I know," Droae in -But times have Ranged. I'anama 2, seen her Inst revolution, and she Til a business man at her head. r,ma is a healthy country, with no Clonal det.t She is growing, develop P. he holds the pateway to the zL-rn world, and her finances must Administered wisely. There to n 0e who can direct her sq well ns Ct ! Impossible:" repeated Gnravel, Ma"itation crowlnK more pronounced. ",fner:l Alf.ir.-z is my friend. His ,p will he my son Is Camon ensafied to your can't help thinking about it. You were nihility nice to ovtrlook a break like that, but" I neouseiutisly bis eyes shifted to Cortlatult, who was convers ing politly with a giggly old lady. She tapped his cheek lightly with her fan. '-Just to show you how forgiving "R:: oil! ,1:1 '-!. rv v.!. it tlK- "C:T nrc r '-!. ! J f 1 t'.e hanker, shortly. ,n t,i p;i rv the room. r , !;... woiilij that nm!;e. .,,tf f-i);i;i love eai h other?" "ro-tMndt-naree.!. "Th-y ml"' ,, t.ivc- Tramon loves, and my v.-lll li-vo ulsn, once she U f,,r sho i:i :i Caravel." .., ,,,, ,1, -nit :t.!tw.(! lory ui i!: . oiiiht vn;i to force her inclination':" jlre. Conli-n.!t ofiVtvd. engerly. !'" t;!:.r limit: his amis aloft In a gesture of half humorous despair. "Oli-hl These yMing ladies"' ho cried. "They do not know what they want." Flo pi-used abruptly. "Tins comes upon me like a flood, my friends. I nm swept awny. and yet F-l will noed to think seriously." Certainly." "To an honorable man the salary will mean nothing. F have many affairs; I fear 1 cannot ntVnrd this sacrifice." -Would you retire In favor of some one who could t'.fford it?" "Alfarez Is honest." "Alfnrez cannot be president." "It would require a great deal of money. 1 am considered a rich man. but 1 have discounted tne imure, hi mv enterprises"- Fie flung out bis arms. "I have spread out. I must 1' careful. It is not alone my money that I have Invested." "It will require very little money, an Id Cortlandt. "F have been from Imvi.l to Harl.rii, from lioens to Colon and I know the public sentiment." It w as midnight before Benor Andres Giiravel, tlie banker, bade his friends goodby. When he descended the ho tel steps to bis carriage he held hi white head proudly erect, and there was uew dignity in his bearing. The winter season was nt its height now. livery ship from the north came i y 4 ' V. I H -AM mi f tic .i'.' 1 1 1 1 day-bin no. senor. i did rot promise. I said only "per baps.' " "Have von done your penance?" "It H finished yesterday. This l the first liuie 1 have been out. Oh, It is delightful. The music the people!" "And 1 can come to see you now ( "Very well do you know that you canuot. Have you not learned our customs? Vo not be l'oolisli, or I shall be forced to walk with my father." -lont do thai, (ant you see we must make haste while the curtain is down':". "1 do not see. 1 am strolling in search of the cool dir.". .s'.:e bowed and suiiitd at some :t.--ln5 i'rM.d. She soc...ed very cureless, very V.i- , ant. h. w.i not nt all t!.' ttiivt :.. mis. iilov oils l'!i.,V.is.i !. i..U i..-i hi t-.e ivo.'ils. .,. I;, re:'' tie .-...i I. v ber!y. V CKIi'l g- f'.;s v. ; . .ov I i is i i too.- r .i'ir.-, I'm ,.ir.4 I'1 vxi-..oii IU) hit- :u.oi:- to l.i.ii. ami ask ... i n,i : i' '!! t (". " oil . 0.1." ",Vy r.-;'.ef is n .-;e a mall. In his lhii.ie he is entire. y a p.iiii.ird, tti.d i; lie uai-'ieil bow- we met. !or Ui-laii o" - ei u muls-r the rie.ii.e light l.e saw il.ish -"be would ti'-ale a te.ri: le scene." "Trust me: 1 shan't tell him.'' "There ure so many reasons why it is useless." "Name one." Oontinuoe on Vae 7 of the s hi i. rate, will sell at v"v e ' aalo'to tf.e hhest bidder, for casli. i 1 lawful money of the United States' of j I America. "d subjei't to coiitirmauon j ;bv said County Court, from and after, April SrJ. 1K1-I, ut the law oil-.ce ol B. F. Pwope in Independence, i'olk '.s,,tv Oremin. all the right, title, 1 and interest and estate of the said Susan U Kit hardson, at the time of ' her death, ai.d all tin; right, title, anc" ' interest that the said istate has, by operation of law or otherwise, acquired other than or in addition to that of the said Susan I.. IScbardson at the time of Ler death, i" a .d to all that certain lot. of laud situate in 1 Ik piece or j -j c. .unty. Or - . i, to-w it - Com me i c g . - ;er of a certnin I- fctv tr.,ct of land heretofore deeded F. A. Patterson and wife, to W. F. Middleham on the 6th day Myfc A. D. lff4; thence west CI rods: 5tine! north 15 5-21 rods; then e ea..t 21 :vds; thence youth 15 5-21 reds to th plc of beginning, containing 2 ncros., mare. rr less, and all situate in sectior '. Township 8 South, Range 4 W;t iii F'-lk County, Oregon. Terms ane2erf ditions of sal-: C.th in handi litful money of the 0, S, vt America 4el to issue upon confirmation as afoTsiJl of said sa'.e. ! John V. Kietiatiliam, Jr. j Admistrator cf tlie. estat t Susan I.. Kichanisen. (l..-e.-sed . M. F. Swope, Attorney, i f. p. ::-i". !. o. -t o-. t hi Gain's Pool Hall There Wai the Girl of Hia Dreama. I am, I am going to ask you to go rid ing with me. The late atternooiis are lovely now, and I've found a gooil horse for you. F suppose you ride?" i love it." ..v...i,,,t,,v nf r. then." She turned m another em-st. mid Kirk leaned back to take in the scene ahout hhu. laden with tourtaU, aa4 aotiUl U C tk ctty crew wtUMW ww pott the eama! .wotrwr4 fc (vowliuj " ttr. a In mmrr ill Mil tM lit Hk Nil mmA ffiKu kMMth tta tardea. ttM Ma Mleat Ocleaef . ' Toanf Aatbooy muutafrf m V(. wfr w-r- nriM. . BBW ta- - - - In htm wott. h aroM ft all aoelaJ eUle"ta, tof" r fit toUMMim nwa - M kaa ha dm4 f"'V"1 n itmuJ ottttM ilk 44 Urnrn P" Mrajteoed fMW of ttgrt. Tbmi ra ac mow hat faraal attn w w kiiw boom, at wcn tmm wufi doaea o KMl aa4 aoor aaat at ta 4at nort. tm UaUk were avetouc . V. k bettar Ifeaa a- The Women's Relief Corps Meets each 1st. and 3rd. Saturday at I 2 n. m. in their hall on X) street, wi tt j of 3rd. street. Visiting members al- . wavs welcome. Mrs. E. A. Morgan, Pres. Minnie M. Ketzer, Secy. CHAPTER XV. Gertrudia Garaveb .. a. r ...I.. 4m.,l,n,i nlt- UIKK lllOSl Ulllliaiuv" s.. ies, Piinamn prides herself 77! upon her government tueater. Aithonirh It remains dark most of the year, Its brief period of opera is celebrated by a notable out pouring of Americans and Panaman ians. It was an exceesinnriy wen dressed audience, for although the pit was plentifully sprinkled with men in white, the two lower galleries were iu solid full dress. In the center box of the first tier, ornately hung with Hags ,,c nrim Anttionv Dt'tieia a Ull( l " ' giant black man of majestic appear ance. Hanked by a hair aozeu ama 111 uniform. 'That is rresident (Jalleo," l-aitn told hlui. tno rnrtoin fell on the first act Kirk rose with the others and, accom panied by Mrs. Cortlandt. made lus ,tnn the loni nassageway and out into a brightly lighted, highly dec orated foyer, filling now with voiuoie people. Ft was a splendid room, om he had no eyes for It His gaie was fixed upon the welcome open air prom enade outside, and bin fingers fumbled with his cigarette case. Oh, wait, please," no neara uuw .... " 1 wgnr vfin in met; i miujv vu?. There, not a yard away, was tne gin . 1.1. A mm dIIOH-elT DOWIUK I" Ul UW uiv.i..- ' Kdlth Cortlandt br hand upon tne arm of a awartby man. whom Kirk knew at one as her father. Ha fell h. hbwl mah Mtadlaaiy to bia neaa. i Hnmmlaf at bla ears, knew that ha muat b atarln Uka a man be u rwi4t was iMaklM and a eaacht the aana "OaraTaT Uk . 1 1 Mil kh wu the name Jy, w . i..m in iim fiMt bat bow aw mmm . nlemtUlf nUDaxt aa pft baraad u,- , 4.n. aha ma no learer th gum iumsus - Unpi wood aprlU, )ut a tiny prlncaaa In ttaay whtt moKai by mm aaaatai erartaaaaa. Aa oa Ual earner .v. -u tkrUHaa wiU tetaa anuw Jtw .air auekarat aer Up r ancl U tha apa ADMINFSTRATOE'S NOTFCE OF SALE Notice is hereby given, that in pur suance of an order of sale made and entered by the County Court of I'olk Connty, Oregon, on the 28th, day of February, 11H-), in the matter of the estate of Susan L, Iuchardson, deceas ed, tlie undersigned, the administrator I Tiia Cost rea! in Polk County 1 for 25c. Quick Service and Plenty 1 to eat. Try our umnsr rncai wnen l; in Town Remember the Place nC" Street Next Door to Monitor Office WatwkJ,w1t LuliHTt-r aaaMat vtthaat Bak1a , mho at fciaa-lf T ,.m rh it - V Ua4t ai th attar aaw- . -7 IT7r . -------aatlu twa th II. Tat-ha aMa, Wttk KaK OoH- . Jmmm- t aTajkc at A a -Ob, OWqutta," 1 HMUMriaawM. J!ra ata aba ama km a atafttal ... Jl k k. atber. CUaarl K whtaBMrtoa- at my T Mid UT It bma nnJ ..... Buys a First Class LAUD PLASTER SPREADER This is an Oregon made spreader, and is espec- ially adapted to the Willamette Valley. Patronize! Home Industry. Buy now for future Kesuus. We Sail Proparo Mow for Noxt Yoar'3 Clover .Crop. Land Plaster Goto nooulto and Our Oregon mado Spreader Economi cally and Evenly Distributes tho Plaster Over tho Farm. Vb IWb Evcrytliinj td tta Lines tre Capfcle If yo ikouM be Laokinc tar anjrthmf la SHELF OH HEAVY HARDWARE, FAnM tUCHCSBT m ' IfAM KMtinltf. EtC Sopor lorn Q kl0 I -hat abybt at Tabagar U aa