THE INDEPENDENCE MONITOR AN' IMJhl'BNDI-NI MiWSPAWiK Published Weekly at Independence, Folk County Oregon, on Friday. entered as Second Class Matter August 1, 1912 at the Post Office at Inde pendence, Polk County, Oregon, Undr the Act of March 3, 1879. NEWS FROM OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL Members of Congress Anxious to Return Home to Repair Political Fence. HOME FOR SALE Good i-even room hoiine with two lots well located in Independence. Price, $2200, tialf cahli and half on five yearn' tin;. It. J. Tay'or CLYDE T. ECKER, Editor NINA B. ECKER, Associate Suoscrlptlon Rates: One Year $1.50 Strictly in Advance Independence, Oregon, Friday, July 31, 1914 At last reports Juden McN'ary and 1'eriKon wth boll still in the race. The Willanmiie Valley is proresHive but itH retirfcHent.i live in congress is u standpatter. Won't do. Ab a rulw we do not advocate murder but kill the dent! penalty in civilized Oregon at the Novemb.r election. Any man who roam at lare in the woods without any clothe! on nhould ho arrested. Ho in either crazy or juwt it plain J fool. Oregon "wets" urn alllided worse, than Job with his sore boilh for I'Jmtna (ioldinan ia in the Ktate making qpeeohef agairiHt prohibition. HogH f 8 90 in the Portland market, and going up. Khihh more and more hogs Sali. ni fltatemnan If you do you'll get rich. Mr. U'Kcn may bo content to run for govern or on one ticket instead of two hut there are many who think he would hav to be on ail nix to bo elected. If the Beven or eight, editors who recently met at Dalian condemned th go-called "freak" legislation as is reporte'', uone of them told it when they got home. Mr. Ilawley'u private Heerelary, who has arrived in Ore gon, nay'H that "Uongrewtmian llawley is in Washington doing his bent under existing conditions." What tiro tin i "existing conditions" that prevent him from doing butter'1 wa,lt t0 iult may have an honent dis- A PERFECT CATHARTIC I i I liere is sure antl wlioJe. WMhington. MBmbera of congress j some action in every dose of are bearing from their constituent, ; .'0ey ( "atoartic Tablets urging thum to K"t tb rough with their !,,,', . . inliative buRiueu as .oon a pout I I "v cleanse with never : bio and come home to look after tielr ; jrrilJC or paill Chronic cases political fouce... ; of const ipHt ion fi nd them in- of the republican, likewine It U the valuab'e. fttoUt people are slogan of Home of the democrats. It relieved of that bloated, COII is an ouen necp.'t, however, that be- ... . . t . on the part of the republican senator able especially ill hot Weatll as well as the democrats to aori tne toga for campaign togs. Senate democrats in caucus agreed on a definite legislative program, in which they expect to put throueh the anti-trust and appropriation bills and bring about adjournment of congress at the earliutit possible moment. While no predictions as to adjourn ment were mailt.-, "hurry" was the key note of the meeting. National Heavier Than State Burden The debt of the national govern ment is a greater financial weight upon the people of each state, except Arizona and Massachusetts, than the obligations of the state In which they live, according to statistics issued by the census bureau. The figuren showed that on June 30, 1913, the per csiuita debt for the 48 states amounted to 13.57, while that of the national government was $10.09. The total debt of the state governments on Unit date was $422, 7y,5:'5. An offsetting Item was $76,- 9Sn,571 in sinking fund assets. The national government had a to tal debt ut the end of June last amounting to $2, MO, 204,914. However, less cat-It In the I'nited Slates treas ury available for the payment of debt, that would be reduced to $1,028,684,-006. Imprisoning Navy Deserters Ended. Abolition of imprisonment for de sertion from the navy in times of peace was ordered by Secretary Dan iels. Under the new regulation, bluepack- ets who overstay their leave or com mit similar breaches of discipline, will be summarily dismissed Instead of be ing sent to prison, while men who be come dlssatlHi'ied with the service and r. Tbev keen your liver MHy. Williams Drug Co. Every dog ban its day. The calamity howler haw had his, but bin time is up. Albany Democrat. The "tate. Iiureau of IndtiBtrieH and Statistics" inns' connider its day a long one. It is still howling. "Where Did You (b t It, Mr. Booth?" Home one has com inenoed to about. Long before November this cry will be beard from hill nn.l valley. Kich men before becoming candidates for oflice should either throw their money away or give it to us. The Portland Ttlegrtun is no longer the tail of the Oregonian kite but this week starts out for itself. It is to be i.ope l that the separation spells good for the Telegram and that its new owners will make some necessary im provements among them being the addition of two more men for the editorial page. Say? A. W. LaUVrty who desires to go back to congress from Portland without heing hitched to any party name: The i ewspiiprrs for two years have absolutely refused to print anything anything I Mas duiinr at uMnnfitun, ai d have ilt liln i iitclv tried to deceive the pie into ti c lu lu I that 1 was in t taken m'I liiimly ill the national uipiti.l ai d v.u not aci'iiiipli!iing an) Hunt: there. Any cotigi espiiian , regardless of li H great ness, whoslarts out to reform creation must have his home newspapers exploiting bis notion; olheiwise his constituents never find out what a glory to mankind he is. enlistment allowances. The secretary announced that the navy now had practically a full quota, 61. .148 enlisted men, compared with a sliortaKO of more than 4000 18 months ago, and that the time to take the step had come. Federal Grain Grades Favored. Establishment of standard federal entiles, to which nil grain sold In In terstate and foreign commerce under government certificates would he re quired to conform, Is proposed In the Most bill, favorably reported to the house by the agricultural committee. The bill contemplates eliminating differences between export and do mestic gi ades of the same quality, but Is not designed to affect the shipment of grain In bond. An appropriation of $;)75,0 0 0 Is pro posed to carry out the terms of the bill and to facilitate supervision of gmln traffic. The department of ag riculture proposes to establish branch laboratories at important grain receiv ing markets. Fly Doomed by Borax. The doom of the perm carrying fly Is seen In a new discovery announced by the department of agriculture. Its use Is declared to assure the complete extermination of the common house hold pest that Is largely blamed for spreading typhoid. The method consists only of the sprinkling of a small amount of ordi nary borax daily on household and ta ble refuse National Capital Brevities. Opening of ihu Panama Canal to vessels drawing 30 feet on Augmt lu next whs announced by Secretary Gar rlson. The senate foreign relations com mittee received a request from Col onel Roosevelt for permission to ap pear and tell why he opposed the pay meat of $25.ooii,0oit to Colombia. Senators of Oregon, Washington and California have accepted the m vitatlon of Senator Chamberlain of Oregon to join Hi asking Preside:! WiNon to have made deckload uremeuts of ships using the Panama ca rial. Sudden withdrawal by President Wilson of his nomination of Thomas York has become- angrv ut Kormer President Kooseve't and; D. Jones, of to he a member has commenced suit against him for libel. II The war dogs are growling rutin r fiercely in Europe at the present time and a general light may be the outcome in which three or four poweis and two or three lesser nations would be involved. As in all other oases, the common people will do the fighting and after they have been ordered by their masters to (put killing each other, if tlu poor devils would then go ahead a, id drive a car, tin emperiur and three or four kings out of Europe, war would become very unpopular even among the fellows who don't have to smell powder. Jf ycu have money to loin or want to borrow any, see R. J. Taylor. Notice of Settlement of Fl nal Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for t e County of Polk. In the Matter ot the Estate of Martha Jane Smith, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that James Oliver Smith, executor of the estate of Martha Jane Smith, deceased, has rendered and presented for tettlerrent, and filed in said court his final accoiu t of the adminiitration of said estate ind praying that said estate be settled md closed of record, and that said ex eutor be discharged from further duty or liability in said trust, and that said final account be allowed, and Monday the 7th day of September, 1914. at the hour of 10:00 a. m.. in the court room of the county court, at the court house in Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, has been duly appointee1 by said court for settlement of said account and the settlement of said estate as prayed for by said executor, at which time and plaj'e any person i'lterested in said estate may appear and file his accept ions, in writing', to said final account, and contes t the same, and show cause, if any, why such settlement of said account anil estate, should not be made. Dated this 30th day of July, 1914. JAMES OLIVER SMITH. First Publication July 31, 1914. Last Publication Aug. 28, WI4. The Greater Need. "Ami now they've started a company to Insure people against lack of em ployment." I Pin! What we need Is a company to Insure ngninst hnTing to work." Lnstlge Hlatter. Sarcastic. "I'd like to tnke this hat. but 85 mnrks"- "ll's only 50 marks now. You see, minium lias been trying on for three hours, and It Is uo longer so fashion able M -1 11c. WofH Rtrnes, who with Uoss Murphy, shares the glorv of controlling the republican and democratic parties in New Braver Poor Percentage Explained. The mystery of the poor percentage ho fur uchieved by the Boston Braves tins been explained at Inst Most of the critics tind expected that club with Stiillings for teacher and Evers for agitator to accomplish wonders and cannot understand why it has fallen down It's easily understood, however, according to Magee of St Louis "Kverybody expected to see a lot of inside ball displayed by that club," says Magee. "Well, the Inside ball Is there nil right, but It's so far Inside that they can't get It out In time." Dave Robertson Veteran. Pave Robertson, the outfield Hud of the season, who Is hitting like a fiend for the New York Olnnts at present. Is not. n s many fans suppose, a meteoric arrival In the baseball firmament, but lias been nursed along for the past three years by Mctlraw. Davy was tir-t picked up by the (Slants as a pitcher, but a football accident In col eire spoiled his pitching wing, and MugL'sv had to mnke htm over Into a ilelder ItobertRon was the swatting sensation of the Southern association last year federal treasury . luecnal banks I V ;U HI! lll'.S fl! v "t ,,f rrepi ,.,),, i ; i of tb federal reserve board ended the allies 111!. , .. nmer com rov ersv over nis counrma- reput.ttn n at $ uuuu wucii tie acclaims one llieoilere' Roosevelt bus w holly destroyed by untruthful ."tatements! and insiiiuat t',i and gives a a precedent for hisactbp the .ib l mi'u !' Un-'sevelt a; iint a Michigan editor be tied .nit in prio' that h (U M'Velt'i v.o drunk. We di not know it w is p to I v I I politic d crooks hk liart es or Murphy but it appears in,m the bill of partial lars that Harms bad tt portion of hi reputation stored 1 it a v U'L.rii tlw nvii'. ik.tnl.l ,,'i ....i ... .... I .!... I . . i. ' ""V """'in in n nun tutu iunse en , : Ev)C.i sc.s.s 1- . !., . itaviog more - is titan nny other man. or alive . . 1 ' wry different tton In the senate Money from tin' will be deposit. '( t'.iivevbout t lie i ou to t.H'lhtatw the in. 1 promote) bum. r.- Confirmed. "1 heard his bneh.-lor dinner was a Tery dry affair " let. extra dry." H'.i:i;,i K press. , ... spteil it iino kicKea u p, uu sewer, and as it is impossible to recover aoyihuig thai reaches the ewer, Ibirnes de mands the $ulHJOU from Koom veil for its loss. kinds of n. v,.s ; been found in Pr.c'-i i ;i-M'rtM, have C.ei .-its Worde. Jernian t 's words t r "hors mo Iranian lias ,k for tHm" !.'' for "nwunl." and Mack Has Indian Battery. Connie Mack has an Indian battery In the Incubator, If he ever gets to spring it he will have a battery unique in the majors, as the Indians are broth ers Connie's young risdsklns are John aud Joe Craves Joe, eighteen, Is a pitcher; John, twenty. Is a catcher They are fellow trlU-smen of Chief Mender. The Craves brothers played ball on the reservation and later at l-'laiidian school. Joe attracted .Mack's attention while pitching for Mrnluerd Minn , where Joe Bush got his start Smith'e Boat Topi Record. The closing days racing of the seventh n turn a I .Mississippi Valley as sociation saw Baby Spvd lH'niou. ow ty ' Kin'th of A'gonae Mich., equal and outdo the Amerlcau reevirvls set up by Kitty llawk VI.. owmM ,y II. II. Tluikeu. Canton. O. The four miles, two up and two down stream, were traveled at an aver age -o,l of ,'i ."4 miles nu hour. Her fastest lap averaged 64. M miles an bvmr Say Moba Stalled. The Imxini commission of Montana has t.iki n action regarding boxers who "stall" in tvnits. I'ho commission held HP the r.wlpts of the recent Pillow Moha e, i.;,.st on the ground that Molia did l ot his best. It Is hard to be lie.,. i!i it Hub would be gni ty of de ;l. - .it. Iv trim; to "'stall.' for In near Iv hi i s rattles he h.i worked h'ul 'I't'e p. ,s of ':fe deends en Its i . ... . , .earnest of purpose, quiet mid votisoioss energy. Kuskiu. Clearance Sale L3y Sloper Bros. & Cockle Independence's Largest Hardware and Implement Store 5 and 14-tooth Cultivators, regular price $5.50 and $6. The few we have left will o at $4 Oliver Riding, self-guiding Cultivator, price $40.00. Will be sold during July at . . . Regular $29 We have one McCormrck Mower left which will be sold dirt cheap. The regular price is $55. For Hot Weather Conveniences which lessens the work of the housewife, we have several articles that will please her. For example, why roast over a hot cook stove when with one of our Gasoline or Oil Stoves it will be cool and enjoyable and make cooking a pleasure. When you go for a PICNIC . get you supplies from Sloper Bros. & Cockle A) l the best and latest in FISHING TACKLE Including a license. We furnish everything but the fish. We cordially invite every man and woman in this section to visit our store at any time and look at our stock. oper mm ockle TOM AND FAR1V1 PROPERTY ALE I have 100 good farms and residences for sale or trade and some of these are fine bargains. Now call and look over our list and let us show you. uuirrrj(fttft ttftrr1fJ...rrM-r niiv.Twr erraaT I make a specialty of renting your property for you and collecting the rent monthly. If you have a farm to lease I can lease it for you. 1. J. -TAYLOR The Pioneer Real Estate Man of Polk County Independence, Oregon ill nii yarsrrrsTtrirrirriT r eyT'ls's'wiyejr Vour Place Might Interest a Customer of Mine THE PROFESSIONS Or . R. T. Mclntire Physician and Surgens Office over Independence Natior al Bank. Thore No. 4112 Urticon N'. L. Butler G A. Hurl. Butler & Hurley Attorneys at Lav Office in Coor Block Independence, Oregon R. E. Dusanne IXntist Office ov.t lmle' . ul Bank. B. V. Swope Attorney at Law and Notary fur x Will jirk-tiee in all cemt- of the state. I'm-bate mnttirs i.d col lections given prompt a' .ion. OKK1CE COOPKR H . K Independt lie, Orejton . i ce Nation I'hort Sc 4411 laik. ndeiur, 4Jrefoa at li , u " - i ' r fpce , r:AHCM 'ITS BolLC FORTUNES ..... .. l-t iv CI.!?. AViFY&COV o.rr'JT L A WY( r S. " S' vpn'.h St., V.asmntncm. D. C- j rtHrt kd i m I 3 Tower's Fish Brand Reflex Slicker JUST THE COAT FOR DRIVING WHEN IT RAINS Fata any storm in it ani you'll icturn Dry m bon No water can reach you even throutfb th opnmr between t button that's where our famous Reflex EAgf pro tect you by keeping out every drop. Roomy, comfortable, and to well mads that it gives the Ions est service. SATISFACTION C C ARAN TEED At your dealer's, or ent prepaid on receipt ei price. Send for camio of Fah RrnnJ goods. A. J. TOWER CO. BOSTON $3.00 r Canadian Limited 1 dOOtO