WHY DESTROY THE INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS OF OREGON? That's what theso-called "Water Front" bills, Numbers 328 and 330 on the ballot, will do if passed at the November election. Why make it impossible to build saw mills or any other industrial, labor-producing: plants on the rivers and bays of Oregon? That's what the passage of these bills will do. Why cripple the development of our great tim ber resources; why cripple all manufacturing: in Oregon? That's what will take place if the people vote "yes" on numbers 328 and 330. Why lock up the thousands of acres of over-flow lands bordering upon the navigable waters of the State and its miles of water front for the benefit of "future generations;" why iot let the present generation have some of the benefit from the use of these lards? Industries of all kinds will be driven from Oregon and Intending In vestors will turn their backs upon the State if these so-called "Water Front" bills become laws. That is why every man, woman and child in Oregon will be adversely affected if these bills are passed by the people In November. Oregon needs outside capital to develop its great natural resources but we will drive it away if we pass Numbers 328 and 330 on the ballot at the November election. If these so-called "Water Front" bills are passed b the people, a vast amount of property will be withdrawn from taxaiion in this State and this great burden will be thrown upon the rest of the taxable prop erty, resulting in a heavy increase in everybody's taxes. These bills are vicious; they are destructive of the very best inter ests of the State, they ought never to become laws. The way to defeat them is to vote "NO" 329 and 33 1 . OREGON COMMERCIAL PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Paid Advertisement Veon Building, Portland, Oregon Chilly Days and Rainy Weather Will Soon be Nere And scores of people in this vicinity will have to keep warm. Our hi uV fcb will give the best of satisfaction. We have them in all kinds and sizes HtfiLEY FRANK j. E. RICHTER Democratic Candidate For County Treasurer Believing that with my several years experience of tax collecting and office work, I can save the taxpayers of Polk County money, I ask your support. Taid Advertisement 1 Take It From Us tl.at it will pay you to look our store through before you buy. Look at our Stoves first and you will not need to go further. Ours will please you. f Sloper Brothers & Cockle 1 Independence's Largest Hardware and Implement Store THE Pli-L L30X WHO'S WHO AMONG THE CANDIDATES Asa B. Robinson, candidate for clerk for re-election, like all his predecessors, is the "best clerk Polk county ever had." If ont term deserves another, he will tret the other term. Mr. Robin son is not as good looking, the ladies say, as hia campaign pic tures represent him to be, but still he could capture many bras medals in a beauty show. At one time Asa lived in Independ ence and is related to it by mar riaee so he hangs around thij city very prominently, even when he is not running for ofhee. Ev erybody and everything in the county, except the Dallas Ob server, is supporting him and the only chance he has of losing is to vet off the ticket or fall in the Willamette river. IRJ It'll Does Not Dodge Issues In His Campaign HOT LIKE A POLITICIAN Tho Vming man parked his be longings, went lo she Hanley ranch r.iut runaiiU'd there more than a ;enr, leaving in perfect hoai'h. 11. is is but one of a very lai'W number of instances wherein Mr. 11, ley figures similarly mix HANLEY'S SPIRIT. A HITS THE BULL'S EYE W HIS PROGRAM OF DOING SOME THING FOR THE BETTER MENT OF OREGON. Ed M. Smith is another candi date for clerk and is another on of the "best clerks Polk county ever had." Mr. Smith had the job for a number of years and Asa B. Robinson had to pry him oose two years aco which was no small boy's job and created quite a sensation when it was done. Eddie has contracted such a habit of being county clerk that he is completely lost when he isn't doing it. But it is a darn sight better to be on the in side looking out than on the out -ide looking in and many cruel persons say that Ed will fully re- alize it two weeks from next Tuesday. But he can get a good job keeping books in Wisconsin and Kentucky and get back to Polk county in time to run for county clerk two years hence. I am John W. Orr is a republican candidate for sheriff and declares that his oath of office is his plat form. Lots of people do not know what an oath of office is and would like to have John bring it around and display it Several weeks John sang in i church but his political managers say l.e didn't lose any votes. Way up on top of John there is a mistake of nature. John doesn't mind it any, and keeps it polished with Old Dutch Cleanser until it shines like a diamond. That part of John, flies use for a skating rink. John Orr will be elected sheriff if Frank Morrison isn't. WHAT BILL HANLEY SAYS. Bill Hanky says that the best wnv to eut down the high rosl of living is to kick out a few dead Senators at Washington. i C.I tHKK I.HTH, Manngrr Htmlry Cunipnign. The platform of William lliinley, Progressive candidate for I nited Mules Senator, is a platform as far removed from the usual platform of fence-straddling as the poles; it is clear, concise mid straightforward. None of the hig issues are miss ing; Ins slnnil on them nil is ineic, ami those who know him best nre Mnninest in their declarations that tho llanley principle of action is a true guarantee lhat he will do ii f lor election just what he says before election he will do. That there is none ot the wily politician in the llanley make-up is plain from a careful perusal of Hie platform. Every utterance of the man, us there set forth, is a plain and flunk eNpicssion of his thought on subjects which are of vital interest to every citizen of Oregon. No long, carefully worded para graphs me contained therein, de signed to catch the eye and arrest Hie fancy of the voter, but just a straight-cut declaration of his alii hide on each question of the day. Furthermore, to the disinterested (politically) voter, it will at once he seen that the llanley platform is ;ninpletc and ample mid that it hits the spot in every instance. The reason it hits the spot in every instance is because the man who stands on it is a product of Oregon; he is a native horn citi zen, one whose interests lie in Oregon and whose every thought is for the hellormont of the slate; he knows what the people of Oregon need and, given the opportunity in do so. he will get those things lor Ihein. A CHEAT MANY PEOPLE THINK T1IIC HANI. FY CIIAHACTICHIS- TICS AND QUALITIES AUK WOHTIIY OF Till; CAHICIUL AT TENTION OF EVI BY VOUCH IN ultEGON AM) THAT Til ICY I.NIM :atf: he is a gooi man to 'IICPHF-SICNT TIMC PEOPLE Ot I MIS STATU IN I IIIC SENATE AT WASHINGTON. native Oreijonirin, born to the foil, William llanley inherited that Lie !ly, genial spirit as eli.-iracter-!': of the kio.il W est and, iillhoiig'i having made a success in life :nd being a most busy man at nil times, he retains the famous llanley smile mid the big llanley spirit of friend liness and hospitality. Hill" Haule, Oregon farmer, organicr and executive, is one of I he best story-tellers, but if he told thousand ou would never bear him refer to this one or any of a similar nature: the llanley modesty steps in. Hut talk to his I riends - -those who know hiui as he is and on will hear many like it. William llanlev, as United Slates Senator from Oregon, would carry Ihe llanlev characteristics hack to Washington and, by this native ability, compel attention and get for his constituents what is dm them. A sueress in his own business at home, he may be depended upon lii be a success as n representative of his native slate, the needs ot which be knows as well as any man who ever set foot in Oregon. We've had enough "aspirants' as I'niled States Senators from Ore gon; let s try one who is n i an didale because a great many people throughout the state feel that he should he at Washington represent ing us. tEYTALt LAND PROGRAM "COMIC" WAS HANLEY A If. SAID. BILL Frank Morrison is moving to ward the sheriff's office with one foot on the donkey and the other on the water wagon. The pro his annexed Frank very early in the campaign, then the demo crats filed claim to him. Frank didn't care. Adding the demo cratic and prohibition vote to gether, he has nearly enough to elect him, and as a republican was heard to say recently that he was going to vote for him, Frank is very much encouraged, has already bought a star and picked out the fellows he will ar rest as soon as he gets p Bessie n of the jail kfy Frank M r riHon will be elected sheriff il John Orr isn't. fi. F. Swope Attorney at Law and Notary Put x. Will practice in all court' of the atate. Probate msttcrii hkJ col lection (riven prompt ' alien. omcE: cooper hi v. K IndepentU Ve.Orcgon Dr. R. T. Mclntire Physician and Surgeoa Office over Independence Katioi I Bank. I'hor.e No. 4412 l4pMdc. Orttmm for "Conwl" That is n small word, but it meant a miidillv lot in this rase. Only four letters of the alphabet, nit it was sill I ictellt. Ami that's just why this story is written nhoul It. Some people would have written n liii letter in retilv to the one con ii-inini which Ibis story is to be told: it was worth more. Consid ering everything, but the point is the man who wrote "come was not doing it to kill space or to nlease an inuiiirer and then wind up bv saving. "I would like to have von here, but, really, I can t ihe way clear." The fact is. the man's character 'lands out stilclldidlv in the out: . mil word and stamps him as hav ing deleriiiinatioii, action niid wheii you know the details I-,..-, 1 1 wllli i hig II. Bill llanlev-Hill to his friends l-is the man who wrole "come! lie wrote it to a young man who was "down and out," and who looked to Mr. llanley almost as the last hope. No doubt Mr. llanley has mitten that he ever wrote il. lie has done so runny things just l.L,. il A voung man. who had worked In Portland for a long lime tun who had lost his health, had bean of "Hill" llanlev as a man with ilceo svinoalliv. derided lo write to him and nsk if he might I, nlaced on Ihe big ranch in Harney county, known so widely for ils vast acreage and oilier typical Western features. The letter was very similar to this: "liear Mr. llanlev: J have worked a long time in Portland and am about all in. My health is poor and getting worse last. I can't stand it much longer here, and unless I get a change, I won't last long. I have beard of you and your ranch and wondered if you would be willing to let me there and Irv to get well by work ing in the rouiilrv. I will do my best whatever vou give me lo do. Please let me hear from you soon.' Hv return mail, Ihe young man received a plain postal card, direct ed lo h msolf, anil, on the revers side, just one word come. It-was not even signed, but lhat it was from Mr. llanley there was tio ilotiht. A I Y TALKS Give ths Boys and G: 10 a PUT IDLE LAND TO WORK WITH BICII ICMPHIIC tVINfi UN- nicvKi.oi'ici), Tincnic is no ICXCI SIC VOW 11AH1) T1MICS. IIIC SAYS. 1 liiahner mil would bring results. An unliring worker, far-sighted ml earnest, Air, Hanlcy would, as I niled States Senator, throw him self into thp Senatorial whirl, not as a social lion, but as a represent ative of the people of Oregon, de termined to get for Oregon that which rightfully belongs to Oregon people and Oregon enterprises. AM, lib AsKS IS A I- AIIv CHANC1C TO DEMONSTRATE WHAT HE CAN DO IN THE SEN- VI IC. "I am a randidntc for the office of United Stales Senator because a great many people thought I ought to be" the statement of Bill llan ley is true, just as all of his state ments are true; he is not seeking the position because he particu larly wants it merely to gratify a whim. A far deeper patriotism than that actuated him. A great many people have de cided that he SHOULD be United Stales Senator from Oregon, for many reasons, but, summed up. chiefly because he knows what the slate needs and he is big enough and clever enough to get it. Not a Politician, Says Wm. Hanley IW Wii.ijam IUnijiv. funilUluU- fur I'nltoit SUtri Senator. I'm not 11 millionaire or a poli tician. I haven't been picked fr Senator by any special set and I' m not looking for a job. But a I t of things coining lo Oregon n a long overdue, so I'm going a;.r them; and you fellows know tb t I generally get what I go after. I listed us mnnv of them ns I couM think of, in a platform which you ran get and paste in your nais .so you'll know every day what I'm lifter in Washington. I'll not he there trying to slip something over for private Inter ests, for I won't have any debts of that kind to pay, and I won't be lying awake nights to catch the ground swells from home in ordet to know how to vote. Tremors of lhat kind are generally set In mo- If vrtu niekel a horse in the desert, you'll have to bring his fodder to him. Take the practical educa tions Domestic Science, Agi ieullure and Mining out of the people from the cen tral universities. dive all the boys and girls a chance. Wm. Hani.ky. By Wii.i.ism Hani.ky I am not a politician, I never will be; lhat is probably the reason hale to talk about nnself; but don't 'now bow you folks are go ing to gel iicipiainled with me, are 'oing to know who I am, what I am. and what I Nvill strive to do If ! become United Stales Senator, un 'ess I talk to you nhoul il, and see ing that I mil striving; to be the next Senator from Oregon, I sup pose the jo'i of talking about my- elf Is one of my tasks, it certainly : the leasl pleasing to me person II V. Here is a great big, rich state, a cd full of idle land: here is a real city filled with idle men, or men who are merelt existing; here is a slate with unlimited resources -ml unlimited credit and unlimited opportunity, and a lot of ibt citi zens are nol sure uboul next Sun day's dinner. WbvV Well, one perfeclly good reason is because Oregon HAS DICKN MCNIHNO POLITICIANS TO .VVSIIINCTON INSTEAD OF MEN WHO KNEW WHAT IT MEANT id CO IIUNCItY AND Wild ALSO KNEW IKIW TO LEAD THE WAY H I AND BRING BELIEF. I don't think Oregon cures much ..In. ul Alaska railroads, or conser vation of game, or boulevards to .ci nie viewpoints, or free lands. Kin miles from market, or much about the lai il f. or liuieh about cur-i-ciicy it is rniKhlv little the rur tei.i y (picslion bothers you people these days. Hut what nine folks in ten in this stale are interested in is n belter living, a ehaiie- lo out something aside for old age, a hance to raise their children in ouifoit and decency, Hie privilege, ;inv, Ihe right, to have the public laud used lor the public So lhat Hie tired city workers, and the hoys i'i-oiii the farm, backed by the slate r.. il... y o .1 oliicnl. IliliV I'ilcll U ul lo bis little farm ami help Iced ihe world, fee. linn himself iuei lenlalH . It is about time tli.-'l we quit worrying about political economy, and the Krainl old fbm brand of bunkum, and git down to air.e; lets' use some horse ind let's definitely set out t" Ihis Kovciiimeiil ol ours no tiling definite for US, iusl narlevinu and orating am lobbing with fine laixe problems that, when solved, help us to ricilli r an extra slice of bread nor an t -bird dime. SOME FOLKS CALL THIS SAGE riit SII PHILOSOPHY. Maybe il is, '--I a man who has a family with i, ir belliis lin (ing fondly to loir ilolsal v-in-ill ae, win aree iih me that it is a mighty satis- siim sort of philosophy, ami while I mav be just a great, bitj, rouidi, ' iiioolh pi. on man and may not be ,-:iined ill Ihe clever sophistry that livvler iiolilieians feci the people with, I know cnuiiuli to know that J is sinful for a log slate to let norkcrs go liuriKi'. and the hoys aiid gills go landless, when it hat mi empire of resource at ils hack I'oor. lion bv fellows with axes to grind rind nre liable to be misleading as 10 wind Ihe people want. That's why so many things we have com ing to us nre in arrears and why 11 is necessary for some one from Hie ranks -to go after them. Yon have the list up to dule; and, if j ou will curry it in your hats, you can check me up right along, as a go-getter. Anyway, what have you fellows to lose bv nutting nie on th lob? Just lake that home and think it over with the familv. And, remem ber, it isn't the job I'm after. I have work enough nl the ranch with heller pay; but we want what's coming to us in Oregon and I'm on the way to get it. did si rise ' ke m ue f.f liub Bill Hanley On Education Br Wiiium Uanijiv. It must have been some one who wants the Senatorial job to go where it will do the most good to Ihe incumbent ami hia friends who said my education was too short lo get me anywhere in Washing ton. Whoever it was, it reminds me of a couple of graduates from an Eastern college whose fathers sent them lo me for some West ern experience. I told the fore man lo put them on the pay roll, give them something soft lo do ami keep Ihe other boys from riding Ihem loo bard. In a few davs he sent them to build a fi m e around some haystacks. About a week later wp were riding by those stacks and the foreman Mid off o examine Ihe feme. He put '. s foot against one of the posts : I pushed the whole thing over, h s first comment will nol bear peb i ealion, but, after he was relieve J of it, lie said with a kind of ho less despair: "I couldn't expe -t anything heller-the poor fools, they're educated." So, it depends on the meant point. Everybody Knows that my bi'i Miiage li.i never been rrw I !'-' I; but I can put over an idea with it and that's what a mail wants, or a ('oiin either, and I don't care for the other. But I want to add this about my not gelling somewlu-ru; My trou ble, particulai Iv in Eastern cities, has always been lo keep from get ling somewhere loo much. A few years ami all Ihe Western gover nors went on an excursion East and took Ine along and none of them got anywhere that I didn't. In fad, f think I hey overworked me, when it riime lo answering ipiivstioiis about conditions in the ureal Noilbwesl and the hopes and needs of Ihe people out here. Thev seemed to consider that my long n(7. and being men and not nrar men, thev were not shocked at m v delivery of goods. If the things 1 iliverv o noted du The Monitor for neat Job Printing. Nuf ced. own in my piatiorm are what you want, clinili on m v wagon before the seats are all gone, and leave it to me to get there with Ihem. Hig men are not the ones I shv at, however long thev me on education, for I don't think tdsualioii spoils that kind, and, as Burns would say, "A man'a a man f'.r a' lhat" Paid AdvtrtiiM'inent by1 tha Hanley Campaign Committee, C. O. Letter, Manager, Portland, Oregon. N. L. Butler G. A. Hurley Butler & Hurley Attorneys at Law Office In Cooper Block Independence, Oregon