I THE INDEPENDENCE MONITOR for sale I3?0 anra farm nfmr fiVirt T?rp.lr '. Y . 1 1 1 1 1 TIF 1 V W 1 1 1 1 m a I ivw . v Awvn. , ruomnea weeuy ai inaepertaence, roiK wmniy 0reBon.Lak. County 95 acres Oregon, on Friday. M, E. CHURCH NOTICE FRANK SANDIFUR, Pastor. Entered as Second Class Matter August 1,1912 at the Post Office at Inde pendence, Polk County, Oregon, Under the Act of March.3, 1879. O. A. Hurley, Publisher Sr Proprietor Suoscrlption Rates: One Year $1.50 Strictly in Advance Independence, Oregon, Friday, Mar. 20, 1914 in cultivation. All fenced. , House, Barn, Well etc. AUj Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Classes fro far 2f nr gf-ru A trnnr , Ior 811 aKes" rreacnmg at U :00 a. m. MjJnui 1.1. u.ou; ai U .tl Frayer meeting iau lto ui luoncw. ai in- worsh D at 7:30 n. m. terested wnta to W. W. Wells j Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Lake Co., Fort Rock Oregon' ! The Evangelistic A NEW FIRM CONTRACTORS Gallagher and Jarvis Are Now Located If you want good shoes, that will wear well and You men wh, no for vrirkve satisfaction buv them j Hilt hp j iij Ylal I as i ..r. t ------- , , w j t l" l . V I fit loik over our line before buyi Prices ratigs from $8.00 to f 20.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. Conkey it Walker uoat shearing will soon be Mr. Virgil I)e Casta and " oia in mu neigh ooruoou Meetings E. Church Conkey & Walker's SVNiNY SLOPE ITEMS continue at the M Rev. Van Marter is delivering some stirring Sermons each eve ning at 7:30 P. M. He will occupy the pulpit morning and evening Sunday. Everybody invited to attend these services. J. IV Gallagher and I. D. Jarvi-i formed a copartner ship this week and l ave de cided to do gin jral contract ing. This week they closed a n.t. I ...i ...itl. If. It I v.'niu (ji. wiui xienry l iilse to build hn new even room bungalow in North Indepen dene. The b.ilding will he modi i n in every respect and one i the best buildings in the. oily. They also hav olner c:n tracts in ill'. (iiU lather id tuveial view. draughtsman and furnishes plans and specifications for those desiring to build. You art hereby uo titled that un der and by virtue of ordinance No. 151, it is unlawful to allow your chickens to roam at large but the name must be kept in an enclosure, and a violation of said ordinance subjects the offender to a fine not exceeding $10.00 or five days in city jail. By order of the city council. . B. F. Swope, 1 City Recorder Miss Lydia Sutton were uni td married in Salem Satur day March 15 by Judge Bush 1 T1 1l ,1 ley, Mr. j'allie ullo:i a:iing as bent man, ami MiY Rose Cassidy as bridesmaid. The Bruin is the fourth daughter of our Townsman, J. 15. Sut ton and wife and is a general favorite wito. the young people of this section. The Uroom is well and favorab.y known in this Section. A ho3tof friends wish ihem a!J the joy this world affords A dance and supper was given iu their honor at the residen ce of the Bride's parents Sat urday at the Wigrioh Ranch which wa largely attended. AT BAPTIST CHURCH Farm crops are in gr;od con-j Jition. Every one is busy Ihese fine days, men farming and woni.rn -working in the flow r beds and. trimming their shrubbery Some early gardens were planted las' week. Robert Shipley is working for Bill Bu-na of the Luckia- mute. J. E. Hunt and family have moved to Eola. Roy Smith f Monmouth 8 batching out here and 'arming his father s place There was a cattle buyer of Corner Third and B Streets W. T. TAPSCOTT, Pastor. Residence Fifth and E Streets. Sunday School at 10:03 a. m. Preach ing services at 11:01 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p. rr. Prayer meeting at 7:30 d. m. IhuradHV. Ladiea' Aid 2:00 p. m. Mission Circle 1st Thursday afternoon of each irer.it Rev. George Campbell from China will preach in the Baptist Church morning and evening next Sunday. Subject: China. Come and r ear him on a most teresting subject. See the new Search Light AirIi nere Thursday doing A niw Dt nr.UAn ousiness Huff's. All new 19U styles. Disordered Kidneys Cause Much Misery With pain and misery by day, tired, nervous run-down men and women everywhere are glad to know that Foley Kidney Pills restore health and strength, and the regular action of kidneys and bladder. Williams Drug Co. The Wacantas gave another one of their little parties at the opera house Friday night and report a fiue time. They always have good music, and a select crowd of the younger set make up the entertain Special Mealth Warning" for March March is a trying month for the very young and for elderly people. Croup, bronchial colds, lajjripne and pneumonia are to be feared and avoided. Foley's Honey and Tar is a great family medicine that will quickly stop a cough, check the progress of a cold, and relieve inl"!ained and concerted air passages. It is safe, pure and always reliable. Wil liams Vmg Co. . A Souool rally will he held M;m c:i ill at the Oak. Point Schoul; House. A nice pro gram "Kit been a-ranged and everv1 odv is invited. Mr. Kelly and Reuben Simpson of Monmouth bro ughtout two cow Thursday tor pasture. CHURCH Regulnr Sunday School service at Calvary Presbyterian church at 10 o clock every Sundiy. Dr. Dunsnrore will hold the regular bi-weekly service in the Gaines Pool room next Sunday night, beginning at Mr. J. E. Habbard and Mrs. Sarah Youne were hostesses at a Violet party at Ikl Vw.rvw. nf k. f rr,. , . , dence was here Saturday on Thursday afternoon in honor L . 1 UNITARIAN John Higgle of Indepen of miss Dorothy Cooper Y?hos$ engagemenl to Lieu- business. Clem Fishback and family tenant George M. Parker, of non are voting reia Vancouver Barracks was re- l,ves here, cently announced. Mrs. R. M. Bosley has an apri Hubbard's home was decora- cot tree which is heavily load ted with violet, and each lad ed with blossoms. . , 1 ;"i I Kuesi preseniea wnn ooquei Dan Calbreath and wife FAITH Explanation of the Lib eral Faith Rev. Richard F. Tischer, paslor of th Unitarian church, of Snlem, is arrang- of same. Three trbles of pit aUeuded tllw Grange Satur- inS for a 8eHe8 of ,iberal 8er- was piayeu ana ior lime one would have imagined a real board of, trade just open ed. A most dainty lunch was served. This was one of of many af fail 8 to bo given in Miss Coopers honor. v Mr. and Mrs. J.O. Mc Intosh and Mr and Mrs. E. E. Pad dock motored to Dallas Sun day where they called on friends. Mr. James Chambers of Omaha Nebraska, is in this section looking up a location. Mr. Chambers has traveled extensively the Western coast having achieved the record of having rode on every Rail ltoad line in the United States hut one the J.J. Hill line and states in all his trutls he has seen no station that looks more pro mising thau the beautiful Willamette valley. He is at present 'rusticating at the Wolf Fi to hard Hop Ranch dsy in Monmouth of which they are both members. Harry Clinton is working at Airlie for his Grandfather John Cox. Miss Helen Marks of Mon mouth visited with her grandparents, John Walker and wife Sunday. -Robert Fishback of near Independence was a caller here Friday John Yeater and.. wife of Luokimuto passed through this vicinity Frida vnroute to M mouth where they did some shopping. .. ,. Israel and Albert Marks of fndependeuc? were Sunny Slop visitors Sunday. Misses Bessie CUik a;id Bessie Sullivan of Monmouth were gU'S'.s of Mrs. Retta Hsmar Saturday. John Cox and wife of Air he vi.-lted with their daugh ter Mr, Dave OliiiSind fam ily Saturday and Sunday. mons in sdiacent towns. j where a sufficient number of liberal people are found. In- dependence is certainly oue ot theso places and no doubt many of our people will be pleased to hear liberal preach ing along progressive lines, coaibining reason and faith in the interest of truth and in the promotion of the best in terests of life. Richard F. Tischer, of the Unitarian church, of Salem plans a series of lectures in Independence, and for the present expects to use the Knight of Pythias Hall. The following clipping is'of in terest to those who are li berally inclined and wish to have an insight into the Unitarian doctrine. The Unitarian gospel is primarily a goopel of reason and of comrcon sense. It appeals to man's mind and intelligence as well as to his heart and conscience. Thousands of good and hon est people have left the or thodox church, seeking and hoping to realize those higher realities, which religion alone can give Orthodoxy, with its elements of fear and super stition, evidently has failed in these lives, and instead of helping there men to find the sustaining waters of C 3 truth, instead of helping these men to realize the fair hopes and promises or Christ ianity as taught and lived by Jesus, it has driven them into ateism and materialistic cepticism and unbelief and to add insult to injury hurled it's anathetaas upon the unfortunate of its own creating. Ihousands of good and sincere men todav have lost faith not in religion not in Jesus not in his gospel or in the deeper Spiritual things of life but in the creeds and dogmas of the church in the medieval speculations and theologize ings, in the absurdities of the miraculous and super natural. To all this large class Uni tarianism has a message and a reasonable hope, Contributed. The World's Best Royal Tailored Suits To Measure $16 Up Ladies Suits to Measure. Mens Home Tailored Suits a Specialty, a ; Perfect Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed in all Lines PressingFrench 'Diy Cleaning hA.r,tJ j Ll..,, il M lj"'- and Repairing. jhI LLGR, TH ETAI LOR : Street Independent