H-l I 1 1 1 1 1 ItH-M-Wfl The Mystery J of the Boule Cabinet i By BURTON E. STEVENSON Copyright. 1913, by Burton E. . ' Stevenson. W I 1 1 I I I '' 1H-H-1 H i I H iii? ii-or rediscovered n old way. id other words. If you can get a fraction of a drop of It In man's blood yon kill hi in by paralysis quicker than if yoa put a bullet through bis heart." "Nothing can save a man. thenT I questioned-" "Nothing on earth. Freyllnghulsen thinks tt Is a new discovery. I don't I think gome one bug dug up one of the old Medici formulas. Maybe It was placed In the secret drawer, so that there would never be any lack of ammunition for the mechanism." "Godfrey.'Vl said, "are you still bent on fooling with that thing?" "More thnn ever. I'm going to find that secret drawer, and if the fangs strike well, I'm ready for them See here what I bad made today." lie drew from bis pocket something that looked like a steel gauntlet sucb is one sees on suits of old armor. He slipped it over his rlnht baud. "You see it covers the back of the hand completely." he said, "halfway down the first Joint of the fingers. It is made of the toughest steel and would turn a bullet And do you see bow it is depressed In the middle. Lester?" "Yes," 1 said. "1 was wondering why yon had it made In that shape." "I want to get a sample of that pot son. Think what It is. Lester-the poison of the Medici!" I sat for a moment looking at him bnlf In amusement bnlf In sorrow Ue caught my glunce and put the gauntlet back Into his pocket I got out the cablegram and passed It across to blm. He read It with brows contracted. "That seems to put a puncture In our little romance, doesn't It?" I asked it last "Armand's man hasn't called yet? I suppose he'll be around to morrow." "You will have to turn the cabinet over to him, of course." "Why, yes; it belongs to him at least It doesn't belong to Vantlne. " "Well. In spits of this." he said. "1 am still Interested In that cabinet Lester, and I wish yon would keep possession of It as long aa yoa can At least I wouldn't give It op until he delivered to yon the other cabinet which Vantlne really bought" "Oh. I'll make blm do that." I agreed quickly. "That will no doubt take a few days-longer tban that If Vantlne's cabinet la In Parts." "And now let ns go down and have a look at thla one." bs aald. "as we In tended doing. Yon will think me fool ten. Lester, but evea that cablegram hasn't shaken my belief In the exist ence of that secret drawer." "And all the rest?" I asked. "Yea," he answered slowly, "and all the rest CHAPTER VII. The Burning Eyas. GODFREY said nothing more on 01 we atopped before the Van Hne bouse, but I could see. from his puckered brows, how desperately be was trying to untan gle this quirk In the mystery "The siege seems to have been lift ed." I remarked, aa we alighted. "The store?" "l "Parks telephoned me that yonr ea teemed contemporaries bad the place surrounded. I told blm to bold tbe tortr "Poor boys!" be commented, smiling "To think that all they know Is what Grady Is able to tell them! Which room Is tbe cabinet In?" be asked 'The anteroom Is there at the left where those two---shuttered windows re The cabinet Is In tbe corner room. There U one vfimlvw on this side and two pq the otben" Parlci.-.auMwesed fne oeil almost m staiiii.v. and L could tell from the way 'il' fnce rhnwtnl-aow glad he was to Well, I'srks." T stl. aa we stepped frfiilr. JVerythfet t all right I bopeT . if." he misivered "ttut-OUl It t'wt,nii the nerve s little, sir." I rii-.-i'ii ii iiitx-eiueiit tiehind me, as I'mir I'arks my o"it. and turned to . i;,.w('i-s 'ilimii on the cot ''iiMilu.'" 1 s4IA.-'ko you're able to tie V -. a rv . you f -i- sir." he answered without i l Hie '. -thought I'd come V:'. - ' !i-w I'nrl.s Cfiupany.'' 1 Mniiisl lilve i-heeplsUlJ- ir.m i,, io-i-.n e Ti iit Jumpy here by i, . trr'-iiM i jji it.. .i to have some : ',- t -:- tally after tbe I '- ' !i .I'u. ra ' ' - .... -mmnliul find frev quickly "Whut do you mean?" i "We've cot a burglsr alarm on the wlndovs, air. It's usjally turned oil In the daytime, but I thought I'd bet ter leave It on today, and It rang about the middle of the afternoon. I thought at Bret that one of the other servants 1 had raised a window, but none of them bad. Something went wrong with it, 1 guess." "Did you tats a look at the win dows?" I asked, i "Yes, sir. A policeman came to see what was the matter, and we went around and examined the windows, i but they were all locked It made me feel kind of scary for awhile." "Does the alarm work now?" "No, sir. The policeman said there must be a short circuit somewhere and that be'd notify tbe people who put it in But nobody bas come around yet to Bx if "We'd better take a look at the win dows ourselves," suit! Godfrey. "You stay here. E'nrka. We can find them all right, and I don't wunt you to leare that door unguarded for a single In stunt" We went from window to window and Godfrey examined each of them with a uiinnteness that astonished me for I hud no Idea what he expected to find Hut we completed the circuit ol the ground Hour without his aniwrent ly discovering anything out of the way "Let's take a look nt the basement.' he said, and led te way downstairs with a readiness which told me that he had been over the house before. In a kind of lumber room, standing he fore its single small window, his elec trie torch In his baud, be made a (lis covery. "Look here!" he said, bis voice qulv erlng with excitement, and threw o circle of light on the Jniiib or the win dow Ht tbe spot where the upper and lower sashes met "What is It?" 1 asked after h mo ment "1 dou't see anything wruug." "Yon dou't? You dont see that this bouse was to be entered tonight? Then what does this mean?' With bis tinger uail tie turned up the end of a small Insulated wire. And then I saw that the wire had been cut "Yes," said Godfrey dryly, "that ro mance of mine Is looking up again Somebody was preparing for a quiet Invasion of the bouse tonight some body, of course. Interested in that cab inet" "lie wasn't losing any time." I ven tured- "Ile knew be hadn't any to lose When you put those woodea shutters up you warned blm that you suspected his gains, fie knew f the alarm was on It would ring when k cut tbe wire." "Why can't we amhusa him?" I ana gested. "We might try. bat It will be a mighty risky undertaking. Lester." "One risky undertaking Is enough for tonight" I said, with a sigh, for my belief In tbe exlateace of tbe s cret drawer and tbe poison and all the rest of It bad come back with a rush. "All right" Godfrey uati "But I'll Sx thla break." He got oat bis penknife, loosened two or three of the staple which held tbe wire In place, drew tt out scraped back tbe insulation and twisted tbe ends tightly together. There," be added, "that's done. If the Invader tampers with tbe window again he will set off tbe alarm. But 6jv That th Wire Had 6on. Cut. I don I lieiieve lie II I. ..lib It I Hi IJi-y be .--. 1 kuowi.. trt little gniue la l!-,tV" -i ' How .xmiI.i ne Kitow .11 V.' ,u.-manl- j-. ea'lHi-ili.i''iii.i i 4 '. " - f 'IT !.. ! !. Mili an ', di us ne i ut-i-siiy i- n thin win- j t.u o- nV !.- , i f i u I' D I Ilii;'. ' ijnw Now l"i Hi Hiio- j I If!-;. ! ;.. - -: ti-i .n..(V 1 i i -v ,. the cot and. looking at blm more closely. I could see that he was white and shaken. "Hare you anything to tell us this evening. Rogers?" I asked kindly But be only shook till bead. "I've told you everything I know, sir," he nuswered In a low voice. "Well,'' I added briskly. "I'll have to ask you to get up Move the cot away from the diRr, Parks." Parks obeyed me with astonished face "You're not going In there, sir!" he protested a I turned the knob. "Yes. we are." I snld, and opened the door "Is - Is" "No. sir," broke In Tarks, under standing. "The undertakers brought the cotlln and put him in It and moved bi:i) over to the drawing room this aft- i ernoon, sir." j "I'm glud ol that I want all the j lights 111, Parks, Just as they were last j night" j Parks reached Inside the door and i switched on th electrics. Then he j went away, came back In a moment with taper ami proceeded to light ; the gas llehta A moment later the j lights In the Inner room were also bias ing "There you sre, sir." said Parks, and retreated to tbe door. "Will you need me?" "Not now. But wait In' the hall out side. We may need you."' 1 led the way Into the Inner room "Well, there It Is," I said, and iuS ded toward the lloule cabinet "It Isn't too late to give It up. Godfrey." "Oh. yes. It Is." he said coolly, re moving bis coat. "It was too late the moment you told me that story Why l.rstet. If I gave It up I should never levp again' Draw up a chair and watch me " He pulled back bis shirt sleeves ami placed his electric torch on the floor desiile (he cabinet Then he paused with folded arms to contemplate this masterpiece of M. Boule "Ii Is a lHaiity," be said at last and then drew out the little drawers, one iiftei anotlifi. looked them over ami Iklnceit them carefully on a chair "Now," lit- added, "let us see If there Is any spiuw that tsu't uccouuted for.' He tiKik from his pocket a folding rule ot Ivory. oieued It uud Uegau u series of measurement so searching and Intricate that half an hour passed without a word being spoken Then he pulled up another cbalr and sat down beside me. "I seem to he pretty much up against It." be said, "no doubt Just as the de signer of the cabinet would wish me to be. The whole bottom of the desk Is inclosed, and those three little drawers take up only a small pi.i t of tbe spare Then the back of tbe cabinet seem tu be djiil'le at least there's a space ol ibree tncbea I can't account for So tbere'a room for a doien aeeret draw era. If the MoDteaiitiii retpitred ao many And bow to bud the combination." Ue adjusted tbe steel gauntlet care fully to bis right band and sat down on the floor before the cabinet "I'll begin a I tbe bottom." be said "If there la any spot I miss, tell me of If He ran Me Angers up and down tbe graceful leg, carefully feeling every Inequality of tns elaborate bronse or oamentatloo. Then bs examined tbe bottom ef tbe table minutely, using bis torch to Illumine every crevice, bat again without result , .i Another balf hour passed ao, and when at last be came out from under the table faia face was dripping with sweat "It's trying work," ha aald, sitting down again and mopping hla face. "But Isn't tt a beauty. Lester? The more I look at It toe more wonderful It seems." "I'd point out one thing to yon, God frey," I said. "If you go on poking about with tbe lugers of both bands, aa you've been doing, you are Just as apt to get struck on ths left band as on tbs right." r. '. . . ' ' x.vTbat's true." be agreed. "Stop me If I forget" ' There were- threes kittle drawers In the front of the table and these God frey bad removed. He Inserted his hand into the space from which be bad taken them and examined It care-' fully Then. Inch by Inch, be rap bis fingers over-the bo 'and arabesques ; .wlthwulcb the sides and top of the , table Were Im-rusted. It seemed to meJ'J that If the secret drawer were any-", J wbcfc It must be somewhere In this, part of the t-ablnet. and I watched htm l with breathless' interest But no Md- - . - , jt . . i den sprma whs loueneu. uw uumi sprang opn; no poisoned fangs de ac-fiiled ' SWell;" a Id Ciodfrey. slttliitf ttsck In bis ctydr" at Oijljiix) ilutf Di fin e aBifiV'uoWll try the u,r prL" The hjij-'r 'i:irt of tin- n! iif' "ii Stxtl-d Of a ocries of il rawer rl.-flnjt one above'the othe uud leiuiuui'd nj I a" WjmSS'r pcflili'viit, t., UipaL .:;. oroacrcWwA, wit some b-adtif Ul little j broii7..t tTli'e draWf-rs tbemM-lvea were j . . l ... . ......r.l,,,r In l! center ani '-oveo-d with s uot Intrl- j tH lfi;j ci.jirsbesuued tncrunta "If there I . secret jirer snld Uoarrey, "It Is somewhere lu tb back, where there seems to be a hollow space. But to discover tbe comblua tlou"- Ha ran bis angers over tbe Inlay, and then, struck by a suddeu thought tested each of the little tigures along the tympanum, but they were all set solidly In piai-e. "There's one thing sure." he said, "the combination, whatever It Is. Is of such a nnt n re that It could uot te dis covered accidentally. It Is probably a questiou of releasing a series of lev era, which must De worked In a cer tain order or the drawer wou't open I'm arraidl we are up against It " "1 can't preteud I'm sorry," I said with a sigh of relief. "As far as I am concerned. I'm perfectly willing thi)t the drawer should go undiscovered " I don't know what It was. for I was conscious of no noise, but some myste rious attraction drew my eyes to the window at the farther side of the room. Near the top of the wooden shutter, which Parks and I had put In place, whs a small semicircular open ing, to alios the passage of a little light, perhaps, and peering through this opening were two eyes two burn ing eyes. They were fixed upon Godfrey, who was now examining the back of the cubtnet with such feverish Intentnes that they did not see my glance, and I lowered my bend Instantly. "Godfrey," I said lu a shaking voice, "don't look up, dou't move your head, but there Is noine one peering through the hole in the shutter opposite us." Godfrey did not answer for quite a minute. "Did he ee you look at blm?" be asked at lusL "No; be was looking at you, with bis eyes almost starting out of bis bead. I never saw such eyes!" "Did you see anything of his facer No; the hole Is too small." "How high Is the bole?" "Near the top of the window." Godfrey cauie back to his chair a moment Inter, sat down In It and pass- ed his handkerchief alowly over his face. Then be leaned forward, appar ently to examine the legs of tbe cabi net "1 saw him," be said, "or, rather, I saw hla eyes. Rather fierce, aren't they?" "They're a tiger's eyes," I aald, with convlctton. "Well. there la no use going aneau with this while be la out there. Even If we found the drawer we'd both be dead an Instant later." "You mean he'd kill oar "lie would shoot oa Instantly. Im agine what a sensation that would make, Lester. Parka hears two pistol shots, rushes tn and finds oa lying here dead. Grady would have a con vulsion, and we should both be fa mous for a few days." "I'll aeek fame In aome other way," I aald dryly. "What are you going to do about tt?" "We've got to try to capture blm. and If we do well, we ahall have tbe fame all right! But It' food deal Ilk trying to pick op acoroion- Ccntinued on Page 8 THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH BEN C. CROW, Paator. Bible School 10:00 a. m.. Morning worship 'and communion 11:00 a. m. Evangelistic service T:30 p. m. Prayer meeting- Wednesday 7:30 p. m. The attendance at .tbe Christ- Spring :,1 mm L,-ii:r LETT ICE AND REAPED SUM: FLOA'ERS DID NOT 00 HIS TRADING' AT OUR SfORE. All our reeds are cleai'and carefully seJiecU'd from the finest stocks In the country. Yoid can absolutely- re1y-xn .' their exceptloTi ally fine - quality; -.: We carry,a feat'variety, but If we have not .yvluit you want, we will get it for you. Come nd inspct our stock today. FLUKE & JOHNSON r JT it j J f i fl J I i j i 4 ian Church last Sunday morninp; and the 'music!" at the 'evening hour made JusTfeel asr tho'tur' lahor wasfriPttiri virn.' T T;? faT day "Some Appointments Made wtthJChrist" will be the subject, of tnemorninp sern on "ITeR ven and Earth!Artj Full og Ihyr Glory" by Moore will be th ans hemunj? et the services la the evening Mr. Crow will sjuak ot 'Preaching the Ciws" and this will be preceded by a gem ral ev aneelaticlfsong service in wntrra the;m-w and oldf hn.rs will li sung a'well as the ant htm Bracket, ,' Erirg Nctr 1 Gi t a I Salvation." If you have never met with uf come thisltSunday. If you- are not attending else where we wili welcome you, in fact, any and all whoJwiiCare at liberty to enjoy all of our services with n. Come this Sunday. W. C. T. I). COLUMN TheNcrittr 'm n 1 11 tit n sibility for the matter in this column. The Editor. Officers of W. C. T. U. President, Mrs. Esther Morgan. Editor, Mra. Lucy I.. Vt'hiteaker. The'.VV. C. T. U. met with Mrs Sandifur. Roll call was answered With scripture text, nineteen res ponding. Reports were maoV on the membership contest and the. program for Friday'p rally. New members were added to the rofil Last week's business was finish ed, other business transacted and a delicious lunch served, and! St Patrick Souvenirs given by the hostess. Next meeting wilt be with Mrs. Tapscott and all are invited to attend. Twenty seven were present at roll call of the L. Ti L. in the M. E. church. The lessons, songs and campaign plans took up con siderable time. A letter telling; the children their part in the campaign waa read from the state secretary. The new cam paign song was practiced for the anniversary and badges given to those who complied with th rules. The Mercy Supt. reported children learning: and inierested. All are invited to the meetings. The National L. T. L. report, a membership of 16.000 and re ports dues paid the last year as follows: dues $803.60, Anna Gor dan missionary fund $128, and. lideral contributions to the Fran cis Willard memorial fund, flow er mission work; medal contests, mercy departfnent, red letter days and social, gatherings. Tho Oregon children are reported in this grand work. THE MAN WHO, AP- PARFNT- wste U Ji v enwen