For Either an In vestment ora home CAN YOU BEAT THIS rT CANDIDATES ANNOUNCEMENTS, NOTICE OF NOIvIINATI 3N After consulting with many of j I the voters of Lincoln and Polk j CANDIDATE TREASURER j counties, I have consented to an I I hereby announce mysef as a nounce myself as a Republican ! candidate for the nomination for , candidate for Joint Representa 1 the office of County Treasurer of tive in the Legislature tor the Polk County ,'at the primary elec- counties ot Lincoln and Polk, ! tion. May 15th. on the Demo- and most respectively solicit the I cratic ticket. support of the voters of the two . BUY HATCHING EGGS FROM GOOD STOCK pd. ad ;i C$t ANO LOT f08 .00 OR 7 HIS r, ;. "W Tl! ' . . ? i. r. " 't'1 1 HOUSE AND LOT FOR $775.00 ABSTACT OF TITLE AND WARRANTY DEED FOR PARTICULAHS SEE filler Phone Main 6212 LOCAL AND PERSONAL Items of Interest Gathered in and About Town Mis M ubel Porter made a visit to Salem over Sunday with her sister and brother Mr. and Mrs. Klwood Hart man. Mrs. F. I. Schow and daughter left Monday for Portland where they expect to apend two or three monthi. The St. Patricke dance at Monmouth Saturday night was quit saccersful and te vtral from Independence attended who reported a very enjoyable time. Tuesday night the Inde pendence Orchestra gave a Ht. Patricks danoe at the opera hoase and they had a good attendance preeent. The ruasio was first class and the occasion was a fitting remembrance ot those who wear the green. The new garage being built by H. Hireehberg tor H. L Fitchard is being computed rapidly and will be ready tor oeeupaney in a very few days. Mr. Fitchard baa an other oar of automobiles) due kow at any tims. J. 8. Cooper was a business visitor at Corvallia Monday. Tbe toy teouti are traiaiag and'hav their suits" here. They were on the streets Sat urday with their implements of warfare. The automobile brigad was with us Sunday. Mon mouth street was the parade enter all day ind several hundred autos were en tra veling through town S. H. Edwards has taken over the Independence (Jar age and Mr. Ball haa retired from the business entirely. Mr. Clark, of the Enter prise moved into his new pro perty lasl week. C. A. Johns, republiean candidate for Governor be fore the Republic pri maries in May, waa well re ceived Saturday eveaing and delivered a good address upon his candidacy aad the issuea from the stand point of an economical administration of the office of chief execu tive of the atate. He is a good speaker. His aadienee was well pleased with his ad dress. Chaa. Huntley, who is ae eeeaiug in this aeetion of Pelk County was a Dallas visitor Monday on basinees connect 4 with the aaeeeeore office. CANDIDATE FOR SURVEYER I wish to announce myself a! candidate for the ofiice of county j surheyr.r, subject to the will of! the voicis of the Republic;:) pat- ! ty b:f-re the primaries -May 15. j If liuipinak'j 1 accept the j noin:r.: lion and if tlectfd will (Suulil'y. j 11. si'ecfully submitted j E. II. Canfield Civil Engineer and Surveyor pd. iiJ J. E. Richter. j counties. S. G. Irvin, Newport, Oregon February, 3 1914 pd adv There is no money in the other way S.JC. White Leghorns i i Oxper Strain, Heavy winter layer j Free Range; Open Front Houses. ; Sitting oM 3 eggs, ' Sft!!' of 100 c&s 3 c. 1.00 M-r 1 h I' C122. CANDIDATE FOR SURVEYOK I ani a candidate for tne Dem ocratic nomination for Coun ty Surveyor of Polk County; I have been engaged in Civil en gineering for fourteen years; have been a resident of Polk County for eight year--: was chief engineer of tne Salem, Falls City and Western Ry. for six years; at the present time I have an office in the Dal las National Bank Building and am prepared to do farm survey ing or general Civil Eng-ineerincr work of any character. Snnford B. Taylor. pd. ad John Orr for Sheriff r aw.-.t . h r I wish to announce my Candid acy for the Republican nomina tion of Sheriff of Polk County. subject to the will of the voters at the primary election te be held MayT5,1911 Respectfully, John W. Orr. CANDIDATE F03 SHCUPsT Ihereby announce myself as a candidate for the ofloa os Sheriff of Pelk County, Oregon, upon the Democrat'c ticket, eubjeet te the voters at th primaro election, and if nominated and elected, I will to the beat of my ability enfnree the laws en Our slat ues books with out fear or favor, !!and?!espfciUyr!th,c taws aegviatmgthe tale; of intoxicating liquors, and I will ' praetiae the atmoet eroaomy in the management of the county'e bucinese. , H: ffavery. pdad Vt still wish to impress upon your mind that if'youwish butter wrappers, calling cards, letter heads, envelopes, statement blanks, biil heads, trespass or other notices, farm sale bills, etc., you can get the best at the Monitor office. ; Cii .uhiiite o! 80 per cent ferliiliy CGEWOODPeOLTiyGO. Air lie ' Oregon THE lOFlONS' PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER .Will do all kinds of copy work. Prices reasonable. Work calledfor and delivered. Located in office of J. S. Cooper, Jr., on ('.street Miss Aletha McKinney. Gallaghar and Jarvis CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Plans and specifications made and estimates given. Farm and country building solicited. Let us figure on your bungalow. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON Dr. R. T. Mclntire Physician and Surgeon Office over Independence Nation al Bank. Phor.e No. 4412 " Independence. Oregon B. F. Swope Attorney at Lw and Notary Public Will pricti e in all eouits of the state. Piobate matters and col lections givei prompt attention. office: cooper block Independence, Oregon N. L. Butler L. D. Butler Butler & Butler Attorneys at Law Office in Cooper Block Independence, Oregon R. E. Duganne Dentist Office over Independence Nation al Bank. Phone No. 4411 Independence, Oregon The Independence Seed and Feed Store THEY HAVE IT W. A. Burpee's, The Chas. H. Lillie and L. L. Mays gar den and flower seeds. AH 5 cent packages, 3 for 10 cents. Onion sets, 3 lbs 25 cents. Diamond Chick Food. $2.50 per 100 lbs. Some things you might not know we have are beet Pulp, Alfalfa Meal, Oil Meal. Tankage, Glass Eggs, Soy Bean Meal, Rock Salt, Blood Meal, Bone Meal, Fertilizer, Blatchfords Calf Meal, Thermometers for Brooders and Incubators, Caponlzing outfits aad freah candled eggs. We dellur tluGccdj. Havi prcrdgr in by 3: 30 pxi 'MMiMMMMSSMIIIIHieei DflEXLER & ALEXANDER! Tta Sl:ri Tfeit Ghrss Stfafcclb ' f i i -, c;s, i cten3, si::es, iuts, fcti ccrUTE u:e cf crakes I Utat Exiles fcr 170-3 Sa lb 2 sW J r