10CAL NEWS The council had a busy session "I dun't agree wltb yon there, Le WoHnoav Marshall Tnnt r ter. fU wager that fellow who was was elected as niht watch to Mrs. It. II. Knox, Mrs If. IMattieon and Mrs. li.V. Swopw went to Monmouth Wednesday afternoon as was reported on and laid over un- uests of Mr3. Nettie looking minute, morrow, care of, of the In at ns could Dud It lo a III bave another try at It to One thing we've got to tflke and that la that our friend burning eye doesn't get a chance at It Brat" Those shutters are pretty strong," Hour and Mi 3. Kiddell who ftaioed the "Leisure Club" of that city. Vernon Ptown purchrsed an Indian motor cycle this week frjia II. M. Bottomly and made his first trial Sun day. Spring is here and the clean up bug should be get ting in your system. Vale, hook worm, welcome spring clean u p. Hairy Miller is the proud possessor of an Indian Motor ycle and rides like an expert. He expects to use the ma chine hauling bridge timber. A good pair of reading glasses Tor $1.00 at O. A. Kreamei's. serve night and part of the day at a salary of $1)0. per month. Sewer imprvements were ordered in South Independence. The ord inance for C street improvement8 I pointed out "And Parks u no fool." Yea," agreed Godfrey. the uutters I mm., w-. , n .t.nim than mtfrht b(Mn him Iiocheii the coming Wednesday. Cost out for ten miuutes-seaneiy longer ente - ,'a cement mixer was reported than that As for Parks, be wouldn't on and matter left over for anot leD -ouus. mis ie..ov. UUe m ,1.- I.... I.. n,..,l..H H mAa ported on cost of cement paving. President Paddack served a Mayor in the absence of Mayor Eldridge. Elvin Carter and wife of Klickitat, Washington arb visitine, with Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Taylor. Mrs. M. Jaquis of Centra lia is visiiing this week with IW parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Taylor. A new cement walk is being luilt in front of the Taylor property on Railroad street. While in town it will pay you to look over our line of new spring dress and coat materials, something! aicw ia the new shades at the riht price. Con key A Walker's Mr. Carl Curtis took in the danct; at. the Wigrich Ranch last Saturday. Printing that pleases at the Monitor office. We can order what you want. rpi ., , i . j front door, leaped the railing and stole I lie Moose plan the biggest along the house to the corner. uanceof the season. Saturdsv I think I would better drop a word to Blinmouds and get him to send down a couple of men to watcb the house. Wirb them outside and Parka on the inside it ought to be fairly safe." "I should think so." I said "One would imagine you were getting ready to repel an army. Who Is this fellow, anyway, Godfrey? Too seem to be half afraid of him!" "I'm wholly afraid of him if he's who I think be Is. But It's mere guess as yet, Leter. Walt a day or two. I'll call up Slinmouds." He. went to the phone, while I sat down again and looked at tbe cabinet In a kind of stupefaction. Godfrey Great Maieetio Ranees. Look CRm bnck whlle w" eroping , . blindly amid this maze of mystery lor our uu ux. wees. j ifs all right," he said "Slmmonds i Is sending two of bis best men to watcb tbe bouse." Be stood for a mo ment gazing down at tbe cabinet "I'm coming back tomorrow to bave another try at It," he added. "I have left tbe gauntlet there on tbe chair, so If you fuel like having a try yourself. Lester"- "Heaven forbid V I protested. "But perhaps I would better tell Parka to let you In. I bope I won't Bud yoa a corpse here, Godfrey" NORM I iCIIOOL NOTES Mr. Stvet-bter of theUniver. sity of Oregon spoke in Chapel Friday March 13, COMINO- IVofessor Jos eph Backer, The Worlds Ren ocued Chief. He will 'be at Craven & Huff's Hard ware one week, April 6th, to lltb, demonstrating the Mystery of the Boule Cabinet from Page 5 wv if pi-en; sure n get hurt If that fellow out there Is wbo I think he is he's about tbe most dangerous man on earth M lie went on tapping tbe surface of the cabinet "Why can't I go out as though I were going after something?" I suggested. "Then Parks and I could charge around tbe corner and get him." "You wouldn't get him: he'd get yon. You wouldn't bave a cbauce on earth." I couldn't help it I glanced again at tbe window, "lie's goner 1 cried Godfrey was at the window in two steps "Look at Hint," be said, "and then tell me be Isn't a genliiB!" I followed the direction of his point Ing finger and saw that lust opposite the opeulng In tbe shutter a tittle bole bad been cut In the window pane. "That fellow foresees everything." said Godfrey, with enthusiasm. "Fie nnihnlilv put thnf hnlo a aAnn na It ' was diirk tie must have guessed we were going to examine the cabinet to night and he wanted not only to see. but to hear lie henrd everything we said, Lester! "Let's go after him!" I cried- And without waiting for an answer I sprang across the anti-room and snntched open the door which led Into the hnll. Parks and Rogers were sitting on the couch Just outside. "There's a ninn outside. Got your pistol. Parks?" I cried. "Yes. sir." And he took It from bis pocket I suHtched It from blm. opened tbe Then, taking my courage In both hands, I charged around It There was no one In sight but from somewhere near at hand came t burst of mocking laughter. inner nrnre sernni In my lire. Tbe Re. -rt office." be added to the cabby and mi gled away, tearing me staring after him. Jnsl before I tamed In for the night In my w apartment I heard from Godfrey agsta, for my telephone rang, and It wis bis voles that answered "I tost wanted to tell you, Lester," ha uiif tht vmir en ess was right The mystertoHS Frenchman came over riegaVtt a Very UlterestiD on La Tonralne. landing at noon yes- f i. , ,p. T .. 0 terday He came in tbe steerage and Ulk 00 . 1 he Inspirations the stewards know nothing about htm. and Expirations of the Teach. What time was It hegot to Vanttne'sr ,, t , , " "About 2 1 should pay." er lu the afternoon he "So he probably went directly there spoke to the Agriculture from the boat as yoo thought That i, i ,v . account, for nobody knowing him. clas9 and the eVMUDg he The steamship company Is holding a spoke in chapel again to the bag belonging to him. I'll get them , . to open It tomorrow and perhaps we BtUdentB and townspeople. shall And out who he was. Good! Many of the students have n!fht' taken advantage of the good it was shortly after i reached the weather and iiave b en out office next morning that the office boy; . . . . came in and banded me a card with , tr'111g tennis. luis is a an awed and reverent air. An awed good sign that fipring ia hera. alno, for the card bor tbe name of That name is quite unknown outside trated talk about the pyra- the legal profession of tbe three great I cities of the east New York, Boston and Philadelphia-yet Sereno Horn blower's Income would make that of any other lawyer in the country look like 30 cents He Is the confidential attorney of most nf our "best families.1' He baa held that position for years, and It la said that no case placed unreservedly In his hands ever resulted In a public scandal His reputation for tact and fielloaty Is tremendous, and yet those who have found themselves opposed to him have Miss Brenton gave au lllus- ush girdles, ribbon sashes, modi fied kimono sleeves, hip plaits and plenty of buttons, are among the new fashion decrees, according to the an nouncement of the National Suit and Cloak manufacturers' association in sesBiou at Cleveland, Ohio. The loss o! Hfe to sailors due to the recent storm on t(. Vat Lakes m approximately 256 and the loss is figured at more than 5,000,000. The striking trainmen on the South ern Pacific IS.les between El Paso nd New Orleans Lsive agreed to return to work Immediately, pending tha outcome of further negotiations, It Is stated by members of the federal board of mediation and conciliation. Arbitration ilans, it was added, would be announced, a-' once. raids and sphinxes of Egypt to the Art class 1 Friday morning. On the evening of March 13, the annual contest of the Oratorical Association held at Albany where Miss Kate Anderson was the represent ative from the normal. Seven other schools besides the Nor mal were represented. The one getting first place in the con test was Mc Minnville College second waa taken by Pacific ColUge and third by Willam ette University. At the con test the fjrmal represent ees showed great enthusi asm by their songs and yells. After the contest the repre- senatives of the different schools were given a delight ful banquet at the 8t. Fran cis liottl. In 3 contest next year will be held at Mc Minn ville. G March 2. The dance will be under the supervision of the Military Branch of the order, und Independence is organ izing a branch ami will equip lueir members iu complete! regalia. While the dance Nvill ba public, invitations are out to the Salem atd Dallas W ooseand big delega tions have been promised from b.)th place. They will hold the dance in the House. something that will help me." Abstracts of Title made promptly j "And then, of course." I said dlseon carefully and at reasonable orlcea. o'ately. "It Is quite possible that there .. , '. Isn't any such drawer at i Brown 6 Sibley. Attorney, and Ab- But M Q tractors, 610 Mill St. Dallas, Oregon edlv. Opra CHAPTER VIII. A Distinguished C a 1 1 r. DOPREY and I examined the "inflows!!! a:;d the zrtmrtfl N neath it when I returned from my fruitless rhiwe "There Is where he stood," -de said, and the marks on tbe sill were evident enouch We went slowly back to the nous, and Godfrey sat down n::an to a con temptation of tbe cabinet "It's too much for me." he said at last "The only way I on find tbat drawer. I'm afraid, la with an ai. I'm going to look np the subject of secret irawera perhaps I'll stumble sjpoa ill head decld Late of St. Louis Missouri, E. N. LARRY ARCHITECT H.ve sn FvperinceJ Aachitrvt Deiign and Plan Youi New w P.iir BuUing. HE WILL S.WE YOU MONEY. McMlnnvtlte, Ortgon There Is tome on peering through the hole." "so uo i. nut I don't believe you will. Tea. tell Parks to let me in when ever I come around. And now about Rogers." "What about blraT "I rather thought I might want to grill him tonight But perhaps I would better wait till I Ret a little more to ro on." lie paused for a moment's thought "Yes, I'll wait" be said finally. "1 don't want to run any risk of falling." We went out into the hall together, and I told Parks to admit Godfrey whenever be wished to enter Rogers ' was still lifting on tbe cot looking so 1 crushed and sorrowful tbat I could not j help pitying ntra. I said so to God-1 frey as we went down the front steps. Terhaps you're right" be agreed. "Something has happened to him something In connection with that wo man and he has never got over It Welt we shall have to And out what It was. Ketlo! Here are Slmmonds' men," he added as two policemen stop ped before the honse. "1s this Mr. Godfrey?" one of them ssked. "Yea," said Godfrey. "Sir Slmmonds told ns to report to yon, sir. if yoo were here." "What we want you to do," said God frey. "Is to watch the house watcb It from all Mca--pntrol clesr around It ind see that no one approaches It" . "Very well, sir." And the men touch ed their helmets. "Perhaps If they enure ed them selves," I suggested, "the fellow might ventnre hark and be nabbed." But Godfrey shook his bead "I don't want him to venture back," he said. "I want to scare htm off. 1 ,' wnnt him to . we're thnmnehly nn ' riard " FTe hailed a pausing cab and paused with one foot on the steo : "I've already told you. lister," be j added over his shoulder, "that I'm ! afraid of hliu Perhaps you thouubt I Joking, but I rvi't I we n.r.r BUY & CHANDLER Light 6 Car for $1785 at Factory This car has six cylanders, weighs 2980 pounds, has seating capacity for 5, no motor vibration, has left side drive, YVestinghouse electric sttrter, Bosch magneto, Slromberg carboreter, special generator for charging batteries, Mayo genuine mercedes type honey comb radiator, demontable rims, New Haven 8 day clock, Jones speedometor, 20 gallon gasoline tank in rear, can brin car to dead stop in less than 50 feet when going at a speed of 25 miles an hour, wheel base 1 20 inch, size of wheel 34 by 4. This car has all the latest improvements of the most up-to-date cars on the market. Before Buying Let Me Demonstrate the CHANDLER to You I also have the Sale of the Page al $1390 and 35 Maxwell $990 LEAVE WCRD WITH SLOPER 5 COCKLE See or write i 0. T. MURPHY ''-llt -- J-Jj .Svs-W..-. ..r.si-'