THE INDEPENDENCE MONITOR Published Weekly at Independence, Polk County Oregon, on Friday. Entered as Second Class Matter August 1, 1912 at the Post Office at Inde pendence, Polk County, Oregon, Undr the Act of March 3, 1879. c7a7hURI.EY, Business Manager G. 0. DODGE, Asiociate Manager CLYDE T. ECKEK, Editor SuDscrlption Rates: One Year Independence, Oregon, SO THE PEOPLE . .1 : I.... wl VI real uuujiB iiHpi-iic " (l A. llurlev sold t tliiid inten-t to Clydw T. I'ckcr, in cently of Denver, Colo., a writer of exp-ricne, und ability, and another third to (ioro (. Dodgs a mnvmper man f .....nh worth, who came toOreL'un uboutu year ago from Wiscoiihui. Mr. Hurley will remain actively in the Luj-uh'H and the three will commence th uuhlication of the hc-nt newspaper that Independent ever had; a a m.'tterof fact it will b. better than any two newspapers Iiidepemleiico ever hud From thin very iHHUO the Monitor in to he greatly im provo-l. It will bo biw?er, better and more pleaxiny. W. also have several urpries in store which will hu heraldec at the proper time. r...i ,iUuurvuii inut. J 1IUI IlVJWIiVU jv.w i . iroini; to publish and it in going to be appreciated ti Without any announcement in what they had heard, many congratulations and well wihheH. Quite a number o new subscribers' have been added. ... i tm rirmilation of the growing thing in Uio town cood growers in Independence Independence ix going to mica from now ou and the front and be the leading factor town. As tli ollioiai tooter Mrs. Everybody, just that much better off. The business man who wants your trade, has something to 11 you or something to tell in the Monitor so ai to get the best results and reach all of you. This will help us and we are willing; to divide profits with you. That is, the more us to give you a better paper Talking of better rvico force we now have, you will get not only better service but quicker service. Our job department is already reporting an increase of business but can handle considerable more. From the order book to the iinished product is a very short distance now and it good and guaranteed work too. And her is on thing that the Monitor dosiros that you do. We earnestly invite you to come in very, very often and tell us about youiWf, family or neighbors. It will be news to others and that's what wo nre looking for all the time. Phone us if you wish. We will not publish anony mous communications. We almost forgot to say that you will njvy the writings of Virginia Southern. SShs not only covers till social hap penings but often beat us men reporters out of a "write up." So we thank you very much for reading thin announce ment and you have the privilege of telling what the Moni tor is going to do und be to everybody you know. We are for you all the time and hope you will be for us at least more thau most of the time. THE PILL BOX WHO CAN TELL? Did Boss Woodrow Wilson of the U. S. A , take the job, (wine old head), so his old maid jtirls could find them men, who would fall for the honor of a White 1 louse wed. We absolutely refuse to net Xcited about this canal toll con troversy. We cannot help think ing that the fruit trees will keep on blooming, the fro's keep on croaking, and the hops keep on hopping whether Yanks pay toll or Yanks do not. LETS SWA P THE CAN N F.UY FOR THE COUKTHOUSE Dallas is still without a cannery-the one thing she needs most to build up this 8 ction. Itemiier. And Independence having a cannery she apparently has no use for, an even swap for the courthouse will he pleasingly considered. A very pretty R'd came into this otlice one day lust week and attempted to kiss Mr. Hurley "tr.vvlhv" Wit H'.,liisniu N'w 1 our wife hangs around ail thelchase 1 Urry t ra.y Thaw hack '. lime lor tear mat some pretty, pa better half knowing ua so well will take no chances. $1.50 Strictly In Advance Friday, Apr. 17 1914 MAY KNOW fl.u Monitor (iflicu lilKt Wlit'k. Mich ii newHtniiH-r a wo are being made and relying only have called and extendi;. to the h.H also. Take it from donitor will be the greatest and there are some mighty right now. march forward at a good lively Monitor will keep right up in in tooting for the good oh it will make you, Mr. imc you, will have to place his ai patronage wo get will enabl and better Hervico. leads us to nay that with the LIBKL SUIT IN EMBRYO We forgot that Mrs. Hurley is a constant and valued reader of the Monitor. T. R. Will Run Aain." We see no reason why he shouldn't. He has to have some excitement when he isn't hunting for hippo potamuses and rhinoceroses, EXTRA! EXTRA! AN EDITOR (JETS SOMETHING TO EAT! The editor hereof dined with Mr, and Mrs. Sinuleton, Mrs. J. 1. Nnw kirk and Miss Hammond at the Singleton residence yester day. Falls City News. The Monitor now lias more owners than most people have hay but no hired men er devils to pay. (URL STRIKES IH'DE A peach of a girl in Corvallis, Show ing much anger and malice, Hit in the head, A dude who said: "Let's sio. you live at Dallas?" I a w y er J ero m e ask s f or t y - f o t: r ' thousand doiiRrs for trv.iu to to uie at.vaim. .ow u yen wer me state ot rsew lork. uuui yuu (my 11 , CANDIDATES ANNOUNCEMENTS All Announcements Under lrst Insertion, 5c per Line Ail Cuts take a Uniform Kate CANDIDATE FOR SURVEYOR I am a candidate for the Dem-( oeratic nomination fe" Coun ty Surveyor of Polk County; I have been engaged in Civil en gineering for fourteen yews; have been a re. ident of Polk County for eiiit years; was chief engineer of the Salem, Falls City and Western Ry. for six years; at the present time I havean office in the Dal las National Rank Ruilding and am prepared to do farm survey ing or general Civil Engineering work of any character. Sand ford R. Taylor. pd. ad CANDIDATE FOR SUKVEYER I wish to announce myself a candidate for the office of county surveyor, subject to the will of the voters of the Republican par ty before the primaries May 15. If nominated I shall accept the nomination and if elected will qualify. Renpecfullv submitted C. II. CanfieiJ Civil Engineer and Surveyor pd. ad FOK RENOMINATE I wish to announce myself a candidate for renomination for the second term as the surveyor for Polk county, subject to the wishes of the voters of the I)em oeratic party at the primaries May 15. Fred M. Suver pd. ad. FOK TREASURER I wish to announce myself n candidate for the office of Treasurer of Polk County he fore the Republican party. Your support will be Appre ciated. II. Charles Dunsinore pd, ad. CANDIDATE TREASURER I hereby announce mysef as a candidate for the nomination for the office of County Treasurer of Polk County, at the primary elec tion, May 15th on the Demo cratic ticket. J E. Richter. pd. ad ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as andidatefor the oilice of County Surveyor on the Democratic tick et atthe primary election. Edward J. I limes. pd. ad. JOHN ORR FOR SHERIFF I w ish to announce my Candid-. acy for the Republican nomina tion of Sheriff of Polk County, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election to be held May lo.ltUt. Respect fully, John W. Orr. pd. ad CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF 1 hereby nii'iounctt myself as a candidate for the oilice os Sheriff of Roll; County, Oregon, upon the IVniocrwt'c ticket, eul'jeet to the eoters at the primnro election, and if nominated und elected, I will to the Petri of inv ability enfoise the laws on our stat ues books with out or favor, and espu-ially tie laws regulating the sale id intoxicating h,uoi, and I will practise the lit niOft anient economy in t he loaus: of the county's buMite J. 11. avet v ld. ad. For Commissioner I I respectfully announce my eaiiiiiii.u'v lor the i:eiHciitic noi'dt-ation for the o:!ice of Coun-' ly emiTis.s,,;ier ut t sie IT.mar-. in - s to 1. ),. l.i m .... Cvoi'fcO Cianlic'd. this H?ad 10c per Line Each Subsequent Insertion. of 15c per Inch per Week. CANDIDA IE J?UK Ci.Ji.rvIV k At the solicitation of numerous residents of Polk County, I have become a candidate for the nom ination for county clerk on the Republican ticket at the primary election to be held May 15, 1914 Any support you may choose to give me will be thoroughly ap preciated. Truly yours, E. M. Smith pd. ad. Candidate for Sheriff I hereby announce myself as a candidate for nomination for the office of Sheriff of Polk county Oregon, at the primary election May 15, 1914 on the Democratic ticket. If nominated and elected I will enforce the laws and per torm all the duties of sheriff to the best of my adility. W. J. White. pd. ad. NOTICE OF NOMINATION After consulting with many of the voters of Lincoln and Polk counties, I have consented to an-1 nounce myself as a Republican candidate for Joint Representa tive in the Legislature tor the counties ot Lincoln and Polk, ami most respectively solicit the support of the voters of the two counties. S. G. Irvin, Newport, Oregon February, 3 1914 pd adv CANDIDATE for TREASURER I wish to announce ntyself a candidate for County T'easurer of l'olk County as a Republican before the primaries on May 15, subject to the will of the voters of .the party. Fred J. Hoi man FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a candidate on the Demo cratic ticket for the nomina tion for Sheriff of l'olk Co., Oregon. If nominated and elected, 1 will to the best of lay ability to enforce the laws. 1 will especially ad here to the laws regulating the sale o1 intoxicating liq uors. J. l' Morrison, Terrydale, Ore. BUTTER WRAPPERS The Law Savg They Mast He I'm: ted or So Sttnp-d to Con form to Law $1.00 per Hundred At K x Monitor Office I THE PROFESSIONS Dr R. T. Mclntire Physician and Surgeoe Office over Independence Nation al Bank. Phone No. 4412 Independence. Oregon N. L. Butler L. D. Butler Butler & Butler Attorneys at Law Office In Cooper Block Independence, Oregon R. E. Duganne Dentist Office over Inder. : i?'-i.ce Nation al Bank, fhori c 4411 ind' ndence, Oregon B. F. Swope Attorney at Law and NoUry Hur x Will practice in all conitr cf the state. Piobate mnttti id col lections given prompt s' ution. office: cooper b ock Independt lie, Oregon ADVERTISING PAYS WELL ...Try It In the Monitor... in I (rn .Lta mimI ii.vttifhU otitlned or no t motlfl. nkeiciit op photo aiwl de for FRCC 8CARCM na rev I :XNT BUItO FORTUNES tor y,. ,. free bookirtu tell hw, wluU to U.v m, . v e you money. Writ today. .tiiiiilttv. IUnk nierviMe L , SWIFT & CO. U3 Seventh St., Washington, D. C, DATBTMT I a W W KB. You're really dry in Fish Brand Reflex Slicker Not drty " near water -proof, but rootny, romtort-KivinsT ervic coat that will protect you through thick mad than 10 the weticat weather. $3.00 SeLer't We print plainly 00 every label SATISFACTION GUARANTEED end am mean it --rtUFD IdVntiUl tlAfltt'S A. J. Tower Co. J BOSTON rower Canadiin 1 ittvtfd. 1 oron'i f't V $4000 Buys a First Class LAND PLASTER SPREADER This is an Oregon made spreader, and is espec ially adapted to the Willamette Valley. Patronize Home Industry. Buy now forfuture Results. We Sell Prepare Now for Next Year's Clover Crop. Land Plaster Gets Results and Our Oregon made Spreader Economi cally and Evenly Distributes the Plaster Over the Farm. W 1 it llQiluirj If you should be Looking for anything in SHELF OR HEAVY HARDWARE, FARM MACHINERY or Stoves, Ranges, Tin or Granlteware, Hop Supplies, Etc. Sloper BLOT OUT YOUR TAILORING TROUBLES Have your garments made to order Trust them anly to Reliable Tailors f Proves Reliability. Hae absolute satisfaction guaranteed you- Let us show you the wonderful variety of good fabrics contained is our spring line no os exhibition We have the celebrated Mason 8 Hanson Line BesideafXfull.linelof Eastern Custom Made Sample Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Miller, the Tailor Phone Main 6621 C Street, Independence, Oregon i 14.;,W4,,'M: b t si jmmm LETT ICE AND REAPED SUM- FLOWERS DID NOT DO HIS TRADING AT OUR STORE. All our reeds are clean and carefully selected from the finest stocks in the country. You can absolutely rely on their exceptionally fine quality. We carry a great variety, but if we have not what you want, we will get it for you. Come and inspect our stock today. FLUKE & JOHNSON YOU WERE SATISFIED Land Everything and the Lines ros. THE MAN AP- PAR EI1T LY SOWED Plaster are Complete Cockle t X t i - t t i t Neither would we. pd. ad.