II 4 i FARMERS Feed Sale Stable LOCAL NEWS Under Hew Management i FEED, GRAIN & HAY FOR SALE HORSES CARED FOR BY THE DAY WEEK OR MONTH 4- i Agpnt for the Chandler, Maxwell and Page Automobiles O. T. Murphy Proprietor Independence, Oregon V4 . A .50 THIS IS OUR VERY BEST OFFER These Four First Class Papers and Ours One Year ALL KIVE FOR ONLY .50 TMI fTT lH It J I bVht Cram, SOs r. Fra Uf,25cyr. Horn Li.,25cTT All Five For the Price m mmmM0 This is the biggest bargain in the best fjT Bill 1 S reading matter ever offered our subscri- bers. It includes our paper the best weekly published in this part of the state-and the Four Magazines of national prominence shown above. Send us your order ritrht now or call and see us when in town. Just think what it means! Our paper and these four magazines a;i five one year only $1.50 Send cr Bring Your Order to the Monitor Office, Independence C. JACOBSON PHONE MAIN 8621 Panitorium Dye Works All work fully guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered Practical Dyeing and Cleaning of all Kinds of Ladles and Gents' Clothing, cravanettes and Portiers MAIN STREET INDEPENDENCE, OREGON OUR 9000 ACRE FAB1 Practically All Irrigated, Located 5 Miles from Grass Range WILL BE SOLO IN PARCELS OF 160 ACRES This is the Last Large Farm to be cat up in th-' FamoUt Fergus County along the new line of the M. A: St. V. Ivy. Grass Range Ranch Co,, Grass Range, Montana Eastern Oyster Shell Chick Food Developing Food Grit $1.25 per hundred 2.50 2.60 1.00 BUY BY THE HUNDRED AND SAVE MONEY GET OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU SILL TCUR WOOL AND HQ: AIR THE INDEPENDT E SEEO AND FEED STORE They Have It i x . ....... . m ml 9 A- THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK Established 1889 Telephone Main 1621 and tell the news. I'rof. and Mrs. Waltman wert to Newport Saturday for a few day's outing. Monday's Oregonian: William Bloch is registered at the Oregon from Independence. Martha Simpson of Airlie was an lndepenpence visitor for sev eral days last week. Dr. C. J. Smith, candidate fot governor, will be the Fourth of July orator at Monmouth. President Ackerman of the State Normal, has declined to ac cept a raise of salary of $400 a year. Misses Jean and Beth Ketchum who have been attending the 0. A. C, are home for the summer vacation. F. H. Waldron and father from SanDiego, Cal.. visited with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs, Knapp last week. Newport Signal: Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Brown of Independence, are spending several weeks at Nye Beach. Mrs. J. D. Orr accompanied her husband to Independence last Friday night and attended the musicale. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitman of Klamath Falls were the guests of Mrs. Whitman's sister, Mrs. Dee Taylor, for "several days. For accosting a woman un known to him on the streets of Albany, Fred Dennis, formerly of Independence, drew a fine of $15. Mrs. II. A Childs and daugh ters, Gladys and Dorothy, of Lenox, Iowa, are in Indepen dence to spend the summer with Mr.-;. Childs' daughter, Mrs. W. J. Clark. 1 -. ('uy Knapp returned last Ihursday from an extended visit with relatives in Eugene. While there Mrs. Knapp resumed her vocal studies with prominent in structors. Salem Capital-Journal: Mrs. K. Fowler, of Independence, is getting along nicely at the Salem hospital following a serious oper ation which was performed the early part of the week. Lebanon Criterion: Miss Kora Browne returred home from In dependence Monday where she closed her year's teaching Fri day. Her sister Vivian, who has been visiting her, accompanied her home. Dallas Observer: T. A. Mc Lean, arrested in Independence on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses, and who is now in the county jail, is want ed in Portland, according to in formation received here. Monmouth News in Dallas Ob server: Miss Bessie Graham, hav ing finished a year's term of tpaehing school in Alsea Valley, is at home for the summer. She has been engaged to teach in In dependence for next year. Willie, son of Mr. and Mrs. William McDonald, living on the Wigrich ranch, visited in Port land during the rose festival. On his return he was made very happy when he found he had passed the seventh grade exami nation. McMinnville Telephone-Register: A farmer from near Inde pendence called at Charles By num's livery this week and claimed a horse he h;.d loaned to a farm hand who drove the ani mal to this city during the meet ing of tie grand lodge of Odd Fellows, and left it here. After advertising and telephoning con siderably, to ascertain the where abouts of the animal, it was lo cated at Mr. Bynum's stable. THE S& NE'ER-DO-WELL A Romance of the Panama Canal BY REX 5EACH corfflKmt iwe. ipji. rr harpeh & brothers A Successful Business Career of Twenty rive Years INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS OFFICERS AIND DIRECTORS H. Hirschberg, Pres. D. W. Sears, V. P. t w n4fmnnd Hashier XX XI. 4 j W. H. Walker, B. F. Smith, O. D. Butler i fm T nx mtm Ht Get Rid of the Torment of Rheumatism Iiemem'-er how epry and active you were before you had rlieurnatf m, backache, swollen, aching joints, and still, pailful inuscles? Want to feel that way again ? You can just take Foley Kidney Pills. For they quickly clear the blood of the poison that oatirti your pain, misery and ! tormenting rheumatism Williams Drug Co. 'This little plot!" Edith eried iu distraction. "Anil I BiimnKse you wish me to trlvv you tinek to herj lint I won't holji hor. I'm not that sort. I'm a soltish woman. I've always boon si'lllsli hoenuse I've never had imyhody to work for. Put I have It in uio to he (,'ellorotlS. "I'm sorry," ho snld. "You have suf fered. 1 know. Don't trouble hii.v more about ireplMse." "Oh. I'd rather face the pillows ns yon race It tlinu wlmt is wrote i, n i id I'm not sure I could help you, 11ft- r all Yon lire In Iitln America now, remember, and your enemies are stroui;. "I nin Iiarwin K. Anthony's son," he protested "He won't allow It." Hull ! Ho is tin American, and these are Spanish people. You have seen how they like us, nud you have seen what A I I'n rex can do. lie's rich, mid he'll perjure more witnesses; he'll manipulate the court with his money. Yes. and I'd rather he succeeded than see you-no, no! w nat am i saying? I.lot uio go; let me get away from here!" She broke dowu and went sob bins out Into the corridor. On the same afternoon Mr. Clifford, accompanied by Anson, the lawyer. took the 3:20 train for Colon. As soon as he arrived he called up Colo tiel Jolson to request that the com nilssioner's motorcar Bhonld, without fall, await him at 10 o'clock sharp on the nest mornliifr, with an open track ahead of it Strangely enough, the colonel agreed very readily. CHAPTER XXVI. Darwin K. Anthony. DOUT noon on Monday Edith I Cortlandt received a caller. . The nnuie she read on the , J card her maid handed her gave bur a start of surprise and set her wits whirling In speculation. She was greeted by a gigantic old man whh a rumbling voice. lie was pacing back nud forth with the rest lessness of a polar bear. LIow do you do, Mrs. Cortlandt r he begun at Bight of her, Ills bin voice lloodiiiK the room. "I'm sorry to dis turb you under the circumstances. 1 knew your husband silently, und I've heard about you. I extend my sym palhy." She bowed. "When did you arrive V" "Just now. Cume across In one of those blauked Joy wagons fifty wiles uii hour. I know everything, madam. What I didn't know before I la titled 1 learned on the way across the Isthmus, so don't let's wnste time. leuco of a position for you to he In I understand, and ull that and I'm sorry for you. Now, let's get down to business, for 1 must get back to New York." It wns impossible not to feel Darwin K. Anthony's force. It spoke In his every tone and action. It looked out from his harsh lined features and showed in his enciptii: movements. Ho was a (Trent granite block of a man, powerful in physique, la mind and In determination. "In what way may I bo of service to you?" she Inquired coldly. "1 want my boy," he said simply, and sho began to see that underneath his cold and domineer ing exterior his heart was torn by a great distress. "You know all the circumstances of course?" "1 do. That's why 1 came straight to you. I know you're the keystone of the whole affuir, so I didn't waste time with these other people. Kirk's a hlunkt-d Idiot arid always has been. He Isn't worth the powder to blow to -excuse me I mean he's Just u ne'er-do-well. Hut 1 suppose I'll have to do my duty by him. I Just had to kick him out. Sorry I didn't do It sooner." "If you have cut him olT why do you care what becomes of hlui?" fliirwln K. Anthony's eyes dimmed, hut Ills voice rose licr'-ely. "He's in J hoy. u ml I've a right to treat hlin any blanked wny I please but nobody else Is going to abuse hiiril These Span lards can't do It! I'll teach them to lay bonds on tny-!'! I don't earn what he's done. They've got to give him up. And bo's going back with me. He's going homo. I I want him "Why have you cume to me?" she queried. "Ilocause you must know- the truth If anybody dK-s, und I want your hulp." Ills voh-0 softened suddenly, and he recanted h'T with a gentle kindness that w-as purposing. "I've beard nil about you and Kirk. In fact, I've known what win going on nil the time, for I've bad a n.un on Mi track nl'ht and day. Von uiay know him- ClirTord? Well, he Mb. wed Kirk that night after the (ci.'-per to your has hand, but Anson didn't dare call him to the stand at the hearing for fear this Alfarez would pei j-.ire more of hl black and tans." "Ho Clifford Is y.-.i:r ri.mi?' "Yes. I t'k birn . 7 my Hytetn and sent bliii down here at soon as 1 got Kirk's Idiotic. Impad -id Ictt.-r "- Tic old man began to Kpntter with ludig nation. "What do vci think lie wrote me. Mrs. Cortlandt? He had the Im pudence to turn down a good J..I. I of fered him because 'Us wife might not like our climate.' Thank. Qod, be had sense enom.-h not to do that!" "Then you don't know?" "Know what?" "That he is married." "I nation.'" roared Anthony furi ously. She nodded. "A Miss Caravel. They were married a week ngo." Slio broke down miserably and bid her face lu her hands. II,. strode to her with a light of understanding in his eyes, haying a great hand upon her drooping head, he exclaimed with wonderful softness: "My dear Mrs. Cortlamlt. I'm very sorry for you, Indeed 1 am. Now now, try to face It squarely. All good women lire brave, und you'ro a good woman We both love him, and 1 know we can save blui if wo pull to gether." "Yes. yes!" She raised her "drawn, white face eagerly to Ills. "It will only takei a word, but I have liocullke a mad woman. I .couldn't hear to give him up. und when I learned the truth I thought I could let lilm-suftVr. Hut I couldn't. Ho is the lirst nud ouly man" "I know." He patted her In a way that said more than words. "I couldn't have stood out union longer." "Then you have proof?" His face was wild with eagerness. "This. Take II quit kly. only found it last night It had been mislaid lu the confusion. I meant to give It up. I really did." With clumsy fingers sho drew from the front of her dress au unsealed letter and banded It to hlui. "Stephen was not a bad man, you see, and lie had no Intention of wronging an Innocent person." Parw ln K. Anthony's pallor matched hers as lie read the sheet; thou he ex claimed weakly: "Thank tiodl Some thing told me lo come straight to you. Something always tells me where to tlnd tho heart of things." Kirk wns considerably surprised that afternoon when a sergeant nml two policemen enmo to bis cell, signifying that ho wns to accompany them. He could not make out where they were taking bliu, and, despite their unusual politeness, they were dense to all In quiries. The coach drew up at last before B large, white building, and ho was told to descend. 'p R flight of stairs bo was escorted, bis pulses quickening with apprehension, down a long corridor and Into a largo room, where ho saw Ittinnels, Colonel Jol son, Anson, Clifford, a dozen or more I'ananiaiilan olllclals and-ho stopped In Ids tracks as his eyes fell upon a huge, white crowned figure Hint came to meet him. A certain harsh yet tender voice pro nounced his name. He felt his Iiiindu crushed In his father's palms, found the old man's arm nbout his nhouldeni and saw tho deep set, steel blue eyes he loved so well wet and Bhlny. A sudden sense of security swept over hlui, banishing all his fears. "My kid!" the old man said, shak- Ingly. "II how havo they t routed you, duster?" It was a nickname ho had given ids son when he was a sturdy, round faced urchin of eight. "You came, didn't you?" Kirk said, ill a voh e tct at all like his own. "Of course I came, the liiHtiint Clif ford cabled me that these Idiots had arrested you I'.y ! They'll sweat Continued next we.k NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matte of the administration of the c: tatc of Oj-fi! Hull, Ww.sM. Notice is hereby (riven; That lu the 21st day of May, l'.iU, by order and de cree of the honorable County Court of the County of I'olk and State of Ore lon, duly made and entered of record the last will and testament of Opal liall was duly admitted lo I'rohuU, and liachel Hall duly appointed txecu trix thereof and qualified as Much. All persons bavin claims ngiiiiist sii.J estate are hereby notified to (lit sent such claims duly verified to sui. administratrix within Bix months from the date hereof. Dated this 22nd duy of May, 1914. Kaihel Hall, Kxecutr'x. hast pub. June 2G. BUTTER WRAPPERS The Law Savs They Must tie l'rintc.J or Bo Stamped as to Conform to Law $1.00 per Hundred At Monitor Office 0 '4 tote4 ( DREXLER & ALEXANDER j! Tils Store That Gives Satisfaction DRY, GOODS, CLOTHING, SHIES, HATS, FURNISHINGS and a COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES The Busier Brown Shoes fcr Children, None Belter j . Latest Novelties for Wcmen j Call and See Cur Line j urk's Cafe In Gain's Pool Hall The Best Meal In Polk County for 25c. Quick Service and Plenty to cat. Try our Dinner meal when in Town Remember the Place "C" Street Next Door to Monitor Office The Best Is Good Enough and You get only the best when you buy meat from us A new ref liberating plant keeps tiie meat coo' anil frubh, a.'id when ymi once buy from us you buy agi'i.'i, Ikcuiho ourmeatn give satisfac tion. Wc have jus' adoV! w leuduring vats and sausage iiiiicl'it.ory tlma lining able to sup ply you wi'l: lard and Htiumige, at all times. W ).;".' ;ur own Binoku houuott and give you Cult try cured limn and bacon. NELSONS MARKET C Street, Independence, Ore. The Monitor for neat Job Printing. Nuf ced. . ri Fresh Choke Con s i d e r jhr-x fnre vnn -Metables Think for a moment of how they are bought and kept, veg etables should be fresh and moist With the appearance of having just come from where nature grew them. That is, when they are well kept-the way we keep them. This it. th reason why all our vegetable! look as If they had Just arrlved-wlth all that delicious, fresh, natural flavor you like so well. And wc take good care that not a moment Is lost In their delivery Ij you. Send a trial order. FLUKE & JOHNSON