ood farms and residences for sale
or trade and some of these are fine bargains. Now
call and look over our list and let us show you.
I make a specialty of renting your property
for you and collecting the rent monthly.
If you have a farm to lease I can lease It for you.
us - jujj'HW rrr rn
The Pioneer Real Estate Man of Polk Counfy, Oregon
Your Place Might Interest a Customer of Mine