THE INDEPENDENCE MONITOR PnbllBhed Weekly at Independence, Polk County, Oregon, on Friday. Entered as Second Class Matter August 1,1912 at the Fost Office at Inde pendence, Polk Connty, Oregon, Under the Act of March 3, 1879. . A. Hurley, Rubliher cSr Proprietor Suoscrlptlon Rates: One Year $1.50 Strictly In Advance Independence, Oregon, Friday, July 25, 1913 ADVERTISING RATES Single Insertion per Inch, By the Month, By the Month, 10 Inches or More, per Inch, Half Page, one week, Full Page, one week, 20 per cent off when same add repeats Minimum ad ZO cents 50 cents 40 cents $5.00 $10.00 $1.00 Locals and Reading Notices Classified, each Insertion, per word l cent Front page, per line, each Insertion .... iq ce:its Locals and Readers, one Insertion, jer line - - 10 cents Locals & Readers, by ma. changes allowed weekly, per lime, 3 cents All locals or other advertising staling 20 lines or more, 8 cents first Insertion, 4 cents thereafter. Lodge notices, cards of thinks, pi church or ssclety notices, 5 cents per line, when totaling one Inch or more, 2.i cents per Inch. STAY IN OREGON Evory lew days we mw. one who wisl h to leuv llii lurid of )l;i,ty for the m w country in (Jatnula (heyon hs not 1 ii (lev !M'I In i risuuict s arc jm-i I't-ins; de veloped linr noil ju-t helm fcratelied we might suv. Tliwre are an abundance id' ojipor tuuiUnn Iipth at homo It in up to us to get the Ix-nt them is in' us at work and rilit hers. Tim other k'kIh of ll.e mountain iH always the best but like the rinnbnw when ynu k,?t ibere it i further and further hwh GO WEST MY BOY YeaiHHiul yeai H ai' I lornci (ieelny gave tho advice, "(io Wt." There in utill room in the vVesc. No nention ol the United Slate in ho load, d with opportunities as tin "Golden Went." There ir room heio for the man who wants to build up home or it fai in, tint t.iero ih no loom In io or myH hero lor the man who hH no eiuTy and am bition. THE WEATHER While we Iihvo hud our share of rui n In1 1 , we have not had .'Hiyinoie in proportion than other feetb:i haw had. We have had no floods, no oidone,, no ebnid Inn ts, e have just bad good Oregon rain, the kin I ih.M imiki tulic crops grow that all I lie log; a n 1 1 i i ean made a i-. '(liable nop Oregon, A r.ill for from f;U KM n one man l;i.-t v, eek for to dry. lie hi i II) II ki t Ml i he for the in. ii k t I here. It uwrns that Hoineoim isiM gone in through the win down and hud made a regular loig pen of the building, but there i- a new lock lieing put 'i the windows ho we hopo to keep things moie decent. Neui ly wveryonu in going lo Hpuiy hops in x i, wok. , ii ii ii ur oiu neigiuior, sin Mary Bevens. in very low ul her home at Ihiona Vuta. Mr. II. II. McCarter has old $75 worth of hog biiice the f'irnt of May and $90 wortl of beef cattle and has three cows, two heifers und sixteen head of hogH left boa id mm he hamold $77 22 worthof cienni from three oows milk. VV's . i i .i . . i 1 1 t ii i ii k mat inn will mIiow what a person oan do on small iiieoa of river bottom land. J I it place conluins only 2 1 acres. There will b a daucv at the .Murphy Ihothers hop runch Saturday night. Wild blackboii ieH are (juite plentiful out here this year. 1 here is quite a stirring up in our neighborhood about the Canada thiHtle. Mr. K. LuwreiK'o was "an Independence vieitor oneday l.twt week. lie h nf en- it I.; .trod p n :i .:. Many of ui- i f -.- mo h.i i- CHIIIIili'Jl'il.. Al t !'" :i:'- !.!: i cure. Ilifir ! -.miuK. tuei : M n i o un reluuMil lin I'.i'.i-'l. Till" Ik i ,m;i. ; :i .:. ah tiffs run lie l:i it I eel nil every re a di'iillnl block, mid In ihc tiff iiliiiilin; on a H.VHteujSiti'- Imsl l tin- moil per uasive of all Improvement. The Hiiie kind of a tree uliould I planted throughout n block aud for several blocks lu vucceHNiun. Hystematlc tree planting In considered by every far Hlehted. modern municipality on ac count of confederation!) of hygiene, beauty, (duration and economy. (Jood trees for street planting are the Oriental pine, pin onk, gtngko and Nor way nmple. The plane will thrive where few other trees grow, and it rimy be pruned Into wide or narrow Btn-f-ts. The other treea require more moisture and larger open spaces about tliern, but have darker green foliage and ratine less litter on the pavement, u i.- made I il l s le le eotllil If no We wiii 81 1 til I e f i t.'le Say, Hi kee l.avi !- a .o, t huh to I nun'. oiiiy Ml le dim ilei'i t GENERAL STOCK NOTES. I I'o Imve hni'scM of endurance gle the lulls ii rliiuiee lu (level- 'J up I heir inimcle Willi Kiiud cure, guild Htock leeks liellrr, ileea belter and i;iys belter I hull Kcruba , Tun ifien when nlovk la fed for ' ii iii'tiilii niiii'ket it U old it a (llMiulviiiiiiie. V 8u lur n run be dune, nelect X i lie lurgeat and tiOHt aowa for lu'eedera. The rest of ferillng tin antiunl J, itiri'euses with It n weight, but In .llr.Ht pi.perti.m to tta t weight. Keep the hima ipilet, clean and X reinl'ureilile If you expect Hie ? best liiiln friitii the fiHxl aupplled. tiued breeding and good feed- lug are an closely related that tliey must go together One ta f uscIcmh without the other. if sheep am In a good, thrifty t reiiillllou at the Blurt two 1 luoiiilis of good fedliig will pitiperly fallen for market. do M r ! o toer clean on! your fence ro your ll not f u hy l.-ll -lie i lim,' tube tint i-ell. pile. - ar. I.- IliT the t ! you ,Vti Oil lmlY up, II HlgH FREES ADD MUCH TO CITHDEAUTY Gaaste, Untiring, Effective Agents of Purification. lf , .Jrt mm merely those small areas where for the most part interment have long since ceaxed ami being aituated In center! would prove welcome breathing spot SEPARATE STORE FOR STOCK THAT BECOMES INFERIOR Pholoa br American PreH AmooUUob. Qrocr Find Outlet For Oooda Which Pariah on Hia Handa. "It la of cardinal importance in my bUMlneaa," a grocery man of thla city remarked, "to have an outlet for any overaupply of ieriili!ille goods. Hy thin 1 meau an additional store whidi will take the vegetable that are left over and those not in perfect condition. "When 1 started In thin husine--s 1 bad but one store. Although I wiia a careful, conaervative buyer In green goods 1 found that no mutter how pru dent and bow calculating I might be muny times great quantities of vege table remained unsold, eating up all the prnllts of the part which I had dls poned of. indeed, the Ions on the:il often exceeded tfie profitH on tliowe cold "I nttempted to remedy tills by pur chuNing small quantities. Hut on nu merous occasions I ran woefully abort. "1 thought over several remedies, but ihev all hud some shortcoming;. At length I hit on a scheme which proved to be feuslble. It required a partner. I had little trouble lu securing a practi cal, hard worker. 'The next thing was to get a paying store lu a suitable location. My store whs in a wealthy neighborhood, where only the perfect goods could be offerefl for aule. I found a atore that met my require . - V 1.1 ,.ii,tu exi-pnt that peruana i cuum not make a large profit, but It proapers From the opening day my lossea on w ilted greens and leftover canned goods with torn and stained labels ceasea. Now, whenever 1 have any of this u.rt nt inxuls. I Hlmn v transter u to the second store, where it I sold at a redact ioii."-Cblcago Tribune. DON'T BREATHE DUST "CedarinH" pwc epint' compoun 1 for floors and I in oleums it collects tho tlusi. "No Dust" for carpet? and CI FY OFFICERS AND 'CLUBS TWO BTKKBTS WHBIIH HHAJiB TllKltS Willi PHOPKHLY l-LANTBU. as tbey do not ahed their bark, like the plane. In the suburban section tulips, sugar maples, scarlet and red oaks, sweet gums, ashes aud Crimean and silver lindens make excellent street trees. Carefully grown nursery trees, with straight stems aud an abundance of fibrous roots, are alone suitable for street planting, as only such trees are likely to thrive and make well bal anced specimens, and to secure hand some, even rows only one kind of tree must be planted on a street for a aeries of blocks. Tho treea should be planted at least tweuty-tlve or thirty feet apart to allow sudlclent sunlight and air fur their proper development. Where a tree stands near a curb a tree guard is required to protect the trunk from horse's teeth. Many thou sands of the existing trees have al ready been ruined for want of the proper tree guards. Allowing a tree guard to remain aft er the tree has outgrown it has caused the death of thousands of our trees. The expanding trunk in such cases la girdled by the guard and the flow of anp cut off. For the first two or three seasons the newly planted tree requires much at tention. Kven If transplanted with care many root will be cut and, unless those remaining are kept well supplied with water during the dry summer mouths, the trco will die for link of nourishment. A soaking watering once a week should therefore be given during the dry weather. The ground about tho tree should also be loosened orriislonally to enable the air to circu late through the soil. Injurious Insects are responsible for the poor condition of many of the trees. The tussock moth caterpillar. Imported originally from Europe, has been for a generation n scourge to the es lu 1'hlludelphln. Swarming over the foliage In the early summer, they evonr the leaves with auiarlng rapid While this does not kill the trees immediately, it weakens them serious ii ml In time causes their death. GRAVEYARDS ARE SOON TO BECOME PLAYGROUNDS American Bottom .t:ms FRGMOTE GREAT WEALTH. Hev, Tup.-cott pr ncbed nt ! our Rchool bouse Su kIuv. He. will pr. ad, here everv two weeks ut 3 o'clock . - ,,, well j.linsid with th.. i;,! Mi Cmwfoul gave iwntiout lier work among the l e'ian but wh wei'H in-bnti'eif .if (lnr school home. . ;i,,MV jt wuu o dirty till wo all arrivrd Should B Plant. d In Uniform Rewt and Crd For by Effioiant Mn Aid to Hygiane, Boauty, Education and Economy, tnvwb.v; intcivst In tree planting, v !how u him 'Tenors I observance or ii.iy throiiKli.'iit Amrih-H. gives I'iuuum' of m sieiiimlc pliiutiiig of tree .lion- iliuv street. It wus not s.' in oi.i c.,i ii-,, t lut t many Anicrl. Hii iia. - iviu. le.utl tor Ilielr Httrnctttc hnt!c . itves. Inn iii moM Instil uevs i,,(Vh kiiiil tiv the Philadelphia Pastors Approva Plan to Hava Children U Homaa of Dead. In rhiladclphla the child -en will piny In the churchyards. Unit has been derided upon, and many minis. tors give their accord. Terrible? Not nt all. Those who know the children and their need of play snv the church- mils will never be desecrated by the happiness of the little ones. let tlieui play In the graveyards. It will save many little Uvea." they sn y , With Just a little reflection one can griisp the advantages of a graveyard hs a playgro"nd. What rare guinea of leap frog can lie played ever the tomb stones. Hide and seek will be popu lar, and what dees It matter If a frec kled face boy Is tugged "It" on the top of a Jurist's monument? The Jurist peiuefully sleeping beneath will not object ltather he will take It In gixxl Mrt If be knows Nut It Who ob jects lo h little one having fun? The directors of the Playgrounds as socliiUon think the old graveyards of the city should ts utlltied as play grounds. Many children now have no place for ort, they say. It la difficult to provide this space tn the congested districts. Several ministers have ap proved the plan, and It Is supposed that It will Ih carried Into effect. The Idea follows effort of play grounds directors to get more breath Ing spot for the ieople of the con gested city center. According to Kiecutiv Secretary W tlllaui !. Chaiupllu of the reerestlou bureau, the Ides Is not to attempt to utet O'- ki imwin ffii'itfid hut WIDE AWAKE KANSAS TOWN. Residents of Colony Warned to CUn Up Their Premises. Colony, Kan., is a town that should be considered an object lesson In town government. If one Imagines that Col ony la asleep, like many other small towns, only read a recent number of the Colony Free Tress, wherein there appears this item. It will give one a now viewpoint of things outside his own township: ('!t:i:cu of Colony who do not have their hogpens, manure plies and clos ets cleaned up aud tn a sanitary con dl'ion are hereby notified that the s,i!::e will lie done by the city and charged up against the property on the tax rolls. Cows will have to be placed In the hands of attendants, who will not al low them to stroll about the lawns mid gardens In the reaideut districts.' Each complaint of this nature by any of our people will be promptly attend ed to. Chicken must be kept peuned up or the city ordinance and Its attendant fine will be Invoked. If nocessnry the services of the state health officer will be employed to clean up some of the residences on the outskirts. Ily order of the mayor aud council men, city of Colony, Kan. rhica Bloom Mora Than On Year. .tome authorities contend that tulips in local garden have no value and give no returns after the first year of planting. Tbl depends largely on con dltons as made by the planter. If put down deep enough In ideal soil It Is certain good flowers may be obtained the second slid perhaps succeeding years. Some flowers are as large In size and as long of stem In the wcond year na they were the first ycai The number nf bulbs flowering Is goin what less however. Balance Between Plants and Animals. A a rule, there Is leas chance for failure and less unancial discomfort when enios are short on the farm where there Is a nice balance between plants aud nuimals Those who make It a point to raise plenty of feed and keep as ninny animals as will con sume the feeds economically are usual, ly more prosperous than those who keep too many anltnnls and buy feed for them or those who depend aolely upon crops.- Farm and Ranch The Sort of Sows to Keep. I'tg flesh H more rapidly and chenply made than nny form of pork, hencs feed the sow liberally and stimulate AiM'p milking qualities Discard any sow that Is a xr milker, for poorly nourished pigs will lie poor pigs In spite of other good environment. Kami .loiiniiil In experiments uuide at the Kan ana Stnle AKrloultural rollfg-f. Man hatt:in. Kan. It has been domon atrtiiiHl tl'ttt corn alone dos not make so Kood a ration fur hogs a i-oiii combined with alfalfa. The two hose In the picture ehow the dlfff rence I licy were litter mates before thv butcher's kntfa reached I hem. The amuller of the two was fed on corn alone, a "burn out" ration. The larger fellow bad corn and Htfulfa hay Notice ihm difference? Independence, Polk Co., Oregon. Population 1800, has witrr, sewci and electrc light systems, J2".,WKJ high school, public school city park, hotel, paved streets, two banks, fine ratlro3 ! and boat connections, nd city hail. The city officers arc: Mayor, K. C. Eldred;,a-. Marshal, A. J. Tupper. Recorder, B. F. Swope. Treasurer, R. R DeArmond. City Councilmen, J. L. Haima, Dixon. A.L. Sperling (.. w. I W. II. Walker, P. n P-c-slcr Metts 1st and 3rd We.In '1 : ofexch month. Independence Commercial Club Meets First and Third Tuedivj i each month. Membership over 100. J. S. Cooper, President K. C. Eldredge, Treasurer J. G. Mcintosh, Secrelnry J. H vine, WANTED 500 men at THE PALEV1 CAFE to buy cur nice dinners at 25c a meal. Meals at all hours. Open from 5:U0 a. m. to 12:00 at night. I OCATED m C STREET K99nfct.-M.II -uuca:9H rrs.xr tA." lav The Building Season Is Here Again WE ARK HF.AOCTJAITEHS TO BUILDING MATIRIAL AND ASE ANXIOUS TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS TRAIN SCHEDULE 6:00 a. m., I. & M. to Dallas. 7:00 a. m., S. P. leaves for Portland 7:05 a. m., I. & M. to Airlie. 9:00 a. m , Boat for O. E., Portland 10:10 a. m., Boat for O. E., Eugene. 10:62 a. m., S. P. for Corvallis. 10:55 a. m., I. & M. for Dallas. l fiO p. m., Boat for O. E., Portland and Eutfene. 2:14 p. m.. S. P. for Portland. 2:15 p. m.( I. & M. for Dallas. Boat for O E., Portland. S. P motor car, Salem. I. & M. to Airlie. Boat for O. E., Eupetie. Boat for O. E., Portland 3:15 p. m. 4.30 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 4:35 p. m. 6:30 p. m. and Salem, 7:15 p. m., S. P. for Corvallis. 7:15 p. m., I. & M. for Monmouth. All S. P. and motor cars on main S. P. line connect at Derry Crocsinfr with Salem and Falls City trains both ways. THE PROFESSIONS B. F. Swope Attorney at Law and Notary Hubilc Will practice in all coutta of the state. Probate mutters and col lections gfiven prompt attention. OFFICE: COOPER BLOCK Independence, Oregon N. L. Butler L. D. Butler Butler & Butler Attorneys at Law Office In Cooper Block Independence, Oregon Dr. R. T. Mclntire Physician and Surgeon Office over Indepnnd t icj N at'o p al Bank. Phone No. 4412 iRdepenJeii.c. Oregon R. R. Duganne Dentist Otfica over Independence Nation al Bank. Phone No. 4411 Independence, Oregon R. J. Taylor Has the Best Real Estate Bargains. Ask him. DEAVER BOARD qflSLv Deaver Poard BEAVER takes the place of lath, plaster and BOARD wall paper for the walls and ceil ings of every type of new or re modeled building THE G1IAS. I, SPAULOING LOGGING GO. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON RR PJJlir, Hijs, Vail ai ! U .u i: i)rj..5j !i:.l )) nvwiiU fimpLy IViltry oo-s ft : Store, Independence. '..u-raec'l Na ioir.1 Baitlr Ot 13d9J. Highest of iliiu'inaf. HSSR0-V fi WILLIM3, Front ni Yamhill Sli., rOMLAHO, MZi. Hons if! e iVioYiiw and Repairing Done I urn pr-'pan-i lo tn v; your luiiliiiiig and put it i't :'ha;i for tin c:i rj i-iit'-r. Let me figure with y u. !i me H. D. Buffum H COUIITER m OAirjES pool hall MEALS AT ALL RESU2.AR DJJIER AT KOON Slim F0.1 33EAKFAST AND SUPPER SANDWICHES A SPECIAITY I $ in n rti siriinr r t r i a i imnnu t IHUtrtriUtrtUt . o 1 1 A m LAuriUriT Patronize home Institutions and Help Buildup POLK COUNTY, Oregon Chrysanthemum Plants A Choice Selection of Chrysanthemums All - lor Sale. Not Too Many P i gal Klk-I't (ilt; U a gixid buuch for a fount; ww to ruts If there are any more lu ttu tlttor It might be well to do n Itttlo prunliiK, esiol:illy If there are au.T wrak. mutf one aiuoun them They will he pretty sure to be crowd ed out ami die auyway. aud If taken away early It will lve the othera a hettir show. Iowa Homestead. Kaap tKia Colt Away. Th colta ahould uot be allowed to follow their dams n hlle ther ar In liameaa Tut (tiB colt In the pasture nliile Its ilmu Ik tn harness Hoth will hmu hevouio aivustouied to thia, aaJ llttla auuoanc will lw uotlced Amount ot Watar For Cow. The ordiiuir.i milk itw should drink from ten to fifteeu itnllous of w.-iter I tar Kor eiich arnllon of ralik a i-ow re- H'iren Hboiit four aud oue-nalf k'ullooa of water. Al work Guaranteed. Indepsndence, Oregon t v-l I WILL BUY WOOL AND MOHAIR f I AM THE MARKET FOR WOOL AND MOHAIR ALWAYS PAYING TH2 HIGHEST MARKET PIRCI BILL Ph'E: Mill 53 ALLEN F. CLARK, Monmouth, Oregon ELECTRIC WIRING AND L-lectric Supplies I am prepared to wire your buiKi'.w for electric lights, furnish all mU-u . and prepare you to connect wit i Uir Electric Litfht Company. Write me oi phone 4021 and I will c.ll on you. lUPflt HOUSE .LCCIIED OJ HE f at Side of ,4 THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK Eitabiished 1889 ii A Succesrul Business Career of Twenty Three Tears MalnStreet 1 1 INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS JAMES M. JONES i t OPl'ICEKS AINO DIRECTORS H. Hirschbei-3, Pres. D. VV. Sears, V. P. R. R. DeArmond, Cashier 1 W. H. Walker, B. F. Smith, O. D. Butler -n.m I Indapindsnct Oregsn